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Classical liberalism is going to get CRUSHED in the near term

If we are essentially a combination of complex algorithms an...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
Homo Deus
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
So you think the human condition can be modeled on a spreads...
Garnet talented laser beams
"So you think the human condition can be modeled on a s...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
LOL at dating algorithms. I guess you fell for match.com’s m...
Garnet talented laser beams
So now we are talking about how the computer algorithms aren...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
You: "It's already happening to a small degree w datin...
Garnet talented laser beams
Your poast: You: "It's already happening to a small...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
Embarrassing thread
Fiercely-loyal area roast beef
Garnet talented laser beams
Not yet. But just wait. It's basically inevitable.
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
You’re the most severe case of Dunning-Kruger I’ve ever seen
Garnet talented laser beams
Yep, me and all the PhDs in a variety of fields. We've all ...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
Nope just you
Garnet talented laser beams
So ... it's just name calling, then. Guess what? I can d...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
classical liberalism has been progressively more devastated ...
cobalt self-centered heaven
chartreuse piazza ape
Well libertarians just grow up after a while anyway. it's n...
alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life
fragrant overrated theatre associate

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:34 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

If we are essentially a combination of complex algorithms and there is no SOUL, no ME that can't be replicated or second guessed by an AI shadow me that spends a few years studying me, learns my algorithms, knows me better than i consciously know myself, ... where does that leave the innate abstract dignity of the individual. Whither goest thou democracy? And what comes next?


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:35 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

Homo Deus


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:36 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life



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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:37 AM
Author: Garnet talented laser beams

So you think the human condition can be modeled on a spreadsheet? I’m guessing you’ve never studied AI, ML or probably ever even taken an advanced CS or math course.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:41 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

"So you think the human condition can be modeled on a spreadsheet?"

When did i say this? Please be more precise.

I think the point is that after a few years of monitoring all our electrochemical and neuro impulses and responses, an advanced AI would be able to reduce us to algorithms, and would be able to predict w great accuracy our best mates, the outcomes that would best allow the individual studied to thrive, etc. It's already happening to a small degree w dating algorithms and constant body response monitoring for health purposes.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:51 AM
Author: Garnet talented laser beams

LOL at dating algorithms. I guess you fell for match.com’s marketing. Newsflash: arranged marriage has a much higher rate of success than any dating app marriage. Although I can’t blame you for not knowing how shitty they are, given that you’ve probably never used them.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:54 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

So now we are talking about how the computer algorithms arent there yet? So what... They Will Be there. In the future. that's sort of the point of the poast, bro. you seem slow.

As for arranged marriage ... do you see any correlation between parents who raised their kids knowing their kids well enough to sync arranged marriages together ... in a sort of Guiding Hand effort that knows the kids better than the kids think they know themselves ... that and guiding AI doing likewise, but with immensely better data? Or, likewise, and not incidentally, filial emphasis boosting those arranged marriages success rate? You probably dont ... or wont just for purposes of being argumentative ... but thats really dull.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: Garnet talented laser beams


"It's already happening to a small degree w dating algorithms ”

No, it’s not. These are a useless marketing gimmick. What you’re proposing is about as grounded in reality as commercially available flying cars. None of this is inevitable.

“do you see any correlation between parents who raised their kids knowing their kids well enough to sync arranged marriages together ”

Do you have brain damage?


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Date: August 18th, 2018 12:06 PM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

Your poast:


"It's already happening to a small degree w dating algorithms ”

No, it’s not. These are a useless marketing gimmick. What you’re proposing is about as grounded in reality as commercially available flying cars. None of this is inevitable.

“do you see any correlation between parents who raised their kids knowing their kids well enough to sync arranged marriages together ”

Do you have brain damage?


... my response:

Ys, it is happening to a small degree. you may THINK its a gimmick but it is happening to a small degree, which is what ive always said ITT. I dont see how this can really be debated.

As for whether i have brain damage.... look, i'll explain it to you nice and slow, like i would to a dumb person.

Parents are like the AI in this situation. They know the child well, his wants, bad habits, good habits, his character overall. Moreover, they have more experience at how life works, and the outcomes for when there are difficulties.

this gives some measure of success to parent-guided marriage making. However, in even such a scenario, Their information is incomplete--parents dont know EVERYTHING about their kids, and a shadowing AI would have even more data to work with both as to future expectations and also data concerning how the kid responds physiologically, emotionally, etc, regardless of the stories the kid tells himself about who he thinks he is. So ... if parent matchmaking is largely successful, imagine how successful AI matchmaking will be in the future, just as one example of how classical liberalism is going to be crushed.

I also added one caveat to your example--perhaps parent matchmaking is successful in some small part because it happens in filial societies where not to cooperate in the marriage would be to some degree disrespectful to ones parents who set the marriage up.

Okay? I cant explain it any clearer than this. If you dont get it, not getting it is pretty clearly on you at this point.

Thanks for playing.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:37 AM
Author: Fiercely-loyal area roast beef

Embarrassing thread


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:38 AM
Author: Garnet talented laser beams



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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:44 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

Not yet. But just wait. It's basically inevitable.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:45 AM
Author: Garnet talented laser beams

You’re the most severe case of Dunning-Kruger I’ve ever seen


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:47 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

Yep, me and all the PhDs in a variety of fields. We've all got Dunning Kruger. Got it.

I should add that you should ask yourself why you cant really respond to this except to hurl personal insults and also Straw Man my point. Why is that? What;s the resistance coming from?


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:47 AM
Author: Garnet talented laser beams

Nope just you


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:49 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

So ... it's just name calling, then.

Guess what? I can do the same. To you.

Sort of unproductive though, dont you think?


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:44 AM
Author: cobalt self-centered heaven

classical liberalism has been progressively more devastated for years, hence why former libertarians have had to adopt real ideologies


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:47 AM
Author: chartreuse piazza ape


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Date: August 18th, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: alcoholic boyish dilemma love of her life

Well libertarians just grow up after a while anyway. it's never really been a sustainable philosophy to begin with.


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Date: August 18th, 2018 12:07 PM
Author: fragrant overrated theatre associate
