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Is there anything fundamentally admirable about the U.S. Constitution?

It's literally a recipe for endless gridlock. We are less de...
Judgmental floppy idiot
an article 5 convention of the state legislatures is the onl...
purple razzle karate giraffe
states are free to establish parliaments right now if they w...
Massive Dead Sweet Tailpipe
yeah, but before that can happen we need to inform the publi...
purple razzle karate giraffe
lol if you think COC will result in single payer
Opaque Mediation Address
yah but interest groups (1A petition govt) helps solve that
fuchsia set marketing idea
your first sentence answers your post
mentally impaired son of senegal
cr gridlock glorious gridlock
confused multi-colored home
presidential democracy is highly ttt
Talented school
diverse sapphire box office dragon
it's really old and you should respect your elders
ruddy native incel
Was there a single norwood 1 among them?
Judgmental floppy idiot
For its time it was great. But it was ultimately a system de...
Painfully honest silver dilemma friendly grandma
today's "experts" are fags. hth.
Appetizing stead
close but not quite--they are jews
ruddy native incel
diverse sapphire box office dragon
To be clear, you are attacking the US Constitution because i...
Flushed Personal Credit Line
diverse sapphire box office dragon
LOL @ democracy being admirable. Should we just tax ourselve...
Harsh duck-like trailer park philosopher-king
i don't know why it's given so much reverence when it alread...
Massive Dead Sweet Tailpipe
hmmm, interesting comparison.
Amber Passionate Background Story Gaping
Free speech. Not the same as what most of the west considers...
rough-skinned fragrant ticket booth
"free speech" was interpreted pretty narrowly unti...
Massive Dead Sweet Tailpipe
The 4th Amendment has no teeth. Thugs in black robes have gu...
anal chrome organic girlfriend
It's the quality of the people which makes a successful soci...
Mind-boggling aqua love of her life dingle berry
Judgmental floppy idiot
ruddy native incel
The constitution was designed to function in the context of ...
internet-worthy shimmering sandwich sound barrier
Yup. The constitution was written with a two party system in...
violet macaca spot
Recognized that nigs are subhuman
Narrow-minded Mad-dog Skullcap
It didn't use the word "slave" or "slavery,&q...
ocher big pit
It was explicitly designed for gridlock. In general, the...
Dashing alcoholic ratface mad cow disease
It's beautiful because it's not responsive to populist movem...
arrogant bat shit crazy water buffalo

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:52 PM
Author: Judgmental floppy idiot

It's literally a recipe for endless gridlock. We are less democratic than our European brothers because we can't influence the government in any meaningful way because voting districts are too large and POTUS's party never really controls Congress. What are the common people of Georgia or Wyoming going to do to influence their 2 Senators each? Are senators even elected democratically? I forget. There doesn't even need to be a popular vote for POTUS under the constitution. Let's bash this TTT governmentttal framework documenttt.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:13 PM
Author: purple razzle karate giraffe

an article 5 convention of the state legislatures is the only way out--devolve power back to the states where they can revamp their govt's into parliamentarian forms....then we can have single payer, freedom of association, no legal discrimination against whites, etc.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:19 PM
Author: Massive Dead Sweet Tailpipe

states are free to establish parliaments right now if they wished. the constitution does not prescribe any particular form of state-level governance. but none have done it.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:24 PM
Author: purple razzle karate giraffe

yeah, but before that can happen we need to inform the public


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Date: March 15th, 2017 11:08 AM
Author: Opaque Mediation Address

lol if you think COC will result in single payer


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:52 PM
Author: fuchsia set marketing idea

yah but interest groups (1A petition govt) helps solve that


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:53 PM
Author: mentally impaired son of senegal

your first sentence answers your post


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:54 PM
Author: confused multi-colored home


gridlock glorious gridlock


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:53 PM
Author: Talented school

presidential democracy is highly ttt


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:53 PM
Author: diverse sapphire box office dragon


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:53 PM
Author: ruddy native incel

it's really old and you should respect your elders


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:54 PM
Author: Judgmental floppy idiot

Was there a single norwood 1 among them?


