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Court doc: Epsten sex slave says she fucked politicians, but not Trump, Clinton

Donald Trump and Bill Clinton never had sex with any of Jeff...
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Date: August 9th, 2019 12:39 PM
Author: flickering self-absorbed temple

Donald Trump and Bill Clinton never had sex with any of Jeffrey Epstein's girls says former sex slave, who reveals she met Al Gore through Ghislaine Maxwell in unsealed docs

The first trove of documents has been unsealed in the 2015 defamation case brought against Ghislaine Maxwell by Virginia Roberts.

The documents were made public Friday morning just moments after the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld the decision to make public over 2000 pages of court filings that had previously been under seal.

Those documents reveal in great detail the three-year period in which Roberts claims she was Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell's sex slave.

Roberts has said that in that role she was 'forced to have sex with ...numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister.'

Those men do not include Bill Clinton and Donald Trump though, Roberts revealed in an unsealed deposition.

Roberts said in a 2016 deposition that Trump 'didn't partake in any sex with us ... and never flirted with me.'

She also stated that despite Epstein talking about how the two were friends, she did not recall ever seeing him at the Palm Beach mansion.

Robert did however confirm that 'Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey's.'

A lawyer for Maxwell then asked: 'What is the basis for your statement that 4 Donald Trump is a good friend of Jeffrey's'

Roberts responded: 'Jeffrey told me that Donald Trump is a 6 good friend of his.'

She then followed up by asking if Roberts had ever seen the two together, at which point she stated that she had never seen the two men interact during her time with Epstein.

Trump had been Roberts' boss prior to the three years that she was allegedly trafficked by Epstein around the globe.

She has stated in court papers and multiple interviews that Maxwell recruited her while she was working at Mar-a-Lago.

Other famous friends that Roberts said she had met included Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell, in addition to Gore.

That deposition also details the 'sexual training' that Roberts allegedly received from Epstein an Maxwell, which lasted somewhere between four and six months.\

After that was complete, Epstein began to traffic Roberts to his friends she said.



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Date: August 10th, 2019 11:22 AM
Author: flickering self-absorbed temple


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Date: August 10th, 2019 11:22 AM
Author: Heady personal credit line

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