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low iq autist Scott Alexander "just can't figure out" why DC schools suck

burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
"My friend described an incident where one student–who ...
Beta navy church building
burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
Talented newt
contagious corn cake casino
lmao at this anecdote
Lascivious Regret
Magical big station puppy
uh, no. monkey blacks think anyone who speaks clearly is FA...
crystalline yarmulke location
White ignorance and unpaid reparations.
nudist house useless brakes
The quickest way for libs to become conservaheroes is some q...
twinkling potus
I would have no problem AAing that kid into HYS
Cocky frozen temple goal in life
adventurous personal credit line ladyboy
peach rigor
Tripping spectacular school
sickened vigorous friendly grandma
disrespectful indian lodge
this is the only way libs learn. "w-w-why are you ca...
Pontificating black base
bespoke bipolar jew stage
trying to fix high school graduation rates by focusing on ge...
Laughsome useless idea he suggested
yeah, it's the "education $ystem" that caused them...
burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
what are you suggesting then? not like we can deport citizen...
Laughsome useless idea he suggested
is this shtick
Beta navy church building
take property rights to its furthest logical extreme
Talented newt
How about something like Kids who show no potential and/or a...
painfully honest juggernaut
This massively reduces societal utility. I bet you also t...
Talented newt
(home invader)
Lascivious Regret
I do. Preferably fatally.
painfully honest juggernaut
Grizzly aphrodisiac spot
citrine parlour affirmative action
we could do this: 1. replace elementary school teachers in ...
Laughsome useless idea he suggested
Sounds better than the current system
painfully honest juggernaut
The military has no use for true dumbs.
citrine parlour affirmative action
histrionic knife
painfully honest juggernaut
what can be done w repurposed farm equipment?
crystalline yarmulke location
its all signaling at that point the questions isn't wheth...
pearly cerebral tanning salon
He's a hack. HTH
Startling soul-stirring kitchen
Has he considered the Occam's razor approach? Garbage in...
Learning Disabled Glittery Public Bath
Did anyone here (OP included) actually read his post? OP's ...
Wine National Half-breed
no I just loled at the buckwild nigger teen alphaing the mee...
Lascivious Regret
yeah, he actually correctly identifies what's going on in DC...
Beta navy church building
FAGGOT! *knocks clipboard into your face*
Narrow-minded theater stage rigpig
crystalline yarmulke location
*does nothing*
Wine National Half-breed
Yeah, I don't get it. Of all of the people writing about pol...
White twisted fanboi den
No, he's not.
Supple bistre orchestra pit
I get that you're a mentally ill nutcase from your other pos...
White twisted fanboi den
tell us more about your cult cuddle parties with 100% sane s...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
He's really retarded and dumb, actually. All "effective...
burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
Sup caroline?
Ruby lodge tank
libs are mentally ill. im sympathetic to a degree--just i...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
and then you couldn't even talk about your experiences with ...
Pungent persian
is ostracization worse than non-gendered cuddle parties with...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
lmao. "My fetishes are orgasm denial (of her)..." ...
arousing hilarious cumskin patrolman
Supple bistre orchestra pit
odd case
burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
"Risten...u no orgasm whire i morest u!!!!" &...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
lmao. an easy one to accomplish.
disrespectful indian lodge
peach rigor
don't forget the light novel he wrote, “A Girl Corrupted by ...
Titillating talking center
these people are insane and that can't be overstated. i...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
1. Prologue: A virgin maiden is already corrupted?! My fa...
Titillating talking center
I don't even know if you're flaming. I'd believe almost anyt...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
click the link dude it's just a copy-paste of the first chap...
Titillating talking center
burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
peach rigor
sounds like the school scenes in "The Wire" absent...
Bateful Milky Principal's Office
Lascivious Regret
lmao at the wire writers attributing shakespearean drama and...
burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat
even worse, simon said it was more greek than shakespearean-...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
"The lowest graduation rate in any of the fifty states ...
Grizzly aphrodisiac spot
School to barista pipeline
Motley institution
Laughsome useless idea he suggested
Talented newt
Grizzly aphrodisiac spot
Magical big station puppy
I bet their standards are higher than DC, for one
painfully honest juggernaut
Just drop out at 16 for BIGLUMBERJACK $$$
Narrow-minded theater stage rigpig
lmao if youre not dropping out of high school to do BIGSALMO...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
This is smart giy
Magical big station puppy
set to "Just Can't Get Enough" by Depeche Mode
dead fat ankles digit ratio
Another side to DC schools. My kids spent some time in a pub...
orange trump supporter
Damn, you really are an Old dude.
Wine National Half-breed
His grandson probably poasts here.
Learning Disabled Glittery Public Bath
Don't have one, which is a good thing, as both my kids have ...
orange trump supporter
Older than dirt.
orange trump supporter
Older than dirte, at least. I thought I was near the upper ...
Wine National Half-breed
oldhlsdude--link to your boomer resistance to flushing Ameri...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
any movement on this?
Lascivious Regret
lifelong xo boomers...?
Supple bistre orchestra pit
Lascivious Regret
lol the linked articles about the other school systems are a...
twinkling potus
lmao wasn't there an article recently where some teacher wa...
Laughsome useless idea he suggested
i duno wtf is going on in this article or thread
lilac multi-colored pistol address
I didn't read article or thread but let me give you cliffs: ...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
lilac multi-colored pistol address
Credited on the hypergrafia, but the rest is bullshit.
Wine National Half-breed
link? i assure you siskind is a literally jewish and ment...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
pearly cerebral tanning salon
how? somebody called bullshit. I know him and know for...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
pearly cerebral tanning salon
hes an insane geek who seeks fame while simultaneously sayin...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
pearly cerebral tanning salon
I don't want you to do anything. I literally laughed at h...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
You're really dedicated to this "unhinged total asshole...
Wine National Half-breed
eliezer and Scott literally sexually manipulate unwell young...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
yeah, you're the asshole
pearly cerebral tanning salon
yet I'm still not a Jewish cult leader.
Supple bistre orchestra pit
details on this?
histrionic knife
all of their posts on polyamory should tell you what you nee...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
this is a lot more believable for yudkowsky than scott, who ...
histrionic knife
neat story doobs
pearly cerebral tanning salon
www.slatestarcodex.com I read his blog. It's good, and i...
Wine National Half-breed
Supple bistre orchestra pit
Well, I generally think you have shitty opinions, so it's no...
Wine National Half-breed
sorry about your low iq bro. we dont disagree. im right...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
"we dont disagree. im right; youre wrong." Your...
Wine National Half-breed
wait you actually know him? like irl or just an internet th...
Titillating talking center
pearly cerebral tanning salon
i guess i assumed Scott would not go into details about what...
Titillating talking center
lmao at me going to a blog fanclub meetup. this nutjob wa...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
pearly cerebral tanning salon
I didn't connect anything; I'm not one of his blognuts. e...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
pearly cerebral tanning salon
i just googled his real name (the one deus vult already post...
Titillating talking center
here's one of the main things their sick cult does: pressure...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
Pretty good subthread
Pungent persian
OUT the techniques they use to accomplish this
disrespectful indian lodge
Titillating talking center
hahahahahahahahahaahahaha did these faggots literally write ...
disrespectful indian lodge
1. Grow a beard 2. Fail 3. Grow a neckbeard "S...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
How do I join?
painfully honest juggernaut
join a cuddle party, write your autobiography by cribbing so...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
I learned a new word today, ty
Lascivious Regret
peach rigor
look at the rats scatter when I shine a light on their crime...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
You are a weird motherfucker. You haven't actually supporte...
Wine National Half-breed
you're exceptionally dull. you've literally made a dozen+...
Supple bistre orchestra pit
(poaster "shocked and offended" by cuddle parties)
Wine National Half-breed
(mentally ill stalker)
Supple bistre orchestra pit
need pics and links
hairraiser crimson step-uncle's house
Supple bistre orchestra pit
hairraiser crimson step-uncle's house
Is this the abhorrent behavior? "He touched my thigh...
Wine National Half-breed

