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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
If you break the law they will throw you in jail with black guys    06/04/24  (4)
RATE this COKED UP Goldman Sachs 1984 recruiting film    06/04/24  (93)
Reddit is truly awful    06/04/24  (15)
Pepsi’s reign as America’s number 2 soda is OVER    06/04/24  (13)
Stock Market is boring lately, we should do another 40% crash storyline    06/04/24  (10)
Wish I could work in a 1990s style stock brokerage    06/04/24  (12)
Why are the libs winning? Didnt cons pose with AR-15s on Facebook?    06/04/24  (5)
Lib comedian makes disgusting comments about man's child, gets ass beat    06/04/24  (2)
rate Thatcher cabinet minster Alan Clark's self-avowal as a Nazi    06/04/24  (8)
rate DiCaprio's new slimepit    06/04/24  (47)
Squancher, failed husband, failed litigator, Kallmans, crybaby to FBI, bad hair    06/04/24  (2)
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ₯Ÿ P I E R O G I S πŸ₯ŸπŸ‡΅πŸ‡±    06/04/24  (9)
UK Poli Sci Shitheads Explain Gorgeous Rishi Getting Crushed, Farage Coming Back    06/04/24  (6)
MAGA terrorist Ken Chesebro charged with felony in Wisconsin    06/04/24  (2)
A buddy comedy staring RSF and Hunter Biden on vacation    06/04/24  (4)
Breaking: Ukraine accidently shoots down Indian Air Force Su-30MKI fighter    06/04/24  (1)
ITT we list all the different types of vote fraud that occurred in 2020    06/04/24  (24)
Rudy still running with “the election was stolen” lmao    06/04/24  (14)
Covid was/is outright fraud    06/04/24  (13)
So spaceporn is suing the board b/c online people were mean to him?    06/04/24  (53)
I'm don'e.. it was just never in the cards for me&I'm accepting it(Boom)    06/04/24  (15)
(((Giga Based Dad)))    06/04/24  (2)
goy superstar's twitter is lmao pathetic    06/04/24  (6)
You will break down in tears watching this video (link)    06/04/24  (7)
Dailymail: Hegemon SMACKS Spaceporn on stage    06/04/24  (12)
Crooked fucking jews extracting every fraction of a penny from you    06/04/24  (6)
Rate this ruskie girl    06/04/24  (2)
Libs can you stop shanghai-ing people upriver to work for you    06/04/24  (1)
TT/evan39 America is a strage place..living people taken to funeral homes..    06/04/24  (6)
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, make a ZoZo poaster your wife    06/04/24  (8)
You can gain "fame" anytime but just paints target on back    06/04/24  (12)
I'm attacking frauds on reddit attacking me it's unusable    06/04/24  (4)
Fucked out of it all..salvaging what i can    06/04/24  (6)
Others lived their lives and we suffered&squandered ours    06/04/24  (3)
Vegas is the only acceptable place in america where you can let loose    06/04/24  (3)
All of it it school, online &what the masses say is a lie    06/04/24  (2)
Cohen: Matt Gaetz is a pedophile    06/04/24  (1)
Jill Biden trying to intimidate the jury. How is this allowed?    06/04/24  (23)
Why did you accept this? It was yours from beginning all stolen    06/04/24  (2)
evan39 iyho what should anyone halfway intelligent do?    06/04/24  (2)
Pure fraud that court reporting has not been "disrupted" by AI    06/04/24  (4)
Okay, so you're a 50 year old mentally retarded Jewish pedophile    06/04/24  (12)
Trey Gowdy: Hunter thing is purely a political prosecution    06/04/24  (20)
Blow brains 🀯 πŸ”« out    06/04/24  (7)
You can create a literal legal printing press for yourself.. figure it out    06/04/24  (5)
vrilmaxxed    06/04/24  (1)
"40" is barely starting out..isn't shit in 2024 especially for male    06/04/24  (4)
trade offer: you get parasitic extractive value drain + looted by jewish niggers    06/04/24  (4)
Yeah just give this guy more $    06/04/24  (3)
Meanwhile illiterate idiots get billions more    06/04/24  (3)
