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Reminder: OJ got off because Mark Fuhrman casually said the N-word once or twice

The "Fuhrman Tapes" contain forty examples of the ...
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One weird trick...
Excitant Idiot
Fuhrman was the fifteenth officer at the crime scene and did...
Flesh alcoholic clown
Still, when he’s the prosecution’s star witness ...
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ljl it doesn't matter. If you've ever had a witness like thi...
Hateful buck-toothed church building
slippery crystalline psychic casino
Hateful buck-toothed church building
"How do you intellectualize when you punch the hell out...
sickened station goal in life
OJ got off on the strength to Kato’s testimony
Deranged volcanic crater
What is Kato up to these days?
slippery crystalline psychic casino
afaik he’s doing talk show / podcast type shit and sti...
Deranged volcanic crater
did they ever explain wtf that guy was doing there? I assum...
Mint indian lodge goyim
considering the revelations about Puffy I think maybe he was...
Deranged volcanic crater
it was revenge for the rodney king beating acquittal
bespoke parlour therapy
aka the shitlib idea of “justice”
Deranged volcanic crater
It was the tainted evidence by the LAPD. No reasonable jury...
vivacious corner gaping
OJ got off because the retarded prosecution picked a jury fr...
Brilliant Elastic Band State
garnet pozpig
Snowy abode
It didn't "turn out to be" that; marcia clark lite...
Bossy bearded useless brakes point
Deranged volcanic crater
More importantly he took the 5th Amendment when asked if he ...
brindle violent school
vivacious corner gaping
just a reminder of how fucking amazing the 90's were. he dro...
Purple startled mad-dog skullcap
the glove thing was a really stupid move also
Mint indian lodge goyim
he got off because his son did it
carnelian useless halford fat ankles
Inside job
swollen theatre roast beef

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Date: April 16th, 2024 10:32 AM
Author: slippery crystalline psychic casino

The "Fuhrman Tapes" contain forty examples of the use of the term "nigger" to refer to black persons in a racially disparaging context. These references were not casual slips of the tongue, but a consistent pattern that recurs throughout the transcripts. In only one case - item no 12 - was Fuhrman assuming the role of a fictional character when the word "nigger" was used.

1. ( . . . speaking of changes in composition of L.A.P.D.).

"That we've got females . . . and dumb niggers, and all your Mexicans that can't even write the name of the car they drive."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p.11.)

2. ( . . . speaking of the physical risks to officers).

"If I'm wrestling around with some ___ nigger, and he gets me in my back, and he gets his hands on my gun. It's over."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p. 12)

3. ( . . . describing arrest of a suspect).

"She was afraid. He was a big nigger, and she was afraid."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p. 20)

4. (. . . explaining arrest of a suspect in Westwood).

"He was a nigger. He didn't belong. Two questions. And you are going: Where do you live? 22nd and Western. Where were you going? Well, I'm going to Fatburger. Where's Fatburger. He didn't know where Fatburger was? Get in the car."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p.33)

5. (. . . commenting on L.A. P. D. politics).

"Commander Hickman, was a dickhead. He should be shot. He did that for one thing. He wants to be chief, so he wants the city council, and the police commissioner, and all these niggers in L.A. City government and all of 'em should be lined up against a wall and fuckin' shot."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p.41)

6. (. . . discussing American aid to drought victims in Ethiopia).

"You know these people here, we got all this money going to Ethiopia for what. To feed a bunch of dumb niggers that their own government won't even feed."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p. 44)

7 & 8 (. . . discussing where he grew up in the state of Washington).

"People there don't want niggers in their town. People there don't want Mexicans in their town. They don't want anybody but good people in their town, and anyway you can do to get them out of there that's fine with them. We have no niggers where I grew up."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p.45)

9. ( . . . speaking of women as training officers).

"When I came on the job all my training officers were big guys and knowledgeable, some nigger'd get in their face, they just spin 'em around, choke 'em out until they dropped."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1., p. 47)

10. (. . . discussing use of chokehold by L.A.P.D.).

"No, we have to eliminate a choke hold because a bunch of niggers down in the south end of L.A. said this is bad."

(McKinny Transcript No. 1., p. 49)

11. (. . . discussing police use of term "Bubba").

"You know, policemen also use "Bubba" a lot, 'cause it's a slam term, because niggers you know they call each other Bubba. They go, hey Bubba, what's happening, like that."

(Tape No. 10, p. 6; McKinny Transcript No. 2, pp. 3-4)

12. (. . . suggesting how a fictional character would respond to a question whether officers would respond to a question whether officers need probable cause to stop and search suspects).

"Q. Why are you even talking to them?

A. Nigger. Stop them. See who they are.

Q. You don't have any probable cause? You just want to talk to them?

A. . . . probable cause. You're God.

(Tape No. 1. p.26; McKinny Transcript No. 2, p.14)

13. (. . . discussing where Black Muslims live).

