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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
lol @ birdshit Kentucky    06/04/24  (12)
why is it MENTAL ILLNESS when men take cock, but GOOD when women do?    06/04/24  (8)
Eminem just keeps proving he's a cultural icon. A juggernaut.    06/04/24  (8)
Saw a DARK turd wearing an "Orgasm Donor" t-shirt today    06/04/24  (1)
got bitten by a timber rattlesnake, taking q's    06/04/24  (3)
Senior Ethics Official here to give you REAL inside facts about Russia    06/04/24  (8)
Reddit is truly awful    06/04/24  (35)
Russia is advancing at quite a respectable pace in Ukraine    06/04/24  (43)
Auron McIntyre seems like the type of cuck to hold his wife's hand while im rail    06/04/24  (5)
how Alpha is my catdood    06/04/24  (1)
"I'm so cooked bruh" (Disco Fries if he was born in 2002)    06/04/24  (17)
Saw a couple of the gays at the grocer. Small, slight, boyish men early 20s    06/04/24  (8)
I'm a global elite bigshot. Very not prole. I don't even watch sports.    06/04/24  (1)
Djoker GOAT Watch #tennis    06/04/24  (120)
eagle hunter eyes tp    06/04/24  (3)
women how's it feel that ur ONLY ASSET is worth $300-400/hr on open market?    06/04/24  (8)
the dagestani donnie darko    06/04/24  (8)
gays at the grocer tp    06/04/24  (1)
should i learn french or german?    06/04/24  (35)
A dissident history of the Trump campaign and presidency (Part 1)    06/04/24  (10)
weird how lots of people have fucked up vision    06/04/24  (4)
A bus of women Cheersing as the head to the Commonwealth of Height    06/04/24  (2)
I could never imagine "working" for "money" like you losers here lol    06/04/24  (4)
Carson Palmer was a FAILURE. F-A-I-L-U-R-E... hth.    06/04/24  (14)
Gulag Archipelago is a very furked up account.    06/04/24  (9)
GF's shitlaw boss sent this Irish chain letter email to her firm    06/04/24  (8)
pewish jedophile    06/04/24  (2)
Rate this bikini teen - sfw    06/04/24  (2)
Proles see those frameless multi-colored Oakley sunglasses and think "woah"    06/04/24  (1)
Hunter Biden's wife confronts "Nazi Piece of Shit" at court today (link)    06/04/24  (17)
% of posting down in past 3 months: MASE 90%, CSLG 90%, TBF 90%, Hegemon 90%    06/04/24  (27)
Biden Expected to Sign Executive Order Restricting Asylum (NYT)    06/04/24  (32)
Kentucky is a great commonwealth.    06/04/24  (1)
cowshit how Losery is it for me to buy the Steelbook of They Live    06/04/24  (3)
What's some weird lazy shit you do? I'll start    06/04/24  (13)
ITT: We bet how much weight "disco fries" is going to gain by the end of 2024    06/04/24  (2)
milo: "nick fuentes hates me because i prayed the gay away"    06/04/24  (5)
hey hey ho ho the jewish pedophile has got to go    06/04/24  (5)
lol so we're going to have to pay reparations to blacks if a lib gets elected?    06/04/24  (13)
Nick Fuentes and Jeb Bush debating passionately at CPAC in fluent spanish    06/04/24  (3)
How can nyuug be a draft-dodger if he isn't a Korean citizen    06/04/24  (13)
Jewish ppl are 1% of US population but somehow both POTUS cand' have jewish kids    06/04/24  (9)
Women are screaming at the “Flight of Tall men”    06/04/24  (1)
have you ever tried to pray the gay away? and did it work?    06/04/24  (8)
PSA: Gunnerattt believes there's no difference between these chicks & trannies    06/04/24  (12)
RE Bros: Bad To Accept Offer From Buyer With 10% Conventional Financing?    06/04/24  (38)
casually guzzling down keurig coffee microplastics day after day forever    06/04/24  (6)
Trump: “Put Hillary in jail” Cons: “Hooray!” Bragg: “Put Trump in jail    06/04/24  (5)
RATE This 16yo British AZNGirl #Tennis Player    06/04/24  (9)
I downloaded RDR2 and I want my money back    06/04/24  (27)
More details on failed Russian Chasiv Yar canal assault - link    06/04/24  (1)
