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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Delta plane just flipped over while landing in Toronto    02/17/25  (41)
TBF tp, the Punjabi Princess Jasmine riding her sacred cow named "Singh Heil"    02/17/25  (66)
Evan39! It's Us, Mainlining. This video is "Us." (Off White Limo)    02/17/25  (21)
I'm debating talking to my therapist about XO    02/17/25  (148)
🚨 MITCH MCCONNELL DEAD AT AGE 82 🚨    02/17/25  (17)
Mompov.com >>> Girlsdoporn.com    02/17/25  (18)
Ringo: "We were going to call it Square Toad, but Paul came up w a better name"    02/17/25  (1)
I can't imagine XO without the Gujarati Victoria Justice    02/17/25  (7)
SeaTTTle's decay is palpable.    02/17/25  (6)
If Trump won then why are we still balding incels who work for Jews?    02/17/25  (7)
To be fair tp is an upper-caste Indian princess, the Punjabi Princess Jasmine    02/17/25  (36)
M. Night and Mel quietly working on Signs 2 script (link)    02/17/25  (1)
Trying to recover money from thr FTX bankruptcy, not getting very far    02/17/25  (6)
Just left my apartment on a quest for cock    02/17/25  (3)
Could Trump make us to buy Tesla shares like Obama made us buy insurance?    02/17/25  (1)
M. Night Shyamalan Did Nothing Wrong    02/17/25  (8)
Sensing new cultural tides, Dodgers announce “Donal Tron Night” (LATimes)    02/17/25  (4)
Life imitates XO: Griffey Sr & Jr listed as “Kens Griffey” HoF duo (link)    02/17/25  (3)
geno tp looks like a SEAsian Nick Sirianni IRL    02/17/25  (4)
WTF is today a holiday or not. Hate these nigger days off, same are off some not    02/17/25  (1)
never forget who blank bumped your low effort mediocre 1 poast thread    02/17/25  (8)
The Tamil Quentin Tarantino presents: Once Upon a Time in Bollywood…    02/17/25  (3)
I shaved my ass to create a mould for a custom sex toy    02/17/25  (7)
bored as hell with this dump    02/17/25  (1)
Good article about Michael Jackson and Ye (Kanye)    02/17/25  (2)
Notable Jew upset Kanye causing blacks to attack Jews instead of goys (link)    02/17/25  (10)
never forget who was there for you at your lowest...    02/17/25  (16)
The goat rappers are based. Lil Wayne, 50, Kanye    02/17/25  (3)
New poaster Kanye Ride seems pretty 180.    02/17/25  (2)
Michael Jackson was obsessed with Kanyes 808s and Heartbreaks album (link)    02/17/25  (17)
I can host    02/17/25  (12)
The most prestigious prostitution discussion board in the world    02/17/25  (6)
A note from a Federal employee to her infant son, for when the storm passes    02/17/25  (34)
Board libs are flailing around like retards as usual    02/17/25  (4)
TSINAH, what is your wedding budget?    02/17/25  (13)
*kanye steals mic* “Joe Biden does not care about whites people.”    02/17/25  (4)
Nintendo Switch 2 has more games than Trump has passed bills    02/17/25  (5)
if those kamala tik tok dancers had sex with me i would have voted for her    02/17/25  (1)
Taco Bell security guard slaps shit outta negress who won’t leave (video)    02/17/25  (30)
Has any administration gone first 100 days with zero bills passed?    02/17/25  (2)
Kanye: "getting so much dap I feel like Ezra Pound"    02/17/25  (4)
Candace Owens & Kanye West wearing White Lives Matter shirts    02/17/25  (2)
Anyone watch Sam Sulek videos?    02/17/25  (14)
99% of my media consumption is me giving chatgpt Seinfeld prompts    02/17/25  (3)
TSINAH are you obese because of apathy, lack of discipline, or medical issue?    02/17/25  (11)
cancelled kanye for loving Jesus    02/17/25  (2)
the thing that really defines Millenials was watching Kanyes career arc    02/17/25  (2)
Hoping for a Kanye “I’m gay” tweet any minute now    02/17/25  (2)