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 12th, 2018 10:42 AM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat



a commenter writes:

"I was friends with a guy who briefly worked as a teacher at a public high school in central DC (I’m 80% sure it was Cardozo High). He had an education background thanks to spending several years working as a youth camp counselor and as an after-school program counselor, and that was sufficient to qualify him for DCPS’ abbreviated teacher training program (such a thing existed in 2009 when he did it; I’m unsure if it is still around). During the training program, I remember him speaking about his enthusiasm for the teaching skills he was learning and about his eagerness to put them to use (in retrospect, I think some of this was a nervous attempt to convince himself the job wouldn’t be bad). After a break of several months, we spoke again, and he was almost totally disillusioned with the job and was already thinking of quitting. This is what I remember him saying:

1) On the first day of classes, there was no orientation for new teachers, no brief meeting where the Principal shook his hand and said “Welcome Aboard,” nothing. He had to go to the front office and ask a secretary what classroom was his and walk there by himself.

2) Unexcused absences were chronic and undermined his ability to teach anything. At the start of each of his classes, he had a written roster of students, and he had to check off which students were there. For any class, typically 20-30% of students would be missing, without explanation (This is a very important point to remember whenever anyone tries to blame DCPS’ poor outcomes on large class sizes–on paper, each class might have 35 students, but typically, only 23 are actually showing up). Additionally, the 20-30% of students who were absent each class varied from day-to-day, meaning one student didn’t know what was taught on Monday, the one next to him was there Monday but not Tuesday, the third was there the first two days but not Wednesday, etc.

