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Lol Flynn and his mouthbreathing son were gonna get $15 MILLION tkidnap cleric

Lol at these potato eating criminals
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Trumpcucks, plz respond Special counsel Robert Mueller is...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
so it is Turkey or Russia? Also, Uranium One deal (and s...
soul-stirring shimmering field
This traitor would sell this country out to multiple foreig...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Cr removing a Muslim foreigner from the US is treason
blathering racy feces
Is this that fascist little bugchaser jktp?
Cyan Metal Gas Station
(paranoid niggertard)
blathering racy feces
(Bugchasing fascist jktp)
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Insanely Creepy Cracking Theater Sound Barrier
“What about UraniumOne?” the father and son seethed as they ...
Opaque University
What about PIZZAGATE, they lisped as Darnell eyed them in th...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
What about Benghazi, they mewed while Darnell sells them bot...
Medicated razzle-dazzle really tough guy stain
Judgmental drab legend
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Cyan Metal Gas Station
i've answered this already. flynn is definitely guilty of t...
Erotic spruce stag film factory reset button
How do you figure? Flynn also took a shitton of money from F...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
From everything I've seen Flynn went through the proper chan...
Erotic spruce stag film factory reset button
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Throw him in jail. What does this have to do w Trump?
mischievous cruise ship
If he really did try to remove a Muslim cleric he should be ...
blathering racy feces
crystalline home
(Fascist bugchaser jktp aka sad clown)
Cyan Metal Gas Station
I don't get this. Why hire a U.S. general to do this? Seems ...
maize cowardly national
I believe that was after he was fired and turned by Russia
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Do Russia and Turkey even get along? Like the news needs to ...
maize cowardly national
Why does that matter? Are there conflict of interest rules t...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
No I am just trying to wrap my head around why Turkey would ...
maize cowardly national
And I'm trying to wrap my mind around why an ex-military int...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
This is fake news. He was paid to try to resolve issues prev...
ruby parlour
If Mueller has enough evidence for charges how come there ar...
Abnormal Parlor Indirect Expression
Oh shit! What an incisive question! Do u think it's FAKE NOO...
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Cyan Metal Gas Station
just do let islam clerics run a bunch of american educationa...
vivacious hall
Teachers and Visas Around the country, the most persisten...
vivacious hall
Is there a non-Chewbacca-Defense defense?
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Cyan Metal Gas Station
Cyan Metal Gas Station

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 10th, 2017 11:34 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

Lol at these potato eating criminals


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Date: November 10th, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

Trumpcucks, plz respond

Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating an alleged plan that former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn discussed with the Turkish government to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric from the US.

Flynn and his son were allegedly to be paid as much as $15 million by the Turkish government.

Mueller has reportedly compiled enough evidence to bring charges against Flynn and his son, who worked with him on his lobbying work.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating an alleged plan that former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn discussed with the Turkish government to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric living in the US in exchange for $15 million, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The alleged plan would have involved Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., delivering Fethullah Gulen to the Turkish government, which views Gulen, whom the US government has refused to extradite, as a political enemy.

Flynn and representatives of the Turkish government reportedly discussed the proposal, which involved flying Gulen on a private jet to a prison on the island of Imrali, during a meeting in mid-December 2016 at the 21 Club in New York City, according to the Journal's sources.

Mueller, who is charged with investigating "any matters" that arise out of his probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia, has reportedly compiled enough evidence to bring charges against Flynn and his son, according to NBC News.

The evidence relates to Flynn's lobbying work throughout the latter half of 2016 - while he was a top Trump campaign surrogate - for a businessman with ties to the Turkish government. Flynn did not register with the US Justice Department as a foreign agent until March 2017, after he was ousted from the White House following reports that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his communications with Russian officials.

Flynn Jr. appears to have been closely associated with his father's work. In addition to co-founding and working for Flynn Intel Group, he joined his father during a trip to Moscow in December 2015, NBC reported, during which Flynn was paid $34,000 to deliver a speech at an event celebrating the state-sponsored news agency RT.

