  The most prestigious law school admissions discussion board in the world.
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I’ll update in a bit, just giving this chaebong hyung coward...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Sadistic temple macaca
Dude don’t leave us hanging
galvanic legal warrant locus
packing up, I have a super long airport stop today, will upd...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
this won't end shit you psychos will post for another 10 yea...
Aqua adulterous office
OK I would like to start by saying that: 1. I don't re...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
really cringe-worthy post here and i say this as a huge nyuu...
trip senate
dissa clingwothy post! Rongtime hater hele!
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
trip senate
LOL JJC, when are you going to get a life?
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Sadistic temple macaca
love that it took NOWAG loser jjc less than 5 min to be on t...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
rough-skinned stag film fat ankles
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
180 million. would read again.
Sadistic temple macaca
Self-absorbed Kitchen
ruby rebellious pit
poppy ticket booth water buffalo
but he drives a mustang
rough-skinned stag film fat ankles
trip senate
I slept all day because I've been sick since Tuesday
rough-skinned stag film fat ankles
:( i'm really sorry ur slut GF gave you syphilis after tak...
trip senate
Don’t even reply to the NOWAG
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
LMFAO at RSF trying to comfort beta short shitlawyer CUCK ab...
trip senate
adventurous bipolar sound barrier
Costumed hyperactive becky
Perhaps your best poast ever.
Glassy arousing patrolman stead
cowardly private investor
lilac rehab kitty
If nyuug has no shame in his real life, how he is an outside...
haunting home
"When he, invariably, kills himself" projection
Flesh sexy business firm
how does someone "invariably" kill themselves? doe...
Learning disabled gas station
every. friggin. time.
unholy soggy library twinkling uncleanness
(RSFs number one cheerleader with no personality of his own)
gold aphrodisiac famous landscape painting hell
lol wholly shit
Marvelous whorehouse puppy
lol WHOLLY SHIT Walking around Gangnam every other car wa...
chartreuse slippery factory reset button keepsake machete
Haha wow holy shit
beady-eyed chocolate site
High-end native
don't you routinely criticize other posters for writing long...
zippy cruise ship
which one of those "internet enemies" are you btw?...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Cobalt Brunch
wtf thought u were gonna poast pics of ugly locals u P&D...
bossy gay wizard theater
I never sleep with ugly girls, not into azn girls at all and...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Aromatic onyx incel prole
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
how long were you there maybe schedules didn't line up
Aqua adulterous office
He was here, he outright refused because he was scared and k...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
yeah but you were there for like a day or something and y...
Aqua adulterous office
Several days, I also gave him weeks of advance notice on boa...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
what would you have done in person both of you are probably ...
Aqua adulterous office
Gone drinking. On XO he claims he pounds out hot girls with ...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
ok you won this round
Aqua adulterous office
Round? This was a KO.
beady-eyed chocolate site
this. could've been a great time and proved to the board tha...
ruby rebellious pit
LOFL. nyuug = confirmed bitch
magical theater stage turdskin
no new intel there.
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Lmao @ the part about the Mustang looking like it was some m...
galvanic legal warrant locus
Cr. I don’t get why nyuug thinks a old used mustang is coo...
Stimulating Jet School Hominid
he has ZERO irl friends who might tell him the truth
galvanic legal warrant locus
nyuug on suicide watch
violet awkward lodge
holy LJLfuck at this screed.
Multi-colored Slap-happy Preventive Strike
lol this thread was probably the single worst attempt at cla...
Blathering bbw
(pathetic NOWAG reacting just as predicted)
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
you huffed and puffed about all the SUPERKEWLZ KOREA shit yo...
Blathering bbw
Please reread my post, especially this part about you "...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
honest q, if he met up with you irl would you guys have just...
Mustard Coldplay Fan
I would have been chill and had drinks. I don't think "...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
yeah it's just i've only met people on here i actually liked...
Mustard Coldplay Fan
lol rsf im not doing anything. you, however, literally just ...
Blathering bbw
Keep lying to yourself little NOWAG, the rest of the board c...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Honey, u r fucking DONE here Leave and never come back ...
Olive mexican garrison
i honestly expected something decent ITT. the first two t...
Blathering bbw
y didnt u meet him
violent abode sex offender
because he is a COWARD who didn't want to get EXPOSED. Obvio...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Blathering bbw
Linking to more of your mentally ill posts is still not an a...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
"bro at least when i was in oslo i gave the board a liv...
unholy soggy library twinkling uncleanness
Sticky aquamarine laser beams
nyuug probably froze up after reading about your middle scho...
Copper pisswyrm
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
i don't remember. something about swirlies and hiding clothe...
Copper pisswyrm
"swirlies" lmao are we talking about a john h...
Mustard Coldplay Fan
Ah, the thread an imposter started. I remember, not actually...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
lol that thread was great.
Copper pisswyrm
first one of you two to enlist / take a commission will win ...
Rusted house-broken mad-dog skullcap
Glassy arousing patrolman stead
Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma
Putting all those degrees to good use.
exciting state
Ivy league journalism degree working overtime
Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma
Absolutely devastating
trip senate
Both of you clowns deserve to have your heads dunked in a to...
Mentally Impaired Orchestra Pit
Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma
Grizzly Big-titted Bawdyhouse
Flickering stubborn cumskin area
Nyuug is done here. If he refused to meet RSF after all the ...
Mauve Cuckold Windowlicker
ruby rebellious pit
Date: May 18th, 2015 8:07 PM Author: The DJT USSF INTERGALA...
Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma
Flickering stubborn cumskin area
Yea, I really like it here.
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
I'm not a fan of bitch-titted braggart RSF but this was like...
flatulent point karate
RSF is totally in the right here. Nyuug should've met up ...
ruby rebellious pit
trip senate
beady-eyed chocolate site
Self-absorbed Kitchen
Twinkling nudist selfie really tough guy
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Absolutely devastating
ultramarine wild main people shrine
fuck everyone hating. this is A+ content but honestly nyu...
autistic cracking school cafeteria french chef
it's just an impotent screed. not a particularly well writte...
Flickering stubborn cumskin area
beady-eyed chocolate site
mind-boggling pungent nursing home mediation
Nyuug can never recover. Career crippled.
jet-lagged pocket flask lay
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
*reads this thread* *sighs* *pays the $20 I bet on NYUUG ...
electric ivory den
brilliant massive stage death wish
Motley cordovan stage
NYUUG still in deep denial and bumping nonsensical threads a...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
long-time RSF mere tolerator / mild disliker here: this was ...
cowardly private investor
ruby rebellious pit
alcoholic spot chad
amethyst masturbator heaven
Glittery Useless Brakes
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Blathering bbw
LOL @ this NOWAG bumping his PWNAGE
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Blathering bbw
I mean "I would like to start by saying that: 1....
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
number of girls fucked in oslo = 2 white norwegians (both cr...
Blathering bbw
LOL @ anyone ever believing you've fuck a single girl anywhe...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
RSF, you know you will never be able to claim victory over m...
Blathering bbw
LOL at knowing the score nyuug, we're not even playing the s...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
keep on ragin bro! ill keep on fucking your women aint ev...
Blathering bbw
(NOWAG virgin)
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
I was in Gangnam for a week and poasted on here. he refused...
Gaped Gaping
I hope he's made up flame and not an actual NOWAG that pathe...
Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic
Rsf mental illness alert
Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma
miss this guy
Blathering bbw
fun thread
Cobalt Brunch