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:54 PM
Author: Painfully honest silver dilemma friendly grandma

For its time it was great. But it was ultimately a system devised by and for elites. Nowadays when experts advise new democracies they go with a parliamentary system.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 8:58 PM
Author: Appetizing stead

today's "experts" are fags. hth.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:00 PM
Author: ruddy native incel

close but not quite--they are jews


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:01 PM
Author: diverse sapphire box office dragon


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Date: March 15th, 2017 11:10 AM
Author: Flushed Personal Credit Line

To be clear, you are attacking the US Constitution because it was designed by and for the elites of its day, but have no qualms with the elites of our day advocating for a parliamentary system?


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Date: March 15th, 2017 11:39 AM
Author: diverse sapphire box office dragon


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:02 PM
Author: Harsh duck-like trailer park philosopher-king

LOL @ democracy being admirable. Should we just tax ourselves into oblivion like chill greecemos?


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:07 PM
Author: Massive Dead Sweet Tailpipe

i don't know why it's given so much reverence when it already failed catastrophically in the 1860's. it's not some secret-sauce formula for ultimate success; liberia's constitution was basically a copy, and look how that turned out.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:10 PM
Author: Amber Passionate Background Story Gaping

hmmm, interesting comparison.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:14 PM
Author: rough-skinned fragrant ticket booth

Free speech. Not the same as what most of the west considers free speech today. And LJL at hellholes like Russia, China, or Arab countries.

Fourth Amendment is pretty legit.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:16 PM
Author: Massive Dead Sweet Tailpipe

"free speech" was interpreted pretty narrowly until recent times. think of the alien and sedition acts, WWI sedition laws, obscenity laws, etc.

and the 4th amendment - lol, it doesn't really exist anymore, especially in the era of "parallel construction."


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Date: March 15th, 2017 11:01 AM
Author: anal chrome organic girlfriend

The 4th Amendment has no teeth. Thugs in black robes have gutted it of all practical meaning.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:18 PM
Author: Mind-boggling aqua love of her life dingle berry

It's the quality of the people which makes a successful society, not the political arrangements. (Eg, most "libertarians" would choose to live in socialist Scandinavia rather than laissez-faire Somalia; and Marxist libs would choose to live in Texas before Cuba.)

So long as the franchise was limited to property-owning white males, the US was bound to be a success. The "Constitution" could have consisted solely of a large drawing of Ben Franklin's cock, and things would have turned out roughly the same.

*The* only rule that matters is: "biology is the root; civilization is the flower."


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:34 PM
Author: Judgmental floppy idiot


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:36 PM
Author: ruddy native incel


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:32 PM
Author: internet-worthy shimmering sandwich sound barrier

The constitution was designed to function in the context of a 2-party system wherein both parties are fundamentally centrist. It doesn't work when those 2 parties polarize into very divergent far-left and far-right groups (such as in the case of the tea party), if that happens, then you get gridlock and a non-functioning government.


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Date: March 15th, 2017 11:10 AM
Author: violet macaca spot

Yup. The constitution was written with a two party system in mind. THis poaster is a scholar.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:34 PM
Author: Narrow-minded Mad-dog Skullcap

Recognized that nigs are subhuman


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:39 PM
Author: ocher big pit

It didn't use the word "slave" or "slavery," instead it used bizarre euphemisms like "other persons" that arguably called more attention to themselves than if they used the plain terms.


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Date: March 14th, 2017 9:40 PM
Author: Dashing alcoholic ratface mad cow disease

It was explicitly designed for gridlock.

In general, the best government is one that only does things for which there': an overwhelming consensus.


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Date: March 15th, 2017 11:11 AM
Author: arrogant bat shit crazy water buffalo

It's beautiful because it's not responsive to populist movements. That's a good thing.
