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NRA leader decimates gun grabbing shitlibs at CPAC

NRA head breaks silence to attack gun control advocates: 'Th...
Floppy spot
Extremely cr. Libs want to paper more laws on the books that...
racy chapel
Outnumbered boistinker
Cr. There's no shortage of laws in a totalitarian states.
Titillating violent cuck heaven
aquamarine school cafeteria party of the first part
Twisted Antidepressant Drug Tank
TBF ole Wayne has made 10s of millions in his role so he's a...
yapping potus ape
to be fair, wayne isn't a bitch and is worth every penny he'...
Jade out-of-control affirmative action
He's certainly never given an inch
yapping potus ape
More laws go on the books. Next mass shooting, Libs scream &...
Know-it-all station messiness
Trump personally agrees with a lot of their demands (he prev...
Floppy spot
yeah, they're not concerned at all about, you know, kids bei...
Aphrodisiac Boiling Water
If they were actually concerned about murder they’d, you kno...
Outnumbered boistinker
what policy would have prevented the Florida shooter from mu...
Aphrodisiac Boiling Water
Had he been arrested or committed to an institution he'd hav...
Bossy codepig sound barrier
yeah, let's commit all gun owners to a mental institution.
Aphrodisiac Boiling Water
FBI following protocol wrt the many warnings the received ab...
Outnumbered boistinker
you're a fucking liar. you guys would just claim his 1st and...
Aphrodisiac Boiling Water
Try to control yourself. If someone says he wants to be a sc...
Outnumbered boistinker
The ACLU actually takes the position you describe.
Sooty locale weed whacker
Libs dont like kids being murdered by guns? Great, it makes ...
deep shivering ticket booth
Outnumbered boistinker
Floppy spot
Brass laughsome black woman doctorate
oh wow. he really schooled them. CPAC is a cuck fantasy wo...
Infuriating private investor blood rage
LJL at anyone who takes this shill seriously.
chartreuse up-to-no-good address azn
cr. the kind of arguments he makes only work on sub-95 IQ re...
Aphrodisiac Boiling Water
autistic heady kitty cat internal respiration
Carnelian massive church macaca
insecure point
Lol at "they hate individual freedom." Shitcon...
autistic heady kitty cat internal respiration
*passes law to control which public restroom you use*
chartreuse up-to-no-good address azn
*goes to supreme court to fight to tell you how to have sex*
autistic heady kitty cat internal respiration
Twisted Antidepressant Drug Tank
*fines you into bankruptcy for refusing to bake a gay marria...
aquamarine school cafeteria party of the first part
Y'all must be childless and have zero potential to mate. I c...
Carnelian massive church macaca
Nice smear, shitlib, but your tactics have already been expo...
Floppy spot
LaPierre kicked so much ass, it doesn’t fit into one article...
Floppy spot
“We must immediately harden our schools. Every day, young ch...
Outnumbered boistinker
Because they don’t actually give a shit about protecting liv...
Floppy spot
the NRA shouldn't be stepping into economic issues like &quo...
effete azure area
I'm sure armed security guards in every school in America wo...
Metal multi-colored garrison regret
Carnelian massive church macaca
You libs are pretty good at creating deceitful strawmen. ...
Floppy spot
“We must immediately harden our schools.... Schools should b...
Metal multi-colored garrison regret
there's no reason for schools to be any less secure than a c...
aquamarine school cafeteria party of the first part
Are Republicans willing to shell out the money to public sch...
razzmatazz shaky range reading party
the idea that we need armed security guards is still feel-go...
Jade out-of-control affirmative action
Floppy spot
Wayne said in 1999 that the NRA would never, ever support gu...
glassy beady-eyed orchestra pit genital piercing
wahhhhhhhh with a rare exception for law enforcement well,...
Jade out-of-control affirmative action
this is gibberish
glassy beady-eyed orchestra pit genital piercing

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:15 PM
Author: Floppy spot

NRA head breaks silence to attack gun control advocates: 'They hate individual freedom'

Wayne LaPierre spoke at CPAC in the wake of the Florida school shooting, mounting an unrepentant defense of gun rights

David Smith

First published on Thu 22 Feb 2018 10.18 EST

Wayne LaPierre spoke at CPAC in the wake of the Florida school shooting, mounting an unrepentant defense of gun rights

The head of the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) has broken his silence more than a week after the Florida school shooting with a vituperative attack on gun control advocates, accusing them of exploiting the tragedy to push their agenda.

