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Ask Pensive stuff

I've got about 20 minutes to spare.
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
I'm good
medicated temple dopamine
Rebellious histrionic box office
Describe you're thoughts on the Thielosphere having far more...
Carnelian curious rigor
Makes me want to throw up. Thiel at least is one of us (...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Spoken like someone who's never come within 4 degrees of sep...
Marvelous dark brunch
I'm 2 degrees from Thiel, probably 3 (possible 2) from Musk....
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Thiel is legit dumb. Not autistic. Dumb. Furthermore, if...
Marvelous dark brunch
bro i know you're schizo and all but there's really some bas...
Carnelian curious rigor
What markers of intelligence do you see in Thiel? The school...
Marvelous dark brunch
You can be midwit and autistic. The idea that it's strictly ...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
You can explain a concept to a room full of people that incl...
Marvelous dark brunch
It could be that the power, wealth, and ego have made him st...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Again you have zero evidence that he's high IQ. Surely a mat...
Marvelous dark brunch
I'm not going to keep arguing this, because while I know peo...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Maybe next time
hilarious forum
What is the best programming language and who is the best pr...
frisky therapy
There isn't one. All that said, I don't think C will be disp...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
who is the best ambition player in the world
Electric whorehouse juggernaut
No clue. Probably an AI player. It used to be very hard t...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Should I quit my job to makes roguelikes
Chestnut 180 nursing home police squad
violent range elastic band
why do you ignore the only serious non-troll question here ...
Chestnut 180 nursing home police squad
What is Farisa's Crossing about Why did you make so many ...
Rose gay wizard
Farisa's Crossing... it's a steampunk fantasy coming-of-age ...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Your book sounds fucking terrible and you come across as a t...
Rose gay wizard
Pensive is awesome, wtf dude
violent range elastic band
The only reason I like you is because in my mind you look li...
Rose gay wizard
Imagine being jealous of Pensive tp
violent range elastic band
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Carnelian curious rigor
This guy sucks so fucking bad, fitting that he's one of this...
haunting bull headed sweet tailpipe
He's made no career progress in the last 20 years
Marvelous dark brunch
The part that bothers me more than anything is the self impo...
Rose gay wizard
Thank you for your service.
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
No thank you Holy One. Feeling blessed to receive your wisdo...
Rose gay wizard
I can faith-heal everything but MOCDS.
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Enjoy a lifetime of mediocrity brother. Your not retarded, y...
Rose gay wizard
I'm 8 standard deviations of insanity, bro.
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
You wish
Rose gay wizard
Correct. I spelled 18 wrong. It's too much, this holding up ...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Rebellious histrionic box office
Pontificating Ruddy Love Of Her Life Office
what are you planning to do when the white nationalist Booga...
lime partner crackhouse
I don't think it'll happen. White nationalists are dangerous...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
'If someone is killing people because of their race or ethni...
lime partner crackhouse
Submissive Jet School Cafeteria Pozpig
The "white genocide" theory is patently ridiculous...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
How is it ridiculous when they’re all pro immigration ...
Racy den keepsake machete
I don't think much can be said about Jews in the US as a coh...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
sure thing, bud https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/origina...
lime partner crackhouse
This guy's knowledge of the universe comes entirely from soc...
Marvelous dark brunch
20% penetration tp
Blathering dull location
How did Kefka become so powerful at the end of the world of ...
Racy den keepsake machete
I suspect he used the magicite, like the PCs do. Remember th...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
He didn’t use magicite to kill Leo, just Trickery or s...
Racy den keepsake machete
how do i get a better paying SHITTECH job? currently a tech ...
Dun step-uncle's house
What's shittech and why do you want it? I would keep up t...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
u make at least 300000k iirc and the market right now is ver...
Carnelian curious rigor
At $300k, I'd be inclined to stay where I am right now. Time...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Why would you have to prove yourself after so many years in ...
Marvelous dark brunch
You always have to prove yourself when you take a new job. W...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Top employers have a billion ways of measuring u before they...
Marvelous dark brunch
Lol @ this self-important shitlib retard
haunting bull headed sweet tailpipe
hairraiser incel boiling water
Probably not. Going to make some changes to FFE for balance ...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Why do you spend so much time describing Farisa's feet in th...
Unhinged patrolman main people
I don't. I don't know why people here glommed on to that. ...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Hm so you're saying that feet, particularly naked feet, are ...
Unhinged patrolman main people
Yeah. It's not uncommon in Arabia, and also in SE Asia. A...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Rose gay wizard
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Wow the level of insight here is TOWERING Blessed to be a...
Rose gay wizard
Indulgences are buy-one/get-one-free this weekend.
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
I've been a shitcoder for years now and basically forgotten ...
Carnelian curious rigor
On the abstraction chain, do you want to go up or down? I...
Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage
Down just because I find that sort of stuff more fun, even i...
Carnelian curious rigor
ur fuct. Look at Google layoffs. The labor market is saturat...
Marvelous dark brunch

