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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
What's the best small business to start?    05/22/24  (20)
need to spend 5.5k for NYC 1 bedroom in safe neighborhoods today    05/22/24  (4)
I love brown eyed bleach blondes with buckteeth    05/22/24  (12)
i lost track of who everyone else is on xo and i dont think it'll ever change    05/22/24  (53)
Boom, why did the CIA directly interfere with the Hunter Biden case?    05/22/24  (2)
Reported the dirt I have on my boss and haven’t heard back yet    05/22/24  (28)
I seriously hate my wife    05/22/24  (20)
Gen X sucks imho    05/22/24  (10)
Gen Xere live in abject poverty    05/22/24  (1)
why are there only 12 models of humanoid robots in Battlestar Galactica?    05/22/24  (3)
Boom, why is the CIA directly interfere with the Hunter Biden case?    05/22/24  (2)
Australian med stufent admitted to ER, torn butthold    05/22/24  (92)
Your TradCath wife texts you: "Don't come home until your dick's wet." What now?    05/22/24  (1)
“Jinx, wait, I haven’t put the lube on ye—HYUNGHHHHHHHH!!!”
   05/22/24  (15)
Countdown until Whok and Mavs get their shit pushed in by xoWolves    05/22/24  (12)
started watching BATTLESTAR GALACTICA    05/22/24  (31)
Escaping Iran after piping the POTUS, u mad Birdshitz?    05/22/24  (105)
Seeking Abuse (sp)    05/22/24  (1)
It’s 180 to be American and marry a foreign wife and adopt a foreign born son    05/22/24  (29)
"And that's when the doctors told me I had Morgellons. Tucker? Are you still wit    05/22/24  (4)
cowshit buying Prego sauce and PS5 games with his unemployment card    05/22/24  (7)
Girl boss putting one leg on desk, says "hold on I have to air out my vagina"    05/22/24  (10)
anyone else have completely fucked knees?    05/22/24  (3)
Golfmos, should I swap out my 6-iron for a 7H or 9 wood?;    05/22/24  (20)
You can use Affirm to finance Seeking Arrangement dates now (link)    05/22/24  (2)
Do women still “air out” their snatches?    05/22/24  (21)
cow$hit will you use Affirm to finance your PS5 Pro purchase haha    05/22/24  (10)
Imagine being the faggot who ran Red Lobster into the ground    05/22/24  (115)
Soft Tooth (for Bboom)    05/22/24  (9)
Man clears his back 40 to plant grass and finds several space shuttle parts    05/22/24  (1)
My dick won't stay hard when I try to fuck my wife :(    05/22/24  (27)
older millenial men (35-40 yo) have you started building your childless shrew    05/22/24  (10)
"Gun to your head: do you--" "Pull the trigger."    05/22/24  (155)
What will be next to go after Red Lobster? Chili's? Applebee's? IHOP?    05/22/24  (66)
RATE my 4 day tinder date with a Danish teenager (pics)    05/22/24  (196)
is Ableton the most chill accessible music production available?    05/22/24  (17)
I Get Knocked Down, But It Get's Kike Again    05/22/24  (1)
bort swingers get ITT    05/22/24  (14)
Leave a camera at your workplace and watch ur office derender when u get home    05/22/24  (3)
Real talk: what’s the real reason Azn girls like handsome? Culture? Biology?    05/22/24  (13)
Photographic proof women air out their vaginas    05/22/24  (11)
FizzKidd bingo    05/22/24  (23)
Silicon Valley Princess-Life of Nicole Shanahan, RFK VP (18000)    05/22/24  (15)
"the subtle off white coloring, the tasteful thickness" (bateman looking at Fizz    05/22/24  (5)
Any easy law jobs that pay 500k plus?    05/22/24  (52)
Western Europe Is Starting to Send a Vital Warning to Israel    05/22/24  (1)
How many of you are married with children due to societal pressure?    05/22/24  (5)
Adult church going black women on Twitter commenting "oh there go them KIA BOYZ    05/22/24  (2)