*stamps correction tp with STAR OF DAVID SIZED STAMP saying "(jewish pedophile)"    06/04/24  (4)
Anyone who “enjoys life” in 2024 is seriously fucked in the head    06/04/24  (4)
roundhouse kick correction tp, sharpie "jewish pedophile" on correction tps face    06/04/24  (8)
The slimier the pussy, the longer sperm can live in it    06/04/24  (1)
There are way too many ads now, internet unusable    06/04/24  (41)
They call the Progressive chick "Flo" because slime flows out her vagina    06/04/24  (9)
80% of dating profiles: 1) I'm a feminist! 2) I like to be degraded in bed.    06/04/24  (12)
GORGEOUS POLLSTER melts down on TV after Indian prediction fails    06/04/24  (7)
Washington Post had record profits of $77 million in 2023 (link)    06/04/24  (1)
Anglin: DO NOT vote for Trump    06/04/24  (29)
Remote Amazon Rainforest tribe gets internet and hooked on porn (link)    06/04/24  (3)
It's insane how terrible Facebook is now    06/04/24  (31)
Should I buy this house in Randolph, NJ?    06/04/24  (22)
Mo$t overrated European city?    06/04/24  (101)
k-12 education for boys is basically institutionalized "facesitting"    06/04/24  (6)
Pepsi’s reign as America’s number 2 soda is OVER    06/04/24  (42)
reading Gulag Archipelago, you start to see where we are heading in America    06/04/24  (9)
Chinese mercenary fighting for Russia opines on war in 20 minute screed    06/04/24  (30)
*shows up in China* "Hey, none of you built any of this, so clear out. It's mine    06/04/24  (14)
OKCupid profile: "I'm just a teen wolf Scott Howard looking for my 'Boof.'"    06/04/24  (2)
Just ate pho and about to smoke a blunt and work on a screen    06/04/24  (1)
Is it possible to speak Arabic without sounding like you are gagging on a penis?    06/04/24  (9)
Hypo: billions of shit colored people whose only function is haggling    06/04/24  (2)
Paralegal Mohammed - best goat biryani in Quetta you fucking turd faggot?    06/04/24  (4)
White woman gets jizzed on by black guy in Atlanta Whole Foods    06/04/24  (49)
Rate this Instagram account about living kid free    06/04/24  (19)
Silat is the most fucked up martial art on earth. Anyone ever seen a demo?    06/04/24  (3)
Bout to face a blunt    06/04/24  (5)
hey doodikoff are you hyped for Elden Ring DLC    06/04/24  (2)
How many people actually care about the MCU plot lines?    06/04/24  (20)
RSF Are You Going To The Semis Friday? #tennis    06/04/24  (3)
“Letta Dicken” reading a story to your kid    06/04/24  (1)
Massachusetts teacher on leave after holding mock slave auction (link)    06/04/24  (4)
Is this pedophile a tranny? I can't tell    06/04/24  (1)
LOL @ Trump trying to weasel out of abortion issue. YOU BREAK IT YOU OWN IT.    06/04/24  (1)
all of the Scummiest people I knew in HS moved to Colorado for some reason    06/04/24  (4)
Israel produces zero culture. No movies, books or music. Indonesia is better    06/04/24  (44)
Why can't Ukrainians do electronic warfare 10% as well as Russia?    06/04/24  (21)
Texas Rangers have been listening to Creed to get pumped for games    06/04/24  (46)
Oklahoma Senator: “58% of homosexuals have intestinal worms.”    06/04/24  (3)
Its over: bird flu detected in California    06/04/24  (1)
What did corrections tp do to make that pumo get so mad?    06/04/24  (11)
There's a TikTok teen in a high treetop.. a flagpole rag and the wind won't stop    06/04/24  (2)
jews will not permit any group of all white people to gather, even innocuously    06/04/24  (16)
told Methodist guy at work that he 'reads' as Jewish    06/04/24  (2)
ror, do a ethnicity learry mattel?? (xo gook w/ 400 black/white porn bookmarks)    06/04/24  (3)
Facebook becoming 100% boomers interacting at face value w/ AI hallucinations    06/04/24  (22)
This Russian tank driver must be drunk or suicidal - video    06/04/24  (2)
