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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
captive Tommy on TV blinking “D I E B I R D S H I T J U I C E” in Morse code    05/22/24  (16)
Taking Q’s from MEHICO CITY (RSF)    05/22/24  (1)
US boots on the ground defending Hamas (video)    05/22/24  (6)
Escaping Iran after piping the POTUS, u mad Birdshitz?    05/22/24  (19)
Oh I’m afraid the Kraken will be quite operational when the libs arrive    05/22/24  (29)
no way TT has been able to go this long w/o internet & alcohol    05/22/24  (2)
My life is over in earnest now    05/22/24  (10)
lol, goy superstar ate a temp ban on "super based" elon twitter    05/22/24  (12)
"hagfish" is what Karen calls her cooter    05/22/24  (3)
Everyone is claiming lack of staff..people claiming no jobs..uhh what the f?    05/22/24  (3)
WSJ: Private Equity All Set to RUIN College Athletics    05/22/24  (1)
Spaceporn is moving to Germany    05/22/24  (3)
Dude, I need to shit.    05/22/24  (1)
John Carpenter announcing production beginning on Escape from Tehran    05/22/24  (5)
Schizophrenia and Phenotype    05/22/24  (4)
*lex turns to tarot cards to tell his future* *3 neovaginas stare back at him*    05/22/24  (14)
Bboom's asshole is currently accepting semen donations    05/22/24  (1)
You'd be surprised how small the knowledge base is for people on "top"    05/22/24  (3)
Patrick Mahomes literally taunting Boom tp with his fraud (video)    05/22/24  (2)
Karlstack/rufo: "I made this"    05/22/24  (3)
getting ignored over text messaging is ropefule    05/22/24  (6)
Reminder that was a fun and easy 35 million    05/22/24  (1)
It's all a simple joke..why does xo and others make it out to be weird?    05/22/24  (1)
why is crypto ripping    05/22/24  (7)
STICKY: jane hoya    05/22/24  (6)
luis uve got some splaining to do    05/22/24  (3)
Is benzo a multimillionaire yet?    05/22/24  (1)
rate her (pic)    05/22/24  (2)
biz idea: fraud    05/22/24  (2)
This is enough. Retiring until TT returns.    05/22/24  (5)
started watching BATTLESTAR GALACTICA    05/22/24  (17)
Anal dilation won’t be required during delivery, whok (jinx)    05/22/24  (1)
"Sir your phenotype is disturbing the other dinner guests. Regrettably you will    05/22/24  (20)
Things that azns Fear immensely    05/22/24  (10)
Israeli TV Jokes That Iran POTUS Pilot Was Eli Kopter    05/22/24  (15)
Do only proles take semi auto shotguns clay shooting? Over under GOAT?    05/22/24  (31)
What the fuck is a Viva Frei    05/22/24  (2)
RNC HQ IN DC under lockdown, hazmat team on the scene    05/22/24  (9)
Is it stupid to pay for an elite prep school for kids if UMC?    05/22/24  (104)
Baby, let my balls slap your asshole to some ooga booga music    05/22/24  (1)
Grief bros come ITT    05/22/24  (11)
bloodline curse to the tune of surfin bird    05/22/24  (9)
Reported the dirt I have on my boss and haven’t heard back yet    05/22/24  (16)
jane hoya don't be in a rush to graduate things are bad    05/22/24  (4)
full spectrum phenotype encounter avoidance    05/22/24  (5)
when certain phenotypes are juxtaposed mysteries of the universe can be unlocked    05/22/24  (11)
insurmountable phenotype restrictions    05/22/24  (52)
boltzmann brain elite pedophile jew saturn cult insider phenotype awareness    05/22/24  (9)
Cons will you run 82-yo Trump in 2028 if he loses?    05/22/24  (9)
'quietly quitting' a space due to the phenotypes on display    05/22/24  (3)
jeremy meeks vs. kalief brown phenotype life outcomes - cowgod plz come ITT    05/22/24  (18)
disembodied voice phenotype    05/22/24  (6)
