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Ethical guy here: society CANNOT have HONEST discussion about SEX/RAPE/ASSAULT

Men are expected to "make the first move," and to ...
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
and women know this perfectly well. they really do. they ar...
titillating fiercely-loyal community account parlour
You’d be insane to hit on a woman in 2017
carnelian cheese-eating ratface locale
I know this seems reddit redpill-y, but there's at least SOM...
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
it's not just hitting on them. it's having fully consensual...
Diverse crotch casino
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
this is a cr thread. save screanshots bois and go for 2nd da...
lascivious garrison
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
just fuck dudes. it's not that complicated.
mind-boggling church building sandwich
Just don't have casual sex with harlots. It is almost never ...
ivory theater dysfunction
DUdes need to wake the fuck up and start taking these arbitr...
carnelian cheese-eating ratface locale
Men want it both ways. They want to have sex with a bunch of...
ivory theater dysfunction
it isnt about chaste/slut. most of these 'scandals' invo...
Unholy windowlicker field
Scarlet Macaca
Just be handsome
Aqua library
lol at all the virgins ITT. "B-b-b-but how am I suppose...
godawful really tough guy
(guy unaware that he has two accusers already, a one night s...
lascivious garrison
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse

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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:12 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse

Men are expected to "make the first move," and to "go for it," and as Louis C.K. once pointed out in a funny bit, women are actively TURNED OFF if the guy doesn't.

This doesn't excuse predatory sexual assault. When she's super fucking drunk or passed out or the guy pressures her and she clearly says no.

But there are way, WAY, WAY too many women out there who say "no" and -- this is the especially impossible to have conversation -- they mean "I want to give the perception of not being a slut," so the no really becomes "yes" after some pestering.

Now we're criminalizing through the press, these aren't even things that will be resolved in court or charged by the cops, with defamation of events that occurred YEARS ago.

How the fuck are we to explain a first date at a bar, you walk outside, she's headed home and you go in for that kiss. She isn't sure she wanted to, but did it any way, you never asked for permission, she's not materially harmed in any way from it, and she actually leaves thinking, "OK he's into me, even if I am not sure."

With the way women are acting today, that's ASSAULT and she's a #METOO ***VICTIM*** of the event.

Again, there are clearly boundary lines here. But we cannot have an honest discussion of them. And until we do, significant portions of men will go on thinking the whole sexual assault complex is a sham, as almost every one of them could be accused of doing the same. Oddly, to these guys, the women seemed to want it, to desire it, to NEED it, in order to proceed romantically. Look at DBG as an example: his soon-to-be wife literally accuses him of raping her early on in the relationship. She's doing nothing about it. But did that stop her from fucking him repeatedly? From marrying him? And how will she "use" this later in life against him?

It's total bullshit and just another extension of "feminism" becoming a mish-mash of man-hating, victim-worshipping, and media-obsessing.

And don't get me started on the fact that in every single committed relationship I've had, each girl has "gotten off" on rape play, or maybe better put as "non-consensual" play where she even says "no, no," but it's well understood she's just "acting" and then gets overpowered by me fucking her.


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:14 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:18 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:18 PM
Author: titillating fiercely-loyal community account parlour

and women know this perfectly well. they really do.

they are just being willfully irrational, because we LET them. we don't give them boundaries and say "No, you don't get to ruin people's lives with these bogus claims, 10 years after the fact. Now stfu."


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:19 PM
Author: carnelian cheese-eating ratface locale

You’d be insane to hit on a woman in 2017


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:24 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse

I know this seems reddit redpill-y, but there's at least SOME mental calculation that you have to make about "assault" charges these days ... women seem to relish the victimization role and I know some femposters reading this will instantly write me off now as a jerk, but I do believe if they look into their heart of hearts they'll pick out plenty of "crazy" friends of their's that would probably enjoy all of the attention of a #METOO experience to share


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:39 PM
Author: Diverse crotch casino

it's not just hitting on them. it's having fully consensual sex with them and them deciding 10 months later that they revoked consent


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Date: November 9th, 2017 7:03 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:12 PM
Author: lascivious garrison

this is a cr thread. save screanshots bois and go for 2nd date just to get the positive interactions on cameras. if you run into a PSYCHO it may save yo life


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:37 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:39 PM
Author: mind-boggling church building sandwich

just fuck dudes. it's not that complicated.


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:47 PM
Author: ivory theater dysfunction

Just don't have casual sex with harlots. It is almost never worth it anyway. The real issue is men taking advantage of the sexual free market. They leave a bunch of hard ridden shrews in their wake who have no problem destroying men with false accusations. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:48 PM
Author: carnelian cheese-eating ratface locale

DUdes need to wake the fuck up and start taking these arbitrage opportunities (Ukraine brides etc). Leave these hate-filled shrews in the dust


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Date: November 9th, 2017 6:52 PM
Author: ivory theater dysfunction

Men want it both ways. They want to have sex with a bunch of sluts before marrying a "good" woman. Women generally want a guy to commit to them, whether it's her first or fiftieth. They know that they can't win this by being chaste because dude will just go sleep with someone that isn't. It's an impossible situation, we need to end the human race anyway.


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Date: November 9th, 2017 7:15 PM
Author: Unholy windowlicker field

it isnt about chaste/slut.

most of these 'scandals' involve nothing more than a sexual comment or very mild physical contact.

even with a 'good' girl a guy is going to have to test the waters in some way, eventually.

either (a) we need to become a race of autistics;

(b) accept that every man will have a gun pointed at his head his whole life that some woman can fire off when she needs attention; or

(c) get serious and stop indulging dumb women on this crap.

harvey did nothing wrong. (well, unless he did.)


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Date: July 1st, 2019 8:36 PM
Author: Scarlet Macaca


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Date: November 9th, 2017 7:29 PM
Author: Aqua library

Just be handsome


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Date: November 9th, 2017 7:32 PM
Author: godawful really tough guy

lol at all the virgins ITT. "B-b-b-but how am I supposed to KNOW when she wants to????"


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:13 PM
Author: lascivious garrison

(guy unaware that he has two accusers already, a one night stand from college and an ex gf)


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Date: November 10th, 2017 12:16 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:08 PM
Author: vigorous up-to-no-good sweet tailpipe meetinghouse