3) Student misbehavior was atrocious. For example, out of the students who showed up to class, it was common for some to walk into the classroom late, again without any explanation and often behaving disruptively. As a rule, whenever a student did that, he was obligated to sign his name on a clipboard for the teacher’s attendance records (there was no punishment for tardiness–late students merely had to write their names down). Some late students would chronically resist doing this, either ignoring him and just going to their desks or yelling curses at him. My friend described an incident where one student–who was physically bigger than he was–yelled out he was a “FAGGOT” when asked to sign the clipboard, provoking laughs from all the other students, before sitting down without signing it. After seeing he could get away with that, the student started calling my friend “FAGGOT” all the time. Other examples of misbehavior included near-constant talking among the students during lessons and fooling around with cell phones.

4) Teachers received almost no support from the school administration. Had sane rules been followed at this high school, students would have been immediately sent to the office for formal punishment for these sorts of offenses I’ve described. However, under such a policy, the office would have been overwhelmed with misbehaving students and probably some of their enraged parents, so the administration solved the problem by forbidding teachers from sending students to the office for anything other than physical violence in the classroom. My friend had no ability to formally punish the student who liked to call him “FAGGOT” other than to use stern verbal warnings.

5) Most of the students were unwilling and in some cases unable to learn. During class sessions, the students were clearly disengaged from what he was teaching. Homework completion rates were abysmal. As the end of the academic semester neared, he saw that a huge fraction of them were on track to fail, so he resorted to pitiful cajoling, pizza parties, reward schemes, and deals involving large curves to everyone’s grades if they could only, for once do a little work, and it didn’t work. Some of his students were Latino and understood little or even no English, meaning they learned (almost) nothing, even when they tried. He resorted to seating the students who knew no English next to bilingual Latinos who could translate for them. That was the best he could do. In fairness, he spoke glowingly of some of his students, who actually put in some effort and were surprisingly smart.

6) At the time my friend was teaching, DCPS was in the grips of some harebrained, faddish teaching philosophy that said students of different academic abilities shouldn’t be put in different course tracks, but rather, should be deliberately put in the same class. This of course caused immediate problems since the curriculum was too hard for the weakest students and too easy for the strongest ones. I think my friend said his training program basically told teachers to “try harder” if any problems arose from the setup.

I’ll never forget how crestfallen and stressed out he was when he described these things to me. Having never taught in American public schools, I didn’t realize just how bad it was, and the detailed nature of his anecdotes really had an impact on me. I advised him to finish his year at the high school and then to transfer to ANY non-urban school in the area, even if it meant lower pay or a longer commute. We lost touch after that, but I can’t imagine he still works in DCPS."

hmmmmmmm, nope, must be structural racism, lol


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 10:47 AM
Author: Beta navy church building

"My friend described an incident where one student–who was physically bigger than he was–yelled out he was a “FAGGOT” when asked to sign the clipboard, provoking laughs from all the other students, before sitting down without signing it. After seeing he could get away with that, the student started calling my friend “FAGGOT” all the time."


i feel like this is actually an example of The System Working. i'm picturing some black kid repeatedly yelling "FAGGOT" at this stupid effete brainwashed white shitlib soyboy "teacher" and i'm not really seeing anything wrong with it


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 10:50 AM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:10 AM
Author: Talented newt


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Date: April 12th, 2018 11:11 AM
Author: contagious corn cake casino



Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:23 AM
Author: Lascivious Regret

lmao at this anecdote


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:54 AM
Author: Magical big station puppy


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: crystalline yarmulke location

uh, no. monkey blacks think anyone who speaks clearly is FAGGOT. its a real problem that the school wouldn't do anything about this because it impaired the other kids ability to learn.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 12:01 PM
Author: nudist house useless brakes

White ignorance and unpaid reparations.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:12 PM
Author: twinkling potus

The quickest way for libs to become conservaheroes is some quality time with the people they insist are victims.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:54 PM
Author: Cocky frozen temple goal in life

I would have no problem AAing that kid into HYS


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:45 PM
Author: adventurous personal credit line ladyboy


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:47 PM
Author: peach rigor


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:43 PM
Author: Tripping spectacular school


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:00 PM
Author: sickened vigorous friendly grandma


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 7:48 PM
Author: disrespectful indian lodge



Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 9:08 PM
Author: Pontificating black base

this is the only way libs learn.

