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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
whats the difference between schizoid and aspergers?    05/15/24  (24)
"Yes, your honor, spaceporn is electing to testify in the narrative form."    05/15/24  (17)
Headed to XO Japan, taking Qs (RSF)    05/15/24  (26)
Do you think Biden is debating in June so they still have time to swap him out?    05/15/24  (1)
Elk slips and falls down waterfall and dies at cameraman's feet    05/15/24  (7)
Best EVOLUTIONARY explanation for DEPRESSION? Why only in some people?    05/15/24  (8)
what is the short and simple story of how Ireland became Tech hub of Europe?    05/15/24  (6)
Cancer treatment update- 2 more radiation sessions to go    05/15/24  (27)
ChildFREE Crew: Assemble!    05/15/24  (3)
NFL schedules out    05/15/24  (8)
Breastfeeding Luis, tit out to camera: “I can’t be gay anymore. I’m a Mot    05/15/24  (3)
Best EVOLUTIONARY explanation for ASIAN PUSSY? Why only for some people?    05/15/24  (2)
Israel is an enemy of the United States    05/15/24  (5)
Nate Silver is starting to resemble XO parody    05/15/24  (2)
hey whok, how's your mangina?    05/15/24  (3)
LOOK AT THE CASH AMOUNT    05/15/24  (6)
Luis what’s the latest on motherhood? Are you still breastfeeding?    05/15/24  (9)
Uh oh, I’d better alert the other gay retards    05/15/24  (4)
Made over 10x my wages today in the market somehow    05/15/24  (5)
Finally found a potential Black Surfing Girlfriend (pic)    05/15/24  (53)
Why does everyone agree Money for Nothing is the best guitar riff?    05/15/24  (13)
CNN to host Biden-Trump debate June 27th    05/15/24  (18)
Why are women always making all these noises during performances?    05/15/24  (3)
xo San Harris explains why pro-Palestine protesters are insane and dumb    05/15/24  (1)
"Some folks got jizzed on." -- Obama    05/15/24  (6)
ITT: A visual representation of XO    05/15/24  (3)
Prestigefaggot battled stage 4 Morgellons for 50 years    05/15/24  (1)
Go on record: will Trump be convicted?    05/15/24  (60)
🚨WARNING🚨 nyuug is bumping old Diablo and graphics card threads    05/15/24  (3)
shiloh pitt dancing like a trans black is Exhibit A in death of western civ    05/15/24  (8)
OYT Thread ITT    05/15/24  (19)
lonely, sad and devastated inside    05/15/24  (7)
Finally getting around to watching sopranos this really is goat    05/15/24  (73)
This whole Internet porn age verification thing is REALLY ANNOYING    05/15/24  (5)
Finally found a surfing Garfield (guy at 90s thrift store)    05/15/24  (1)
tried watching Shane but main guy is like 5'2" standing on a box whole movie    05/15/24  (2)
where are the best pound for pound whores in europe now?    05/15/24  (2)
Slovak leader the most right wing in history    05/15/24  (2)
anyone read any of the John Bellairs books as kids    05/15/24  (13)
had the Super Mario World theme stuck in my head    05/15/24  (1)
Pro Tip: Only buy NVIDIA GPU's    05/15/24  (99)
Deer attacks dude - video    05/15/24  (9)
Jokic. Braun. White Power.    05/15/24  (9)
Blizzard announced Diablo 4. Hero char is kid running away from Catholic priests    05/15/24  (45)
Going to hit golf balls brb    05/15/24  (3)
Night Trap 32x Full Playthrough    05/15/24  (21)
32X memories emerge after a lifetime of regret    05/15/24  (23)
Lynn, to your knowledge was Gunnerratttt emailing me?    05/15/24  (61)
Who is YOUR favorite right wing Jew?    05/15/24  (20)
Trump shouldn't debate Biden    05/15/24  (70)
why are blacks so overrepresented in municipal governments?    05/15/24  (7)
