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Rate this one cent coin I bought off Whatnot    06/01/24  (43)
Tsinah is dating a pharmacy student and has a raging adderall dependency?    06/01/24  (37)
Jeffrey Epstein and Roseanne Barr had a baby named "correction" tp    06/02/24  (25)
You sure about that?    06/01/24  (25)
The "midwest" u.s. is truly insufferable truly awful weather&sparky vile people    06/01/24  (21)
Why does everyone hate correction tp    06/02/24  (21)
Deontay "Buck" Wilder gets savagely KO'd by enormous chinaman (vid)    06/01/24  (16)
Have sex with your wife. Now.    06/01/24  (15)
2016 and 2020 Trump voter here. Now that he’s a convicted felon, I’m having    06/01/24  (15)
Just got prescribed tirzepatide, taking Q’s.    06/02/24  (14)
Hey correction tp, you're a worthless fucking piece of shit, go away    06/02/24  (14)
But he committed 400 felonies!! (libs melting down as Trump wins 2nd term)    06/01/24  (13)
Recommend some quality pr0n    06/01/24  (11)
Myrtle Beach vs Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge vs. Wisconsin Dells - retirement home?    06/01/24  (11)
Chingada Madre!!! :) Wat r u eating for brekkie tmrw?    06/01/24  (10)
Libs get MAD AS FUCK if u even dare suggest Trump can get to Federal court    06/01/24  (9)
Disco Fries, my Italian wife insists on making spaghetti and meatballs tonight.    06/01/24  (9)
MAGAts are fucking stupid    06/01/24  (9)
Switch from blade to electric razor? Anyone have recommendations?    06/01/24  (9)
Most realtors cannot sustain their employment but have no skills otherwise    06/01/24  (8)
Disco fries, did you mow today? My yard is doing awesome this year.    06/01/24  (8)
34 convictions and he’s keeping his campaign    06/01/24  (8)
Pride update: NAMBLA to honor "correction" tp with lifetime achievement award    06/02/24  (8)
Rate these female cops reacting to someone answering their own door    06/01/24  (7)
Can someone link to the early COVID China zombie collapse videos?    06/02/24  (7)
JD Vance looks both like a Disney Villain and like he wears mascara, discuss    06/02/24  (7)
Spreading my buttcheeks for 6 guys tonight (Bboom)    06/01/24  (6)
Bit by my MIL’s dog. At the ER now to get stitches from some tard dr    06/02/24  (6)
tired of skinny bitch wife, dying to fuck voluptuous borderline fat, huge ass ho    06/01/24  (6)
Disco fries, what are you cooking for breakfast?    06/01/24  (5)
Correction tp is a felon? I can’t believe it. How? He’s 180!    06/01/24  (5)
Mexico's New President = Jewish    06/01/24  (5)
Former POTUS ruled felon by "jury" over quickbooks pulldown menu expense designa    06/02/24  (5)
The legal system has never been unfair to anyone ever until Donald Trump! (GOP)    06/01/24  (5)
Fucked out of it all..salvaging what i can    06/01/24  (5)
It seems indisputable that correction tp is in fact a jewish pedophile    06/02/24  (5)
It's Over. Xbox Is Done    06/01/24  (4)
is Drake's Take Care a classic album?    06/01/24  (4)
Karen tugging your penis angrily as you falsify business ledgers    06/01/24  (4)
Game Thread: Florida BIGCATS vs. New York Sneerin' Ratfaces    06/01/24  (4)
Boom are you a chomo?    06/02/24  (4)
The State of the American Middle Class    06/01/24  (4)
fuck my ass and find out, buddy    06/01/24  (4)
Wonder if the degenerate atheist Jew RSF will go to church tomorrow    06/01/24  (4)
dbdr is on the cusp of Ruination    06/01/24  (4)
Marco Rubio Wants to Be Trump’s Vice President. He Doesn’t Want to Audition(    06/01/24  (4)
Ever seen a large dog knotted up in a black dude's ass? Want to?    06/01/24  (4)
Geeks and Jocks    06/01/24  (3)
Met another isshin-ryu black belt here (TSINAH)    06/01/24  (3)