Jerry Seinfeld @ Radio City: What's The Deal With Libs Who Care About Palestine?    02/17/25  (4)
jcm lazy sunday morning conversation thread    02/17/25  (96)
A letter to my unborn son    02/17/25  (52)
Not a hateful person in real life but hate libs with every fiber of my being    02/17/25  (1)
Hailee Steinfeld’s key to Josh Allen’s 💝? Her Indian heritage (Teen Vogue    02/17/25  (13)
how terrifying are trans oceanic flights?    02/17/25  (5)
Being fat is now really accepted    02/17/25  (19)
do you think D.B. Cooper maed it?    02/17/25  (3)
Trump's doing great    02/17/25  (2)
Drone attack on Russian airbase in Syria - link    02/17/25  (2)
Being undesirable to all women, except for your money seems terrible    02/17/25  (2)
Glamorous AI legal assistant Hailee Seinfeld    02/17/25  (1)
Read Fahrenheit 451    02/17/25  (2)
Seinfeld series where he tells goys to be childless & then has 3 of his own    02/17/25  (26)
XO is funnier than Seinfeld    02/17/25  (3)
Biz idea: Seinfeld Starfield parody Starfeld    02/17/25  (5)
Seinfeld 2024 would be the group discussing anti-semetic memes on their phones    02/17/25  (10)
One social tabboo Seinfeld never grappled with. NIGGERS.    02/17/25  (67)
Archive of XO-original Seinfeld scripts ITT    02/17/25  (29)
Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia Again    02/17/25  (12)
Why did meemaw peepaw prole Vance marry a fucking desi indian woman    02/17/25  (12)
Why are CUMSKINS MAF?    02/17/25  (4)
The older I get the more cr prostitution seems    02/17/25  (66)
this is a really cool AI image of jupiter    02/17/25  (4)
Tried to get a sugar baby, couldn't bring myself to do it    02/17/25  (79)
Worse life outcome: Elliot Rogers or nyuug? An xo symposium    02/17/25  (15)
TSINAH jobless    02/17/25  (4)
LJL at UVT and NYUUG thinking prostitutes are normal for whites    02/17/25  (191)
Just banged a subjective 9    02/17/25  (46)
*JD logs into XO to drop some wisdom, sees nyuug spam, leaves *    02/17/25  (3)
Make Rhodesia Great Again    02/17/25  (2)
The PlayStation Classic was more than just a failed product. It was a reckoning.    02/17/25  (10)
MAGA: We must eliminate gov inefficiency but heres another federal holiday    02/17/25  (1)
Rate Barron Trump's college experience    02/17/25  (8)
Trump putting these retards in is by design to make USA lose faith in Govt, and    02/17/25  (18)
NYUUG has had sex with 1500 prostitutes, zero non hookers    02/17/25  (22)
Just paid for threesome with 2 latinas in their 20s    02/17/25  (42)
Sugar baby on TikTok posts about her Sugar daddy lolyer and outs him    02/17/25  (131)
"Welcome to Toronto, fam. I'm finna flip a bitch and save yall some time."    02/17/25  (2)
how much do you think it would cost to fuck this OF girl?    02/17/25  (44)
Just smashed a 24 yo hooker, taking q's    02/17/25  (109)
Rhodesian soldier answers "what are you fighting for" in 1978    02/17/25  (1)
XO Movie Critic: “Glass Onion” and “White Noise”    02/17/25  (24)
Turns out Toyotas Just in Time Manufacturing model doesn’t work for white coll    02/17/25  (1)
Rate the phenotype of this DOGE guy - pic    02/17/25  (9)
Sunday night NIGGER thread    02/17/25  (4)
Paralegal Mohammad tp is it true about your DV arrests?    02/17/25  (1)
thinking of watching a bunch of Patrick Swayze and Kurt Russell movies    02/17/25  (9)
Complex Systems Won’t Survive The Competence Crisis (long read)    02/17/25  (3)
Why are all these Instagram models visiting Dubai?    02/17/25  (33)
still LOL@BTK Killer who asked cops if they could track him from floppy disk    02/17/25  (5)
Sex and masturbation should be sources of shame    02/17/25  (15)