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 8th, 2024 8:43 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I've got about 20 minutes to spare.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 8:44 PM
Author: medicated temple dopamine

I'm good


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Date: May 9th, 2024 9:39 AM
Author: Rebellious histrionic box office


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Date: May 8th, 2024 8:46 PM
Author: Carnelian curious rigor

Describe you're thoughts on the Thielosphere having far more influence than most people realize


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:06 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Makes me want to throw up.

Thiel at least is one of us (meaning, Asperger's) even though he's evil. Same with Musk. But those two just paved the way for fake aspies to come in with their weaponized fake autism and turn the tech industry into what it is, where all it takes is that Nick Fuentes sociopath-twink energy to raise a seed round.

Palantir is next-level satanic surveillance. At least, if it works, and on that sort of thing, who the fuck knows.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 10:38 PM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

Spoken like someone who's never come within 4 degrees of separation from Thiel or Musk, and never heard of Alex Karp.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 10:50 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I'm 2 degrees from Thiel, probably 3 (possible 2) from Musk. Don't know anything about Alex Carp.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 11:07 PM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

Thiel is legit dumb. Not autistic. Dumb.

Furthermore, if you've been paying attention to Palantir's follies and foibles over the last 3-4 years, it's pretty clear that their programmers never fully internalized Bayes' Theorem. Look at their stock circa November 2021.

Musk is also not any kind of autist, and not a fat-brained math guy. He doesn't design the cars or the rockets. He's never designed shit. Thiel never wrote a single piece of code or designed a goddamn thing either. He is a lawyer who went to the same lol school as EPAH.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 11:10 PM
Author: Carnelian curious rigor

bro i know you're schizo and all but there's really some base level of intelligence whereby you realize these guys are, if nothing else, really smart, by nature of how complex running their organizations must be. and by everyone's accounts these are not the type of people who delegate, their tentacles are dipped into many pies. maybe they aren't von neumann but they're sure as shit smarter than you or i and probably on the same rough general level as pensive (not pensive btw)


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 7:24 AM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

What markers of intelligence do you see in Thiel? The schools he got into? His biglol stint?


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Date: May 8th, 2024 11:19 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

You can be midwit and autistic. The idea that it's strictly bimodal isn't really supported by the evidence. It's more common at <60 and >140, sure, but there are plenty of autistic people right around 100.

That's assuming "autism" is one thing, which it's probably not. I'm guessing there are several different processes that cause the various forms of autism.

I'd guess that Musk is in the high 120s and that Thiel is in the 130s. They're not the geniuses they're made out to be, but they're not total idiots either.

This all said, having so much money and status for so long has probably taken them down a fair bit from their peak IQ. So, Thiel might be dumb *now* just because he's been rich, and around other rich people, for so long. If he was tested at his peak, though, I'd bet on him being upper 130s, maybe even 140s.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 7:29 AM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

You can explain a concept to a room full of people that includes Thiel, and Thiel will be the last person in the room to get what you're saying. If you don't believe me there's fine. But if you're claiming he's a bright guy presumably you have evidence of that. Even testimonial will evidence will suffice. There are people who claim musk is hands on and talks to his engineers, but who has ever said anything comparable about Thiel?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:27 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

It could be that the power, wealth, and ego have made him stupid. This accelerates in middle age. It's not a loss of neurological intellectual capacity, because you don't always see it, or if it is, it's no more than a couple IQ points.