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2018 9:35 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

I’ll update in a bit, just giving this chaebong hyung coward notice that he’s even MORE done here than usual.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2018 10:33 PM
Author: Sadistic temple macaca



Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2018 10:33 PM
Author: galvanic legal warrant locus

Dude don’t leave us hanging


Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2018 10:41 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

packing up, I have a super long airport stop today, will update then.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2018 10:35 PM
Author: Aqua adulterous office

this won't end shit you psychos will post for another 10 years hth


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:02 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic


I would like to start by saying that:

1. I don't realistically think this post will compel this mentally broken NOWAG to stop posting even though it really should.

2. NYUUG was GIFTED a golden opportunity here. I was IN his city. I'm one of his biggest doubters, and all he had to do was meet up, prove himself and then I would have reported back to the board. It would have been one of the biggest PWNAGES of all time for me to be converted and confirm to the board that everything nyuug says is true. An ACTUAL pwn unlike the mentally ill crap he claims as DEVASTATING for others.

However, like the chaebong hyung coward he is, nyuug chose not to meet up. He will claim it's because I am a "NOWAG troll," but that should have been even MORE motivation for him to meet up and prove to a NOWAG troll that WGWAG is real and his stories aren't all fiction. I may post about NOWAG, primarily to enrage weird dorks like nyuug, jjc and uvt, but the ~20 or so posters I have met can verify that I am a fair guy and if nyuug met up and proved himself, I would have been converted and told the board what really happened, even if it vindicated nyuug.

SHOCKINGLY this NOWAG coward who wouldn't do his military service also shrunk from the opportunity to vindicate himself and PWN pretty much everyone who has ever used xo. I think it's clear why. He knew he would get absolutely STYLED on in his own city, and his entire web of lies and fantasy life would fall apart and he'd have to stop posting. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt, and nyuug knew that meeting up with me would kill his board character and he'd HAVE to retire. While he is such a low IQ geek that he likely thinks he avoided this fate by ghosting the board the entire time I was in Korea and making up a "valid" reason for not meeting up, his cowardly actions are just as damning as first hand meet up verification that 100% of the things he has posted on this board are lies, and that he is a 10,000% NOWAG geek that has NOWAG'd out of the US AND now Korea.

