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FcukYou Lindsey Stone (Plymouth MA) trying to hide behind Reputa

FUCK this cunt Lindsey Stone https://waynegrimes.files.wo...
Gay galvanic senate sound barrier
you have a SEVERE mental illness
anal garrison karate

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Date: March 14th, 2015 1:29 PM
Author: Gay galvanic senate sound barrier

FUCK this cunt Lindsey Stone


Woman Who Had a Pic of Her Flipping the Bird at Arlington Go Viral And Then Spent the Next Year Googling Herself is Back to Tell Us Her Story (Spoiler: She’s A Huge Seaward)


I really became obsessed with reading everything about myself,’ Stone told the Guardian about tracking online reactions in the days after the photo was discovered. After almost a year of hiding out online, Stone finally Googled herself and found the results relieving. She said she’d once done so during Veterans Day, and found ex-military members ‘wondering where I was, and not in a good way.’ Instead of the endless pages directing hatred at her, this time Stone only found a scattering of what there had been. ‘This is monumental,’ Stone said.

I don’t like to use the word cunt too often. Despite a certain smut mogul’s declaration that he’s bringing it back, I like to save that one for special cases. You run around dropping C U Next Tuesdays and you become the boy who yelled seaward. It just doesn’t have the same impact when you really need it to drive the point home of how big of a piece of shit someone is. This is one of those situations where we really need it.

This Lindsey Stone is a cunt. A year ago she decides to throw the bird and mock like she’s yelling at the sign next to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier asking for silence and respect: that’s plenty cuntworthy. Any level of disrespect at Arlington National Cemetery, especially by someone who calls this country home, is disgusting. If there’s one place in this country that everyone should visit to get a sense of the magnitude of sacrifice at this country’s foundation and to instill a degree of respect and gratitude for those who have served, it’s Arlington. She spit on that.

Now we’re a year later, and her quotes in this article do nothing but back up her cuntiness. She’s a narcissistic slob who spent her days basking in the media coverage of herself when the picture broke. Reading every last word, obsessed with what people were saying about her. Ugly fucking Betty finally in the limelight soaking it all in. And now a year later when no one remembers her name anymore? Back in the news just to talk about her own story that had harmed her ever so greatly. Must’ve been a real nightmare seeing as she jumped at the chance to bring it back into the light.

People don’t talk about you online anymore! It’s monumental! What a charmed little life it is you lead! Totally not looking to get more attention! So, yes, I’m perfectly aware that in some ways I’m giving her exactly what she wants, but I won’t be the one who’s afraid to mince words about it. Lindsey Stone: Cunt.

Meet Lindsey Stone, Self-Professed Douchebag


Lindsey Stone was at Arlington National Cemetery last month, having some fun at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, so she decided to post the picture shown above. She seemed a bit surprised that anyone could take offense at her stunning display of disrespect…

The internet being what it is has led to a deluge of comments on her employer’s Facebook page. Apparently they are going to apologize. Lindsey has just scrubbed her Facebook page. We caught this picture before she deleted everything.

Maybe instead of firing Stone, her company will do something positive and get her to understand the error of her ways and do the apologizing herself.

Via: This Ain’t Hell

Update: Lindsey Stone’s employer, Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE), issued the following statement today:

On Nov. 19 at approximately 6 p.m., we became aware that one of our employees had posted an offensive, inappropriate photograph on her personal Facebook page. The photo was taken at a national historic site in October by a fellow employee during a trip to Washington, D.C. attended by 40 residents and eight staff. The photo has since been removed from Facebook, and both employees have been placed on unpaid leave pending the results of an internal investigation.

This photograph in no way reflects the opinions or values of the LIFE organization, which holds our nation’s veterans in the highest regard. We are proud to have veterans serving on our staff and board of trustees, and we value their service. The men and women who have selflessly fought and sacrificed their lives to protect the rights and lives of Americans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. We are acutely aware that this photo has done a disservice to veterans and we are deeply saddened that it was taken and shared in a public medium.

Lindsey’s Facebook page still has this photo:

I suspect she’s doing a bit of that right now…

Update 2: This really couldn’t have gone any more viral…

Gawker asks if Stone deserves to have her life ruined over this picture. Short answer no, long answer it probably will happen anyway.

WBZ-TV in Boston has identified the co-worker who took the photo as Jamie Schuh, who quickly scrubbed her Facebook page as well.

And the Fire Lindsey Stone Facebook group is, well, on fire… The Save Lindsey Stone Facebook group, not so much.

Update 3: Lindsey and Jamie have apologized.

Update 4: Lindsey and Jamie both lost their jobs tonight.

You probably remember the photo above from back in November 2012 when we made Lindsey Stone a household name for a week or so when she was being Facebook stupid. The UK’s Daily Mail caught up with her to see what she’s been up to since the hoopla died down.

As part of an experiment in reputation management services, Ronson set up Stone with the company reputation.com to rehabilitate Stone’s online image.

‘They call me every week, week after week,’ according to Stone, and submit social media posts for her approval intended to improve the neutral pages that show up under her Google searches.

After almost a year of sending resumes to employers and receiving no response for employment, Stone says she was hired to work with autistic children.

‘But I’m terrified’ of her employers finding the photo, Stone said, and feels trapped because she can’t simply ask whether they’ve seen it and simply don’t care.


‘Since it happened, I haven’t tried to date anybody. How much do you let a new person into your life? Do they already know?’

Honestly, I just threw the picture up on the blog, along with her comments and I never expected it to go viral like it did. I never expected, nor wanted, her to get fired. Reporters I talked to after she was fired were disappointed that I felt that way and scores of interviews that I did afterward were not published when the reporters discovered that I wasn’t some wild-eyed lunatic calling for her blood or demanding that she be burned at the stake. There are certainly more people on our Stolen Valor page that need more attention than some ditz trying to be funny on her Facebook page.

I feel the same way about the Secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department and Brian Williams – they don’t need to lose their jobs. We now know their nature and that’s more useful to us than their firings. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know. But, your mileage may vary.

I hope Ms. Stone gets her life back together and I hope her pride in being a self-described douchebag has been tempered.

Thanks to Dave for the link.





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Date: March 14th, 2015 5:32 PM
Author: anal garrison karate

you have a SEVERE mental illness