You do see a lot of hard drops--30 IQ or more in useful intelligence; I have no idea if this would show up on an IQ test--though that come from early success, because when people are invited to join the bloated slugpeople who rule the world, very few turn the invitation down, and almost everyone becomes like the people whose company they keep. It happened to Paul Graham and it happens to all tech CEOs, so it wouldn't surprise me if it happened to Peter Thiel as well.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 9:39 AM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

Again you have zero evidence that he's high IQ. Surely a math major understands the concept of zero.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:49 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I'm not going to keep arguing this, because while I know people who know him, and I met him once, I can't prove it and I don't care. I believe he probably was high IQ; as for now? Probably not. They all turn pretty dumb after a couple decades of high status and constant flattery.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 8:46 PM
Author: hilarious forum

Maybe next time


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:04 PM
Author: frisky therapy

What is the best programming language and who is the best programmer? And why is the answer to these two questions Lisp and Paul Graham


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:13 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

There isn't one. All that said, I don't think C will be displaced any time soon. There is a tendency toward hourglasses in stacks--see also, IP in the network stack--and C, because it dominates the midlevel of abstraction, will be next to impossible to bump off. Rust is neat but C can be learned, well enough to start doing things with it, in the first third of a semester.

C/Python dominate because they're simple enough, at their abstraction level, that they can be taught in school without also having to teach a bunch of other things. I'm honestly shocked though that Python still has such a showing in ML. Sure, PyTorch is fast because of GPU acceleration, but everything that has to be done in regular Python is still going to be slow because of dynamic typing. So if you can't vectorize it easily (e.g., Monte Carlo tree search) you are probably going to get lousy performance.

I'm a fan of functional programming but I've given up on trying to evangelize it. The business world does not care about getting PL right, and in anything specialized (a) the answer to the PL question is "It depends highly on what you're doing" and (b) you can probably use anything since the challenges are much harder than mere coding.

Best programmer? Definitely not Paul Graham. Not now, not then. I'm better than he is--I've seen his code--and I'm good but I'm not legend level.

The best programmer is probably someone we've never heard of who works for the government, TBH.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:14 PM
Author: Electric whorehouse juggernaut

who is the best ambition player in the world


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:24 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

No clue. Probably an AI player.

It used to be very hard to build an AI that could play that kind of game at any level, but now that neural net libraries with autograd are so easy to use, I could probably cook something up using basic grad-level RL (DQN, maybe some tree search to refine it) that would beat me, at least in terms of single-player metrics.

The reading-of-players aspect might be hard. If an AI trains through self-play, it's not a guarantee that it learns how to detect and model others' strategies, as opposed to executing one specific strategy very well.


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:43 PM
Author: Chestnut 180 nursing home police squad

Should I quit my job to makes roguelikes


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Date: May 8th, 2024 9:58 PM
Author: violent range elastic band



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Date: May 9th, 2024 7:40 PM
Author: Chestnut 180 nursing home police squad

why do you ignore the only serious non-troll question here

i work in big tech btw


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 9:51 PM
Author: Rose gay wizard

What is Farisa's Crossing about

Why did you make so many sock puppets on Wikipedia

Why are you a shitlib


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 10:34 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Farisa's Crossing... it's a steampunk fantasy coming-of-age set on a planet where the northern and southern hemisphere have been out of contact for 2000+ years; the protagonist (Farisa) is a young witch and the main antagonist is the fascist Global Company.

Sockpuppets? I had, like, two or three. Back then they were called role accounts and it was considered acceptable. As for that hate page about me, most of those were either other people or completely nonexistent accounts. And everyone used sock puppets back in 2004. It was till '06 or some shit later that they changed the policy against them. Also, the guy who made the page accusing me of having hundreds of them (a) was proven to have made some of those accounts himself, and (b) got kicked out of school for something rather disgusting.

I don't know what your definition of a shitlib is, but I'm a leftist. I have nothing in common with the sorts of "liberals" associated with the DNC, the New Yorker, the Ivy League, etc. I'm a socialist and I actually want to see the existing system burn, but I'm fairly trad on cultural issues, so in many ways I have more in common with conservative rednecks than stereotypical liberals.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 10:41 PM
Author: Rose gay wizard

Your book sounds fucking terrible and you come across as a talentless self important midwit whose overconfidence is not matched by his intellect. I am extremely certain you will never amount to anything in life and are completely worthless as a human being. I am so thankful I never have to deal with milquetoast pedants with lukewarm IQs and an unreasonable sense of self importance in real life.