I'm not going to lie. I was set to write a post blasting Seoul, the Korean people, Korean nightlife, the relative attractiveness of Koreans, etc...but the more time I spent in Korea the more it dawned on me that this was not only not necessary, but not fair. I had and have no beef with the Korean people. They are pretty 180, happy, smiley, helpful and super welcoming of and friendly to foreigners. The problem is with nyuug because HE is a broken, bitter NOWAG without a homeland that is in NO WAY Korean or representative of the Korean people.

The experience of meeting and interacting with REAL Koreans, was a window into NYUUG's mental illness, and here's what I found. The seeds of NYUUG's NOWAG mental illness are clear. He was a socially defective NOWAG weirdo that had no friends, prospects with women or a social life in America. No doubt during those long bitter years of rejection, he imagined that things would be different if he was back "home" in Korea with other people like him. Finally the NOWAG was too much and he self deported, out of his homeland, away from his family, away from the country in which he was born and raised and everyone he knew.

Then, he arrived in Korea. He was ready to take what was his. What he didn't count on, is that while he was an ultra low status omega male in the United States, he was somehow of even LOWER status in Korea as a piece of trash chaebong hyung gyopo. REAL Koreans viewed him as a pathetic foreign sexpat loser and a play Korean. This INFURIATED nyuug as he expected to be welcomed home as a hero, and instead found he was detested and considered lower than scum by REAL Koreans. To make matters worse, REAL Koreans LOVE foreigners. They love foreign brands, foreign culture and style, they even have surgery to make their eyes round and creams to make their skin white. Foreign people are treated like gods in Korea and when nyuug found that he was of lower social status that the sleaziest white dork English teacher, and that the VERY SAME HANDSOME white people that forced him out of America were being worshipped by the REAL Koreans he desperately wanted the approval of, he must have snapped. Still, he had invested too much in this move and talked about it too much to admit his mistake and go home, so he fell deeper and deeper into this concocted fantasy world in which he was a real Korean and a "playboy."

This sort of mental illness permeates every facet of his life. He constantly tries to play games he can't win. He gets BLOWN THE FUCK OUT, then convinces himself he has won. The most recent example is his Mustang "super car." Walking around Gangnam every other car was a Porsche, Ferrari, Rover, etc... nyuug, being a poor broke dumb loser obviously couldn't compete with people who have nice cars in the flash game, but he wanted to try to fit in with the REAL Koreans in Gangnam so he bought this POS used Mustang that the people who live in the nice buildings surrounding his sad windowless studio probably assume belongs to someone's maid. Since he never had a chance to win, he has retreated again into his inner fantasy world where he can't lose.

The best way I can think to explain nyuug's situation in Korea is that if a white guy walked into a bar, nyuug (who would be there solo of course) would go up to him, try to talk tough and be a dick, get swatted away by the white guy then go up to a group of nearby REAL Korean bros (for whom he was performing) and be like "That's how WGWAG KOREAN ALPHAS ROLL AM I RIGHT!" The REAL Korean guys would roll their eyes, tell him to get the fuck away from them, buy the white guy a beer and apologize for the drunk gyopo idiot, insist that's not how Koreans act, then go back to discussing the wild times they had together during their military service that they actually did.

Now before NOWAGUUGYOPO comes ITT to spam mentally ill shit about how only HE knows anything about Korea, my opinions on what REAL Koreans think are based on conversations with REAL Koreans, you know ones who were actually born and raised in Korea and live there now. THEY decide what Koreans think, not some pathetic chaebong hyung gyopo sexpat. So please, when talking about Koreans don't say "we" anymore nyuug. To paraphrase an earlier post I made about you:

LOL at nyuug ever saying “we." For him, there is no “we.” No “we” as in a couple since he’s a forever alone NOWAG. No “we” as in his family since he’s estranged himself from them to fuck pros as a sexpat. No “we” as in him and his bros because he is a friendless autistic loner with no interests other than paying for sex. No “we” as in Americans because WE made it clear he’s not welcome in the US and he self deported, and certainly no “we” as in Koreans because he’s a lowly chaebong hyung gyopo that real Koreans see as foreign and lower than shit.

The only advice I have for you nyuug, is that you drop this charade, confront reality, pack your shit up and crawl back to the U.S. to your family. Maybe they can get you some psychiatric help. You'll likely never have friends or a relationship with a girl, but at least with years of intensive treatment you might be able to have something closer to a normal life, and at least your parents will be there to support you. Best of luck

TL:DR Version: I went to Korea, NYUUG followed up his trend of cowardly behavior by refusing to meet up and prove he is a "WGWAG Gangnam fuckboi," because he is 100% full of shit and knew I would STYLE on him in his own city and his schtick would be definitively exposed and he'd have to retire. So, while I had a 180 time in Seoul, he spent his evenings stroking his riceclit at home in his sad windowless studio totally and forever alone.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:05 AM
Author: trip senate

really cringe-worthy post here and i say this as a huge nyuug hater

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:02 AM



I would like to start by saying that:

1. I don't realistically think this post will compel this mentally broken NOWAG to stop posting even though it really should.