"w-w-why are you calling me a faggot? only white frat boys use that kind of hateful rhetoric!"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 9:46 PM
Author: bespoke bipolar jew stage


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 10:56 AM
Author: Laughsome useless idea he suggested

trying to fix high school graduation rates by focusing on getting them out the door senior year is hilariously retarded. the kids have already been through 12+ years of a laughably bad education system and these fucks think they can get them to sit down and teach them how to read in 6 months. lol just fucking lol. they're lost causes by that point. they're probably lost causes by 8th grade.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:01 AM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat

yeah, it's the "education $ystem" that caused them to be born with impossibly low iq and behavior i$sues, just need more money for teacher$, right?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:05 AM
Author: Laughsome useless idea he suggested

what are you suggesting then? not like we can deport citizens. we could probably make the education system reasonably good within a generation just by tightening standards from the bottom up


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:06 AM
Author: Beta navy church building

is this shtick


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:10 AM
Author: Talented newt

take property rights to its furthest logical extreme


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:23 AM
Author: painfully honest juggernaut

How about something like Kids who show no potential and/or are disruptive are given a choice: shape the fuck up or drop out and work in low wage government jobs till they are 18 where they will learn a useful skill. Those that fuck up at the job are fired and allowed to become the criminals they are destined to be.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:29 AM
Author: Talented newt

This massively reduces societal utility.

I bet you also think home invaders getting shot is a good thing.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:33 AM
Author: Lascivious Regret

(home invader)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:34 AM
Author: painfully honest juggernaut

I do. Preferably fatally.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:41 AM
Author: Grizzly aphrodisiac spot


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:05 PM
Author: citrine parlour affirmative action


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:32 AM
Author: Laughsome useless idea he suggested

we could do this:

1. replace elementary school teachers in shitty inner city schools with drill instructor types whose job is to discipline and teach basic reading and arithmetic. maybe very very rudimentary science like planets in the solar system. no history/geography/anything else whatsoever in elementary school

2. standardized graduation tests at 8th grade. 2 chances, after that you go to trade school/military school or some other shit

3. standardized graduation tests at 12th grade. 2 chances, after that you can go to remedial summer school if you're within a certain range, if you fail again at the end of the summer you choose between trade school/govt training program/military


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:33 AM
Author: painfully honest juggernaut

Sounds better than the current system


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:06 PM
Author: citrine parlour affirmative action

The military has no use for true dumbs.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 8:07 PM
Author: histrionic knife



Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 8:08 PM
Author: painfully honest juggernaut



Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: crystalline yarmulke location

what can be done w repurposed farm equipment?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:12 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon

its all signaling at that point

the questions isn't whether the kid can read or do math or whatever, it whether we want him to have the same signal as all the other kids who have the signal, 'didn't graduate HS'


From the original post:

"If the true value of education is signaling, then the most important thing a school district can do is make sure it’s speaking the same signaling-language as everyone else. Probably somebody should fix the system in general, but that needs to happen on a national level if it’s not going to leave thousands of unfairly-failed children as collateral damage."

From Steve Sailer in the comments:

"It’s not at all uncommon across the country for states or local school districts to (temporarily) implement, or at least announce, extremely stringent high school graduation requirements. For example, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pushed through a requirement that to graduate from high school in California, you had to pass Algebra, Geometry, and, now, Algebra II. After all, who can’t pass Algebra II if they just put a little mental elbow grease into their effort?

Year after year, local school districts delayed implementing the Algebra II graduation requirement for just one more year. Last I heard, LAUSD was finally going to do it, but then I got bored and stopped following the issue.

An awful lot of fantasy rules are passed for making it tougher to graduate from high school, but then are never really implemented because, in truth, there are a fair number of decent kids who try pretty hard but just aren’t very bright, and educators really don’t want to hang the High School Dropout label on them for life."


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:09 AM
Author: Startling soul-stirring kitchen

He's a hack. HTH


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:13 AM
Author: Learning Disabled Glittery Public Bath

Has he considered the Occam's razor approach?

Garbage in -> Garbage out.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:26 AM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

Did anyone here (OP included) actually read his post? OP's summary is retarded


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:27 AM
Author: Lascivious Regret

no I just loled at the buckwild nigger teen alphaing the meek cucky schoolteacher


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:44 AM
Author: Beta navy church building

yeah, he actually correctly identifies what's going on in DC (and other predominantly black schools). it's just fun to make fun of scott alexander and the rest of the clueless fags who post on his blog


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:57 AM
Author: Narrow-minded theater stage rigpig


*knocks clipboard into your face*


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 12:00 PM
Author: crystalline yarmulke location


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:11 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

*does nothing*


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 6:54 PM
Author: White twisted fanboi den

Yeah, I don't get it. Of all of the people writing about politics, policy and culture out there, Scott is among the closest to XO honesty. He's a good thinker.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 6:56 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

No, he's not.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 6:56 PM
Author: White twisted fanboi den

I get that you're a mentally ill nutcase from your other posts in this thread. Have fun with that.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 6:58 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

tell us more about your cult cuddle parties with 100% sane scott siskind


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 7:58 PM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat

He's really retarded and dumb, actually. All "effective altruists" are human backwash whose stupidity could really only be allowed to exist on the internet where other equally autism spectrum losers can congregate in such numbers to achieve a critical mass for an idiotic balding poly cuddle party malaria net hive mind.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 10th, 2022 2:05 PM
Author: Ruby lodge tank

Sup caroline?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:39 AM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

libs are mentally ill.

im sympathetic to a degree--just imagine the tension some "high IQ"* jewish dork must feel when trying to reconcile how his entire self-concept is wrapped up in identifying as part of the "rational class" engaged in a titanic struggle with the forces of benighted, religious, irrational conservaheroism, when it turns out, empirically, that conservative descriptions and prescriptions are congruent with reality while liberalism is an insane religion in hard, destructive opposition to facts, reason, and the Good in general; it sure sounds like a tremendous burden to bear and the splenetic blogs and desperate cuddle parties are surely emotional health release valves for this suffocating anchor of dissonance around their necks.

