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Lol the chick in Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch" video turned out to be one

The original music video was filmed at the Key Club in Los A...
Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman
Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman
Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman
Oh, snap! Uncensored version still on Youtube https://www.y...
trip rehab
One thing Nelson is delighted about is the way girls have ta...
trip rehab
Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman

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Date: May 30th, 2018 4:45 PM
Author: Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman

The original music video was filmed at the Key Club in Los Angeles, which was made to look like a strip club. An open casting call (documented in a video on the band's site called "Behind the Bitch") was held, recruiting dancers and strippers for the low-budget video, which was directed by Ulf Buddensieck. The video exists in two versions: one X-rated, and the other a "clean" version that has been aired on Fuse TV. The "clean" version, however, was not approved by MTV, who demanded more than 80 cuts, according to the July 13, 2006 issue of Rolling Stone.

In October 2006, a new concept video was created for "Crazy Bitch" and the band's then-single "Next 2 You".


On September 11, 2006, a lawsuit was filed that alleges that a minor was given alcohol to drink and allegedly was filmed exposing her breasts, kissing another female and writhing against a pole while Buckcherry performed the song at the video shoot, which was later to be proven false.[2] According to the lawsuit, the music video was posted on the band's website and distributed widely online, as was a "behind the scenes" program that referred to the girl's first name,[2] featured more nudity and had band members saying, "It's like watching seven hours of porn".[3][4] Skip Miller of law firm Miller Barondess said, "We had a guy at the door checking IDs, and to get in, this girl had to show a fake identification showing she was over 18. There were signs telling minors to stay out. This woman filled out a release form with false information. And once it was determined this woman was underage, the video was removed".[3] However, the lawsuit alleges that the minor was not asked for identification.[4] Allen Kovac, Buckcherry's manager, said, "There was every opportunity for her not to be in that video. For whatever reason, the girl subverted those efforts, and now her mom is trying to blame everyone but her. This woman is now looking at them as a profit opportunity."[2] A representative of Warner Music Group said it had no role in the video's original production,[4] but that when the music company was contacted by the girl's mother, it immediately re-edited the video to exclude her[5] and removed the original from circulation,[4][5] hiring an outside group to strip it from websites that had posted it illegally.[5]


chick was hot af though



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Date: June 7th, 2018 4:26 PM
Author: Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman


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Date: July 27th, 2018 3:05 PM
Author: Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman


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Date: July 27th, 2018 3:36 PM
Author: trip rehab

Oh, snap! Uncensored version still on Youtube



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Date: July 27th, 2018 3:41 PM
Author: trip rehab

One thing Nelson is delighted about is the way girls have taken to the song.

“It was never meant to be misogynistic, but that was the way a lot of people saw it when the album came out. But since then I’ve heard that so many women love it, and know all the lyrics. You’d be amazed how many girls have Crazy Bitch up as their MySpace theme.

“Something like that is really gratifying, because it means that females are in on the joke as well. So anyone out there who still thinks we’re sexist? Talk to the girls who go around calling themselves The Crazy Bitch. They understand, even if you don’t.”

“It amazes me how something so simple and easy to write has become so important to our fans,” Nelson laughs. “Still, I suppose it proves that sex sells.”

As for all the ‘fuck’s spread liberally throughout the track, Nelson reckons it’s part of the song’s enduring charm.

“If we’d have been on a label at the time, then I suppose the A&R people would have freaked out and told us: ‘You can’t use such language’. But we were on our own. The radio edit is irritating, but it got the song noticed, and people always want to hear the real version anyway.

“I guess that song will be our epitaph, and long outlive us. Can’t think of a better calling card to leave behind.”



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Date: July 27th, 2018 3:44 PM
Author: Exhilarant Onyx Whorehouse Patrolman