2. NYUUG was GIFTED a golden opportunity here. I was IN his city. I'm one of his biggest doubters, and all he had to do was meet up, prove himself and then I would have reported back to the board. It would have been one of the biggest PWNAGES of all time for me to be converted and confirm to the board that everything nyuug says is true. An ACTUAL pwn unlike the mentally ill crap he claims as DEVASTATING for others.

However, like the chaebong hyung coward he is, nyuug chose not to meet up. He will claim it's because I am a "NOWAG troll," but that should have been even MORE motivation for him to meet up and prove to a NOWAG troll that WGWAG is real and his stories aren't all fiction. I may post about NOWAG, primarily to enrage weird dorks like nyuug, jjc and uvt, but the ~20 or so posters I have met can verify that I am a fair guy and if nyuug met up and proved himself, I would have been converted and told the board what really happened, even if it vindicated nyuug.

SHOCKINGLY this NOWAG coward who wouldn't do his military service also shrunk from the opportunity to vindicate himself and PWN pretty much everyone who has ever used xo. I think it's clear why. He knew he would get absolutely STYLED on in his own city, and his entire web of lies and fantasy life would fall apart and he'd have to stop posting. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt, and nyuug knew that meeting up with me would kill his board character and he'd HAVE to retire. While he is such a low IQ geek that he likely thinks he avoided this fate by ghosting the board the entire time I was in Korea and making up a "valid" reason for not meeting up, his cowardly actions are just as damning as first hand meet up verification that 100% of the things he has posted on this board are lies, and that he is a 10,000% NOWAG geek that has NOWAG'd out of the US AND now Korea.

I'm not going to lie. I was set to write a post blasting Seoul, the Korean people, Korean nightlife, the relative attractiveness of Koreans, etc...but the more time I spent in Korea the more it dawned on me that this was not only not necessary, but not fair. I had and have no beef with the Korean people. They are pretty 180, happy, smiley, helpful and super welcoming of and friendly to foreigners. The problem is with nyuug because HE is a broken, bitter NOWAG without a homeland that is in NO WAY Korean or representative of the Korean people.

The experience of meeting and interacting with REAL Koreans, was a window into NYUUG's mental illness, and here's what I found. The seeds of NYUUG's NOWAG mental illness are clear. He was a socially defective NOWAG weirdo that had no friends, prospects with women or a social life in America. No doubt during those long bitter years of rejection, he imagined that things would be different if he was back "home" in Korea with other people like him. Finally the NOWAG was too much and he self deported, out of his homeland, away from his family, away from the country in which he was born and raised and everyone he knew.

Then, he arrived in Korea. He was ready to take what was his. What he didn't count on, is that while he was an ultra low status omega male in the United States, he was somehow of even LOWER status in Korea as a piece of trash chaebong hyung gyopo. REAL Koreans viewed him as a pathetic foreign sexpat loser and a play Korean. This INFURIATED nyuug as he expected to be welcomed home as a hero, and instead found he was detested and considered lower than scum by REAL Koreans. To make matters worse, REAL Koreans LOVE foreigners. They love foreign brands, foreign culture and style, they even have surgery to make their eyes round and creams to make their skin white. Foreign people are treated like gods in Korea and when nyuug found that he was of lower social status that the sleaziest white dork English teacher, and that the VERY SAME HANDSOME white people that forced him out of America were being worshipped by the REAL Koreans he desperately wanted the approval of, he must have snapped. Still, he had invested too much in this move and talked about it too much to admit his mistake and go home, so he fell deeper and deeper into this concocted fantasy world in which he was a real Korean and a "playboy."

This sort of mental illness permeates every facet of his life. He constantly tries to play games he can't win. He gets BLOWN THE FUCK OUT, then convinces himself he has won. The most recent example is his Mustang "super car." Walking around Gangnam every other car was a Porsche, Ferrari, Rover, etc... nyuug, being a poor broke dumb loser obviously couldn't compete with people who have nice cars in the flash game, but he wanted to try to fit in with the REAL Koreans in Gangnam so he bought this POS used Mustang that the people who live in the nice buildings surrounding his sad windowless studio probably assume belongs to someone's maid. Since he never had a chance to win, he has retreated again into his inner fantasy world where he can't lose.