...well, some of you don't have to imagine.

*high iq...but as an adult college graduate he first became "woke" on thinking by reading that freak yudkowskys incoherent, incompetent attempts at synthesizing frameworks and knowledge of meta-reasoning.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:42 AM
Author: Pungent persian

and then you couldn't even talk about your experiences with your lib friends in white collar professions removed from this shit because they would start a whisper campaign of "seems like Jonah is starting to get a bit...well I don't want to say racist, but he has said some surprising things"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:53 AM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

is ostracization worse than non-gendered cuddle parties with these people?



a typical Friday night I am

recovering from a working day. Why couldn't you have asked about Thursday nights or Monday nights? Chances are much higher I'd be in a hot tub with some friends.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

My fetishes are orgasm denial (of her); tickling (either of her, or with me allowed to fight back); and I have a strong sexually sadistic streak, but if I don't believe she's turned on by it, it does nothing for me.

I'm not easily offended by questions; I won't answer everything, but you can always ask me anything.

I’m looking for

Girls who like guys Ages 20–40 Near me For new friends, long-term dating, short-term dating

You should message me if

As of June 2012, my poly dance card is mostly full at the moment (one primary, two other relationships). Message me anyway if you want to be notified when my dance card is less full. Ignore any temptation to passively wait for me to notice you, that rarely works in real life and never over the Internet.

I've noticed that a lot of aspiring-rationalist females seem very shy and underconfident for one reason or another; so let me state here you shouldn't worry about disqualifying yourself or thinking that I'm not accessible to you. Don't decide on other people's behalf that they'll say no to you. Just decide whether you'd say yes yourself. Test experimentally what happens when you try asking directly for what you want - that's Empiricism. This advice applies any time you prefer the state of affairs where you sleep with a guy to not sleeping with him, and also to life in general.

If you're a student of transhumanism and rationality, sexually masochistic, and we have any overlap of literary taste or other interests, then contact me regardless of my full dance card - we may have a chance of building a new primary relationship together.

Though I'm also cool with trophy collection, if you only want to sleep with me once so you can tell your grandchildren."

I report; you decide.

but these are sick, sick people. and while jews always talk about how smart they are, real intelligence is very hard to identify in the wild (as shown by these retarded degenerates being lauded as intellectuals)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 12:47 PM
Author: arousing hilarious cumskin patrolman

lmao. "My fetishes are orgasm denial (of her)..." how convenient for him.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 12:52 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:55 PM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat

odd case


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:58 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

"Risten...u no orgasm whire i morest u!!!!"

"No, I don't think I would, so please don't moles--"



Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 7:49 PM
Author: disrespectful indian lodge

lmao. an easy one to accomplish.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:50 PM
Author: peach rigor


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:55 PM
Author: Titillating talking center

don't forget the light novel he wrote, “A Girl Corrupted by the Internet is the Summoned Hero?!”

first four chapters available free here: http://yudkowsky.net/other/fiction/girl-intercorrupted/


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:11 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

these people are insane and that can't be overstated.

it can't be overstated because they have ZERO competence or expertise or credentials in the areas in which they claim they are expert.

eliezer is a psycho with a cult.

he is NOT an AI researcher.

he is NOT the man who solved logic.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:14 PM
Author: Titillating talking center

1. Prologue: A virgin maiden is already corrupted?!

My family name is Yugano. My given name is Yuuki. I have no redeeming qualities.

The boys I meet fail to interest me, and I haven’t kissed any of them. This is because the Internet has ruined my way of looking at the world.

In the beginning, seeing pics of a muscular man with no shirt was enough to make me breathe faster. If I came across a picture of a man being nude, I would flinch away in horror.

Over time, I moved on to pictures of nude men, then two men doing things to one another. As I became numb to one perversion, I had to find something more extreme to arouse my interest. Now I have no interest in normal forms of youthful misbehavior.

You say I should have refrained? Back then I was too young to know better, and now this untouched maiden has been so thoroughly ruined that I might as well go further.

I blame the government and my parents. In the very beginning, they should have stopped that innocent girl from seeing perverted things online.

Now I spend hours every day browsing the Internet, doing you-know-what to myself.