Tye phenotypes at thisDennys do not suggest anything complimentary about my life    05/22/24  (15)
ostensible internet phenotype transcendence    05/22/24  (3)
Exclusive: Scandal at America's Top Science Fair (Karlstack)    05/22/24  (36)
Hate confrontations IRL due to my phenotype    05/22/24  (41)
exeunt is so pathetic he's doing NOTHING with his $100+ million    05/22/24  (3)
The internet allows ostensible phenotype transcendence    05/22/24  (34)
Bad phenotypes emit waves of psychic malaise to surroundings    05/22/24  (52)
Freemason hitsquads    05/22/24  (4)
Punished "Thanatomania" Ricky    05/22/24  (2)
whenever people say "they couldn't make Back to the Future" today, why not?    05/22/24  (18)
California CHANGES term 'offender' to 'justice-impacted individual' in state law    05/22/24  (11)
"Oh the NIGGER outside is frightful"    05/22/24  (214)
My life is over    05/22/24  (5)
Have almost zero idea who is on Biden's "cabinet"    05/22/24  (2)
noone works anywhere, everything is empty, but giant housing blocks sprouting up    05/22/24  (5)
De Santis decriminalizes hanging gays from FL bridges during June (link)    05/22/24  (7)
Tommy has been ARRESTED for spreading "satanism and nudity"    05/22/24  (7)
Red Lobster vulture capitalism    05/22/24  (3)
Punished "Destrudo" Snake    05/22/24  (1)
Be a good person..it was all yours u laugh..but it still is    05/22/24  (9)
jewish tranny pumo really shitting up the board today—why?    05/22/24  (1)
Do people make new “friends” after college?    05/22/24  (29)
no amount of spam will make "correction" tp not a jewish pedophile    05/22/24  (2)
TT retired because he couldn't stand (((correction))) tp's shitpoasting    05/22/24  (13)
Ukraine hahols tried to assassinate Slovak Prime Minister Fico    05/22/24  (5)
FizzKidd bingo    05/22/24  (16)
Anyone watched Waco on Netflix?    05/22/24  (20)
"i wish xo had more posters" <monkey paw closes, 5 new tranny posters arrive>    05/22/24  (17)
Abdullah: Tell me again why the "burger stand" failed. TT: (((Private Equity)))?    05/22/24  (4)
   05/22/24  (12)
Chinaman clutching monkey paw: *takes bite*    05/22/24  (52)
You gain brouzouf    05/22/24  (2)
Rate this outtake from Camp Of Saints being directed by Mel Gibson    05/22/24  (2)
Imagine being the faggot who ran Red Lobster into the ground    05/22/24  (113)
fine dining in Asia    05/22/24  (2)
About to hit 35 Million NW and life update (CSLG)    05/22/24  (93)
hung giant painting of David Koresh in office    05/22/24  (7)
(((correction))) tp = awful garbage    05/22/24  (53)
9yo David Koresh singing "Adeste Fidelis" in perfect soprano as you weep    05/22/24  (10)
David Koresh giving out Christmas presents to poor kids from his '81Camaro (pic)    05/22/24  (9)
David Koresh had “big dick energy” (Teen Vogue)    05/22/24  (22)
Men’s SMV peaks at 40, women’s at 18    05/22/24  (66)
How are libs allowed to protest outside Trump’s trial? Seems very unfair    05/22/24  (5)
British nuclear engineers start $28k USD, max out at $90k    05/22/24  (8)
Obese WOC in emergency exit seat delays flight bc “I ain’t helpin no one”    05/22/24  (47)
Fuck my dick these bloodline curses are intolerable today    05/22/24  (1)
Microplastics Found In Every Human Testicle In Study    05/22/24  (1)
i'm gonna fight globohomo by ranting online all day &NOTHING u can do to stop me    05/22/24  (17)
TT:"i'm not jewish" abdullah:"prove it" TT:"i sold my boat at a loss"    05/22/24  (24)
Women do not understand alchemy and should not come near the alchemy table    05/22/24  (17)
lol shitskin "correction" tp is fuming MAF for being shitmodded    05/22/24  (36)