Trump waited nearly three weeks to fire Flynn after former acting Attorney General Sally Yates warned him that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail over his conversations with former Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

The president also ignored advice from former President Barack Obama, who fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, to steer clear of him entirely.

Trump also asked former FBI director James Comey to "let go" of the FBI's investigation into Flynn's activities during a February meeting shortly after Flynn was forced to resign.


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Date: November 10th, 2017 12:06 PM
Author: soul-stirring shimmering field

so it is Turkey or Russia?

Also, Uranium One deal (and subsequent $100mm donation to Clinton Foundation) is NBD, right?


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Date: November 10th, 2017 12:11 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

This traitor would sell this country out to multiple foreign nations and that is somehow exculpatory lmao. Don’t worry, the Russia shit will come out. This vile little shithead went to Moscow every six months, and literally went to GRU headquarters on multiple occasions. He’s not getting a deal, he deserves to be fucking shot like the piece of shit traitor he is. Mueller will get him to flip by going after his stupid kid.


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:21 PM
Author: blathering racy feces

Cr removing a Muslim foreigner from the US is treason


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:35 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

Is this that fascist little bugchaser jktp?


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:36 PM
Author: blathering racy feces

(paranoid niggertard)


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:38 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

(Bugchasing fascist jktp)


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Date: November 11th, 2017 2:17 AM
Author: Insanely Creepy Cracking Theater Sound Barrier


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Date: November 10th, 2017 12:15 PM
Author: Opaque University

“What about UraniumOne?” the father and son seethed as they were led away in chains.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 10th, 2017 12:17 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

What about PIZZAGATE, they lisped as Darnell eyed them in the prison shower


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Date: November 11th, 2017 10:42 AM
Author: Medicated razzle-dazzle really tough guy stain

What about Benghazi, they mewed while Darnell sells them both to Jamarcus for $20 in commissary credit


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Date: November 10th, 2017 6:24 PM
Author: Judgmental drab legend


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Date: November 10th, 2017 12:25 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station



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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:02 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:05 PM
Author: Erotic spruce stag film factory reset button

i've answered this already. flynn is definitely guilty of this but it's also beyond the scope of mueller's russia investigation.


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:12 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

How do you figure? Flynn also took a shitton of money from FSB and SVR connected entities, and he literally toured GRU headquarters. The Turkey thing is a way to squeeze him because his shithead son was involved. Otherwise he'd clam up because he's a literal Russian agent


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:40 PM
Author: Erotic spruce stag film factory reset button

From everything I've seen Flynn went through the proper channels for all of his Russia contacts, including his flight to Russia where he sat next to Putin and got paid for a speech. Flynn didn't register as a foreign agent for his Turkish lobbying until this year and there's no way his conspiracy to kidnap Guellen was approved by anyone in the US government.


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Date: November 10th, 2017 6:22 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station



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Date: November 11th, 2017 10:48 AM
Author: mischievous cruise ship

Throw him in jail. What does this have to do w Trump?


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:17 PM
Author: blathering racy feces

If he really did try to remove a Muslim cleric he should be given (another) medal


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Date: November 10th, 2017 1:38 PM
Author: crystalline home


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Date: November 11th, 2017 1:59 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

(Fascist bugchaser jktp aka sad clown)


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Date: November 11th, 2017 2:01 AM
Author: maize cowardly national

I don't get this. Why hire a U.S. general to do this? Seems really stupid. Shouldn't you just hire some Turkish thugs?

Am I missing something here?


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Date: November 11th, 2017 2:04 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

I believe that was after he was fired and turned by Russia


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Date: November 11th, 2017 2:06 AM
Author: maize cowardly national

Do Russia and Turkey even get along? Like the news needs to do a better job explaining this shit. None of it makes any sense.


