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LGBT activist group plans dance protest outside Stephen Miller’s house

Local LGBT activist group WERK for Peace has scheduled a dan...
laughsome base

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Date: December 12th, 2018 9:49 PM
Author: laughsome base

Local LGBT activist group WERK for Peace has scheduled a dance protest on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in support of migrant and refugees starting with a rally on the North Side of the White House and ending with a parade to White House advisor Stephen Miller’s house.

The protest is part of the group’s new campaign #WERKNotWalls which is “about celebrating queer and trans migrants’ and refugees’ existence and resilience.”

“From the egregious response to the migrant and refugee caravan to the Muslim ban, Stephen Miller is Donald Trump’s right hand when it comes to immigration policy. That’s why he is going to love it when a parade of hip-bumping, salsa-dancing, debke-stomping, booty-shaking queer and trans migrants and refugees [and allies] show up at his house to celebrate our existence and demand that the US #LetThemIn, #AbolishIce, and WERK for migrants and refugees, not against them,” reads the Facebook’s event page. “We are going to send a loud and clear message: when migrants and refugees arrive at our border, we should be throwing biodegradable rainbow confetti – not tear gas.”

Participants are encouraged to wear traditional attire from their heritage. The soundtrack for the protest will include music “from Palestine to Mexico.”

There will be water, hand-warmers, speakers, biodegradable confetti, glitter and rainbow paraphernalia, according to the Facebook event page.

Firas Nasr, founding organizer of WERK for Peace, said in a statement: “The US government is denying dignity and respect to queer and trans individuals fleeing violence in their country of origin, much of which is the direct result of US imperialism. We are here to send a counter message to our brothers, sisters, and non-binary/GNC siblings – we see you, we respect you, and we will WERK to insure you are able to live in a world free from violence.”

As part of #WERKNotWalls, WERK for Peace has launched a video campaign asking dancers and activists to create videos to bring attention to the maltreatment of migrants and refugees.

WERK for Peace was founded in response to the Pulse Nightclub shooting. The group uses dance as a form of protest to speak out on issues such as climate change, immigration, LGBT issues and more.
