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wife has been away for the week; being a single parent is less stressful    05/31/24  (70)
Rate my $510 apartment in Vietnam six minutes walk from the beach    05/31/24  (58)
Best style of pizza?    05/31/24  (48)
Rate this lawyers description of a teachers porno videos made in school    05/31/24  (44)
Was it hard for Robert Deniro to get laid or something?    05/31/24  (40)
So Northern Euro Birdshits didn't even have WRITING for thousands of years?    05/31/24  (35)
owning a house is so fucking tiresome    05/31/24  (33)
IDF has lost equivalent of 10,292 soldiers in Gaza operation    05/31/24  (33)
Insane Facebook AI slop twitter account has been crushing it (link)    05/31/24  (32)
How do people decide what brand of eggs to buy    05/31/24  (32)
Only one thing GOP can do but they won’t do it: arrest Obama/Biden/Clinton    05/31/24  (31)
Is an 8 week body transformation possible?    05/31/24  (28)
Why doesn't RSF use his fortune to Ruin benzo somehow    05/31/24  (28)
ITE2 is scheduled for next year afaik, maybe this Autumn    05/31/24  (28)
HD-DVD was great Tech imo    05/31/24  (28)
First worlders still havent figured out how to live post-scarcity    05/31/24  (28)
Any NY law masterman care to come itt and explain Trump verdict?    05/31/24  (27)
we can agree that we're currently in ITE 2.0?    05/31/24  (25)
George Conway makes some good points    05/31/24  (24)
Knife attack in Germany - link    05/31/24  (23)
which part of the vagina is your favorite?    05/31/24  (20)
Good time to drop 100K into VOO?    05/31/24  (20)
You’re not hating enough.    05/31/24  (19)
White guy here. Any other white guys poasting rn?    05/31/24  (18)
Shut down the highway for a miles long procession every time a cop dies    05/31/24  (18)
Does your wife/gf enjoy dressing up for you?    05/31/24  (18)
Rate mid AZN girl getting ARRESTED who is every poaster's girlfriend/fizzkid    05/31/24  (17)
Windows Phones were pretty cool. Why did it fail?    05/31/24  (17)
Pretty weird living in times where $4,000 suicide bomb drones will render    05/31/24  (16)
PREDICT: Will Trump be imprisoned by Merchan?    05/30/24  (15)
Reading Shakespeare's Sonnets for the first time. It's the faggiest shit    05/31/24  (15)
Why didn’t they at least pick a hot black chick?    05/31/24  (14)
As of 2023, the green fee for Shadow Creek Golf Course is $1,250 per person    05/31/24  (14)
Kids are overscheduled and overparented and it’s nearly 100% the fault of wome    05/31/24  (14)
evan39 terrorizing Seattle    05/31/24  (14)
I’m going in house    05/31/24  (14)
breakup stories    05/31/24  (14)
LJL@that (((STOCK))) Market Close    05/31/24  (13)
when did "autistic" change to mean nerdy or somewhat socially inept    05/31/24  (13)
High-quality video of German stabbing - link    05/31/24  (13)
I cannot believe the way that my life turned out. It's a crazy ride, friends.    05/31/24  (12)
Lol at Ben and JLo's kids. Are any Hollywood kids not complete trash?    05/31/24  (12)
Trumpmos after Kyle Rittenhouse: everyone needs to respect judges and juries    05/30/24  (12)
Think I'm going to buy a motorcycle    05/31/24  (12)
I might not maek it brothers    05/31/24  (11)
dadmos, if u didnt have kids, would u get a divorce?    05/31/24  (11)
There is a video game called "Slime Rancher"    05/31/24  (11)
Proof TRUMP is NIGGA: 34 Felonies, 5 kids w/3 diff wives, Furks Whores    05/31/24  (11)
lot of Trump doomerism the past 24 hours    05/31/24  (10)
Here's the Manhattan Appeals Court that will determine Trump's fate    05/31/24  (10)