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Trumpmos, after today's SCOTUS census assrape, how will you guys

who regularly hit on HB9+ compete against really good lookin...
Insane therapy

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Date: June 27th, 2019 7:31 PM
Author: Insane therapy

who regularly hit on HB9+ compete against really good looking guys? Is this a futile effort, or can sufficient game lure girls away from them and to you? I have a friend who is ridiculously good looking, and I'm saying this as a completely straight man. Every time we go out, girls open him, and he gets laid without even trying. Plus, he's rich to boot and wears really nice clothes. His game is average, but looks and money have done wonders for him. Can "average" guys, armed with game, really compete against these types of guys who have it all?

I guess I should clarify what I mean by competition. I meant being able to close a girl, whether that's sex, kissing, or just a number. We can all assume that a HB10 will get approached by the best looking and richest guys at a venue. And at a big city like Chicago, where I live, wealth and status matter a lot. So I'm just having a hard time believing how game alone can make the girl ignore all those options and choose an average looking guy with an average salary. The social value of wealth, power, and celebrity, is too hard to compete against.

I joined the Chicago about a month ago and have gone out with Masterpiece once. He's a cool guy and has a very smooth natural game. I met Kino at a house party but haven't seen him in action. People tell me he's pretty solid as well. There's also this guy called dahunter who is legendary. He does a lot of peacocking and is extremely aggressive. I actually think Chicago is tough, due to unfavorable demographics. Every place I go to is like 70% guys. And in addition, there aren't that many HB9+, so they're in extremely high demand, thus making the competition especially keen. I know nothing about Toronto, so I can't make an assessment. What makes it so tough?
