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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Why is Nietzsche so 180 when the rest of German philosophy is so 120?    06/12/24  (43)
hey cowshit if Xbox is Ruined why are they releasing 3 new Consoles    06/12/24  (6)
Once Larry Bird dies, Birdshits will have ZERO sports heros!    06/12/24  (65)
"fuck liiiiiiibs" shouted tsinah as he ran from an outback steakhouse manager    06/12/24  (81)
break room    06/12/24  (2)
Christian McCaffrey on Madden ‘25 cover    06/12/24  (1)
The Economist election model - Biden is gonna get SCHLONGED    06/12/24  (14)
StoneToss commemorates Pride with cartoon about a poaster    06/12/24  (10)
teslas fucking suck    06/12/24  (1)
Emily Blunt's character in Sicario was an FBI hostage retrieval specialist?    06/12/24  (12)
List of recent con losses    06/12/24  (4)
Riot Fest lineup announced: Slayer, 3 NOFX sets, Cypress Hill, etc.    06/12/24  (10)
Jets getting scammed so easy by Rodgers& agent. will get "injured" week 1 again    06/12/24  (1)
Seems certain Dems will take the House - link    06/12/24  (1)
Putin’s wise Golden Retriever mouthing to him “you can’t win in Ukraine”    06/12/24  (46)
dbg hasn't produced a single good poast in the last 7000 days    06/12/24  (1)
Best US strat I've seen to defend Taiwan - link    06/12/24  (68)
Long day at the email factory    06/12/24  (4)
ACRES of abandoned Teslas    06/12/24  (3)
RSF's elitist wasp bon vivant shtick really falls apart when u know he's a KIKE    06/12/24  (6)
Why does TT hate azngirls so much? They are precious angels    06/12/24  (2)
Found a video of Doobs dancing in the Hellroom    06/12/24  (1)
Judge puts Young Thug's lawyer in jail (link)    06/12/24  (28)
Russia waves to white flag to ATACMS in Crimea, withdraws air defense - link    06/12/24  (13)
"microsoft word" and "considering ozempic" (skills section on rsf's resume)    06/12/24  (18)
Karl Marx had no idea how right he was about certain things    06/12/24  (2)
Shitlibs say don't have Coffee, Bread, Rice etc but never say NOPIG 🐖    06/12/24  (5)
PSA: TBF is gone b/c his caseload trying 1/6 defendants is too heavy    06/12/24  (3)
"spin ratfucks" I shouted during Nutcracker act 1    06/12/24  (176)
lol @ board russians. some really fucked up people    06/12/24  (4)
Protip: ancient civilizations were abandoned because they sucked    06/12/24  (2)
How long after Trump takes office will the Dem pedophile ring be revealed?    06/12/24  (2)
Karen, you fat bitch, lick my ass    06/12/24  (8)
🚨 RSF IS A JEW WHO GAVE 2 GRAND TO BIDEN (proof inside)🚨    06/12/24  (19)
Leopold Aschenbrenner essay on the AI arms race that will change world by 2027    06/12/24  (3)
"you can't handle the booth!" (outback manager telling tsinah he'll get stuck)    06/12/24  (10)
I intend to consume pornography this evening    06/12/24  (34)
all is right in the world and i am exactly where i should be    06/12/24  (1)
Late-neolithic multispeciaies resettlement camps    06/12/24  (8)
it's not antisemitism, it's Critical Semitic Theory    06/12/24  (14)
what's with scotus justices marrying huge cunts?    06/12/24  (1)
Does refrigerator add value to property? (boor)    06/12/24  (12)
Pornhub found that the term "Asian women" was searched for 17.9 million times    06/12/24  (19)
niggerball forebrain pacification power hour    06/12/24  (3)
Tommy's character arc for next season of XO: his conversion to Judaism    06/12/24  (34)
Oakland man, 77, is arrested for murder after shooting dead burglar    06/12/24  (8)
SEC football "conference" 2024 is unorganized 16-team trash    06/12/24  (1)
What happened to the ass cancer poster?    06/12/24  (16)
lol libs, global temps rose 7 degrees celsius in one decade 10k years ago    06/12/24  (5)