Make America Great Again - Trump '24


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 10:46 PM
Author: violent range elastic band

Pensive is awesome, wtf dude


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 10:48 PM
Author: Rose gay wizard

The only reason I like you is because in my mind you look like a ~19 year old Chinese porn star and because admittedly you sometimes say funny and clever things. But I really don't hold you in particularly high regard and once you shift to a weighted grade where points for being female are properly deducted you're like borderline dupa tier in your overall personality and intellect.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 6:41 AM
Author: violent range elastic band

Imagine being jealous of Pensive tp


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 10:46 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage



Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 11:07 PM
Author: Carnelian curious rigor


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Date: May 9th, 2024 8:34 AM
Author: haunting bull headed sweet tailpipe

This guy sucks so fucking bad, fitting that he's one of this dump's heroes


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 9:45 AM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

He's made no career progress in the last 20 years


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:53 AM
Author: Rose gay wizard

The part that bothers me more than anything is the self importance. He really believes he's great and nothing can shake this. He has a smug I'm the center of the universe attitude meanwhile he tweets nonstop and gets like 400 views and he thinks he's a somebody. Don't you autists know that if nobody follows you or buys your book it's because it's not good? You could literally never convince this guy he's not a foundational member of society, upon whom society's very existence hinges entirely. No amount of failure will convince him he's not a special snowflake. He oozes smugness.

Also his whole shitlib TDS shtick is nauseating. Like be a goddamn man. Being a grown ass man from the Millennial generation and melting down about Trump, Thiel, and Elon is goddamn embarrassing. Seriously. What kind of nasally Jew ratfuck do you have to be to be a 30 something man in 2024 and be whining about the threat to democracy. Wah I don't like conservatives. Wah. I'm MOC I have 4 followers but my opinions are super important wah. It's all so tiresome.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:56 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Thank you for your service.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:59 AM
Author: Rose gay wizard

No thank you Holy One. Feeling blessed to receive your wisdom ITT


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 11:04 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I can faith-heal everything but MOCDS.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 11:05 AM
Author: Rose gay wizard

Enjoy a lifetime of mediocrity brother. Your not retarded, you're not a genius. You're mid. You're average. And it drives you insane.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 11:07 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I'm 8 standard deviations of insanity, bro.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 11:07 AM
Author: Rose gay wizard

You wish


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 11:18 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Correct. I spelled 18 wrong. It's too much, this holding up of the world, but if I stop doing it, the insanity fire goes out.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 9:40 AM
Author: Rebellious histrionic box office


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 4:47 PM
Author: Pontificating Ruddy Love Of Her Life Office


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Date: May 8th, 2024 10:47 PM
Author: lime partner crackhouse

what are you planning to do when the white nationalist Boogaloo kicks off? will you side with Jews and darkies, and perish, or with your race?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 10:58 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I don't think it'll happen. White nationalists are dangerous psychopaths, but I don't think they're numerous or intelligent enough to pull that shit off.

If someone is killing people because of their race or ethnicity, I'm strongly inclined to side with the people who are trying to stop that.

The main question is whether these groyper fucks can get farther into the forces. They've probably achieved 20% penetration, which is a scary number, but I think they're close to their high water mark. Militaries and police forces are fucked up in other ways, but your average police department isn't going to just let a bunch of right-wing murderers take over.

All that said, the inevitable world revolution that ends capitalism will probably be started by the right and finished by the left, in the same way that slave states instigated the Civil War, got the shit kicked out of them, and then had to change their entire economic system just to continue existing. The right is always quicker to use violence than the left. At some point, someone will try something truly stupid--not embarrassing small shit like Jan. 6, but something much bigger--and I'll be curious to see how it plays out.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 11:03 PM
Author: lime partner crackhouse

'If someone is killing people because of their race or ethnicity, I'm strongly inclined to side with the people who are trying to stop that.'

so you're inclined to side with white nationalists against Jewish perpetrated white (and arab) genocide. troublingly antisemitic post.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 11:12 PM
Author: Submissive Jet School Cafeteria Pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: May 8th, 2024 11:14 PM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

The "white genocide" theory is patently ridiculous and I'm not going to acknowledge it.

