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Cotton and Hawley: Send in the National Guard to Columbia    04/23/24  (10)
Wife is super pissed/jealous because I said this girl is cute    04/23/24  (10)
“Donald Trump’s House Of Wings” (Saturday Night Live, 2004)    04/23/24  (2)
B L A C K || L I V E S || M A T T E R    04/23/24  (2)
"State Street" sounds like a boy band.    04/23/24  (2)
Why hasn’t Congress subpoenaed UC Berkeley’s President?    04/23/24  (1)
The reason the protests are happening is because the Jews want them to happen.    04/23/24  (1)
180 how Trump keeps dozing off during his trial    04/23/24  (1)
If China did Pearl Harbor style attack on San Francisco, then wld u love China?    04/23/24  (1)
So NYPD doesn't care abt crime except when it's Anti-Kikes protesting at Univs?    04/23/24  (1)
Should I replace 5 windows in house myself or hire it out?    04/23/24  (1)
man shit sucks    04/23/24  (1)
xo pumo youtuber explains unique difficulties of being 'too handsome'    04/23/24  (1)
"OMG Becky! Before Pajeet showed me his Monitor Lizard, he shat in the street!"    04/23/24  (1)
Good job banker jews. Suppressed Occupy Wall St and ended up w/ full on 4th Reic    04/23/24  (1)
good morning    04/23/24  (1)
balls & boners    04/23/24  (1)