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Lying attention-whore Chessy Prout wants ATTENTION nao!

http://hollywoodlife. com/2016/08/30/owen-labrie-victim-int...
Brass forum sweet tailpipe

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Date: August 30th, 2016 2:30 PM
Author: Brass forum sweet tailpipe

http://hollywoodlife. com/2016/08/30/owen-labrie-victim-interview-st-paul-sexual-assault-chessy-prout/


“Although it was scary, although it was pretty difficult, I wouldn’t be where I am today without having been able to speak up for myself during that time,” Chessy continued. She added that it “frustrated” her that Owen’s legal team claimed he didn’t assault her knowingly, and that her goal for the future is to help others who have gone through similar ordeals. She’s started by creating the hashtag #IHaveTheRightTo, which she hopes people will contribute to online. Watch the entire interview above.

Chessy was a new student at St. Paul when she was approached by Owen, an upperclassmen at the time, who raped her as part of an online “sex game,” according to NY Daily News. Owen was found guilty on three different counts just days after graduating from the prep school — misdemeanor sexual assault, illegal use of computer services, and endangering the welfare of a child. The girl’s parents have since sued St. Paul for failing to protect their daughter on campus grounds.

In a shocking turn of events, Owen was RELEASED from jail in May, after sitting behind bars for ONLY two months! His original sentence was a year! He was released on bail after Merrimack County Judge Larry Smukler stated that Owen had “learned his lesson.” WHAT THE HECK! While Chessy tries to put the past behind her, it’s important to recognize that her story shines a spotlight on the justice system and how warped it can be.