"Q. Why do they live in that area?

A. That's where niggers live."

(Tape No. 1, p.28; McKinny Transcript No. 2, p.15)

14. (. .. discussing the exhilaration of winning).

"I mean, that's just the way you feel, you know. You've got 200 Niggers that are trying to take you prisoner."

(Tape No. 1, p.1; McKinny Transcript No. 2, p.19)

15. ( . . . suggesting police reaction to resistant suspect).

"She's a policeman in this city, and don't you ever fight or fuck around with policemen. You'll do what you're told, you understand Nigger."

(Tape No. 1, p.10; McKinny Transcript No.2; p. 21)

16. (. . . discussing woman officer learning fencing).

"You just go out and what are gonna do with some Nigger with a knife? Go `on guard?' I mean that's bullshit."

(Tape No. 4, p.2; McKinny Transcript No. 4, p.2)

17. ( . . . describing practicing martial arts kicks).

"I used to go to work and practice movements. Niggers. They're easy. I used to practice my kicks.

(Tape No. 4, p.9; McKinny Transcript No.4, p.12)

18. (. . . discussing lack of women football players).

"Don't they think they are physically capable? They can arm wrestle 6'7" Niggers."

(Tape No. 4, p.24; McKinny Transcript No. 4, p.30)

19. & 20. (. . . discussing use of chokehold by L.A.P.D.)

"We stopped the choke because a bunch of Niggers have a bunch of these organizations in the south end, and because all Niggers are choked out and killed -- twelve in ten years. Really is extraordinary, isn't it?"

(Tape No.4 pp.28-29; McKinny Transcript No. 4,p. 35)

21-24. ( . . . directing Laura Hart to Wilshire Division).

"Go to Wilshire division. Wilshire division is all niggers. All Niggers, Nigger training officers, niggers . . . with three years on the job. Think of that 3 plus 1."

(Tape No.5, p.11; McKinny Transcript No.5, p.9)

25. ( . . . describing his partner Tom).

"He grew up in school with all blacks, and every time a nigger looked at him, he'd jump them cause he figured they were going to jump on him, so he might as well start the fight right now and get it over with."

(Tape No. 5, p.12; McKinny Transcript No. 5, p.10)

26. (. . . describing the "last white strongholds".)

"Westwood is gone, the niggers have discovered it. When they start moving into Redondo and Torrance. Torrance is considered the last white middle class society."

(Tape No. 5, p.17; McKinny Transcript No. 5, pp. 13-14)

27. (. . . discussing female police officers.)

"They don't do anything; they don't go out there and initiate a contact with some 6'5" nigger that's been in prison for 7 years pumping weights."

(Tape No. 6A, p.34: McKinny Transcript No. 6-1, p.11)

28. ( . . . addressing Diaz).

"Fuhrman: Oh, how many people have you killed, dear?

Diaz: Give me the opportunity and I would.

Fuhrman: I didn't ask you that. You don't even know what it is like.

Diaz: You haven't given me the opportunity yet.

Fuhrman: Yea, you're talking shit, you sound like a nigger talking shit."

(Tape No. 6A, p.43; McKinny Transcript No. 6-1, p.23)

29. (. . . describing working the Mardi Gras.)

"They have a bunch of niggers up there, two guys, they're like 5'6", they got punched right in the face."

(Tape No. 7A, p. 15)

30. (. . . discussing firearms.)

"There is going to be a massacre in the future in [sic] they know that. There is the Rolling 60's, nigger group they went into a sporting good store and stole 50 Uzis, 3,000 rounds."

(Tape No. 7A, p.17.)

31. (. . . describing need for quick pursuit.)

"These niggers, they run like rabbits, . . . some policemen just sit there and they look, you have to tell them what to do."

(Tape No. 7A, p.20)

32. ( . . . describing reaction of rape victim to female officer).

"What if I've just been raped by two buck niggers, and a female shows up?"

(Tape No. 7A, p.25; McKinny Transcript No. 7, p.24).

33. (. . . commenting on the kind of police misconduct investigated by Internal Affairs.)

"Now, it's funny because guys in Internal Affairs go, `Mark, you can do just about anything. Get in a bar fight. We'd love to investigate just some `good 'ol boy' beating up a nigger in a bar.'"

(McKinny Transcript No. 9. p.1)

34. (. . . describing boredom of working in the Valley).

"It's pretty clear-cut who the assholes are. You go to Pacoima, you got bikers and niggers."

(McKinny Transcript No. 9, p.4)

35. (. . . discussing grounds to stop automobiles)

"Nigger drivin' a Porsche that doesn't look like he's got a $300 suit on, you always stop him."

(McKinny Transcript, No. 9, p.11.)

36. (. . . describing thought-process of police reactions).

"How do you intellectualize when you punch the hell out of a nigger? He either deserves it or he doesn't."

