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Lena Chen writing a novel. LOL?

Anonymous asked: Your life changed in an instant as you said...
Appetizing Theater Volcanic Crater
Beady-eyed arrogant locale

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Date: March 1st, 2012 6:24 PM
Author: Appetizing Theater Volcanic Crater

Anonymous asked: Your life changed in an instant as you said on Twitter: what happened?

I’ve been a bit of an absentee blogger, my apologies … I have to say, I appreciated the concerned emails, but when I wrote that tweet on Friday, I didn’t mean to sound ominous ;)

Anyway, the reason why I’ve been so offline lately is because I’ve been working on my book project, and last week, I had a major breakthrough, which has led to a major increase in productivity and word count and a major decrease in responding to email and leaving my apartment. Which isn’t a bad thing, really, because this is what I’ve been waiting for since … 2007. None of my previous book proposals in their various renditions have ever excited me as much as this one, and the fact that I’m writing fiction - well, it’s definitely a challenge, but a welcome one.

I’ve been pretty excited these past few months for my impending Berlin move, but for now, I can’t even begin to think concretely about the logistics moving or all my upcoming travel, because I’ve started to think about my mental calendar in terms of writing hours remaining and every additional obligation detracts from that. Figuring out this book idea was really the last part of the puzzle. Patrick is finishing his dissertation in the next couple months; I hope to have a completed first draft and an agent by then. After that, it’ll feel like my time in America has properly come to a close.


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Date: February 17th, 2019 7:38 PM
Author: Beady-eyed arrogant locale