Finally found a potential Asian Hiking Girlfriend (NPB)    05/15/24  (1)
i hate jiu jitsu    05/15/24  (1)
Fuck everything about this    05/15/24  (1)
Serious Q: why didn’t Israel buy Twitter?    05/15/24  (22)
why does europe only have espresso and not regular coffee    05/15/24  (16)
was Bush-Bush-Obama-Obama the worst 16 year POTUS run in US history?    05/15/24  (33)
Oh, you're bald?    05/15/24  (6)
Pepito try this one    05/15/24  (1)
If xo was ever in the antisemitism crosshairs it no longer is    05/15/24  (3)
ITT: comprehensive list of anti-globohomo movies    05/15/24  (131)
Is this really what Naples Italy looks like now? (Link)    05/15/24  (9)
I feel like I’m the Coolest guy here    05/15/24  (11)
Chobani she says, and talks in her vocal fry, Chobani she says, you know I love    05/15/24  (5)
Got the assistant DA to write "shapeshifting kike" on her tits (pics)    05/15/24  (17)
Succession: oh look, let's see another shot of a black car driving somewhere    05/15/24  (4)
Cons how mad are you Biden delivered record high S&P and record low UE?    05/15/24  (1)
King Charles official painting signals end of the monarchy    05/15/24  (33)
why won't Hollywood just make some normal movies    05/15/24  (23)
90s was the peak of blockbusters, enjoy it for what it is, it's not coming back    05/15/24  (15)
Heavenly father I pray you keep the person that’s reading this alive, safe, he    05/15/24  (2)
Whenever I tell xo stories to IRL friends I just use people's real names    05/15/24  (25)
wtf is going on    05/15/24  (1)
McDonald's restaurants now allowing workers to WFH (link)    05/15/24  (5)
Key Glock - Word on the Streets.mp3    05/15/24  (1)
crazy how mid chicks are the best fucks    05/15/24  (4)
Spaceporn #5: A little bit of mocking, then defame/a little bit of threatening,    05/15/24  (96)
You can literally shine light thru McDonald's burger pattys now like a lampshade    05/15/24  (3)
I’m one of the dumbest people I know irl    05/15/24  (17)
Disney World deems Tinker Bell ”problematic”    05/15/24  (25)
7 astroturfed “right wing” twitter likes blocked me in less than 10 minutes    05/15/24  (1)
The economy is going to get much worse under Biden's second term    05/15/24  (27)
Found video of spaceporn at a waterpark (link)    05/15/24  (10)
WaPo: HOW THE FUCK is Trump's trial not hurting him!?!? (Link)    05/15/24  (29)
Yakubian tricknology did this    05/15/24  (3)
Vivek: I have accepted Trump VP offer (link)    05/15/24  (7)
McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills — and more fast-food chains    05/15/24  (50)
lib pumos really lost it today    05/15/24  (3)
bought a bit more silver today but nothing decent under $32/oz anywhere    05/15/24  (6)
White woman gets jizzed on by black guy in Atlanta Whole Foods    05/15/24  (38)
Trumpmos sound like bitter fags already justifying why they’re going to lose    05/15/24  (5)
Watching HS classmates on FB becoming life coaches, Reiki healers, mindfulness    05/15/24  (12)
Drug companies pushing ozempic suppressed unprofitable cheap alternative    05/15/24  (1)
Where did this meme that ballot harvesting = filling out blank ballots come from    05/15/24  (13)
Coach Prime going 0-2 on national television vs NDSU🦬 &Nebraska    05/15/24  (16)
13 yr old harrison gluing razor blades to a water slide    05/15/24  (35)
Is podcasting a uniquely Anglo-American phenomenon?    05/15/24  (42)
Let's all take a moment to remember KamalaSexy    05/15/24  (22)
"jeep state" is a long running conspiracy of blacks in government    05/15/24  (2)