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Date: November 11th, 2017 2:08 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

Why does that matter? Are there conflict of interest rules that would prevent this traitor from concurrently representing both?


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Date: November 11th, 2017 3:26 AM
Author: maize cowardly national

No I am just trying to wrap my head around why Turkey would hire a 65 year old, russian affiliated, high level military official to kidnap someone?

So this random kidnapping operation was independent of his Russia ties? Like, every single one of these allegations seems far fetched beyond belief.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 11th, 2017 9:56 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

And I'm trying to wrap my mind around why an ex-military intelligence officer would repeatedly travel to Russia and tour GRU headquarters and attend a dinner honoring their chief propaganda organ as an honored guest of their criminal tsarlet


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Date: November 11th, 2017 2:46 AM
Author: ruby parlour

This is fake news. He was paid to try to resolve issues preventinging USA from extraditing and to lobby to get a legal USA extradition. Fake news media (MSM) is representing this as “forcefully removing” him, etc. with no evidence.

And anyway, Trump cut ties and fired this guy! That’s Trump exercising good judgment.


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Date: November 11th, 2017 10:11 AM
Author: Abnormal Parlor Indirect Expression

If Mueller has enough evidence for charges how come there aren't any....


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Date: November 11th, 2017 10:16 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

Oh shit! What an incisive question! Do u think it's FAKE NOOS?


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Date: July 14th, 2018 3:30 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station


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Date: November 11th, 2017 10:26 AM
Author: vivacious hall

just do let islam clerics run a bunch of american educational apparatuses


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Date: November 11th, 2017 10:28 AM
Author: vivacious hall

Teachers and Visas

Around the country, the most persistent controversy involving the schools — and the one most covered in the news — centers on the hundreds of Turkish teachers and administrators working on special visas.

The schools say they bring in foreign teachers because of a shortage of Americans qualified to teach math and science. Of the 1,500 employees at the Texas Harmony schools this year, Dr. Tarim said, 292 were on the special “H-1B” visas, meant for highly skilled foreign workers who fill a need unmet by the American workforce.

But some teachers and their unions, as well as immigration experts, have questioned how earnestly the schools worked to recruit American workers. They say loopholes have made it easy to bring in workers with relatively ordinary skills who substitute for American workers.

“I think they have a preference for these H-1B workers,” said Dr. Ronil Hira, a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology who has studied the visa program. “It may be a preference for a variety of reasons — lower wages or a network where they’ve got family or friends and connections and this is a stepping stone for them to get a green card.”

The American jobs, often offered to educators at Gulen schools around the world or graduates of Gulen universities, also provide a way for the movement to expand its ranks in this country, Dr. Yavuz said.

American consular employees reviewing visas have questioned the credentials of some teachers as they sought to enter the country. “Most applicants had no prior teaching experience, and the schools were listed as related to” Mr. Gulen, a consular employee wrote in a 2009 cable. It did not say which schools had hired the teachers. Some with dubious credentials were denied visas.

In February, a Chicago charter school union affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers complained to the federal Department of Labor, alleging that the Chicago Math and Science Academy and Concept Schools, a group that operates 25 schools in the Midwest, had abused the visa system by “routinely assigning these teachers duties or class load that seemingly do not take into account the laws governing H1-B visa holders.”

The Labor Department had already been investigating at least one Concept school. The investigation appeared to have been triggered by a complaint in July 2008 by Mustafa Emanet, a network systems administrator and teacher at a middle school in Cleveland. By law, imported teachers must be paid “prevailing wage.” Mr. Emanet alleged that while his visa reflected his promised salary, $44,000, he was actually paid $28,000 his first year.

A Labor Department spokesman said the investigation was ongoing


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Date: November 11th, 2017 3:37 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station

Is there a non-Chewbacca-Defense defense?


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Date: November 12th, 2017 11:17 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station


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Date: September 21st, 2018 7:07 AM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station


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Date: September 21st, 2018 1:24 PM
Author: Cyan Metal Gas Station