Wayne LaPierre, whose lobby group faces an unprecedented challenge from the activism of students, including survivors of the massacre, sought to paint his opponents as “elites” and “socialists” hellbent on undermining Americans’ constitutional rights.

“The elites don’t care not one whit about America’s school system and schoolchildren,” he told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the National Harbor in Maryland. “If they truly cared, what they would do is they would protect them. For them, it’s not a safety issue, it’s a political issue.

“They care more about control, and more of it. Their goal is to eliminate the second amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eradicate all individual freedoms... They hate the NRA, they hate the second amendment, they hate individual freedom.”

Addressing a sympathetic audience of conservative grassroots activists, LaPierre continued: “They fantasise about more laws stopping what other laws have failed to stop. So many existing laws were ignored. They don’t care if their laws work or not. They just want to get more laws to get more control over people. But the NRA – the NRA does care.”

The massacre of 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, last week was the second deadliest shooting at an American public school and has spurred extraordinary protests across the country. The debate reached a watershed on Wednesday when students and teachers confronted US Senators in a noisy “town hall” event televised live by CNN; there were raucous cheers for the idea of sweeping bans on assault weapons.

LaPierre’s name was initially kept off the agenda at the annual CPAC to protect him from media scrutiny. The NRA often prefers to stay out of the spotlight in the wake of a major shooting.

LaPierre sought to put the warnings in the wider context of a “socialist enemy” within, who he said “oppose our fundamental freedoms enshrined in the bill of rights”. He claimed that the Communist Manifesto and Karl Marx were ascendent on university campuses, describing socialism as “a political disease”.

The NRA chief warned the packed ballroom: “You should be anxious and you should be frightened. If these so-called European socialists take over the House and the Senate and, God forbid, they win the White House again our American freedoms could be lost and our country will be changed forever, and the first to go will be the second amendment to the US constitution” – the right to bear arms.

Pushing the same agenda on school security as Donald Trump, he insisted: “The whole idea from some of our opponents that armed security makes us less safe is completely ridiculous. If that’s true, armed security makes us less safe, let’s just go ahead and remove it from everywhere.”

He continued: “We must immediately harden our schools. Every day young children are being dropped off at schools that are virtually wide open, soft targets for anyone bent on mass murder. It should not be easier for a madman to shoot up a school than a bank or jewellery store or some Hollywood gala.

“Schools should be the hardest target in this country. Evil must be confronted with all necessary force to protect our kids.”

He ended his speech, which was met with a standing ovation, by repeating the notorious mantra he had issued after the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012: “To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun.”

In an earlier speech, the NRA’s national spokeswoman singled out the media for criticism. Dana Loesch said: “Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it. Now I’m not saying that you love the tragedy. But I am saying that you love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold to you.”

Under intense public pressure, there has been speculation that Trump might use his credibility with Republicans to take on the NRA, one of his strongest backers. But on Thursday he tweeted full support: “What many people don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, is that Wayne, Chris [Cox] and the folks who work so hard at the @NRA are Great People and Great American Patriots. They love our Country and will do the right thing. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

The president reaffirmed his proposal to address school shootings by giving some teachers guns, tweeting that it would be a “great deterrent” to killers. He suggested “a little bit of a bonus” for trained teachers who are armed.


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Trump, who held a listening session with students and parents on Wednesday, also said he would advocate for tightening background checks for gun buyers, with an emphasis on mental health, and lifting the age limit to 21 to buy some types of guns – policies less likely to please the powerful pro-gun lobby group.

Many attendees at CPAC expressed support for the idea of arming teachers.

Debi Millman, a fundraiser based in Los Angeles, suggested it was more realistic than restricting a country already awash with guns. “How many millions of them are there? You’re never going to be able to keep evil out. A better solution for me is have the schools be able to defend themselves. If criminals know that if they attack a school they’ll get their heads blown off, that’s a good idea.”

Randi Green, a personal trainer from Los Angeles, interjected: “Except for the fact most teachers are liberals and would baulk at the idea.”

Green was sceptical about the students at Parkland who had been speaking out. “They’re definitely being manipulated,” she said. “Everybody has a voice but these are young kids and I don’t think they know better than lawmakers. I thought they were very disrespectful in the way they speak to people. I think the parents are rooting them on.”

