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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
libs seem unhinged and desperate than usual this morning    05/30/24  (3)
Drake do you think Peter Navarro has joined the Aryan brotherhood yet?    05/30/24  (2)
So 180 those Trump scum Missourians were executed in Haiti    05/30/24  (16)
Forthcoming Biden audiotape so damaging he will be forced to drop out of 2024    05/30/24  (51)
why are libs going so insane this morning    05/30/24  (8)
State of Play Tomorrow (PS5 State of Gaming)    05/30/24  (12)
ITT: We track the progress of the 17 audio recordings    05/30/24  (55)
Report: 17 audio recordings to be played for 1st time at Biden impeachment trial    05/30/24  (105)
What Trump policies do you actually support?    05/30/24  (19)
Burisma owner has 17 audio recordings of his bribing Hunter and Joe Biden    05/30/24  (220)
Everyone, let's Eminemify our monikers in honor of 5/31    05/30/24  (5)
The Trump N-word tape is real!    05/30/24  (12)
Taxi driver robbed and SHOT near Tokyo. Azns, explain:    05/30/24  (4)
Trump never told anyone to "drink bleach"    05/30/24  (63)
graceless PI-phishing enabled killings    05/30/24  (3)
hasan fears the candyman    05/30/24  (1)
Remember when Trump was like “just inject bleach”    05/30/24  (16)
Olivia Hussey Nationalism tp    05/30/24  (1)
Claudia Scheinbaum… She the president of Planned Parenthood? No - she’s…    05/30/24  (1)
LOL so we’re redoing the Trump nigga tape and Michelle’s whitey tape?    05/30/24  (5)
Don’t these juries realize what Trumpmos are gonna do to them if they convict?    05/30/24  (3)
Random dating gameshow on the TV    05/30/24  (4)
Mrs. Alito is pegging his twink ass huh    05/30/24  (3)
Just took a soft serve shit in the commode...looks like the emoji    05/30/24  (1)
Question for lolyers about Trump trial    05/30/24  (2)
Putin officially calls for russia to switch to full war footing (video)    05/30/24  (8)
Wow, looks like Mrs. Alito is flying a confederate flag this morning (link)    05/30/24  (1)
Alito should start flying even more insane flags.    05/30/24  (1)
I'm With Stupid 🔽    05/30/24  (4)
Blue Smoke in the clock tower: aspie; there's an aspie; also asp    05/30/24  (168)
How many Lynn Conway troons could Hegemon take in a firefight?    05/30/24  (49)
Redditor lawyers discuss places to access Westlaw/Lexis FOR FREE    05/30/24  (27)
Czech president says 800k artillery shells won't be ready until at least June    05/30/24  (58)
Best postwar American short story writer?    05/30/24  (54)
Is Ranting Against Globalism Anti Semitic?    05/30/24  (1)
Trans auto enthusiasts connect on Cartroon Network    05/30/24  (2)
Trump is a lobbyist for the Chinese communist party?    05/30/24  (5)
RATE this court appearance by a guy charged w/driving on a suspended license    05/30/24  (2)
“Special” military operation indeed!    05/30/24  (1)
Difference between beta birdshit Sexpats and Alpha Han Chinese sexpats    05/30/24  (7)
Who are these people they always talk about and why should we fucking care    05/30/24  (3)
Passing a soccer ball with your dad has replaced having a catch in American cult    05/30/24  (30)
Pentagon's Diversity Office requests $4 Trillion for New Battle Tank: The M1GAY1    05/30/24  (2)
Video of the first successful Russian assault in weeks    05/30/24  (5)
I ran the #s. No path to Trump 270 without the mentally retarded 50 yo Jewish vo    05/30/24  (5)
CNN: after modifications US M1A1 tanks are dominating the battlefield in Ukraine    05/30/24  (9)
I'm back in VIETNAM (best country in the furking World)    05/30/24  (1)
Do biglaw people still fuck at the office?    05/30/24  (24)
Trump 2024: Endorsed by Blackstone, lobbies for China, wall never mentioned    05/30/24  (4)
