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So wait, can we ALL cop 18 yo Ukranian wife easily?

Is what that Chinese bro did representative of what could ea...
Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter
All the horror stories about Russian mail order brides arent...
Motley light deer antler
can u talk some more about how ukraine is devoid of morals? ...
Irradiated transparent main people
Motley light deer antler
don't you admire amoral survivalists, though?
Apoplectic step-uncle's house
Gotta have a code. Russians are amoral survivalists with a c...
Motley light deer antler
cr. i think russia is becoming more and more admired.
Apoplectic step-uncle's house
In my experience, Euro girls are much more open to WGWAG tha...
Gaped den stock car
Yeah I know that. It is more common but still extremely unco...
Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter
How many Ukranian posters are on XOXO? 0. You're not gonn...
Gaped den stock car
That Pederastian guy is a homer for Ukraine stuff. He might ...
thriller violet home pistol
Yeah maybe one or zero but there could easily be people who ...
Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter
Every hotel in Eastern Europe is crawling with prostitutes. ...
Motley light deer antler
lol i bet if u rent a $300 hotel in nyc, u could find a mode...
Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field
The selection is bigger. Seriously its like 10 or 20% of the...
Motley light deer antler
"only a sick fuck would pay for sex" lol bro, y...
wonderful bonkers half-breed skinny woman
I have indeed noticed a higher % of Ukrainians looking for a...
Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field
Any Eastern Euro cities/countries that are cheap and full of...
Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter
i am thinking kiev is a good one now.. but cheapness might ...
Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field
Kiev is poorer than every place in Russia except Chechnya/In...
Motley light deer antler
stop spreading your bullshit u freak. ure not even in Russia...
Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field
This is nonsense. Ukraine's own published stats (which are a...
Motley light deer antler
*17 year old, bro
cobalt toilet seat stage

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:32 PM
Author: Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter

Is what that Chinese bro did representative of what could easily happen to any wealthy foreigner?

Like, are they just making a big deal about it because it's a one in a million WGWAG but because of the wealth/povery dynamics it's just what happens on the reg?


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:36 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler

All the horror stories about Russian mail order brides arent really "Russian." Like 90% of the whores in the CIS are Ukrainians and Moldovans. Russian women don't whore -- don't need to because wages in Russia are 4-5x wages in Ukraine. I wouldn't touch hahol snatch with a 20 foot pole. Ukrainian society is utterly devoid of morals. They have all taken literally miles of cock. Aint a wholesome Christian girls in the whole of Ukraine. They can't survive.

Right now Ukraine is utterly lawless. Its like the 90s in Russia only way worse because the memory of the USSR kept things halfway civil even during the gang warfare in 1990s Russia. In Ukraine its literally acid baths and "we'll kill your entire family." Crime is so off the charts that Verka Serduchka the transsexual singer fled to Germany last month because he/she was getting robbed at gun point in Kiev 3 times a day.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:37 PM
Author: Irradiated transparent main people

can u talk some more about how ukraine is devoid of morals? ty i appreciate ur russian rants btw


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:46 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler


They let this fucker rob them blind and then let him live. He stole $50 million from his parishioners. In Russia they would draw and quarter this apostate on live TV. The hahols have lost their way and have even estranged themselves from holy mother church for your twisted Western evangelism. Aint nothing you can do with people like that except hang them from a tree.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:38 PM
Author: Apoplectic step-uncle's house

don't you admire amoral survivalists, though?


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:43 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler

Gotta have a code. Russians are amoral survivalists with a code -- Czar and country. Hahols aint got that. Aint no Czar and aint no country. It shows in how Russia dealt with its gangster and non-chekist oligarchs at end of the day -- killed, imprisoned or exiled every last one of them. The hahols just made one of the dirtiest oligarchs in Ukraine their president. In Russia a Poroshenko would be doing a life sentence or best case end up like Berezovsky -- dead, deprived of country, in exile with no hearth and home, despised by all.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:56 PM
Author: Apoplectic step-uncle's house

cr. i think russia is becoming more and more admired.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:39 PM
Author: Gaped den stock car

In my experience, Euro girls are much more open to WGWAG than white American girls.