The best way I can think to explain nyuug's situation in Korea is that if a white guy walked into a bar, nyuug (who would be there solo of course) would go up to him, try to talk tough and be a dick, get swatted away by the white guy then go up to a group of nearby REAL Korean bros (for whom he was performing) and be like "That's how WGWAG KOREAN ALPHAS ROLL AM I RIGHT!" The REAL Korean guys would roll their eyes, tell him to get the fuck away from them, buy the white guy a beer and apologize for the drunk gyopo idiot, insist that's not how Koreans act, then go back to discussing the wild times they had together during their military service that they actually did.

Now before NOWAGUUGYOPO comes ITT to spam mentally ill shit about how only HE knows anything about Korea, my opinions on what REAL Koreans think are based on conversations with REAL Koreans, you know ones who were actually born and raised in Korea and live there now. THEY decide what Koreans think, not some pathetic chaebong hyung gyopo sexpat. So please, when talking about Koreans please don't say "we" anymore nyuug. To paraphrase an earlier post I made about you:

LOL at nyuug ever saying “we." For him, there is no “we.” No “we” as in a couple since he’s a forever alone NOWAG. No “we” as in his family since he’s estranged himself from them to fuck pros as a sexpat. No “we” as in him and his bros because he is a friendless autistic loner with no interests other than paying for sex. No “we” as in Americans because WE made it clear he’s not welcome in the US and he self deported, and certainly no “we” as in Koreans because he’s a lowly chaebong hyung gyopo that real Koreans see as foreign and lower than shit.

The only advice I have for you nyuug, is that you drop this charade, confront reality, pack your shit up and crawl back to the U.S. to your family. Maybe they can get you some psychiatric help. You'll likely never have friends or a relationship with a girl, but at least with years of intensive treatment you might be able to have something closer to a normal life, and at least your parents will be there to support you. Best of luck

TL:DR Version: I went to Korea, NYUUG followed up his trend of cowardly behavior by refusing to meet up and prove he is a "WGWAG Gangnam fuckboi," because he is 100% full of shit and knew I would STYLE on him in his own city and his schtick would be definitively exposed and he'd have to retire. So, while I had a 180 time in Seoul, he spent his evenings stroking his riceclit at home in his sad windowless studio totally and forever alone.



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:06 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

dissa clingwothy post! Rongtime hater hele!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:07 AM
Author: trip senate

Post removed by moderator for violating The Law of The Land.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:07 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

LOL JJC, when are you going to get a life?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:07 AM
Author: Sadistic temple macaca


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:09 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

love that it took NOWAG loser jjc less than 5 min to be on this.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:09 AM
Author: rough-skinned stag film fat ankles


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 5:59 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:07 AM
Author: Sadistic temple macaca

180 million. would read again.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:45 AM
Author: Self-absorbed Kitchen


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:53 PM
Author: ruby rebellious pit


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 10:24 PM
Author: poppy ticket booth water buffalo


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:08 AM
Author: rough-skinned stag film fat ankles

but he drives a mustang


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:10 AM
Author: trip senate

Post removed by moderator for violating The Law of The Land.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:11 AM
Author: rough-skinned stag film fat ankles

I slept all day because I've been sick since Tuesday


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:13 AM
Author: trip senate

:( i'm really sorry ur slut GF gave you syphilis after taking a country mile worth of CHAD bartender dick


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:20 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Don’t even reply to the NOWAG


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:25 AM
Author: trip senate

LMFAO at RSF trying to comfort beta short shitlawyer CUCK about his gf cheating on him just bc TSINAH sucks up to him on xo


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:18 AM
Author: adventurous bipolar sound barrier


Reply Favorite

Date: September 11th, 2018 12:54 AM
Author: Costumed hyperactive becky


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:07 AM
Author: Glassy arousing patrolman stead

Perhaps your best poast ever.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 11:14 AM
Author: cowardly private investor



Reply Favorite

Date: September 8th, 2018 3:21 AM
Author: lilac rehab kitty


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:15 AM
Author: haunting home

If nyuug has no shame in his real life, how he is an outsider among people who look identical to him, then he won’t be shamed after reading the truth in this poast. He’s a broken waste of a man, living a fantasy world online where women love him and want to be with him ... but only on HIS terms.