Scott Pio, 33, wearing a red “Make America great again” cap, also backed the proposal for teachers to carry and conceal firearms. “We can arm everybody else around important people, why can’t we arm everybody around our students, especially as they are soft targets? What are people so afraid of? Even city council managers are already protected by guns.”

Pio, a software engineer from Fairfax, Virginia, also suggested making schools more secure, with only point of entry, and increasing the number of security guards on site. But he was opposed to a ban on semi-automatic weapons. “There are plenty of people in rural areas who use guns to protect their homes and go hunting. But I’m OK with raising the age to 21 for assault rifles.”

Chris Davis, 44, a police officer from Pennsylvania, said he was “impressed” by the students who have spoken out but criticised liberal campaigners demanding tighter gun controls. “These same people say President Trump is a tyrant. The reason you have the second amendment is to protect yourself from a tyrant.”

Todd McKinley, 40, a retired soldier from Kingsport, Tennessee, added: “The left called him Hitler, but then they want to grab all guns just like Hitler did.”



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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:18 PM
Author: racy chapel

Extremely cr. Libs want to paper more laws on the books that will be selectively enforced, so that there is no way to do anything without breaking a law and weather or not you hang for it depends on whether you're in libs favor or not


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:21 PM
Author: Outnumbered boistinker


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:47 PM
Author: Titillating violent cuck heaven

Cr. There's no shortage of laws in a totalitarian states.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:35 PM
Author: aquamarine school cafeteria party of the first part


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:37 PM
Author: Twisted Antidepressant Drug Tank


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:20 PM
Author: yapping potus ape

TBF ole Wayne has made 10s of millions in his role so he's a good judge of how elites think


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:23 PM
Author: Jade out-of-control affirmative action

to be fair, wayne isn't a bitch and is worth every penny he's earned


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:36 PM
Author: yapping potus ape

He's certainly never given an inch


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:22 PM
Author: Know-it-all station messiness

More laws go on the books. Next mass shooting, Libs scream "See that's not enough!!!1!1!" and demand further 2nd amendment infringement.

I'm disappointed in Trump. He better than anyone knows to never give into hysterical lib demands.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: Floppy spot

Trump personally agrees with a lot of their demands (he previously called for an assault rifle ban), so that’s why he’s going along with some.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:24 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac Boiling Water

yeah, they're not concerned at all about, you know, kids being murdered at school en mass. its all just a pretext because they hate individual freedom. makes sense.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:26 PM
Author: Outnumbered boistinker

If they were actually concerned about murder they’d, you know, actually pursue policies that work to prevent it. Banning AR15s won’t do anything


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:30 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac Boiling Water

what policy would have prevented the Florida shooter from murdering anyone?


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:34 PM
Author: Bossy codepig sound barrier

Had he been arrested or committed to an institution he'd have never cleared a background check.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:41 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac Boiling Water

yeah, let's commit all gun owners to a mental institution.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:34 PM
Author: Outnumbered boistinker

FBI following protocol wrt the many warnings the received about the gunman. Anyone with his combination of law enforcement interactions, statements and mental health issues shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun. If they’d followed through with their investigation (contacted local law enforcement etc) they should’ve followed up and done what’s necessary. Why are we rushing to tear apart the Bill of Rights when government has already been empowered to prevent this? It’s an overreach and completely insincere.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:40 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac Boiling Water

you're a fucking liar. you guys would just claim his 1st and 2nd amendment rights were being violated if the govt tried to take his guns because of shit he said.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:41 PM
Author: Outnumbered boistinker

Try to control yourself. If someone says he wants to be a school shooter and has the means to carry that out, he should be dealt with. They didn’t even interview him or notify local authorities.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:31 PM
Author: Sooty locale weed whacker

The ACLU actually takes the position you describe.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:32 PM
Author: deep shivering ticket booth

Libs dont like kids being murdered by guns? Great, it makes me sick too. A brief glance at the data proves that it is disproportionately black kids being murdered by other black kids.

Libs care about that, right? And they are ready to talk about it in racial terms?

I mean, because when a cop kills a black guy, we cannot address the problem without talking intensively about the race of both individuals. So we have to talk about the blackness of gun violence in order to address it, right?