At this point I’d like to deliver a sharp remark about how stories depict being transported to another world. You know the scene I’m talking about: the Hero arrives surrounded by holy clerics casting the Summoning Spell, with well-dressed royalty and future adventuring companions looking on.

In every one of those cases, the Summoning catches the Hero at a time when the Hero is standing up and fully dressed.

Is this realistic? Would a Hero be Summoned only at such a convenient time? I bet you spend much of your day sitting down. If the Summoning caught you then, wouldn’t you materialize unsupported, and fall on your ass?

Imagine being a Hero being transported while they’re on the toilet. They materialize in a sitting position with their underwear around their ankles, then fall over with their knees still bent and pants down. Their butt hasn’t been wiped, and it leaves a smear on the ground. Maybe the Summoned Hero is right in the middle of pooping out a big one.

What happened to me was even more embarrassing than that.

It involved my usual Internet habits.

That was the first step of my journey into another world.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:20 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

I don't even know if you're flaming. I'd believe almost anything about eliezer.

(Scott is less of a psychotic asshole but still very, very sick)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:23 PM
Author: Titillating talking center

click the link dude it's just a copy-paste of the first chapter of his light novel


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:52 PM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:48 PM
Author: peach rigor


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Date: April 12th, 2018 11:39 AM
Author: Bateful Milky Principal's Office

sounds like the school scenes in "The Wire" absent the success that Prez and Bunny Colvin had in getting their problem students to behave and learn


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:41 AM
Author: Lascivious Regret



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Date: April 12th, 2018 1:56 PM
Author: burgundy bat-shit-crazy toilet seat

lmao at the wire writers attributing shakespearean drama and motivations to damn dirty apes


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:03 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

even worse, simon said it was more greek than shakespearean--the gods themselves are interfering to make nig society impossible.

ie an inverse deus ex machina is required to upset the best laid plans of men; it's not possible libs are wrong in the realm of rationality.


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Date: April 12th, 2018 11:44 AM
Author: Grizzly aphrodisiac spot

"The lowest graduation rate in any of the fifty states is in Oregon, which still has 69%."

WTF is wrong with Oregon?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:50 AM
Author: Motley institution

School to barista pipeline


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:53 AM
Author: Laughsome useless idea he suggested


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:57 AM
Author: Talented newt


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: Grizzly aphrodisiac spot


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: Magical big station puppy


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:56 AM
Author: painfully honest juggernaut

I bet their standards are higher than DC, for one


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: Narrow-minded theater stage rigpig

Just drop out at 16 for BIGLUMBERJACK $$$


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 12:03 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

lmao if youre not dropping out of high school to do BIGSALMONSMUGGLING in the Pacific NW


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:55 AM
Author: Magical big station puppy

This is smart giy


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 12:52 PM
Author: dead fat ankles digit ratio

set to "Just Can't Get Enough" by Depeche Mode


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Date: April 12th, 2018 1:10 PM
Author: orange trump supporter

Another side to DC schools. My kids spent some time in a public elementary school in DC. It was full of embassy and Executive Branch staffer kids, most of whom went to places like Sidwell Friends after 6th grade. Majority of kids were white - faculty not. My 3rd grade son came home one day and asked me is it was true what his teacher had told the class, "If Ronald Regan is reelected, it will be the end of democracy in America."


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:14 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

Damn, you really are an Old dude.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:20 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Glittery Public Bath

His grandson probably poasts here.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:51 PM
Author: orange trump supporter

Don't have one, which is a good thing, as both my kids have schizophrenia.


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Date: April 12th, 2018 2:51 PM
Author: orange trump supporter

Older than dirt.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:53 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

Older than dirte, at least. I thought I was near the upper end of the XO age cohort.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:24 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

oldhlsdude--link to your boomer resistance to flushing America down the toilet?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:02 PM
Author: Lascivious Regret

any movement on this?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:05 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

lifelong xo boomers...?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:18 PM
Author: Lascivious Regret


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:11 PM
Author: twinkling potus

lol the linked articles about the other school systems are amazing. Here's some BALTIMORE SCHOLARSHIP:


Teachers stunned by Project Baltimore discovery: “I don’t think it’s possible.”

BALTIMORE, Md. (WBFF) -- How can a high school with zero students proficient in math, have one of the highest graduation rates in Baltimore City?

It’s a question Project Baltimore is asking after teachers from Northwood Appold Community Academy II, or NACA II, contacted us saying grades are being changed so students can graduate.

“I don’t think it’s possible,” says one of the teachers who sat down with Fox45. We’re disguising their identities because the educators fear retaliation.

“You should think at least one. But none? Wow!” says the other teacher.

None. Zero. It’s a number that also got our attention.

NACA II is a Baltimore City high school that has its troubles. According to district data analyzed by Project Baltimore, attendance rates are down since 2013, while chronic absenteeism has nearly quadrupled and suspensions have more than doubled. Yet, the school reports an 87 percent graduation rate, the exact same as the state average.