When he, invariably, kills himself like so many of his ethnicity in the suicide capital of the world, another chick will write a script to maintain his frequent, yet shallow, poasting schedule and no one will ever miss him. nyuug will be incinerated, not even his abandoned family caring.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:12 AM
Author: Flesh sexy business firm

"When he, invariably, kills himself"



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 10:31 AM
Author: Learning disabled gas station

how does someone "invariably" kill themselves? doesn't this mean they kill themselves at regularly scheduled times?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 11:29 AM
Author: unholy soggy library twinkling uncleanness

every. friggin. time.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 11:31 AM
Author: gold aphrodisiac famous landscape painting hell

(RSFs number one cheerleader with no personality of his own)


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:39 PM
Author: Marvelous whorehouse puppy

lol wholly shit


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:45 PM
Author: chartreuse slippery factory reset button keepsake machete


Walking around Gangnam every other car was a Porsche, Ferrari, Rover, etc... nyuug, being a poor broke dumb loser obviously couldn't compete with people who have nice cars in the flash game, but he wanted to try to fit in with the REAL Koreans in Gangnam so he bought this POS used Mustang that the people who live in the nice buildings surrounding his sad windowless studio probably assume belongs to someone's maid. Since he never had a chance to win, he has retreated again into his inner fantasy world where he can't lose.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 1:19 PM
Author: beady-eyed chocolate site

Haha wow holy shit


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2018 8:35 PM
Author: High-end native



Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2018 9:28 PM
Author: zippy cruise ship

don't you routinely criticize other posters for writing long self-indulgent posts that could be summarized in a fraction of the space? LMAO at how your spite clouds your self-awareness and judgment. i'm on you side here but this post is the aimless rambling of a profoundly unfulfilled man in his late 30s settling scores against internet enemies. very sad.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 10th, 2018 7:53 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

which one of those "internet enemies" are you btw? LJL


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:09 PM
Author: Cobalt Brunch


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:10 AM
Author: bossy gay wizard theater

wtf thought u were gonna poast pics of ugly locals u P&Ded


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:10 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

I never sleep with ugly girls, not into azn girls at all and I was in Seoul with my gf.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 8:20 PM
Author: Aromatic onyx incel prole



Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 5:10 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:21 AM
Author: Aqua adulterous office

how long were you there maybe schedules didn't line up


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Date: September 6th, 2018 3:22 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

He was here, he outright refused because he was scared and knew he’d get GAPED.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:31 AM
Author: Aqua adulterous office

yeah but you were there for like a day or something

and you probably didn't seriously pursue a meeting you were probably like "ROR meet me if you're so tough, in seoul tmr"


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:33 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Several days, I also gave him weeks of advance notice on board and he said he wouldn't meet up with me because I post about NOWAG. Then when pressed as to why that matters, since he could PROVE himself and then I would be converted he went back to mentally ill spamming and trying to change the topic. he's DONE HERE.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:35 AM
Author: Aqua adulterous office

what would you have done in person both of you are probably geeks who only talk tough online and never had a fight


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:37 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Gone drinking. On XO he claims he pounds out hot girls with ease every night just by walking into DA club, so we would have gone to a club. He would have either not been allowed in, or been brutally NOWAG'd by every girl inside then his schtick would be CRUSHED. So, he chose to be a coward and avoid.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:48 AM
Author: Aqua adulterous office

ok you won this round


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Date: September 6th, 2018 8:09 PM
Author: beady-eyed chocolate site

Round? This was a KO.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:56 PM
Author: ruby rebellious pit

this. could've been a great time and proved to the board that nyuug can at least get into clubs. i visited gangnam recently and RSF is right, nice cars everywhere and the clubbing scene is really fun.

nyuug done here.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:28 AM
Author: magical theater stage turdskin

LOFL. nyuug = confirmed bitch


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:33 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

no new intel there.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:33 AM
Author: galvanic legal warrant locus

Lmao @ the part about the Mustang looking like it was some maid’s car


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:43 AM
Author: Stimulating Jet School Hominid

Cr. I don’t get why nyuug thinks a old used mustang is cool.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:56 AM
Author: galvanic legal warrant locus

he has ZERO irl friends who might tell him the truth


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:38 AM
Author: violet awkward lodge

nyuug on suicide watch


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 3:46 AM
Author: Multi-colored Slap-happy Preventive Strike

holy LJLfuck at this screed.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:46 AM
Author: Blathering bbw

lol this thread was probably the single worst attempt at claiming victory over me in my entire history of posting

jesus rsf. you got bitched in korea exactly like i predicted. and the best you could do was write the same rehashed shit you always write

bro at least when i was in oslo i gave the board a livefeed of the girls i was fucking

this thread was just sad


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:46 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

(pathetic NOWAG reacting just as predicted)


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:53 AM
Author: Blathering bbw

you huffed and puffed about all the SUPERKEWLZ KOREA shit you were going to liveblog about...lo and behold

you come back to write "yeah i didnt do shit in seoul and now im off to another GREAT eat pray love adventure in (random third world shithole)"

rsf. you have literally lost every time you stepped up to me. you couldve taken some funny NOWAG videos in the shitty immigrant neighborhoods you were in. you couldve humiliated some tinderslut cumskin fetishist. you couldve done any number of things to actually bring new content onto the board.

nope. instead you just wrote literally the same shit you always write and claim victory over me.

lol rsf you are really forever my bitch after getting gaped for a THIRD time in seoul. seriously lulzing imagining all the posters opening this thread expecting an epic NYUUG pwnage only to see this bumbling stuttering seoul n00b get bitched the fuck out by my brethren

straight up homie this thread was even worse than your battle rap reply

its actually kinda hilarious how i am the one asian poster who you cant touch. ever. WGWAG!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:57 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Please reread my post, especially this part about you "Since he never had a chance to win, he has retreated again into his inner fantasy world where he can't lose."