It's basically an open secret here, d00d.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:44 PM
Author: Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter

Yeah I know that. It is more common but still extremely uncommon and outnumbered by 100:1 instead of maybe 1000:1.

I'm talking about situations where that racism doesn't hold and mate selection is driven by economics--poor 3rd world girls don't give a shit what race their baller is, they just want to feed their families.

So my question has nothing to do with NOWAG/WGWAG whatever, I'm just asking about rich foreigner/poor E. Euro girl


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:46 PM
Author: Gaped den stock car

How many Ukranian posters are on XOXO? 0.

You're not gonna get anything but disinformation here.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:47 PM
Author: thriller violet home pistol

That Pederastian guy is a homer for Ukraine stuff. He might be


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:51 PM
Author: Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter

Yeah maybe one or zero but there could easily be people who have been there and can give good advice like some have re latin america/asia etc.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:55 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler

Every hotel in Eastern Europe is crawling with prostitutes. If you are too blind to figure it out dont worry because the staff will gladly point you in the right direction. The hotel whores are the most expensive and highest quality because they pay the staff to be there. They are jaw dropping hot but again only a sick fuck would pay for sex so burn in hell you sick fuck.

If you are actually looking for wife material in Ukraine you are insane. They will rob you blind. That's my advice.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:03 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field

lol i bet if u rent a $300 hotel in nyc, u could find a model whore even in nyc. whats your fucking point? that it's a little cheaper in Ukraine? so u spend 2hrs instead of 1.. still a waste of money.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:08 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler

The selection is bigger. Seriously its like 10 or 20% of the women in the 18-30 range are whoring because aint any work for them. You are talking about a country where the real unemployment rate is north of 60%.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:15 PM
Author: wonderful bonkers half-breed skinny woman

"only a sick fuck would pay for sex"

lol bro, you miss the point. you don't pay for sex, you pay for the girl to leave.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:54 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field

I have indeed noticed a higher % of Ukrainians looking for any foreigner, and even saying so much as "African students here come from wealthy families". but there is also a great difference between cities. For example kiev still has higher real estate, more foreign cars, and more $$ than most provincial Russian cities. and u probably wouldn't go to a 2ndary Ukrainian city like Odessa, just because most decent girls from there move to kiev to get noticed.

i think the main difference between Ukraine and Russia is that u need a visa to go to Russia, not Ukraine. so much easier to plan a trip to kiev.. but either way a hotel will cost u $100+ and drinks at night clubs comparable to usa..


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Date: December 14th, 2014 6:57 PM
Author: Glittery shaky mad cow disease trump supporter

Any Eastern Euro cities/countries that are cheap and full of whores?


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:01 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field

i am thinking kiev is a good one now.. but cheapness might be exaggerated. u fuck a girl, u better watch ur phone, because your boss or your parent might just get a text with your penis pics especially if u were drunk and told her she's not worthy of marriage. or u do decide to marry one. and then u get "my father had a heart attack and now needs these American pills like carvedilol and Lasix" can u help him? or my little brother really wants an ipad.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:03 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler

Kiev is poorer than every place in Russia except Chechnya/Ingushetia. Mean wage in Kiev is $300-325. The median wage in all of Russia is about $900. The worst second tier shit hole mono-towns in Russia are are at $600-700. Only war zones like Chechnya are at Kiev levels.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:05 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle People Who Are Hurt Field

stop spreading your bullshit u freak. ure not even in Russia, u probably read English version of Pravda out of toroto. I'd like kiev to be as poor as u say. then i could at some point invest in real estate there. but in reality it's only poor compared to stpete and Moscow. now the other cities of Ukraine are indeed more poor than 2nd rate Russian cities, which doesn't say much about Russian cities.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:11 PM
Author: Motley light deer antler

This is nonsense. Ukraine's own published stats (which are absolute BS and things are far, far worse than they admit) pin the wages in Kiev at $325 a month. That's Chechnya wages. That's what Uzbek illegal slave labor gets in Sochi. Its so low that this is why Ukrainians are fleeing by the millions to Russia.

Really there is nothing to dispute. The lack of heat, hot water, and now rolling blackouts tell the story. Even Grozny has heat and hot water.


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Date: December 14th, 2014 7:06 PM
Author: cobalt toilet seat stage

*17 year old, bro