LSU sorority has Best Boobies competition (link)    05/15/24  (9)
I can hear my windowsill dollars singing to me - Silver's almost $30/oz!    05/15/24  (2)
Really hope KamalaSexy comes back for the election    05/15/24  (9)
Oh wow TRUMP it is    05/15/24  (45)
well it finally happened, im eskimo brothers with Matisyahu (ricky)    05/15/24  (5)
Requiem for KamalaSexyFineCleverChocolate tp tp    05/15/24  (1)
hood stories (beckersted)    05/15/24  (135)
Rest easy Juice.    05/15/24  (1)
What happens when you stop asking questions?    05/15/24  (1)
what if we put them in a chamber, and then filled that chamber with deadly gas?    05/15/24  (10)
"this is my rock bottom" you sigh as you watch The Rock bottom    05/15/24  (15)
Peak internet activity: 2 screens of porn + 4 images of ex-girlfriends    05/15/24  (6)
Because of his time in prison, he has sensitivity to the plight of women    05/15/24  (1)
The Jamaican Janeane Garofalo    05/15/24  (2)
Why did Trump completely drop infrastructure from his campaign?    05/15/24  (19)
I'm hiring all of you and giving you $1 so you can't testify against me (spacepo    05/15/24  (2)
Lifehack: kill frustrating children    05/15/24  (8)
I borrowed money from a loan shark and put my ass up as a guarantee    05/15/24  (6)
Invited On A Jew Delegation To The Hill To Lobby MOCs. Gay Or Fun?    05/15/24  (4)
Amazon pays $1 billion for new Tom Green limited series.    05/15/24  (5)
Getting ready to SUE THE FUCK out of this slum lord. Anything you notice?    05/15/24  (8)
going in to get an MRI is uncannily similar to conducting your own funeral    05/15/24  (23)
We were blessed to grow up watching Rickey Henderson    05/15/24  (3)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    05/15/24  (168)
Personal finance idea: murder your autistic child    05/15/24  (5)
"whited.com" (unpopular 2040 porn site of white women having sex with white men)    05/15/24  (1)
Shitcons what will you do when Trump is CONVICTED in NY?    05/15/24  (1)
"What you're doing is wrong, illegal, and ultimately self-destructive." "Troll."    05/15/24  (10)
white liberals freak out about homeless shelter in their Philly neighborhood    05/15/24  (1)
"The Anti-Semitism Behind Efforts to Censor Blacked.com" (NYT)    05/15/24  (15)
Just voted in my state Primary. HOLY SHIT! THIS FRAUD IS OUTTA CONTROL!!    05/15/24  (1)
I'm sure he's used to it by now!    05/15/24  (1)
Donald Equifax beefing up presidential security budget    05/15/24  (1)
Why are lungs never eaten?    05/15/24  (18)
Anyone seen the 1953 Western movie Shane? Is it any good?    05/15/24  (51)
Rate Valentina Gomez, GOP candidate for Missouri Sec State    05/15/24  (24)
If I was into men I'd be a billionaire by now    05/15/24  (1)
"Barry!" "Who else, huh? Who else?!"    05/15/24  (1)
Boom autopsy: "The penis is undersized and covered in feces. Hirsute female bre    05/15/24  (10)
nasally 5'6" DNC farmers overlooking fields of ballot crops🚜    05/15/24  (1)
"Wash your sheets goy!" - (((the detergent cartel)))    05/15/24  (7)
Antioch seems cheap why don't more Bay Area people live there    05/15/24  (15)
should i buy this truck? (pic)    05/15/24  (6)
Rate my new apartment (pic)    05/15/24  (7)
Davis Copperfield accused of sexual assault by 16…women? wtf    05/15/24  (1)
Gunnerattt is acting like a scorned lover and it’s 180    05/15/24  (26)
whokeburra shits on the old cum tree    05/15/24  (58)
if Biden is going to be "ballot harvested" to a "win" no matter what, what then?    05/15/24  (30)
TRUMP WON    05/15/24  (8)

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