I don't think Israel's overall intent toward Gaza is genocide, although there are a few psychopaths (e.g., Ben-Gvir) who lean that way. However, all wars become genocidal if they are not stopped, and both sides have atrocious leadership. Likud (Netanyahu's party) is fucking awful and evil; Hamas is fucking awful and evil.

Some retaliation for Oct. 7 was justified, because what Hamas did on that day was truly unforgivable. Turning Gaza into a parking lot? No. That went way too far. It won't get the hostages back and it won't make Israel safe in the long run.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 7:30 AM
Author: Racy den keepsake machete

How is it ridiculous when they’re all pro immigration af. They love immigrants for no reason, basically because they love immigrants (no reason given), and now Gen Z is like 48% white.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:21 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I don't think much can be said about Jews in the US as a coherent political force. There are left-wing Jews, right-wing Jews, centrist Jews. Any religion that wants to include millions of people has to be flexible in ideological terms; The historical Jesus was extremely left-wing, but Christianity is amenable to right-wing interpretations that, these days, dominate (although that was not always the case; there was a strong Christian Left well into the 1970s.) The idea that anyone could get millions of people to conspire in the asserted way is laughable.

The idea that there's some vast Jewish conspiracy behind everything is absurd, though, given that they can't even get rednecks (individually powerless, collectively dangerous) to stop hating them. They're a small, vulnerable minority group with above-average (but greatly overestimated by outsiders) academic and financial performance. That's it. They have the same spectrum of heroes and villains as we do.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 7:43 AM
Author: lime partner crackhouse

sure thing, bud



Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 7:39 AM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

This guy's knowledge of the universe comes entirely from social media. Imagine interfacing with IRL society and one in five people you encounter are "groypers." You can't pump gas without risking an encounter with some die-hard white nationalist, according to Pensive. And forget going to the grocery store or any sort of gathering. Just stay home and hit refresh on rawstory.com


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:56 AM
Author: Blathering dull location

20% penetration tp


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 7:29 AM
Author: Racy den keepsake machete

How did Kefka become so powerful at the end of the world of balance before he found the Statues? At first he’s a Joke. Then the Capitol gets stormed and destroyed by Espers. Basically right after that he can one-shot Espers and kill Leo like it’s nbd, not even using magic, he just kills him with a sword sound effect.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:09 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I suspect he used the magicite, like the PCs do. Remember that this is a world where innate magic is rare but anyone can acquire it. I also think he slowplays his power. He's chaotic, not stupid. So long as Gestahl is doing the dirty work, he's happy to have a useful idiot get the glory. Even when he's rotting in jail, he knows that his plan is advancing.

It may be a plot hole, but part of the fun of the SNES-era final fantasies is that the plots are intentionally over-the-top and ridiculous.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 9:47 PM
Author: Racy den keepsake machete

He didn’t use magicite to kill Leo, just Trickery or something plus a knife


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Date: May 9th, 2024 7:30 AM
Author: Dun step-uncle's house

how do i get a better paying SHITTECH job? currently a tech manager making shit pay


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:13 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

What's shittech and why do you want it?

I would keep up the leetcode enough that you can "talk tech" but, if you're already a manager, don't risk being typecast. The money in tech these days goes to the same political assholes who win everywhere. If you want to swing for the $500k jobs--I warn you that they still fucking suck and are in high-COL areas--then brand yourself as a manager who "keeps on top of" serious programming.

Beyond that, it's a lot of connections and luck. The difference between being one of Google's supernumerary VPs and a CTO for a Midwestern insurance company or car dealership network is, in the final analysis, nothing else. In fact, the latter are probably smarter. Power and acclaim make people stupid, as you see in business, and it does not take long.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:28 AM
Author: Carnelian curious rigor

u make at least 300000k iirc and the market right now is very shitty


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:31 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

At $300k, I'd be inclined to stay where I am right now. Times like these are times to wait for the nonserious players to depart or be flushed out, then take territory and get better projects, and move when there's more opportunity.

