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What's going to happen to the incel population in 20-30 years?    04/25/24  (19)
PSA: You're not done with your career until you can afford a house like this    04/25/24  (16)
redditors love therapy and doctors    04/25/24  (15)
why is China our "enemy"? what did they ever do to us?    04/25/24  (12)
Internet bros, working on poasting this week 🐾    04/25/24  (8)
Impartial observer here. I just think it's kinda 'wrong' to purchase an azn chil    04/25/24  (7)
Weinstein's conviction overturned.    04/25/24  (7)
About to pop my first ZYN    04/25/24  (7)
WOW - when i was at columbia it was a Jewish Heaven - what happened?    04/25/24  (6)
FBI Agent to you: "So let me get this straight. XO broke and instead of quitting    04/25/24  (6)
Lib Friend opening "Currant Thing" bakery    04/25/24  (5)
What do these shrews bitching abt Caitlin Clark salary think should happen?    04/25/24  (4)
Whoever keeps ddos'ing this site to get people to stop using it succeeded    04/25/24  (4)
good morning    04/25/24  (4)
"Stone in Focus" (Aphex Twin) plays as you think about a job you had in ur 20s    04/25/24  (4)
Vegetable Garden Bulls: what are you growing this year?    04/25/24  (4)
why do libs hate happiness, prosperity, and stability so much    04/25/24  (4)
board working great today    04/25/24  (3)
Why are stocks tanking? Thought bad economic news was good for stocks    04/25/24  (3)
If XO got a new server with no problems we'd see a BIG resurgence    04/25/24  (3)
Twitter thread of DBG Jews fighting with prole Mr. Fix-Its.    04/25/24  (3)
It/was is yours all along but you chose misery=why?    04/25/24  (3)
Used Coke sometimes for work over last few weeks    04/25/24  (3)
George Washington has surpassed Georgetown in prestige    04/25/24  (3)
Hmm now Matt Walsh is asking some questions....    04/25/24  (3)
Fake electors conspirators indicted in Arizona    04/25/24  (2)
You don't hate jews enough.    04/25/24  (2)
Disastrous GDP report--will stock market hit circuit breaker level drop today?    04/25/24  (2)
what's with the endless lib pumo spam    04/25/24  (2)
"Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It"    04/25/24  (2)
This May Be Our Last Chance to Halt Bird Flu in Humans and We Are Blowing It    04/25/24  (2)
Rach when can I jizz in you again? Can you fix the bort?    04/25/24  (2)
Even Boeing weapons suck - link    04/25/24  (2)
Karlstack is here with a hot young Aussie chick. You? (pic)    04/25/24  (2)
Good morning. Curb stomp every single kike. That is all.    04/25/24  (2)
America is a very small shithole with no help..the world is small&mostly awful    04/25/24  (2)
Responsibility-based sexual relationship tp    04/25/24  (2)
Tommy rate this pic of centimillionaire boomer running for MD senate    04/25/24  (2)
Big, fat, hairy penis all over your sister    04/25/24  (1)
had my first successful TikTok last night, woke up to 1000+ new followers    04/25/24  (1)
We need to start butchering jews so we can make economic progress.    04/25/24  (1)
Secret Service Agent RESTRAINED After Attempting to Assassinate Kamala Ha    04/25/24  (1)
why is Reddit our "enemy"? what did they ever do to us?    04/25/24  (1)
Time to snap out of the stupor    04/25/24  (1)
Russian Brigade RUNS AWAY After Ukraine Surprise Attack    04/25/24  (1)
Texas Gov. Abbott paraglides into West Bank wearing IDF uniform (pic)    04/25/24  (1)
"Short men" won't exist in a generation    04/25/24  (1)
deagel 2025    04/25/24  (1)
evan39 should anyone "eating" at Mahomos/Kelces "steakhouse" be shit?    04/25/24  (1)