The question u should worry about now is whether Putin is still a rational actor    05/22/24  (24)
Guy who can freely enter and leave IRAN w/ VISA ON ARRIVAL here, sup.    05/22/24  (21)
nukes don't exist they're a method of social control hth    05/22/24  (6)
If you were forced to kill a poaster, who would you choose?    05/22/24  (15)
would you rather be hatp, gunnerattt, or lex?    05/22/24  (59)
Rate this user photo of Chicago Steamworks gym    05/22/24  (21)
5/12 The State of Gaming thread    05/22/24  (6)
Nikki Haley Says She Will Vote for Biden    05/22/24  (2)
what was the longest most grueling work stretch you've ever had?    05/22/24  (3)
Would you rather be evan39, boom, or mainlining    05/22/24  (15)
The Most Prestigious CIA Wet Work Group Participation Discussion Forum    05/22/24  (5)
🚨 ChatGPT describes the Treaty of Breezewood 🚨    05/22/24  (30)
think i 'accidentally' made a white collar criminal empire irl    05/22/24  (3)
How awesome would it be if Russia said fuck it and nuked Europe    05/22/24  (20)
Fizzkid is obviously a Jewish man. He’s constantly flirty with consuela    05/22/24  (14)
Solos: last name law firm or trade name?    05/22/24  (12)
Hunter Biden: “Gun belongs to those shady Mexicans. Prolly illegal”    05/22/24  (5)
every time lynn conway gets new car it mangles the exhaust pipe to feel comforta    05/22/24  (1)
How many alts does whok have? He's 'correction' + pumo + jazz fag?    05/22/24  (4)
ricky, the extraction point is compromised. abort. to repeat, abort.    05/22/24  (3)
I think Mossad is going to kill Macklemore    05/22/24  (2)
Anal dilation won’t be required during delivery, whok (jinx)    05/22/24  (6)
Seeking Arrangement date went off the rails, I ranted about morgellons, Spengler    05/22/24  (19)
WSJ: Private Equity All Set to RUIN College Athletics    05/22/24  (44)
Here's a little taste of what we've lost (youtube)    05/22/24  (1)
got individuated af last night    05/22/24  (2)
OYT, have you ever measured how much your skull has expanded?    05/22/24  (10)
correction tp is hilarious and 180    05/22/24  (6)
List of Generations    05/22/24  (9)
mrjinx    05/22/24  (1)
In retrospect I'm thankful for the COVID scam    05/22/24  (61)
protip: if ur beady eyes aren't narrowing min. 10x/day ur not challenging urself    05/22/24  (4)
Can Morgellon's be transmitted sexually    05/22/24  (10)
Tommy now that you’re free how did the helicopter go down? Nothing in news any    05/22/24  (1)
I came down with Morgellons after a Russian vaccine    05/22/24  (9)
hey chandler hows the lawsuit coming against your relatives    05/22/24  (1)
Prestigefaggot battled stage 4 Morgellons for 50 years    05/22/24  (3)
I live in Thousand Oaks, CA    05/22/24  (20)
Nintendo introduces transgender character in US remake of Paper Mario    05/22/24  (1)
Have yet to hear a single valid argument against antinatalism    05/22/24  (73)
the bee gees were the zenith of western civ and culture    05/22/24  (6)
People overlook how much alpha Chad front man of the Bee Gees was    05/22/24  (14)
The Bee Gees - Giant Steps (Cover of Coltrane).mp3    05/22/24  (6)
How did The Bee Gees singer not break his voice singing like that?    05/22/24  (10)
The Bee Gees are a T10 GOAT band    05/22/24  (3)
Hey LIBS: rate this TEHRAN billboard...    05/22/24  (17)
Sim Glitch: First Bee Gees hit is called "New York Mining Disaster 1941"    05/22/24  (4)
Dry heaved at this tranny pic    05/22/24  (18)
More of that super-effective anti-drone tech are reptile told us about (vid)    05/22/24  (1)
My wife friend-zoned me and wants a platonic “companionship”    05/22/24  (14)