Stanford Law is $74,000 but BOalt now costs $76,000 a year odd case.    06/04/24  (7)
evam39 the internet is very confusing it&mass liars have ruined our life    06/04/24  (7)
The "midwest" u.s. is truly insufferable truly awful weather&sparky vile people    06/04/24  (31)
evan39 what the hell do you think is going on? Shits not adding up    06/04/24  (6)
The Onion: Iman reads Koran at Funeral of Police Officer Killed By Islamists    06/04/24  (1)
Mass peons are such brainwashed pathetic human trash    06/04/24  (2)
“Who has placed this pubic hair on my Pepsi?”    06/04/24  (1)
All these stupid fucks getting married..they don't have 5 years    06/04/24  (5)
Nothing makes any sense    06/04/24  (2)
πŸ€―πŸ”«    06/04/24  (2)
Reminder to cons: you willingly nominated Trump AFTER he was a convicted felon    06/04/24  (1)
πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅πŸ£ S U S H I πŸ£πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅    06/04/24  (1)
'Won't you gentlemen have a Pepsi?'    06/04/24  (2)
Help me become Chairman of the Board for a sports org    06/04/24  (15)
"Yeah Becky. He carries a wallet. Like our dads."    06/04/24  (1)
Israel produces zero culture. No movies, books or music. Indonesia is better    06/04/24  (24)
What Jennifer did (Netflix) -- spoilers ITT, you've been warned    06/04/24  (8)
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± MARTHA STEWART πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±    06/04/24  (1)
% of posting down in past 3 months: MASE 90%, CSLG 90%, TBF 90%, Hegemon 90%    06/04/24  (24)
Buddy who works at Barns & Noble told me interest rates will hit 9%    06/04/24  (1)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    06/04/24  (21)
Nothing adds up at all    06/04/24  (1)
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± πŸ₯¬ G O L A B K I πŸ₯¬ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±    06/04/24  (3)
This guy is making 10k a day filming gambling videos hasn't won over 34k    06/04/24  (2)
Retarded new rightwing catch phrase: “Lawfare”    06/04/24  (5)
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± 🍲 B I G O S 🍲 πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±    06/04/24  (2)
The Donald J. Trump Presidential Library & Immigration Policy Institute at Colum    06/04/24  (25)
10% Of New York City Hotels Are Now Migrant Shelters (DM)    06/04/24  (5)
“Writing a letter” to seller of House you’re trying to buy is the cuckiest    06/04/24  (86)
Mom had >100 boyfriends    06/04/24  (2)
The internet is mostly shitlib nonsense or red pill poison now    06/04/24  (3)
how high will interest rates go? will we get HYSA with 7%?    06/04/24  (19)
Why did Drake make that stupid bet anyway?    06/04/24  (2)
CBS: “61% of Americans to have heart issues over next two decades. Odd case”    06/04/24  (2)
Decadent or shrewd? IBIT ETF in HSA account    06/04/24  (1)
Has rach commented on the FBI subpoena yet?    06/04/24  (38)
fulano explaining to his husband what he does at biglaw for the 97th time    06/04/24  (9)
It looks like Ukraine has given up all hope of ever capturing Crimea    06/04/24  (1)
Have any pumos started threads about Fauci today?    06/04/24  (1)
Mo$t overrated European city?    06/04/24  (91)
So they televise the Trump trial for all to see but not the Hunter trial?    06/04/24  (2)
Maximum punishment for hijacking airport terminal taxi caddy?    06/04/24  (1)
There's a lot of HIMARS videos coming out. That means something (assclown)    06/04/24  (14)
Libs prosecuting Hunter doesn’t show you’re fair, it shows you’re weak    06/04/24  (23)
"Ukraine" war waged entirely by spics nigs chink 3rd world mercs on both sides?    06/04/24  (5)
Poasters like RSF who use the term "combat experience": 100% born losers    06/04/24  (21)
180 new video of HIMARS    06/04/24  (1)