JFC it's sad. Just retire.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:59 AM
Author: Mustard Coldplay Fan

honest q, if he met up with you irl would you guys have just been chill and had drinks? idk what it would be like to meet someone irl you had a feud with on here.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:01 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

I would have been chill and had drinks. I don't think "chill" or "normal social interactions" are things he can do


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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:04 AM
Author: Mustard Coldplay Fan

yeah it's just i've only met people on here i actually liked online first. although i can't imagine being a dick to anyone irl at first really.

maybe if someone had outed me and shit. but otherwise it would be weird since i really don't *know* the person.


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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:02 AM
Author: Blathering bbw

lol rsf im not doing anything. you, however, literally just showed the board how badly you got bitched the fuck out in seoul.

honestly i expected at least some decent content creation. you were here during the asian cup final right? you couldve made a funny video wearing a japan shirt amongst your supposed korean friends here

nah you were just a little bitch who couldnt even liveblog your trip because you simply didnt have anything to liveblog about!

lmfao you got pwned by big korean cock and i didnt even have to lift a finger.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:03 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Keep lying to yourself little NOWAG, the rest of the board can see you got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT and need to retire


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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:02 AM
Author: Olive mexican garrison

Honey, u r fucking DONE here

Leave and never come back



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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:07 AM
Author: Blathering bbw

i honestly expected something decent ITT.

the first two times he was in seoul he literally didnt do jack shit. he stayed with some fat bulldyke army bitch in our immigrant district. this time i thought hed planned and prepared a devastating pwnage. nope. he just writes an impotent rehashed screed.

the guy is just hilarious.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:08 AM
Author: violent abode sex offender

y didnt u meet him


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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:09 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

because he is a COWARD who didn't want to get EXPOSED. Obviously, anything else he says is weak fiction.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:11 AM
Author: Blathering bbw



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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:12 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Linking to more of your mentally ill posts is still not an answer to any question other than "Is there more proof this NOWAG is legit insane?"


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 8:53 AM
Author: unholy soggy library twinkling uncleanness

"bro at least when i was in oslo i gave the board a livefeed of the girls i was fucking"

RSF I gotta say this is the one weakness of your poast. Gonna need you to head back to Seoul no later than Q1 2019 and demonstrate your superior ability to get tail. I understand you are not attracted to asian woman but you'll need to take one for the team on this. Thank in advance.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 4:53 AM
Author: Sticky aquamarine laser beams


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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:07 AM
Author: Copper pisswyrm

nyuug probably froze up after reading about your middle school bullying schemes.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:09 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic



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Date: September 6th, 2018 5:12 AM
Author: Copper pisswyrm

i don't remember. something about swirlies and hiding clothes in the garage and shit.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:14 AM
Author: Mustard Coldplay Fan


lmao are we talking about a john hughes movie here?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:14 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Ah, the thread an imposter started. I remember, not actually my thread.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 5:18 AM
Author: Copper pisswyrm

lol that thread was great.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:03 AM
Author: Rusted house-broken mad-dog skullcap

first one of you two to enlist / take a commission will win this feud


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:07 AM
Author: Glassy arousing patrolman stead


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:21 AM
Author: Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:16 AM
Author: exciting state

Putting all those degrees to good use.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:21 AM
Author: Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma

Ivy league journalism degree working overtime


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 1:14 PM
Author: trip senate

Absolutely devastating


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:25 AM
Author: Mentally Impaired Orchestra Pit

Both of you clowns deserve to have your heads dunked in a toilet.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:31 AM
Author: Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 11:20 AM
Author: Grizzly Big-titted Bawdyhouse


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:29 PM
Author: Flickering stubborn cumskin area


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:30 AM
Author: Mauve Cuckold Windowlicker

Nyuug is done here. If he refused to meet RSF after all the shit he talks about proving things to posters if they come to korea there’s no reason for him not to retire and /self. His weak attempt itt to talk shit about what RSF “did” in Korea is belied by the fact that he refused to meet RSF and thus learn what he was doing. It’s over. Have some honor and kill urself Nyuug.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:39 PM
Author: ruby rebellious pit


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:31 AM
Author: Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma

Date: May 18th, 2015 8:07 PM


An absolutely staggering level of mental illness. To sit down and write a 3,000 word post about a poster.



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:30 PM
Author: Flickering stubborn cumskin area


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 9:22 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

Yea, I really like it here.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 11:33 AM
Author: flatulent point karate

I'm not a fan of bitch-titted braggart RSF but this was like Nyuug's beheading. Nyuug pissed his pants, once and for all.