Who's deader: TT or Abe Lincoln? Or is it a tie?    05/22/24  (3)
I’m 50 years old now, is it to late to become an Astronaut?    05/22/24  (2)
In retrospect, "Night Fever" by the Bee Gees is the best song ever    05/22/24  (3)
Meth addict tweaking on the street synced to Bee Gees "Stayin Alive"    05/22/24  (6)
Bee Gees - You Should be Dancing.vinyl    05/22/24  (2)
TT deported from Iran for being too antisemitic.    05/22/24  (8)
White man cum is like drinking water to man dying of thirst to Asian women    05/22/24  (11)
Taking insurance money is easy keep doing it    05/22/24  (14)
Classified files found among Trumps Hitler speech printouts    05/22/24  (4)
remember "Kids" 1995 indie flick?    05/22/24  (18)
CSLG, you should start a supplement brand    05/22/24  (1)
Russian relatives of soldiers complain of "colossal casualties" in Kharkiv - lin    05/22/24  (1)
On the Wings of Megathor: The Tommy Turdskin story    05/22/24  (1)
Terrence Howard got ahold of the pills from Limitless    05/22/24  (2)
Cons Trump needs your money again    05/22/24  (9)
buying your kid a car vs letting him use yours    05/22/24  (21)
no longer satiated by micro-plastics, switching to macro-plastics    05/22/24  (4)
Do only proles take semi auto shotguns clay shooting? Over under GOAT?    05/22/24  (42)
Is it stupid to pay for an elite prep school for kids if UMC?    05/22/24  (124)
10x12 storage shed on amazon is $630. Why don't more homeless cop these?    05/22/24  (4)
I’m going to order psychedelic mushrooms from this website    05/22/24  (43)
US should adopt this body shaming method used by South Korea (vid)    05/22/24  (5)
Tehran releasing TT one day after Trump’s inauguration    05/22/24  (1)
Unleashing high potency cannabis on the populace was a huge mistake    05/22/24  (3)
wow my systems suck    05/22/24  (2)
Most are overvalued scum and have wrong mentality:(    05/22/24  (4)
lol @ disco fries being a sexless eunuch    05/22/24  (1)
Insane Bid/Axe spreads on Black Wall Street stocks right now    05/22/24  (32)
Women do not understand alchemy and should not come near the alchemy table    05/22/24  (22)
Fasting until Iran returns Tommy T safely and soundly to South East Asia    05/22/24  (10)
A Life of Scholarly Warfare    05/22/24  (1)
TT: 97,000 illegal immigrants from India arrested in 2023    05/22/24  (3)
gonna go golfing with my exes best friends bf to fuck with her lol    05/22/24  (4)
Ding Dong bell, niggers really smell    05/22/24  (20)
Golfmos, thoughts on Ai-ONE Milled T putters?    05/22/24  (1)
ITT we list all the different types of vote fraud that occurred in 2020    05/22/24  (16)
Dbg is right. Tommy t is butthurt that Iranians thought he was a paki servant    05/22/24  (4)
Do the "polls" make any adjustment for ballot harvesting?    05/22/24  (5)
US boots on the ground defending Hamas (video)    05/22/24  (9)
Iranian intelligence just released video of Tommy taking down the helicopter    05/22/24  (3)
Black Wall Street opening bell ringing @ 11:47 am    05/22/24  (25)
Hegemon I just ordered a speedbag for my office    05/22/24  (6)
The JQ is mainstream in China    05/22/24  (1)
just copped some fifth row seats to Wolves/Mavs game 2    05/22/24  (2)
Haha, we don't "worship" Baphomet ... actually, He merely represents balance    05/22/24  (2)
Can someone explain the TT captured meme?    05/22/24  (16)
why don't biglaw associates unionize?    05/22/24  (3)
Do you think they're letting Tommy jerk off when they aren't torturing him?    05/22/24  (2)
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓴    05/22/24  (15)

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