nyuug absolutely done here, this NOWAG fucked 7,000 girls    06/12/24  (6)
hagmaxxed and mensespilled brother    06/12/24  (2)
I should've done it all differently    06/12/24  (1)
Do gays ever break down in “battle raps” about how much black dick they’ve    06/12/24  (52)
REMINDER: Alex Jones is bankrupt and cried like a bitch boi    06/12/24  (8)
Should I go to sweetgreen today. Haven’t been in 4-5 years    06/12/24  (6)
You sometimes see titties on German news programs - video    06/12/24  (2)
Does bonesaw, dissolving agent, and large tub for human body add value to apt?    06/12/24  (6)
100% White Bro Thread: (1) Cricket World Cup (2) Modi Inauguration (3) Chess    06/12/24  (20)
"well, they were called 'podcasts' because u listened to them on an ipod"    06/12/24  (5)
Woah India has TWO kyoot chess girls - video    06/12/24  (2)
Kristin Cavallari: I was a hotter skinnier bitch when I was married Jay Cutler (    06/12/24  (11)
New Taco Bell item is a massive Cheez It with taco stuff on top    06/12/24  (20)
Joe Biden: Hunter should get five years in prison for crack possession    06/12/24  (1)
Is Human existence absurd?    06/12/24  (8)
Can we start spitting our nasty betel nut loads on Israelis now    06/12/24  (1)
Trump will win. My taxes will not be raised. I will PROSPER.    06/12/24  (1)
About to hire my first manservant (TSINAH)    06/12/24  (7)
Does gamecube add value to property? (cowgod)    06/12/24  (4)
Israel Detains Palestinian Scholar    06/12/24  (2)
ITT we track faggot boomer doctors who crash airplanes    06/12/24  (240)
Boor telling his realtor "exterior door add value, you list higher!"    06/12/24  (2)
Does sink add value to your property?    06/12/24  (5)
Mass shooting inside Illinois gated community    06/12/24  (7)
Lines for currency in St. Petersburg. Currency trading suspended temp. in Moscow    06/12/24  (1)
Can women make anything as glorious as semen    06/12/24  (15)
US quickly learning it has no moral authority without Russia to demonize 2 EU/SA    06/12/24  (1)
"excuse me sir, I--" *falls and rolls down earth's curved surface*    06/12/24  (104)
TRUMP goes toe to toe with Logan Paul    06/12/24  (1)
Lol at this fucking niggerball slave plantation of a "country"    06/12/24  (7)
I laugh every time I see a "black bear" Just burst out laughing!!..they=jokes    06/12/24  (7)
joey chestnut BANNED from 2024 hotdog eating contest    06/12/24  (4)
Ruble cratering after new US sanctions - link    06/12/24  (5)
entering your rebellious teenager phase at age 39 tp    06/12/24  (16)
Just discovered lag in my golf swing LMAO it’s over for the fags I play with    06/12/24  (1)
"Does this plane have a doctor?" *pilot raises hand* *plane crashes*    06/12/24  (9)
Epah update - where school    06/12/24  (4)
Confession: Addicted to pepperoni (Mainlining)    06/12/24  (43)
I gave my wife $90 to pay for a $100 bill and she pocketed it and refused to tip    06/12/24  (50)
Rate this former contestant from The Bachelor    06/12/24  (1)
Andrew Anglin has a suspiciously jewy eye shape    06/12/24  (24)
Andrew Anglin: This Economy Can Only Crash Now (No Survivors)    06/12/24  (230)
Top xo football MFEs 1) Candy Ride 2) barrack carcetti 3) animeboi    06/12/24  (1)
There is a freight train of election audits coming (lsd)    06/12/24  (55)
I am going tonrussia this summer    06/12/24  (19)
That racist chick was right. Why do we allow former HS dorks to make our laws?    06/12/24  (4)
Weird rightwing flame: ballot harvesting = illegitimate votes    06/12/24  (8)
Trump will win, libs will riot and demand pointless recounts and he'll still win    06/12/24  (53)
I just blew Biden’s whistle (lsd)    06/12/24  (1)
Burisma owner has 17 audio recordings of his bribing Hunter and Joe Biden    06/12/24  (222)