Internal lateral moves, to better specialties, can open up opportunities later. Job hopping to make lateral moves is a bad play, usually. The cost of having to prove yourself to a new set of people doesn't merit the small pay bump. Save the job hops for real opportunities.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 9:41 AM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

Why would you have to prove yourself after so many years in the industry? Anyone worth shit can prove it without saying "I worked at company X for a few years without getting fired." Do you need other programmers to write letters of reference?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:47 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

You always have to prove yourself when you take a new job. Whatever you did, you didn't do there. NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome is common everywhere you go--people have their little fiefdoms and protect them jealously. Plus, even if you know the work, you don't know the people. In corporate bureaucracy, that's a lot more important. The work is incredibly fucking easy most of the time. For better or worse, and I would call it worse, it's people situations that determine your career.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 5:53 PM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

Top employers have a billion ways of measuring u before they bring u on board. For that matter, not all firms measure "success" the way you seem to think they do. Koch Industries doesn't necessarily give their highest performance reward the project manager who generated the highest revenues that year. But they're also not a publicly traded firm so they don't have to file with the SEC or tell you shit about what they do. Many privately held firms are like this, and they are probably the bulk of employers paying $300k+ for computer programmers right now.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:32 AM
Author: haunting bull headed sweet tailpipe

Lol @ this self-important shitlib retard


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 8:35 AM
Author: hairraiser incel boiling water


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:44 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Probably not. Going to make some changes to FFE for balance but 1.2 is the end, at least as far as I see now.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:46 AM
Author: Unhinged patrolman main people

Why do you spend so much time describing Farisa's feet in the early access chapters?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 10:53 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

I don't. I don't know why people here glommed on to that.

In writing, you try to explains the sensations a character is feeling--the sights, the sweat on the shoulders or brow, the smells--and, when someone's running through a forest fire, they're going to feel things through their feet.

Farisa comes from a culture where being barefoot is seen as humiliating--this particular element is Arabia-inspired. And since she's a refugee, she only knows her culture from literature and therefore is even more stringent about it than she would be if she had grown up in it.

Women are (nonsexually) very into feet, though it's only directed at female feet and it's usually purely aesthetic. Men, on the other hand, either are not into feet at all (like me) or are intensely sexually into them for reasons I don't fully understand.


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Date: May 9th, 2024 10:56 AM
Author: Unhinged patrolman main people

Hm so you're saying that feet, particularly naked feet, are a "taboo" in her culture?


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Date: May 9th, 2024 11:00 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Yeah. It's not uncommon in Arabia, and also in SE Asia.

Almost all cultures are pretty weird about feet, for reasons that I don't fully understand.


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Date: May 9th, 2024 11:00 AM
Author: Rose gay wizard




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Date: May 9th, 2024 11:01 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage


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Date: May 9th, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Rose gay wizard

Wow the level of insight here is TOWERING

Blessed to be able to read these words

U r 160 IQ minimum!


Reply Favorite

Date: May 9th, 2024 11:01 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

Indulgences are buy-one/get-one-free this weekend.


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Date: May 9th, 2024 11:03 AM
Author: Carnelian curious rigor

I've been a shitcoder for years now and basically forgotten all the basics besides doing zombie CRUD. I'm bored and would like to write some actual code again but have no idea where to start. What's some cool stuff I should look into? Keep in mind I'm mildly retarded and would need to learn basically from the ground up at this point


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Date: May 9th, 2024 11:06 AM
Author: Ruby bonkers roast beef theater stage

On the abstraction chain, do you want to go up or down?

If down, learn C. I know he's controversial, but I enjoyed Zed Shaw's Learn C the Hard Way. Beej's Networking Guide is a must if you're going to do system programming at a serious level. Rust seems interesting and promising, but C will give you more mileage because it's basically a lingua franca.

If you're going up, then consider Clojure. Oh, and to refresh your Lisp, pick up SICP. It's short enough that you can probably get through it in a month or two.


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Date: May 9th, 2024 5:29 PM
Author: Carnelian curious rigor

Down just because I find that sort of stuff more fun, even if I'm not particularly good at it.

I learned C programming with basic linux syscalls a while back but it's been >7 years at this point. Wrote a very simple shell, learned basic ipc/sockets/shared memory/etc., but the only jobs I could find were webdev nonsense since lower level programming generally required actual experience and I've been floating along in tardland ever sense.

I'll take a look at the networking guide


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Date: May 9th, 2024 5:55 PM
Author: Marvelous dark brunch

ur fuct. Look at Google layoffs. The labor market is saturated with math majors posing as programmers.