We have to be willing even to change the constitution to put a stop to black gun murder, right? Anyone who will not have this conversation just doenst care, right? We have to be unafraid to name names and hurt some feelings to put an end to black gun murders, right? People have to give up their precious notions of these perps having special "rights", correct?

Cause we should consider ALL possibilities, rights be damned, to save kids lives.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:36 PM
Author: Outnumbered boistinker



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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:39 PM
Author: Floppy spot


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:37 PM
Author: Brass laughsome black woman doctorate



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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:30 PM
Author: Infuriating private investor blood rage

oh wow. he really schooled them.

CPAC is a cuck fantasy world


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:32 PM
Author: chartreuse up-to-no-good address azn

LJL at anyone who takes this shill seriously.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:33 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac Boiling Water

cr. the kind of arguments he makes only work on sub-95 IQ reptiles. everyone else sees through them. even the pro-gun people understand that his arguments are bullshit.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:33 PM
Author: autistic heady kitty cat internal respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:40 PM
Author: Carnelian massive church macaca


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:52 PM
Author: insecure point


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:33 PM
Author: autistic heady kitty cat internal respiration

Lol at "they hate individual freedom."

Shitcons are deranged


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:34 PM
Author: chartreuse up-to-no-good address azn

*passes law to control which public restroom you use*


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: autistic heady kitty cat internal respiration

*goes to supreme court to fight to tell you how to have sex*


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:37 PM
Author: Twisted Antidepressant Drug Tank



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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:36 PM
Author: aquamarine school cafeteria party of the first part

*fines you into bankruptcy for refusing to bake a gay marriage wedding cake*


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:36 PM
Author: Carnelian massive church macaca

Y'all must be childless and have zero potential to mate. I cannot understand how any parent can be opposed to gun control. I can understand if the gun-industrial-complex butters your bread. Like this Wayne fella that makes million at the NRA. Or perhaps you work at a gun manufacturer. Maybe you own a shooting range. But most of you are pasty pencil pushers. You are all opposed to guns so you can go shooting once a year? LOL. Oh wait oh wait freedom, right? W sent Americans off on a fake war. We bailed out kikes in 2008 to the tune of billions. Bernanke has printed so much money in the last decade causing gross income inequality. So... like when you were you gun nuts thinking of rising up? Anytime now would be good. Oh wait, y'all just childless fags. Like someone once said, "some people just like to see the world burn." That's you.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:43 PM
Author: Floppy spot

Nice smear, shitlib, but your tactics have already been exposed:



Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:39 PM
Author: Floppy spot

LaPierre kicked so much ass, it doesn’t fit into one article. Here’s another with more quotes:

NRA Leader Warns Conservatives Of 'Socialist Wave' In Wake Of Shooting

Jessica Taylor

February 22, 201811:34 AM ET

The National Rifle Association's executive vice president and CEO, Wayne LaPierre, speaks during the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference at National Harbor in Oxen Hill, Md., on Thursday.

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Just over a week after 17 people were killed at Parkland, Fla., high school, National Rifle Association executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre gave a fiery, defiant speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, on Thursday. LaPierre defended Second Amendment rights and warned of a "socialist agenda" intended to strip firearms away from law-abiding citizens.

"As usual, the opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain," LaPierre said, adding that 20th century community organizer "Saul Alinsky would have been proud of the breakneck speed for gun control laws and the breathless national media eager to smear the NRA."

LaPierre, who was not listed on CPAC's official schedule, accused Democrats of making gun control a political issue in order to achieve their ultimate goal to "eradicate all individual freedoms."

"What they want are more restrictions on the law-abiding — think about that," LaPierre said. "Their solution is to make you all of you less free. They want to sweep right under the carpet the failure of school security, the failure of the family, the failure of America's school systems and even the unbelievable failure of the FBI."

LaPierre said that in the past, he had worked with Democrats who wanted to work to reduce gun violence, but that leaders now only cared about exploiting tragedy for political gain, calling them a "tidal wave of new European socialist" in charge of the party and name-checking Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.; Sen. Christopher Murphy, D-Conn.; and Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., to boos in the crowd.