Truly, truly sad.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 12:18 PM
Author: ruby rebellious pit

RSF is totally in the right here.

Nyuug should've met up and taken him to a club, or brought out 1 of the dozens of girls he claims to have relations with.

I can do that for any poaster in NYC and I am nowhere near the level of "playboy" that nyuug claims to be in his "home" city of Seoul.

nyuug = confirmed loser.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 1:16 PM
Author: trip senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 1:22 PM
Author: beady-eyed chocolate site



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:46 PM
Author: Self-absorbed Kitchen


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 12:19 AM
Author: Twinkling nudist selfie really tough guy


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 9:36 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: September 8th, 2018 6:44 AM
Author: ultramarine wild main people shrine

Absolutely devastating


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:46 PM
Author: autistic cracking school cafeteria french chef

fuck everyone hating. this is A+ content

but honestly nyuug has always been a pathetic figure and it feels a little mean. but it's still A+


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 7:50 PM
Author: Flickering stubborn cumskin area

it's just an impotent screed. not a particularly well written one at that.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 8:09 PM
Author: beady-eyed chocolate site



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 8:50 PM
Author: mind-boggling pungent nursing home mediation



Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 8:53 PM
Author: jet-lagged pocket flask lay

Nyuug can never recover. Career crippled.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2018 7:22 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2018 8:53 PM
Author: electric ivory den

*reads this thread*

*sighs* *pays the $20 I bet on NYUUG meeting RSF with 20:1 odds against*


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 12:17 AM
Author: brilliant massive stage death wish


Reply Favorite

Date: September 8th, 2018 7:01 AM
Author: Motley cordovan stage


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 12:08 AM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

NYUUG still in deep denial and bumping nonsensical threads and spamming? Shocked.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 9:58 AM
Author: cowardly private investor

long-time RSF mere tolerator / mild disliker here: this was very solid content and i enjoyed getting to see nyuug at his mentally ill worst


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 11:14 AM
Author: ruby rebellious pit


Reply Favorite

Date: September 7th, 2018 5:14 PM
Author: alcoholic spot chad


Reply Favorite

Date: September 11th, 2018 12:58 AM
Author: amethyst masturbator heaven


Reply Favorite

Date: September 11th, 2018 4:42 AM
Author: Glittery Useless Brakes


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 9:55 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 9:55 PM
Author: Blathering bbw


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:08 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

LOL @ this NOWAG bumping his PWNAGE


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:09 PM
Author: Blathering bbw


dont worry ill be bumping this thread for a very long time


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:13 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

I mean

"I would like to start by saying that:

1. I don't realistically think this post will compel this mentally broken NOWAG to stop posting even though it really should."

we all knew you would continue posting due to your crippling mental illness, please keep bumping so everyone can continue to LOL @ how done here you are.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:16 PM
Author: Blathering bbw

number of girls fucked in oslo = 2 white norwegians (both creampie), 1 white british, 1 chinese norwegian

number of girls fucked by RSF in seoul = 0

but whos keeping count?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:16 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

LOL @ anyone ever believing you've fuck a single girl anywhere you didn't pay for NOWAG. LJL!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:20 PM
Author: Blathering bbw

RSF, you know you will never be able to claim victory over me because we both know what the real score is.

huffing and puffing is for board lulz, and thats cool. im willing to give the board a good rivalry

but in the end, you know you will never beat me unless you actually fuck some korean girls in seoul. i know your values, and you know mine. thats the only real way your actions could ever affect me IRL and you know it.

youre losing the war, friend. and when i fuck some new hotties in __insert euro country__ during my next trip, youll be the first to know


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:21 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

LOL at knowing the score nyuug, we're not even playing the same sport. LOL @ you ever winning anything. You're a midget clitdick bowlcut coward. You know this deep down which is why you didn't meet up in Seoul you pathetic geek. LJL.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:22 PM
Author: Blathering bbw

keep on ragin bro! ill keep on fucking your women

aint even mad bro <3


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:23 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

(NOWAG virgin)


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Date: September 30th, 2018 10:45 PM
Author: Gaped Gaping

I was in Gangnam for a week and poasted on here. he refused to engage. i don't know if he even exists IRL. He might just be To Be Claire flame.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2018 10:47 PM
Author: Concupiscible Maize Theatre Psychic

I hope he's made up flame and not an actual NOWAG that pathetic.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:03 PM
Author: Impertinent thriller generalized bond dilemma

Rsf mental illness alert


Reply Favorite

Date: July 24th, 2020 2:06 AM
Author: Blathering bbw

miss this guy


Reply Favorite

Date: July 24th, 2020 3:07 AM
Author: Cobalt Brunch

fun thread
