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The Grave of Heroes

Along the winding pathway road through bramble thick and for...
brindle violent resort mental disorder
In Rolickstand-on-Tillyter, a young boy weaves his way Cros...
brindle violent resort mental disorder

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Date: January 26th, 2018 4:21 AM
Author: brindle violent resort mental disorder

Along the winding pathway road through bramble thick and forest green there sits a lonely oaken tree, giantess, weather worn timesoaker, natures verdant shard, her. On windswept hill she bides the passing days, seeing all, speaking none, so safekeeper of secrets we might add to the roll call of her renown. And resting beneath her manifold shade you'll find seven nondescript graves, smoothed over by the seasons, sunk into the wormy mother ground, but still bearing faint inscriptions: "The Motioness"; "Skadden's Scion"; "Captain JNOV"; "Holmes' Arrow"; "AppellateMan"; "Indemnitor"; and, placed above the rest, "The Wonder Litigator." I bid you bear witness to these graves. More than that: strike into the ground beneath them. What you find may surprise you. For some things, in the love of the law, are timeless.


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Date: January 26th, 2018 11:44 AM
Author: brindle violent resort mental disorder

In Rolickstand-on-Tillyter, a young boy weaves his way

Cross foamy seaside skuttlecrabs, greyshore stickers, ivory shells

Till in distant glance he catches her towering tauntress tree

Her greentopped crown abuzz with white flaglets in dancing spring

Beckoning thing his pail drops and traipse his way he makes

Clambering up the rocky side scrapped knees stinging youth's victory cry

Then at her shadowed base he stands witness to seven mossy stones

On six a black scripture marvel, marking the man in wet wormy soil

On one, in golden tongue loomed larger than all the rest: "Wonder Litigator"

High above clouded skies rollickroll through cerulean to cast first drops of rain

He kneels breathes once twice deep then thrusts his hands to the land

A flash scenes the whiteness sound trumpets the earth itself upheaved