"I hear a lot of quiet in this room, and I sense your anxiety," LaPierre said, turning to the political consequences of the debate. "And you should be anxious, and you should be frightened. If they seize power, if these so-called 'European socialists' take over the House and the Senate, and God forbid they get the White House again, our Americans freedoms could be lost and our country will be changed forever."

LaPierre also accused Democrats like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., of not working with conservatives and activists enough to address mental health as a concern and to put such checks into the database system to prevent dangerous people from getting access to guns.

LaPierre also echoed a longtime call of the NRA — which President Trump also endorsed during a listening session with families of victims and survivors of gun violence on Wednesday — to more heavily arm school personnel and to provide better security and roll back gun-free school zones.

"We must immediately harden our schools. Every day, young children are being dropped off at schools that are virtually wide open, soft targets for anyone bent on mass murder," LaPierre argued. "It should not be easier for a madman to shoot up a school than a bank or a jewelry story or some Hollywood gala. Schools must be the most hardened target in this country, and evil must be confronted immediately with all necessary force to protect our kids."

LaPierre ended his speech, to a standing ovation, by reprising comments he made five years ago after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.: "To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun."

Ahead of the NRA leader's speech, Trump tweeted his support for LaPierre and others in the organization, calling them "Great People and Great American Patriots" who will "do the right thing."



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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:42 PM
Author: Outnumbered boistinker

“We must immediately harden our schools. Every day, young children are being dropped off at schools that are virtually wide open, soft targets for anyone bent on mass murder," LaPierre argued. "It should not be easier for a madman to shoot up a school than a bank or a jewelry story or some Hollywood gala. Schools must be the most hardened target in this country, and evil must be confronted immediately with all necessary force to protect our kids."

Why are libs against this?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:44 PM
Author: Floppy spot

Because they don’t actually give a shit about protecting lives (just look at their responses to Islamic terrorist attacks) and only care about grabbing guns to make the State more powerful.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 6:35 PM
Author: effete azure area

the NRA shouldn't be stepping into economic issues like "socialism." that just makes him sound like a retarded ranting boomer. socialist switzerland has far more gun rights than lasseiz-faire hong kong or singapore, after all...


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:44 PM
Author: Metal multi-colored garrison regret

I'm sure armed security guards in every school in America would have zero impact on the profitability of gun manufacturers! Zero!


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:51 PM
Author: Carnelian massive church macaca


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 1:57 PM
Author: Floppy spot

You libs are pretty good at creating deceitful strawmen.

Why don’t you try quoting this alleged proposal? That’s right, because it doesn’t exist.


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:27 PM
Author: Metal multi-colored garrison regret

“We must immediately harden our schools.... Schools should be the hardest target in this country. Evil must be confronted with all necessary force to protect our kids."

"To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun.”

His proposal seems pretty clear cut, unless you're a mouth breathing moron like yourself. Just because you know of the word "strawman", doesn't mean you should use it if you don't know what it means!


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:39 PM
Author: aquamarine school cafeteria party of the first part

there's no reason for schools to be any less secure than a courthouse


Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2018 12:47 AM
Author: razzmatazz shaky range reading party

Are Republicans willing to shell out the money to public schools to pay armed security guards? I'm all for it, but I doubt we have the stomach to pay for the training and staffing of the legions of armed guards it would take to secure every public school given the tight budgets already in place. Securing schools also doesn't address other public areas like churches, movie theaters, concerts, etc that these psycho gunmen like to target.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 6:27 PM
Author: Jade out-of-control affirmative action

the idea that we need armed security guards is still feel-good trash

just let teachers get certified to carry at school.

just like you don't know who are wardens on a plane, you shouldn't know which teachers carry.

"attention: this school is protected by trained, armed teachers!"

even if your school is bitchass and doesn't permit teachers to carry, that sign alone would likely stop most school shootings


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2018 6:01 PM
Author: Floppy spot


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Date: February 22nd, 2018 11:32 PM
Author: glassy beady-eyed orchestra pit genital piercing

Wayne said in 1999 that the NRA would never, ever support guns in schools. what happened?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2018 12:00 AM
Author: Jade out-of-control affirmative action


with a rare exception for law enforcement

well, shitlibs let schools turn into shitschools, so let's make teachers law enforcement

shitlibs let students turn into left fascists, let's let teachers turn into law enforcement.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2018 12:02 AM
Author: glassy beady-eyed orchestra pit genital piercing

this is gibberish