’13 ’14 ’15 ‘16

Attendance Rates: 95 92 91 88

Chronic Absenteeism: 7 21 18 27

Suspensions: 24 38 28 53

Source: Baltimore City School Profiles

But then we found that NACA II has zero students proficient in state math testing and just 5 percent proficient in English. Compare that to the state, where 36 percent of students are proficient in math, 44 in English – yet, both have the same graduate rate.

Grad Rate Math English

NACA II: 87% 0% 5%

Maryland: 87% 36% 44%

Source: State Department of Education

When asked how can that happen, one NACA II educator responded, “Grade changing. Giving out diplomas to students that did not earn them.”

Added the other, “If they’re not proficient and not passing those tests, they shouldn’t have graduated.”

Here’s the problem: High school students are tested by the state in math and English. Their scores place them in one of five categories. A four or five is considered proficient, while one through three are not. At NACA II, 42 students took the Algebra II test last year, and 35 fell into the lowest level. The rest fell into the second lowest category. Not one student even “approached expectations” and scored a three.

“I’m in shock but I understand it,” said one of the teachers. “If you are changing grades and you’re allowing people to walk, of course, that is what your numbers are going to look like.”

NACA II has 17 teachers. Fox45 spoke to three of them, who said students are failing required classes, but still getting diplomas.

Project Baltimore reached out to NACA II’s operator, Dr. Cecil Gray. After two weeks of emailing with his attorney, he declined to comment. But in a previous statement, his lawyer told Project Baltimore, the allegations of grade changing are false. But the Baltimore City Schools Chief Academic Officer, Sean Conley, told Fox45 that what we found raises concerns.

“It is something we would look into,” said Conley speaking of the zero percent proficiency with an 87 percent graduation rate.

“We would take any specific allegations and forward that to the office of investigations if we have any evidence, or what they determine about potential fraud, we would take that very seriously,” Conley said.

North Avenue is looking into it. Since we interviewed Conley a few weeks ago for this story, the Baltimore City School District has launched an internal investigation into NACA II and will no longer comment for legal reasons.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 1:15 PM
Author: Laughsome useless idea he suggested


wasn't there an article recently where some teacher was praised as "brave" for helping her kids cheat on standardized testsm


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Date: April 12th, 2018 2:06 PM
Author: lilac multi-colored pistol address

i duno wtf is going on in this article or thread


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:13 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

I didn't read article or thread but let me give you cliffs:

1. Scott Siskind is a Jewish, clinically insane blogger.

2. Jewish, clinically insane xo posters feel compelled to read his posts.

3. His posts display more hypergraphia and mental illness than a pensive blog.

4. Therefore, his posts are not edifying on any serious topic.

5. His posts on the specifics of mentally ill subcultures may be edifying if you've previously accepted and internalized the premises of the mentally ill subcultures at issue.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:14 PM
Author: lilac multi-colored pistol address



Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:20 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

Credited on the hypergrafia, but the rest is bullshit.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:26 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit


i assure you siskind is a literally jewish and mentally ill blogger


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:27 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon


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Date: April 12th, 2018 3:32 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit


somebody called bullshit.

I know him and know for a fact he's both a kike and has sought treatment for mental illness.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:53 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon


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Date: April 12th, 2018 4:02 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

hes an insane geek who seeks fame while simultaneously saying hes anonymous.

using his name is pointing that out.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:09 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon


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Date: April 12th, 2018 4:18 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

I don't want you to do anything.

I literally laughed at him irl until his minions came over to say he was upset at being humiliated, but it's not his fault because he's just a blogger.

And I had to tell them I wasn't trying to upset him and would be happy to talk to him, so he came over telling me his life story and how he's going his own way with his cult followers, and its really triggering when I make him look bad in front of them and that's one reason why he spends most of his energy online with unemployed reddit neckbeards instead of in real life and...


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:20 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

You're really dedicated to this "unhinged total asshole" schtick.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:22 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

eliezer and Scott literally sexually manipulate unwell young girls.

so sure, I'm the asshole pointing this out.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:32 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon

yeah, you're the asshole


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:37 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

yet I'm still not a Jewish cult leader.


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Date: April 12th, 2018 8:16 PM
Author: histrionic knife

details on this?


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Date: April 12th, 2018 8:34 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

all of their posts on polyamory should tell you what you need to know.

no self-respecting woman who was well would date either one of them, of course, so instead they indoctrinate vulnerable, mentally ill "geeky" girls into being their "poly" (100% intellectual) cumrags.

obviously this doesn't go well for the 20 year old girls who are emotionally immature enough to fall for this geek polygamy shit and they wind up crying, abusing drugs, attempting suicide, etc. but hey, that's all grist for the blog mill about the fragility of contemporary life. and there's always a new naive 19 year old dork girl to take her place.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 10:30 PM
Author: histrionic knife

this is a lot more believable for yudkowsky than scott, who IIRC is some kind of "asexual". I remember the poly stuff from way back when I used to read his blog and it was all hilariously stereotypical shit--the non-binary tranny, the fat fanfiction writer, etc, all of whom had blogs. they were the ones who had inducted HIM into the lifestyle too I think.

not saying it's an implausible change in 4 years but what you're talking about would be a major change of pace from that.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:22 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon

neat story doobs


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Date: April 12th, 2018 3:42 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed


I read his blog. It's good, and it prompts good discussion among smart people that are willing to acknowledge un-PC evidence/conclusions (like XO), but mostly aren't mentally ill assholes (unlike XO).