Why do evangelicals cuck for jews and israel?    06/04/24  (38)
Anyone familiar with Hogan Lovells DC?    06/04/24  (29)
Started replying "Zug Zug", "Dabu", "Lok-tar", "Your command mast    06/04/24  (39)
What do cons mean when they say Jews are “shapeshifting?”    06/04/24  (3)
Why is the lib pumo allowed to post facts I don’t like on the bort?    06/04/24  (4)
XO Hunter Biden CALLS OUT "Dr. Jill" in text tirade    06/04/24  (12)
Tuesday's destroyed Russian column of armor.    06/04/24  (2)
would u rather have sex with 55 y/o julia or 30 y/o fizzkidd?    06/04/24  (47)
Cons how mad will you be when Joe pardons Hunter?    06/04/24  (1)
ITT: I name a poster. compliment the poster    06/04/24  (87)
Cons how mad are you that Biden is skirting Congress, shutting the border anyway    06/04/24  (32)
Libs why isnt the Hunter trial televised? What are they hiding?    06/04/24  (2)
The Maniac's In The Mailbox    06/04/24  (1)
WFH secret quest to discover cool new metal bands    06/04/24  (1)
Jill: wuz the pussy tight? Hunter: so gud dr. j! u sure ur my bio mom πŸ˜›πŸ˜›    06/04/24  (26)
Heavy-metal hijabis from Indonesia set to smash stereotypes and rock Glastonbury    06/04/24  (5)
whats the most youd pay for a suit going forward    06/04/24  (6)
"Oh, hey, Russia didn't win immediately" he smirked as Russia won    06/04/24  (3)
Russia is advancing at quite a respectable pace in Ukraine    06/04/24  (38)
Senior Ethics Official here to give you REAL inside facts about Russia    06/04/24  (5)
Anti-Jewish Jewish Club    06/04/24  (1)
Peterman w/ 3 dicks in his ass: "You guys gonna get this show on the road?"    06/04/24  (28)
🎢RICE HOAL SON, WON’T YOU CUM🎢 (spaceporn)    06/04/24  (8)
woman with no legs leave snail trail of vaginal slime as she scoots across floor    06/04/24  (24)
J-J-JULIA here posting from a senior living facility    06/04/24  (9)
potbellied vampiric ghouls hobbling around leering into your life    06/04/24  (4)
psycho karen is going to have such intense dominatrix sex tonight    06/04/24  (21)
"I have a thing for balding short lolyers" Julia stared @ u,floppy tits shifting    06/04/24  (7)
Chinese mercenary fighting for Russia opines on war in 20 minute screed    06/04/24  (28)
A Dissident History of My Wife's Boyfriends (Substack)    06/04/24  (7)
u/cowgod180 is permanently banned from r/LateStageCapitalism    06/04/24  (10)
what a joke of a "legal" "system" we have    06/04/24  (6)
Artie Bucco No Kids    06/04/24  (4)
Artie Bucco did have kids but you never “saw” them    06/04/24  (11)
You folks remember the Chain Letter back in the 1900s - early 2000s?    06/04/24  (3)
Foreign slime have a different culture    06/04/24  (1)
Best dividend growth stock?    06/04/24  (33)
One way Nazis tortured Jews is by making them charge each other interest    06/04/24  (1)
Ricky revealing the 'inside scoop' about usury to your son's 4th grade class    06/04/24  (9)
roalin coal | dippin skoal | pluggin rice hoals    06/04/24  (1)
niggerball retards making everything into some retarded gambling spectacle    06/04/24  (3)
Twitter "Influencer" replies to my Comment that Hitler was "good man"    06/04/24  (3)
So some Jews just sit around collecting blackmail and jerking off over debt?    06/04/24  (5)
How many xo men are single no kids 40+    06/04/24  (66)
Beady eyed crooked nose crow looking freaks running thru ppl like toilet paper    06/04/24  (4)
Is it only fear of death stopping genetic trash from suiciding?    06/04/24  (1)
June 2024 NYT: the virus probably came from a lab.    06/04/24  (1)
good morning    06/04/24  (6)
I have never seen a homeless Mexican immigrant beggar    06/04/24  (17)
Portugal is the most XO place to live    06/04/24  (13)
Beware of cockrasquatch    06/04/24  (487)

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