Nobody knows who Nick Fuentes is!! *face-contorted Jew crying tears of blood*    06/04/24  (6)
"I'm nutting daddy!" mewled whokebe as he got a 153 LSAT and 22 MCAT    06/04/24  (27)
Ukraine will be a huge issue in the 2024 election    06/04/24  (22)
My daughter(18f), against my(45f) advice, came out to my wealthy bigoted parents    06/04/24  (15)
Watched Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, first time in decades. It's horrible    06/04/24  (16)
CFO of MAGA newspaper indicted in $67 million money launder scheme    06/04/24  (18)
Libs have utterly RUINED Silent Hill 2    06/04/24  (1)
Why does everyone hate correction tp    06/04/24  (32)
Biden has administratively terminated 350,000 asylum cases instead of removing    06/04/24  (3)
Poor economic indicator: fewer hysterical faggots bragging about life on xo    06/04/24  (18)
Hired another associate, will have 15 employees now    06/04/24  (20)
Maliciously damaging infrastructure should be punished by scourging + crucifixio    06/04/24  (3)
I need to make 100k asap, best way to do so    06/04/24  (55)
ricky's done way more drugs than benzo but has avoided jail    06/04/24  (25)
The phone is like the brain of your life    06/04/24  (1)
Remember when tech stocks were booming & xo pos were "picking stocks"?    06/04/24  (1)
remember this US soldier who got sniped and just popped back up? (vid)    06/04/24  (1)
What’s up w that jewish fæces eater pumo?    06/04/24  (5)
correction tp's tramp stamp reads "jewish pedophile" in parens    06/04/24  (1)
Which Apple Watch to get? 41mm or 45mm?    06/04/24  (12)
Margin Call boardroom scene but it’s about slime    06/04/24  (14)
wtf is Thunderbird University? Is that a real place?    06/04/24  (4)
It would be cool if one World War 2 vet still looked 20 years old - link    06/04/24  (5)
Judging by that pic she posted Julia has about 5 years left to do OnlyFans    06/04/24  (2)
'I'm gay', he grumbled desultorily    06/04/24  (2)
HAtp    06/04/24  (13)
Nickelback - Hero plays as man opens XO on phone and reaches finger toward N key    06/04/24  (1)
Reminder, cons, you guys started all this with the “lock her up” shit    06/04/24  (3)
Turns out all people want from the internet is 29 second videos    06/04/24  (5)
🇹🇷🦃 T U R K E Y 🦃🇹🇷    06/04/24  (6)
🇮🇹🍋 L I M O N C E L L O 🍋🇮🇹    06/04/24  (2)
Jordan Peterson voice: "Rape."    06/04/24  (17)
would u rather have sex with 55 y/o julia or 30 y/o fizzkidd?    06/04/24  (48)
RATE Tori Spelling, 51, & Her 16yo Dotter (PIC)    06/04/24  (3)
this is a stock exchange there’s no money you can steal    06/04/24  (1)
What would you do with 400k cash right now?    06/04/24  (62)
so a squirrel didnt attack his penis?    06/04/24  (1)
Wow great poasting man you guys are really knocking it out of the park    06/04/24  (6)
sp is the middle guy in the mauve dino/adopted north korean son fuck sandwich    06/04/24  (1)
What are some of the most insane shitlib subreddits    06/04/24  (4)
So spaceporn is suing the board b/c online people were mean to him?    06/04/24  (67)
Yeah, well, you have a LOW NET WORTH    06/04/24  (8)
Good news, cons. Trump now says it’s ok to vote early or by mail    06/04/24  (1)
The latest evolution of Russian mechanized infantry - link    06/04/24  (1)
East coast/west coast violence on the rise as Choom Gang battles Cornpop Crew    06/04/24  (2)
potbellied vampiric ghouls hobbling around leering into your life    06/04/24  (12)
is being a poaster an important or remotely relevant part of your identity?    06/04/24  (2)
Farting so loud that Julia's tits momentarily align    06/04/24  (65)
XO's finally embraced its destiny: Julia posted a selfie yesterday, got 4 bumps    06/04/24  (11)
Hey, are you POSITIVE that the brief is due NEXT WEEK?    06/04/24  (1)
$an Diego is more dangerous than Ukraine now    06/04/24  (1)

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