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Spaceporn barging into ur thread to demonstrate his idiocy unprovoked    05/08/24  (77)
Does anyone else's birdbrain do shit like this?    05/08/24  (74)
Actors who are inexplicably in lots of movies without being talented?    05/08/24  (58)
Just got banned from a Discord server by an actual gunner at a TTT    05/08/24  (39)
If you had like 12 mil in a Trad IRA would you retire and take the penalty    05/08/24  (35)
new mom gets angry at baby, throws ice in bathtub    05/08/24  (33)
Telling your high school friends you’re back in town for cancer treatment    05/08/24  (26)
why do proles get fixated on "flipping houses"    05/08/24  (24)
What's your guys plans for Confederate Memorial Day?    05/08/24  (19)
How Gucci Fell From High Fashion to Discount Rack    05/08/24  (18)
Once you accept you're not a 'main character' in life you calm down a lot    05/08/24  (14)
xo: this RFK jr. guy makes a ton of sense. RFK: a dead worm ate my brain cells.    05/08/24  (14)
What has trained women to never apologize?    05/08/24  (13)
These Are Country Prole Servicemen Often Leave Car Running For 15 Mins    05/08/24  (12)
Rapeman's Steve Albini dead of heart attack    05/08/24  (10)
"high speed rail" only makes sense in Texas    05/08/24  (10)
00s starlet Piper Perabo lives alone on VA dairy farm, "needs a man around" (lin    05/08/24  (9)
Bill Simmons: "It's too hard to learn words like Fever, Sky, Aces."    05/08/24  (9)
Having first beer in 11 DAYS --- you MAD Birdshits?    05/08/24  (9)
Anyone else here respect women?    05/08/24  (8)
Remember that Jones Day associate who died from childbirth w/o anaesthetic    05/08/24  (8)
First billion in profits from frozen Russian funds to Ukraine by summer- link    05/08/24  (8)
Intravaginal insertion of tobacco studied by GA State Univ, funded by Clinton Fo    05/08/24  (7)
obese Houston TX prole disco fries tp giving you financial advice.    05/08/24  (7)
Oranges are objectively better than apples, other than convenience.    05/08/24  (6)
certified woman expert tp    05/08/24  (6)
woke up yesterday and realized i don't have to "work"    05/08/24  (6)
ITT list the Top 3 all-time TV shows featuring Jews in New York City    05/08/24  (5)
Is there a disease where you can only pee in spurts of like 3-8 seconds?    05/08/24  (5)
Rach says board needs 70% less posters due to AI    05/08/24  (5)
HYPO: You are best man to a wedding, and ur friend is an XO poaster u never met    05/08/24  (5)
reminder: only your kids will remember that you worked late    05/08/24  (5)
re the bear question - is there a name for this type of costless opinion-having    05/08/24  (5)
ur wife squinting at monitor as "how to make your birdbrain feel happy" autocomp    05/08/24  (5)
just a miles waiting for his maya :)    05/08/24  (4)
Women? I respect them. Birdbrains? I adore them. Bear-fuckers? I cherish them.    05/08/24  (4)
May I have a chart of the feuds on the board    05/08/24  (4)
hilarious how ashamed disco fries is being outted as a Houston, TX, prole    05/08/24  (4)
Steven Wright: "99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name"    05/08/24  (4)
Do the most handsome men in America come from here?    05/08/24  (4)
Holy shit at the POTUS candidates    05/08/24  (4)
Lisan al Gaib riding sandworm through RFK's brain    05/08/24  (4)
Lol Social Security Admin projections rely on native birth rate RISING (link)    05/08/24  (4)
Russians considerately leave hatch open on abandoned T-90 - link    05/08/24  (4)
Post Nut Horror tp outted as a short bald jew    05/08/24  (4)
RFK Jr: I've got a dead worm in my brain - link    05/08/24  (4)
Accidentally left van door open, husband is calling me "birdbrain" on internet    05/08/24  (4)
Biglaw Partner: Has The Worm Reached The Part Of The Brain That Writes Memos?    05/08/24  (3)
no bear ever tried to open the car door for me    05/08/24  (3)
How do I convince my wife that we should move to ARE COUNTRY?    05/08/24  (3)