Best part of Werner Herzog's bear documentary (link)    06/12/24  (6)
It's all the same fraud operating..not a fucking thing had changed all fraud    06/12/24  (4)
There will be a LOT more whistleblowers coming (lsd)    06/12/24  (115)
TDNW et al: "LOL Putin mobilizing Russian forces -- checkmate, Putin!"    06/12/24  (113)
Glenn Danzig tells crowd the pandemic was bullshit    06/12/24  (6)
Trumpmo overconfidence re trump winning is proof their fraud claims are shit    06/12/24  (1)
NATO releases "Peace thru Gender Reassignment Surgery" plan for EU security    06/12/24  (1)
Very likely we will see a repeat of the 1100s Canterbury moon explosion soon    06/12/24  (2)
Mark it: Libs are about to go full throttle with normalizing pedophilia    06/12/24  (180)
France says agreement will be reached on $50 billion loan to Ukraine via Russian    06/12/24  (7)
More prestigious: chamber or orchestral music?    06/12/24  (1)
Trump will bring back Bitcoin jobs to the USA    06/12/24  (1)
Indians are the most unathletic race on the planet    06/12/24  (4)
How much is Tucker Carlson making on Twitter?    06/12/24  (5)
How do Russian losses in Ukraine compare to US losses in Iraq/Afghanistan?    06/12/24  (5)
Defacing pride flag mural = jail unless you deface it with "FREE GAZA"    06/12/24  (3)
Why did/are you wasting life on pure fraud?    06/12/24  (7)
I never want to play golf again    06/12/24  (53)
Disco many places you can rent for much less than $1000    06/12/24  (6)
The "homeless" in America are given phone&food card which is traded 4 drugs    06/12/24  (13)
Everything is rigged, fraudulent and backwards..rigged against you    06/12/24  (4)
Lynn Conway: Trans Icon and Computer Architecture Pioneer, 1938 – 2024    06/12/24  (2)
Fuck this fraud existence..it's all rigged and you've been cheated    06/12/24  (4)
Whole Foods takes food from the trash and puts it back on the shelf    06/12/24  (1)
Could've had it all but all rigged    06/12/24  (4)
"Real estate" is a fraud scam 😒    06/12/24  (4)
H Mart, Patel Brothers&99 Ranch expand, they are reshaping American eating-NYT    06/12/24  (2)
"Infaltion" is not "cooling"..everything is a lie    06/12/24  (12)
Tell me a stock that is GAURANTEED to go up 30% by end of year    06/12/24  (34)
I'll bet proles/poors don't even know these bullshit "reports" exist    06/12/24  (1)
The reason people in America can’t stand Christian’s is because    06/12/24  (9)
I’m actually surprised at this viscous Fox News report on Trump    06/12/24  (14)
JMIA still has a chance to be a moonshot    06/12/24  (28)
JMIA Nihilism    06/12/24  (16)
Cons: “Lying about shit on Twitter is how we’ll beat them”    06/12/24  (2)
The Muppets' Camp of the Saints    06/12/24  (5)
Black people only drive 10 under or 30 over. No in-between.    06/12/24  (11)
The Muppets Birth of a Nation    06/12/24  (1)
Why Senate Democrats Are Outperforming Biden in Key States (NYT)    06/12/24  (1)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/12/24  (35)
*locks all the doors and lets a deer run loose on xo*    06/12/24  (20)
autism tell: only listening to video game music    06/12/24  (4)
luis traveling through time in cowboy hat, fleece, doc martens    06/12/24  (3)
Amazonian tribe receives first internet via Starlink. IMMEDIATE porn addition    06/12/24  (4)
does anyone wanna play a quick game of grab ass?    06/12/24  (1)
Am I the Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady of xo?    06/12/24  (6)
Cons do you like Kari Lake?    06/12/24  (1)
RATE this YouTube channel    06/12/24  (1)
Other students in stunned silence after doobs explains why he picks the bear    06/12/24  (2)

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