PSA: if you say something mean about Israel, correction tp will go insane    05/22/24  (6)
"In my restless dreams, I see those cheesy shores. Of Cheddar Bay."    05/22/24  (4)
would you rather be EPAH, CSLG or RSF? (you can't pick killself)    05/22/24  (93)
The Algebra Problem: How Middle School Math Became a National Flashpoint (nyt)    05/22/24  (1)
Chasov Yar looks super easy to defend. Ukraine better not lose it    05/22/24  (14)
Anyone else here on strattera    05/22/24  (1)
Look at this disgusting filth that’s happening at Taco Bells away from the coa    05/22/24  (14)
Started using ChatGPT to handle all chitchat/small talk with my remote cowokers    05/22/24  (1)
In retrospect I'm thankful for the COVID scam    05/22/24  (58)
beautiful farm for sale for xo posters    05/22/24  (2)
what are fat smelly bar sluts in suburbs like    05/22/24  (8)
“Tommy, just stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you!”    05/22/24  (1)
Just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about the act of cunnilingus    05/22/24  (4)
1770s Bostonians were paying 2% in taxes to the TYRANT George III    05/22/24  (3)
I hope TT is alive    05/22/24  (13)
Why isn’t there constant violence and mayhem irl    05/22/24  (4)
TSINAH’s puppy should get run through a meat grinder    05/22/24  (28)
Hunter Biden: “Gun belongs to those shady Mexicans. Prolly illegal”    05/22/24  (2)
Pussy snot soaking into a $12,000 Italian leather couch    05/22/24  (1)
something happened..GC put out a pro family ad (link)    05/22/24  (13)
April showers->May gray->June gloom    05/22/24  (3)
Housing units going up..businesses closing claiming lack of staff???    05/22/24  (1)
What's going on? This all has to be a lie    05/22/24  (1)
Dietmos - better to eat large meal early or late?    05/22/24  (2)
Nothing has ever made sense..even less now..    05/22/24  (1)
I just need to double my money 5x and I'll maek it    05/22/24  (5)
Shit has changed and is way easier now that it ever was..was problem here?    05/22/24  (1)
Would love to have a TRUST, do stupid shit all day every day, no consequences    05/22/24  (1)
What's going..housing units going up..business closing claiming no workers    05/22/24  (2)
YouTube has pussy odor commercials on Roblox vids    05/22/24  (4)
It was all yours all along everything is whack    05/22/24  (1)
“Don’t come home until your dick is wet”    05/22/24  (13)
Any easy law jobs that pay 500k plus?    05/22/24  (50)
"Don't come home till your boipussy is wet." -- Halford to doobs    05/22/24  (5)
A day in the life in George W. Bush's America.    05/22/24  (65)
actor Terrence Howard addresses Oxford, says he found a viable lit exit option    05/22/24  (3)
Rate this girl who will be a freshman at UTexas this fall    05/22/24  (17)
Terrence Howard telling girl who dinged you for being 5'9" her numbers dont add    05/22/24  (5)
Indian lawyer files an “objection” accusing judge of racism every time she l    05/22/24  (183)
Facebook creeped on my law school classmates today.    05/22/24  (14)
WW2 was started to protect Poland, ended w Poland under Soviet control anyways    05/22/24  (3)
Homesick in Brussels    05/22/24  (1)
Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize Palestinian state. Israel seethes    05/22/24  (9)
Trump campaign asking Tehran not to free TT until after the election    05/22/24  (6)
2nd cousin: I don’t recognize Palestine; shrew gf: opens 2nd bottle of wine    05/22/24  (1)
just copped some fifth row seats to Wolves/Mavs game 2    05/22/24  (1)

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