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benzo lives in a 98% white area, still can't find joy in life why?

Soul-stirring medicated juggernaut property
arent most "white" areas in the US meth mentally i...
bright dopamine volcanic crater
Yes bc any good area gets parasitized by ORMs looking for be...
cobalt marvelous persian
nah, basically the only good areas with good schools are now...
bright dopamine volcanic crater
White people unless they're really fucked up for some reason...
Soul-stirring medicated juggernaut property
plz explain birdshit amerikkkans as they seem a diff species...
bright dopamine volcanic crater

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Date: September 10th, 2024 2:47 AM
Author: Soul-stirring medicated juggernaut property


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Date: September 10th, 2024 2:50 AM
Author: bright dopamine volcanic crater

arent most "white" areas in the US meth mentally insane places nowadays, and everyone is obese and retarded


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Date: September 10th, 2024 2:53 AM
Author: cobalt marvelous persian

Yes bc any good area gets parasitized by ORMs looking for better phenotypes to hide among


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Date: September 10th, 2024 2:59 AM
Author: bright dopamine volcanic crater

nah, basically the only good areas with good schools are nowag/turd areas

i feel like birdshits fall into three camps: kikes, UMC and below birdshits who generally dont care abt school and rich birdshits who will just send kids to rich private so they can legally use drugs and rape dogs and shit

not much else, like dont really think even UMC kids are striving like NOWAGS and NOWIGS


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Date: September 10th, 2024 2:59 AM
Author: Soul-stirring medicated juggernaut property

White people unless they're really fucked up for some reason are generally the highest caliber of human being you could possibly run into. They're the only culture in human history that is capable of thinking about the well being of another race on a large scale. If you meet one you should kiss their feet.


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Date: September 10th, 2024 2:59 AM
Author: bright dopamine volcanic crater

plz explain birdshit amerikkkans as they seem a diff species from western euros
