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It was never the firm’s intention to build something s...
Rambunctious church building boltzmann

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Date: August 23rd, 2022 1:21 PM
Author: Rambunctious church building boltzmann

It was never the firm’s intention to build something so lasting. Erdoglastein. Named as an insider’s joke in a time when the world was still full of light and levity, in due season it would become known by other names: “Rock of the North”; “Walled Unbreakable”; “Triumph of Men.” But in its beginning it was but softening air, a minute afterthought in the greater apparatus of enterprise. Built as a scrivener’s outpost in YT 849, Erdoglastein was intended to support the work of the nearby Yorkton office, which was in that age among the most prominent of the firm’s continental locales, bustling with the business of antitrust, international trade, and commercial contracts. A small band of partners, no more than six although the historical record wavers on the exact identities of these founders, set off from Yorkton to establish Erdoglastein upon an inselberg set in the midst of a wide plain rising into cragged mountains to the west, thick old growth forest to the east, and deep and fast rivers binding its northern and southern runs. What began as a small and sleepy satellite (Tuskan in Ad. Vit. L. II records its personnel rostering as no greater than forty-five several decades after its founding) grew in time such that, by the 1000s, during the Second Great Expansion, it was a bustling hub of legal activity. Frescos set within the Learned Hand Gardens provide robust depictions of this period, showing a formidable office, already multi-tiered and set into portions of cliff face, though without the visual signature of the high tower or any militarized components. Fresco XI is particularly enlivening, showing a “lance” of grey woolen Brooks clad junior associates marching through the office’s so-called “Scholar’s Gate”--already at this time there is a notable martial element to the panel work although still mixed with discernible commercial aspects. It was not until the 1200s, however, under the guiding hand of the Archemon Leiter that Erdoglastein took on its historically recognizable form to become a Mont Saint Michel of the litigating west. In this period, coinciding with the general rise in conflict around the order of ascension in the Vault which would ultimately weaken the edifice of the Great Firms and bring about the rise of the plaintiff hordes, Leiter oversaw a series of building projects which in culmination would turn Erdoglastein from a place of mere commerce to a “fortress of the law.” (Rhonta, Mar. Liv. Bib. III) Exemplarily preserved early-period defenses emblematic of this work are still visible along the northern ring wall beneath Cliffs 5 and 6, slotted between the modern ARRAY network and launch tubes; these are well worth the hike for intrepid visitors. By the death of Leiter, Erdoglastein stood as the pinnacle of the western litigating force, though the now militarized nature of the establishment, drifted far from its origins in support of business law, is simultaneously a commentary on the techno-industrial ingenuity of the period and the unfortunate decay in ordinary commercial relationships associated with rising violence throughout the land. It was in this readied state, in 1305, that Erdoglastein would face and successfully defend against the first of a series of seven plaintiff sieges lasting until the 1380s and earning it the honorific nomenclature “Walled Unbreakable.” D’Agostini attests to the culmination of this period in his well-known Linguian epic poem “Sal’za’Mol,” writing, for example, in lieuc deuto prasenium maestensi, hoi hoi ripulu kapata, sor ti mastu baela, porten ro valea!--a sentiment that well captures the contradictory strengthes and weaknesses of the age. Even in the 1300s, however, scholarly work still progressed within Erdoglastein’s walls. For examples of this, SEE Yael’s Fourth Litigation Treatise; The Monrovian Jurisdictional Puzzle; Bronst’s Book of Multi-Tiered Corporate Engulfment Methods.