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:43 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit



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Date: April 12th, 2018 3:45 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

Well, I generally think you have shitty opinions, so it's not surprising we disagree here.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

sorry about your low iq bro.

we dont disagree. im right; youre wrong. ive literally had scott cry to me about his mental illness.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 3:57 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

"we dont disagree. im right; youre wrong."

Your dazzling intellect is on display.


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Date: April 12th, 2018 3:57 PM
Author: Titillating talking center

wait you actually know him? like irl or just an internet thing?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:00 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon


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Date: April 12th, 2018 4:02 PM
Author: Titillating talking center

i guess i assumed Scott would not go into details about whatever his own mental illness issues are with random people who show up to one meetup. then again maybe that's just part of what makes him weird.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:03 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

lmao at me going to a blog fanclub meetup.

this nutjob was at a real conference trying to explain himself to me. i didnt buy it; he got emotional.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:10 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon


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Date: April 12th, 2018 4:12 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

I didn't connect anything; I'm not one of his blognuts.

everyone knows who he is, I'm not outing him.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:07 PM
Author: pearly cerebral tanning salon


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Date: April 12th, 2018 4:10 PM
Author: Titillating talking center

i just googled his real name (the one deus vult already posted) and he mentions being OCD in like the top result as one of the things that led him to become a psychiatrist

also, you wouldn't need to be in a weird subculture that focuses on those things if you thought regular people already did a good job of practicing them


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 4:27 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

here's one of the main things their sick cult does: pressure young, unstable girls into sexually manipulative relationships with neckbeard creeps like eliezer and scott who would normally never get even a single date.

Oh, what a sensitive soul!


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Date: April 12th, 2018 4:40 PM
Author: Pungent persian

Pretty good subthread


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Date: April 12th, 2018 10:01 PM
Author: disrespectful indian lodge

OUT the techniques they use to accomplish this


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 10:12 PM
Author: Titillating talking center



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Date: April 12th, 2018 10:21 PM
Author: disrespectful indian lodge

hahahahahahahahahaahahaha did these faggots literally write a series of blog posts entitled "the science of winning at life"? lmao


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:02 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

1. Grow a beard

2. Fail

3. Grow a neckbeard

"So I'm pretty much of mix of everything livejournal intellectual I've learned to love about myself: poly, furry, emo/goth, futurist, sapiosexual"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 10:05 PM
Author: painfully honest juggernaut

How do I join?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 11:06 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

join a cuddle party, write your autobiography by cribbing some blog posts about AI


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:20 PM
Author: Lascivious Regret

I learned a new word today, ty


Reply Favorite

Date: April 12th, 2018 2:50 PM
Author: peach rigor


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 6:51 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

look at the rats scatter when I shine a light on their crimes.

let me be 100% clear: I will "out" anyone I feel like as being part of a *public* cult that rapes young girls. If you don't want to be "outed" as such then you are well-advised to bite your tongue.


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Date: April 13th, 2018 6:57 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

You are a weird motherfucker. You haven't actually supported any of your most crazy allegations. But at least you've let people know what kind of poaster you are, which is valuable.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 7:00 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

you're exceptionally dull.

you've literally made a dozen+ posts over several months/years talking about how shocked and offended you are by me. yeah, we ain't on your Facebook page and that doesn't work here.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 7:24 PM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

(poaster "shocked and offended" by cuddle parties)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 7:31 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit

(mentally ill stalker)


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Date: April 13th, 2018 7:34 PM
Author: hairraiser crimson step-uncle's house

need pics and links


Reply Favorite

Date: April 13th, 2018 7:56 PM
Author: Supple bistre orchestra pit



Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 11:45 AM
Author: hairraiser crimson step-uncle's house


Suicide note describing the pathology and abhorrent behavior of weirdo rationalists


Reply Favorite

Date: June 21st, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: Wine National Half-breed

Is this the abhorrent behavior?

"He touched my thigh at Signal Data Science where I was living and training to become a data scientist. I moved my legs away. He touched my thigh again. When I went to report him to Julia Wise of CEA, he was already banned from EA Global."

She describes this as sexual assault and sexual violence. I don't want to kick a suicidal depressive who just committed suicide while she's down, but she does not strike me as a reliable narrator of interpersonal interaction.