Xo supports pro-Israel pro-GC and China lobbyist Donald Trump?    05/30/24  (20)
Juror #2, zyn in lip, calmly browsing Truth Social on Downtown 4 train this morn    05/30/24  (1)
Hey libs remember, no matter what happens with the Trump verdict    05/30/24  (3)
"Moonchild" blaring as you and Emilio ATV the dune of Rub' al Khali    05/30/24  (20)
Shove Hardboiled Eggs Up Your Ass At Night If You Are Alone, Here’s Why    05/30/24  (1)
Leaving today for Guyana/Suriname trip, Soo CR (RSF)    05/30/24  (58)
How does Gen Z feel about the current state of gaming?    05/30/24  (4)
Russian APC gets got - video    05/30/24  (1)
Ukraine and Israel thing is still going on?    05/30/24  (2)
Libs your response to this tweet about the Trump trial?    05/30/24  (6)
Our House (Wilford Brimley, Shannen Doherty) seems forgotten now    05/30/24  (14)
good morning    05/30/24  (5)
Hey man- i could grab a beer Thurs 8:15-9 PM, Fri 5-5:30 or anytime next Tues.    05/30/24  (8)
Russia is waging a war of sexual violence against ukrainian men    05/30/24  (1)
judge has asked Robert DeNiro to speak to the jury    05/30/24  (11)
russian soldier stabs wife and MiL in front of kid (video)    05/30/24  (4)
Indian guy gets mobbed & beaten by pack of youths in DC:    05/30/24  (11)
American Airlines Sued For Body Odor Discrimination (Guess Race)    05/30/24  (2)
anything more humiliating than working for a boss who's younger than you?    05/30/24  (23)
Why is karlstack so retarded? My theory    05/30/24  (1)
i’m trans    05/30/24  (2)
TT: Can you visit Qırmızı QÉ™sÉ™bÉ™ in Azerbaijan?    05/30/24  (2)
xo is the only place where men can just let their hair down and be women    05/30/24  (7)
Why does Xbox use HD-DVD?    05/30/24  (5)
Broke dick faggot in $90,000 credit card debt "I just want to help people"    05/30/24  (1)
Tommy have you ever been to Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum    05/30/24  (3)
So now Trump’s judge is giving the jury INSTRUCTIONS?? How is this legal?    05/30/24  (36)
Barry "Butt Blaster" Hussain having a sword fight with penised wife    05/30/24  (10)
Remember Asians flight 214    05/30/24  (1)
tbf finally finds a phallus that might be able to get the job done (link)    05/30/24  (2)
Feeling the cumshot on my asshole makes me instantly cum 🥵    05/30/24  (3)
One of the last Kennedy administration officials died a couple weeks ago    05/30/24  (1)
friendly reminder: fuck libs    05/30/24  (1)
So-called "loans"    05/30/24  (2)
If FizzKidd and Karlstack don't marry, all of this was for nothing    05/30/24  (2)
It was all yours all along not being a stupid piece of shit&still is    05/30/24  (2)
It was all your! Your life was borrowed against..take them down&what's yours    05/30/24  (2)
"oh damn i bet he had a musky one" (doubly rock hard rsf watching 9/11 footage)    05/30/24  (2)
Rate this court hearing    05/30/24  (14)
You can have whatever you want..always could have    05/30/24  (8)
Defend this! Fuck fraud "Cheifs" showing true colors..everyone does    05/30/24  (1)
Swift is a fraud did all improper..bunch of fraud masses cheifs busted animal cr    05/30/24  (1)
The "Chiefs" organizanization is trash..now busted for animal cruelty    05/30/24  (1)
Talk To Your Kids About Niggers, by John Derbyshire    05/30/24  (63)
Someone red pill me on the Dreyfus Affair    05/30/24  (13)
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza?    05/30/24  (60)
Watch these chinks attack a prawn buffet.    05/30/24  (163)
i was meant to be idle rich, this is all a big mistake    05/30/24  (144)
Nothing should be happening this way! Let's fight a wasted life    05/30/24  (2)
Just want you to know you're important and you're 18000000 friends    05/30/24  (12)
