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Wife and I stumped by fat gain/metabolism during pregnancy

Blathering duck-like garrison karate
Blathering duck-like garrison karate
Blathering duck-like garrison karate
Because CICO where you measure CO like an autistic 4th grade...
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Brother if you read the article you will see that it is a pr...
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I don’t even try to get past paywalls anymore, it&rsqu...
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X Motherly Scientists calculate the energy it takes to...
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Date: May 24th, 2024 9:49 PM
Author: Blathering duck-like garrison karate


Very intuitively, the thermic effect of pregnancy is huge. 50,000 calories equates to 15 pounds of weight LOSS if pregnant woman ate at pre-pregnancy maintenance level.

How is it physically possible to gain 10 pounds of body mass in a month as many pregnant women do (some of them per-month)?


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Date: May 24th, 2024 10:16 PM
Author: Blathering duck-like garrison karate


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Date: May 25th, 2024 7:04 AM
Author: Blathering duck-like garrison karate


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Date: May 25th, 2024 7:09 AM
Author: carmine trust fund parlour

Because CICO where you measure CO like an autistic 4th grader with no regard for hormones is Stupid. Pregnant Women have insane hormones. You basically need to be an Engineer to do the math on CICO. Doctors, nutritionists, Hegemon, and internet Losers are all too Stupid


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Date: May 25th, 2024 7:27 AM
Author: Blathering duck-like garrison karate

Brother if you read the article you will see that it is a pregnant woman's hormones which *up* regulate her metabolism to the tune of 50,000 calories over 9 months (over 5,000 calories per month). The woman's body does not downregulate energy consumption during pregnancy, it does the opposite to a staggering degree. Certainly my wife feels tired from a non-exercise activity standpoint, but assuming a woman still needs to get out of bed and sometimes walk to a car while pregnant, there's no way that reduction (in NEAT) can compensate for increase in resting metabolism PLUS 60+ POUNDS OF TISSUE


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Date: May 25th, 2024 8:22 AM
Author: carmine trust fund parlour

I don’t even try to get past paywalls anymore, it’s a waste of time and the loopholes keep closing. Post the text ffs


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Date: May 25th, 2024 9:04 AM
Author: Blathering duck-like garrison karate



Scientists calculate the energy it takes to carry a baby—and it’s WAY more than they thought

Pregnant belly with stretch marks

Samantha Gehrman/Stocksy

Even scientists admit they’ve underestimated the energy it takes to carry a baby.

By Arielle Tschinkel

May 23, 2024

You don’t need us to tell you that pregnancy is exhausting, from those early days when every symptom feels new to the aches and pains of the final weeks before delivery. A new study is shedding light on just how much energy it actually takes to carry a baby, and you’ll be entirely unsurprised to find out that scientists had previously underestimated it by a lot… a whole lot, in fact.

In the study, which was recently published in the journal Science, Australian researchers looked at the metabolic output required during a typical pregnancy, determining that the caloric demand equals around 50,000 dietary calories—the equivalent of about 50 pints of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream, which is apparently far more than the scientists had believed beforehand.

Related: 5 ways pregnancy can boost your confidence—tips from a motherhood coach

It seems that the previous estimates were lower because the widely accepted belief was that much of the energy required during reproduction was based in the uterus, but any person who’s ever been pregnant will tell you that pregnancy is a whole-body affair. In fact, 96% of the energy expended comes from the woman’s body, while 4% comes from the developing baby’s tissues.

Dustin Marshall, an evolutionary biologist at Monash University and one of the study’s authors, told the New York Times that he and his students scoured existing literature on the metabolic rates of dozens of species, including during reproduction, and the previous estimates didn’t quite seem to add up. The energy stored in a human baby’s tissues accounts for only about 4 percent of the total energy costs of pregnancy. The other 96 percent is extra fuel required by a woman’s own body.

Related: Study shows 90% of pregnant women have micronutrient deficiencies

While it might seem obvious, the researchers noted that the size of an animal has a direct impact on how much energy it needs to reproduce, while us large, warm-blooded mammals require even more energy to constantly feed the furnace. Of course, carrying a baby only adds to that caloric demand.

“It shocked me,” Marshall told the outlet. “We went back to the sources many times because it seemed astonishingly high based on the expectation from theory.”

Related: The 10 most important foods to eat during pregnancy

“The baby itself becomes a rounding error,” he added. “It took us a while to wrap our heads around that.”

By aggregating such data, the researchers estimated the costs of reproduction for 81 species, from insects to snakes to goats.

Marshall’s research team found that the size of an animal directly influences how much energy it needs to reproduce. Microscopic animals, for example, may require less than a millionth of a calorie to make one offspring. On the other end of the spectrum, a white-tailed deer doe needs more than 112,000 calories to produce a fawn.

Marshall reports that there are myriad reasons why mammals pay such high indirect costs for being pregnant, and noted that many species build a placenta to transfer nutrients to their embryos. But humans likely pay a particularly high cost because women stay pregnant longer than most other mammals do.

Here’s hoping that the new findings will further cement what women have always known to be true: carrying a baby is a lot of work, and it takes plenty of fuel to keep you running during that time. All the more reason to take the time you need to rest, care for your body, and give it as much love as you can while you’re waiting for baby to arrive.

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