(McKinny Transcript No. 9, p.11)

37. ( . . . describing officers who work narcotics).

"I mean narcotics isn't full of niggers and Mexicans. They're full of white guys that wear cowboy boots."

(McKinny Transcript No. 9, p.12)

38. ( . . . describing the "77th lie detector test.")

"Why don't you give them the 77th lie detector test? You know and a bunch of guys will laugh -- old timers, you know. And then the kid will ask his partner `What's that?' You choke him out until he tells you the truth. You know it is kind of funny, but a lot of policemen will get a kick out of it. Anyway so you are in the shadows like that, now your -- when you are talking to somebody it is not like you are really listening into their words because you will key on what is the truth and what isn't. First thing, anything out of a nigger's mouth for the first five or six sentences is a fucking lie. That is just right out. There has got to be a reason why he is going to tell you the truth."

(Tape No. 10; pp. 21-22)

39. ( . . . describing taking a suspect "to the baseball diamond.")

"We basically get impatient with him being so fucking stupid. Which I thought he was. So I just handcuffed him and went the scenic route to the station. We searched him again and found the gun. Went over to the baseball diamond and talked to him. When I left, Dana goes, `No blood Mark.' `No problem, not even any marks, Dana.' Just body shots. Did you ever try to find a bruise on a Nigger. It is pretty tough, huh?

(Tape No. 10, p.25.)

40. (. . . explaining his opposition to building a new police station in the 77th precinct.)

"Leave that old station. Man, it has the smell of Niggers that have been beaten and killed in there for years."

(Tape No. 10, p. 26.)



Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 10:42 AM
Author: Excitant Idiot

One weird trick...


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Date: April 16th, 2024 11:07 AM
Author: Flesh alcoholic clown

Fuhrman was the fifteenth officer at the crime scene and didn't plant anything, even if he wanted to. Simpson was guilty as sin.


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Date: April 16th, 2024 11:20 AM
Author: slippery crystalline psychic casino

Still, when he’s the prosecution’s star witness and just testified that he’s never used the N-word in his life then something like this comes out, it makes you wonder what else he’s lying about.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 3:28 PM
Author: Hateful buck-toothed church building

ljl it doesn't matter. If you've ever had a witness like this you're cooked.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: slippery crystalline psychic casino


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 3:27 PM
Author: Hateful buck-toothed church building


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 3:38 PM
Author: sickened station goal in life

"How do you intellectualize when you punch the hell out of a nigger? He either deserves it or he doesn't."


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 3:45 PM
Author: Deranged volcanic crater

OJ got off on the strength to Kato’s testimony


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 5:20 PM
Author: slippery crystalline psychic casino

What is Kato up to these days?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 7:01 PM
Author: Deranged volcanic crater

afaik he’s doing talk show / podcast type shit and still somewhat cruising off of his “legacy” as the guy in the guest house


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 9:56 AM
Author: Mint indian lodge goyim

did they ever explain wtf that guy was doing there? I assume he was OJ's weed/coke hookup?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 12:26 PM
Author: Deranged volcanic crater

considering the revelations about Puffy I think maybe he was OJ’s lil white butt slut


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 5:25 PM
Author: bespoke parlour therapy

it was revenge for the rodney king beating acquittal


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 7:01 PM
Author: Deranged volcanic crater

aka the shitlib idea of “justice”


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 7:08 PM
Author: vivacious corner gaping

It was the tainted evidence by the LAPD. No reasonable jury would have convicted once that came out.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 7:10 PM
Author: Brilliant Elastic Band State

OJ got off because the retarded prosecution picked a jury from downtown that turned out to be 9/12 black


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 7:48 PM
Author: garnet pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 7:40 AM
Author: Snowy abode


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Date: April 17th, 2024 12:25 PM
Author: Bossy bearded useless brakes point

It didn't "turn out to be" that; marcia clark literally selected FOR black women, because she felt she had a bond with them from her DV work. Not flame. This was after mock-jury focus groups showed that black women were the single worst group of jurors, who rated their sympathy toward OJ above that of Nicole Simpson.

Not flame.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 12:32 PM
Author: Deranged volcanic crater


Reply Favorite

Date: April 16th, 2024 7:47 PM
Author: brindle violent school

More importantly he took the 5th Amendment when asked if he planted evidence.

You're basically to reasonable doubt once that happens in a trial.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 12:03 PM
Author: vivacious corner gaping


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Date: April 17th, 2024 8:03 AM
Author: Purple startled mad-dog skullcap

just a reminder of how fucking amazing the 90's were. he dropped the n-word more than a dozen times and not only didn't get canceled, he got tv gigs


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 9:55 AM
Author: Mint indian lodge goyim

the glove thing was a really stupid move also


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 12:09 PM
Author: carnelian useless halford fat ankles

he got off because his son did it


Reply Favorite

Date: April 17th, 2024 12:09 PM
Author: swollen theatre roast beef

Inside job
