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Disco is right.."retirement" is a yuuuge weird scam

razzle bearded tanning salon
Many people are saying this. I really do not understand what...
Orange hospital
F "retirement" and "death"
razzle bearded tanning salon
Retirement is a euphamism for death. Social death, occupatio...
Orange hospital
Death in all forms friend
razzle bearded tanning salon
cracking citrine lettuce
I will never retire unless my health forces me to.
Shimmering Excitant Menage
Fuck "social status"
effete thirsty den shitlib
One of the problems with "work" is that it has bec...
arousing drunken multi-billionaire trailer park
Very well put and you are clearly self-actualized. A model f...
Orange hospital
Wow sounds very depressing friend
razzle bearded tanning salon
Bummer about your mother. No offense, but she does sound lik...
arousing drunken multi-billionaire trailer park
well put old man
cracking citrine lettuce
You're a liar
razzle bearded tanning salon
chartreuse trip library
"The world's a better place. My world, anyway."
laughsome pea-brained address
If we want to move away from the "retirement" mode...
talented naked theater stage tank
Honestly, we find people that have health problems and we en...
Orange hospital
Encouraging people to be healthy won't work. We already do t...
talented naked theater stage tank
I plan on retiring at 50 years old (in 3 years) with about 6...
azure genital piercing dysfunction
I will never understand anyone who just gives up with an inv...
Orange hospital
"Gives up" by virtue of dedicating more time to wh...
effete thirsty den shitlib

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Date: May 11th, 2024 4:55 PM
Author: razzle bearded tanning salon


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Date: May 11th, 2024 6:22 PM
Author: Orange hospital

Many people are saying this. I really do not understand what is going on in the United States among the professional classes anymore.

We went from this society where your social status was built upon the nieghborhood you lived in and the car you drove and your job title.

Then we moved into this world where all of the normies became obsessed with hitting fastforward on their whole lives and waking up as decrepit old retirees.

Then they decided that retirement wasn't worth it and now they're all crying and singing about how they need to be entrepreneurs and need to find their passions and how money isn't everything.

I don't know why people in Amerikkka just want to speed everything up and get to the next level. Shouldn't life be about living? Everyday for what it is? Why are we in a rush to "retire" or to stop working or stop being productive?

I just don't get it. What is one supposed to do when they are retired?

why is that desirable? I thought the whole point of Amerikkka was to get as rich as possible. You can't do that if you give up mid-stream to take a retirement.

So what are you? A winner or a loser?

I'm a winner. I'm in the driver's seat. I'm in control. I have discipline. I'll never retire.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 6:27 PM
Author: razzle bearded tanning salon

F "retirement" and "death"


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Date: May 11th, 2024 6:27 PM
Author: Orange hospital

Retirement is a euphamism for death. Social death, occupational death, physical death.

It's all the same.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 6:28 PM
Author: razzle bearded tanning salon

Death in all forms friend


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Date: May 11th, 2024 6:58 PM
Author: cracking citrine lettuce


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Date: May 11th, 2024 7:17 PM
Author: Shimmering Excitant Menage

I will never retire unless my health forces me to.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 7:52 PM
Author: effete thirsty den shitlib

Fuck "social status"


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Date: May 11th, 2024 7:03 PM
Author: arousing drunken multi-billionaire trailer park

One of the problems with "work" is that it has become all consuming. People are expected to function like machines 24/7 and enjoy the prospect of being fired or abused at any moment. It's hard to find work that can be modulated and be compatible with life. I liked gig work, but there was no way to make a UMC life out of it without turning it into slavery to clients. Now I do "work" but it's not my source of income. I make income from returns on capital and give away my time (and money) as I see fit. Today I spent six hours doing CFO stuff for a non profit and had fun doing it. Weird that the only way I have found joy in work it to separate it from income. Now I have no boss, no clients, and no employees. I have fiduciary responsibilities, but they are no greater than my built in perception of how to do things.