Everyone should shut down all access to crooked fucking jews! Go Hama$!    05/30/24  (1)
Crooked fucking jews extracting every fraction of a penny from you    05/30/24  (1)
You reassuring your crying son. Telling him Halford 2 to live on a farm upstate.    05/30/24  (6)
Federal judge run down and KILLED TO DEATH near courthouse:    05/30/24  (5)
Luis, I’m gonna date a Persian shrew    05/30/24  (2)
There are like no Birdshits at Bangkok airport, Birdshits done here    05/30/24  (1)
Biden shows his cards on electoral college strategy (link)    05/30/24  (39)
LJL at UVT and NYUUG thinking prostitutes are normal for whites    05/30/24  (63)
Lmao just bought some weed called DEATH STAR fuck this country    05/30/24  (1)
I don't get the whole idea of 'paying for prostitutes'    05/30/24  (48)
Boomer kikes are bitchier than 13 year old girls    05/30/24  (1)
toupee came partially off during sex with new chick    05/30/24  (36)
At this point it feels like the Trump verdict will either be guilty or hung    05/30/24  (2)
Anyone involved in sports/drugs/gambling alcohol should face execution    05/30/24  (1)
Majority of Trump trial jurors get their news from the NYT (link)    05/30/24  (1)
How many “therapists” are just high end escorts who fuck patients?    05/30/24  (11)
God damn I love drugs and sluts    05/30/24  (1)
Lex, MASE, gunnerattt, and HATP sitting bobsled style in bathtub full of cum    05/30/24  (14)
ALL IN: Trump Verdict Predictions    05/30/24  (68)
today's cyberpunk hellscape would have been unrecognizable in the 90s    05/30/24  (2)
jewy luis and the jews    05/30/24  (1)
Plutarch, Life of GunneratTTT    05/30/24  (18)
Hegemon gritting his teeth taking an NJP from his transsexual lieutenant    05/30/24  (5)
The punishment for sin is death    05/30/24  (25)
The most prestigious female bestiality discussion board in the world.    05/30/24  (1)
Dan Bilzerian found out about the JQ and is on a warpath    05/30/24  (1)
What would you do with 400k cash right now?    05/30/24  (53)
Bronny James story is infuriating. Lays to rest sports being last bastion of mer    05/30/24  (52)
drugs?    05/30/24  (4)
sings to the tune of "Kids with Guns" by Gorillaz: Sex with lex. Sex with lex.    05/30/24  (2)
is being a lawyer an important or remotely relevant part of your identity?    05/30/24  (3)
Haitian cannibal gangs arriving at Mall of America    05/30/24  (2)
i haven't completed a thought in 20 years    05/30/24  (13)
Ricky u want a hit of this blunt? It’s og kush    05/30/24  (17)
Just imagine how many white women are spreading legs for a dog's cock right now    05/30/24  (16)
Oilers v Panthers Stanley Cup will be 1`800000000    05/30/24  (2)
can't get rid of image of that boar pumping gallon cum into that white chick    05/30/24  (3)
Shark Tank guy: Trump trial is what happens in Venezuela    05/30/24  (1)
Liberace was 180 as fuck    05/30/24  (2)
good point    05/30/24  (1)
should i divorce my 44yo LOL white women wife and date a cute 41yo azn shrew    05/30/24  (19)
This old WWE clip is 18000 and keeps getting more 180. I miss tv like this    05/30/24  (4)
can we talk about law?    05/29/24  (4)
Man with suspended driver's license shows up to court Zoom call while driving    05/29/24  (2)
Houthi Sand Niggas in Sandals chilling on $30m US MQ-9 Reaper Drone    05/29/24  (1)
REMINDER: Lynn Conway tp tried to get xo shut down bc we hurt his feelings    05/29/24  (239)
EPAH nodding head in vigorous agreement as DeNiro spews senile tardspeak    05/29/24  (1)
lol @ unhinged retard freak Rober DeNiro and his bizarre 'family'    05/29/24  (13)
USA and Turkey to build 155mm shells in Frito factory in mesquite (nyt)    05/29/24  (27)
49 yr old Leonardo DiCaprio shows off new teen gf (pic)    05/29/24  (18)

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