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UVA Law Impression

The video posted above was actually what piqued my inter...
Magenta bbw karate

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Date: March 26th, 2017 9:11 PM
Author: Magenta bbw karate

The video posted above was actually what piqued my interest for UVA.

First of all, a 3.5 GPA and 170 LSAT would put you at 50/50, at best, in my opinion. But I don't have much evidence to support that.

UVA is my top choice and is really the only school I care about, save Michigan. I visited only those two schools and submitted "Why X" statements to only those two schools. Both admitted me relatively soon after I submitted my applications, and I haven't had the same luck with other schools. I imagine this goes for just about any school, but I definitely think a school like UVA really wants a particular "type" for their class and showing that I "fit in" to what they want out of their class seemed to be a help for me.

The student body is laid back, collegial (you'll hear that nonstop from them), and almost puzzlingly friendly.... like for real. I had several students randomly come up to me just to talk. The student body religiously supports others, especially since there are no class rankings. Basically, achieving one's best and helping others to do the same are not mutually exclusive concepts in the eyes of UVA students. If you're out for yourself at the expense of others or want a more intense, cutthroat environment, move on to another school.

In the end, the school really seems to want genuine, humble, and generous students. UVA gets a reputation for being fratty, though I'm not sure I got much of that, and I am the last person who would willingly join any frat-like-community (I don't even drink). On that note, drinking is a big part of the culture, but it was never assumed that everyone took part in it. In fact, many students would stress "if you drink, then..." It was also stressed that those who didn't drink fit in just as easily, and this was never an answer prompted from any prospective students' questions, including myself.

When I visited, there were three other prospective students. Two were clearly not into UVA, and I was glad. One showed up late and dressed waaaay down. He was also kind of a suckup. The other just gave off a vibe that he was too cool for everyone else, including the students guiding the tour. I ended up talking with a 35-year-old who was pretty quiet at first, and he and I hit it off really well. Predictably, UVA was his top choice.