"Hetero sex is icky and immoral. Libs are evil for celebrating gays & trans btw"    02/17/25  (5)
Ur doctor informing you sotto voce that you have lost your battle with faggotry    02/17/25  (5)
JD Vance is literally replying to libs with "xoxohth"    02/17/25  (80)
''Landman'' is 180    02/17/25  (7)
Maybe using Projects by Claude.AI was a big mistake in retrospect lol    02/17/25  (1)
Some Jewish govt agency or corporation has been tracking me for a few yrs    02/17/25  (4)
John Frusciante (net worth $14mm) has 2 pay ex-wife of 4 yrs $630k/yr in alimony    02/17/25  (19)
rachmiels password is "password" btw    02/17/25  (10)
is this whore worth £600?    02/17/25  (13)
biggest tell that nyuug fucks escorts: always a "wash up" pause before sex    02/17/25  (24)
Goy Superstar vs. MASE    02/17/25  (3)
should i shell out $500 for this 18 year old sugar baby?    02/17/25  (23)
So nyuug and RSF both pretended like hookers were interested in them on xo?    02/17/25  (12)
This thread makes me think NYUUGs conquests are all hookers    02/17/25  (42)
NYUUG Claiming Not To Be A John, Meeting Up With Girl Claiming To Be A Virgin    02/17/25  (23)
I strongly pressed nyuug on buying hookers and he vehemently denied it    02/17/25  (14)
Remember when nyuug accidentally self outed that he fucks pros    02/17/25  (25)
*Kurt Russell exhales in the snow, decides it doesn't matter if JCM is doobs*    02/17/25  (173)
I want to beat up a car like in street fighter    02/17/25  (26)
“No cap my plane just flipped upside fr”    02/17/25  (5)
The three letter agencies use this site and it's all coming down. Not flame    02/17/25  (8)
rate this xo poster who cucked his wife (pic)    02/17/25  (6)
rate this Irish professor's sober, calm analysis of American politics    02/17/25  (1)
Escortmos are disgusting    02/17/25  (69)
EU officials: We need consider the US an enemy    02/17/25  (5)
every post consisting only of a twitter link should be an immediate ban    02/17/25  (10)
Battlestar Galactica vs Star Trek (DS9)    02/17/25  (5)
Why is a solid half of the country viscerally afraid of guns    02/17/25  (22)
Trump honestly could probably seize dictatorial power if he wanted    02/17/25  (1)
BTC will be $120k by Valentines Day or I’ll piss all over TBF’s face    02/17/25  (4)
Did I tell you guise about the time I licked Rhona Mitra’s poopy butthole?    02/17/25  (6)
"To be fair, let's murder Jewish children"    02/17/25  (5)
I'm Liberal. The only Liberal here imho    02/17/25  (7)
NSAM threads self destructing like Inspector Gadget missives    02/17/25  (4)
sega voice: "ZoZo"    02/17/25  (32)
Diaper League    02/17/25  (7)
ITT we discuss 3 row SUVs and minivans    02/17/25  (51)
"My penussy..." -- Doobs beginning convo with new acquaintance    02/17/25  (2)
"Take me to your leader" *bhangra music gets closer/louder as aliens approach WH    02/17/25  (3)
Distant sound of Bhangra music coming from Moon, getting louder    02/17/25  (2)
XO White Poasters: incredible knowledge abt Indian Social Media, Bhangra, Caste    02/17/25  (6)
It is so fucking obvious at this point that blacks should never be in charge of    02/17/25  (25)
Recommend some chill bhangra tunes to seduce auntie and do the needful    02/17/25  (6)
Feel like smashing my head against a plate glass window until something happens    02/17/25  (2)
TT is now a semi-famous Bhangra/rap artist in Chennai named "Bhabi Brown"    02/17/25  (12)
marriedmos. do pregnant women get horny?    02/17/25  (3)
*TBF, driving around in his Cybertruck blasting Bhangra music*    02/17/25  (4)
Los Angeles 2028 Olympics announces new sport: Bhangra    02/17/25  (3)

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