When you make money by selling your time it becomes slavery. It's much better to have an enterprise that makes money for you. CSLG does that. I'm sure he still puts in time, and no doubt put in super time when he was building, but that's a different life from being a wage cuck or an hourly biller.

I have retired from selling my time, but not from being productive.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 7:12 PM
Author: Orange hospital

Very well put and you are clearly self-actualized. A model for us all.

A lot of my views come from watching my mother. She has no purpose in life and she is miserable. She also won't do anything about it. It drives me crazy because she calls me up with some "crisis" like every other week. I can't take it anymore.

Also, I invited her to my child's christening and she just blew it off to go play golf that day. I'm still sore about that. Not many people were invited. She was. And, in addition, I think the fact that she's not responsible for anything and isn't working toward anything is causing her to develop symptoms of dementia. I think that's partially why she blew off the baptism. I told her to go get tested for dementia, but she won't even set an appointment.

It's basically game over with that woman.

Also, my maternal grandmother told me that retirement was horrible and to avoid it all costs a couple months before she passed at age 94. I believe her.

You seem to have a different perspective than my family members though. So I am open to permuations where you're "retired" from formal pay work from organizations, but still very productive and active like in your case.

But the last thing anyone should do is move down to Margarittaville and spend their days partying and playing golf and pickleball and just waiting around to die.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 7:20 PM
Author: razzle bearded tanning salon

Wow sounds very depressing friend


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Date: May 12th, 2024 9:05 AM
Author: arousing drunken multi-billionaire trailer park

Bummer about your mother. No offense, but she does sound like a head case. Last night I dreamed I was at was in a meeting at your firm. We were going to go into the side business of packaged water treatment facilities. All the lawyers in your firm had silver hair and southern accents. We toured a new building for our side business: it had 100 acres of pad space and was 4 stories tall.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 7:19 PM
Author: cracking citrine lettuce

well put old man


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Date: May 12th, 2024 2:55 AM
Author: razzle bearded tanning salon

You're a liar


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Date: May 12th, 2024 9:17 AM
Author: chartreuse trip library


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:21 AM
Author: laughsome pea-brained address

"The world's a better place. My world, anyway."


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:07 AM
Author: talented naked theater stage tank

If we want to move away from the "retirement" model, what's the alternative? How many people plan to take in their elderly parents and care for them until death?

People staying active & healthy into old age are the exception. The majority of Americans aren't capable of doing that.


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:12 AM
Author: Orange hospital

Honestly, we find people that have health problems and we encourage them to get healthy.

We go to BigAg and we say, "you can't sell shit to American Consoomers anymore. Sell all your shit to China only."

We get rid of big Pharma and Big Medicine and encourage people to walk more and quit drinking.

For the younger generations, we require 2 years of service after high school.


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:32 AM
Author: talented naked theater stage tank

Encouraging people to be healthy won't work. We already do that in today's society, and we can clearly see the lack of results.

Unfortunately, simply banning processed food, alcohol, &c. isn't viable. Nor is mandatory military service.

We can't fix society's ills. The best we can do is to individually plan for the future and make good decisions along the way. Maybe once enough people can do that, we can look at the bigger picture.


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:10 AM
Author: azure genital piercing dysfunction

I plan on retiring at 50 years old (in 3 years) with about 6 million in investments. I don't have any debt.

I love to golf, fish and enjoy the leisure lifestyle. I plan on taking a few decent travel trips a year on a budget.

I will never understand those that want to work forever.


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:15 AM
Author: Orange hospital

I will never understand anyone who just gives up with an investment portfolio of only $6m.

Also, I went for a 2.5 mile walk yesterday and it really took it out of me. So I need to get healthier personally. I can't even think about retirement until I fix my eating, work on my mid-range cardiovascular health, and strength training.


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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:28 AM
Author: effete thirsty den shitlib

"Gives up" by virtue of dedicating more time to what he actually enjoys with his life (enumerated in his post).

It's no different than entrepreneurship save that he's hustling for experience instead of hustling for money. It's based as fuck.
