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just seems like work is always on your mind with that sort o...
Unholy resort stain
2100 takes a toll on your home life. billed 2200 one year. c...
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
damn can you describe how your average day was like when u b...
Unholy resort stain
had a trial which meant a 280 hour month. that makes it a lo...
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
This has been the only way I have ethically exceeded 2,000 h...
Scarlet sick casino associate
cr. the key is not being in a feast or famine practice area....
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
that's why so many partners are divorced from their first wi...
Racy Drunken Partner Ticket Booth
damn. that's fucked up. In their spare time when not working...
Unholy resort stain
MOAR Law stuff
Self-absorbed school
damn. Partners are doing primarily what in biglaw? An averag...
Unholy resort stain
You don't.
Nudist black woman field
I honestly wouldn't want to do anything else with my time. I...
Aquamarine ratface idea he suggested
elaborate what fulfillment u get out of it
Unholy resort stain
you don't
Aquamarine ratface idea he suggested
It's really not that bad as long as the work is consistent. ...
poppy scourge upon the earth
Your life blows
Milky hall
Nah, I work like one weekend a month most months. I have a ...
poppy scourge upon the earth
haters gonna hate.
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
Unholy resort stain
, lisped the retard with crippling aspergers
poppy scourge upon the earth
You are allowed three things in big law: work, family, and o...
onyx odious kitty hospital
What family bonds?
Bearded regret knife
Unholy resort stain
Curious how many real time work hours the 2k plus guys put i...
burgundy vivacious jew bbw
it varies. i am a pretty no bs guy at work. sure, i talk to ...
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
what are your primary duties at work? Review motions?
Unholy resort stain
i write the first draft of everything on all my cases.
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
makes sense. How long does it take you to write a Motion for...
Unholy resort stain
depends on a lot of factors - client, budget, number of issu...
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
not bad. What is your style when drafting/composing a substa...
Unholy resort stain
again, depends on motion, but my practice area is almost all...
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
what are some common policy/fairness arguments u make at the...
Unholy resort stain
I managed 2k last year. Was in office maybe 9ish hours a day...
Bull headed exhilarant telephone degenerate
this is totally correct. weekends are the exception, not the...
abnormal space fortuitous meteor
Your wife has to be independent.
hyperventilating jet piazza shitlib

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:15 PM
Author: Unholy resort stain

just seems like work is always on your mind with that sort of work schedule expectation.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:30 PM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

2100 takes a toll on your home life. billed 2200 one year. could not imagine the train wreck my marriage would become at 2400.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:31 PM
Author: Unholy resort stain

damn can you describe how your average day was like when u billed 2200...like what did u do?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:41 PM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

had a trial which meant a 280 hour month. that makes it a lot easier to bill that much. otherwise, i bill about 8-10 hours a day and a half day on saturday. took one full week (7 actual work days) of vacation and probably 1 random day off every 1.5 months. i think that is what gets you to 2200.

honestly, apart from the 280 hour month it was not terrible. that said, try telling my wife that.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 6:35 PM
Author: Scarlet sick casino associate

This has been the only way I have ethically exceeded 2,000 hours in a year. A few monster months because of trials or crazy MSJs, while being solidly busy the rest of the year.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:57 PM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

cr. the key is not being in a feast or famine practice area. mine is consistently busy, but i can usually count on two or three crazy months a year.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:16 PM
Author: Racy Drunken Partner Ticket Booth

that's why so many partners are divorced from their first wives and married a second trophy wife who is there for the money and prefers that her husband is working all the time


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:17 PM
Author: Unholy resort stain

damn. that's fucked up. In their spare time when not working, what do these partners usually do? Go out to dinner ?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:20 PM
Author: Self-absorbed school

MOAR Law stuff


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:22 PM
Author: Unholy resort stain

damn. Partners are doing primarily what in biglaw? An average commercial litigation partner?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:34 PM
Author: Nudist black woman field

You don't.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:48 PM
Author: Aquamarine ratface idea he suggested

I honestly wouldn't want to do anything else with my time. I would just self-sabotage.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 6:03 PM
Author: Unholy resort stain

elaborate what fulfillment u get out of it


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:59 PM
Author: Aquamarine ratface idea he suggested

you don't


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 6:08 PM
Author: poppy scourge upon the earth

It's really not that bad as long as the work is consistent. I don't really have fire drills very often so I know which weekends are free and which won't be pretty far in advance. Doesn't hurt that the wife works too. Having a stay at home wife would not be cr unless she was long suffering or you were an intellectual so to speak.


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:33 AM
Author: Milky hall

Your life blows


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:37 AM
Author: poppy scourge upon the earth

Nah, I work like one weekend a month most months. I have a great family, decent job, and we're pretty much set financially. My life is pretty stress free. I could quit tomorrow if I wanted to.


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:47 AM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

haters gonna hate.


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Date: November 25th, 2015 5:23 PM
Author: Unholy resort stain


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Date: November 25th, 2015 5:28 PM
Author: poppy scourge upon the earth

, lisped the retard with crippling aspergers


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 7:22 PM
Author: onyx odious kitty hospital

You are allowed three things in big law: work, family, and one other thing such as a singular hobby like golf. If you spend every waking hour doing only those three things you will succeed. If you are trying to do more than that you will fail.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 11:08 PM
Author: Bearded regret knife

What family bonds?


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:24 AM
Author: Unholy resort stain


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:42 AM
Author: burgundy vivacious jew bbw

Curious how many real time work hours the 2k plus guys put in? By that I mean how long at office each day?


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:44 AM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

it varies. i am a pretty no bs guy at work. sure, i talk to the partners i work with and my associate colleagues, but i don't take more than a half hour to eat lunch and i don't waste too much time on the net.

with all that, i get in around 7 and leave around 6. some days i get in around 8, never later though. i put some time in at home after the kids are in bed, too.


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:53 AM
Author: Unholy resort stain

what are your primary duties at work? Review motions?


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:56 AM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

i write the first draft of everything on all my cases.


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Date: November 24th, 2015 9:58 AM
Author: Unholy resort stain

makes sense. How long does it take you to write a Motion for Summary J usually, with all caselaw and research included


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Date: November 24th, 2015 10:00 AM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

depends on a lot of factors - client, budget, number of issues. putting all that aside, i typically carve out one whole week to write and MSJ. that includes outline, research, drafting, editing.


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Date: November 24th, 2015 10:02 AM
Author: Unholy resort stain

not bad. What is your style when drafting/composing a substantive motion? Do you focus more on policy/fairness considerations or emphasize caselaw precedent/"clear language" of statutory provisions?


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Date: November 24th, 2015 10:05 AM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

again, depends on motion, but my practice area is almost all caselaw based. not a lot of statutory interpretation going on in my niche. some policy considerations, but that is mostly brought up in appellate work, which i also do a fair amount of.


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Date: November 26th, 2015 10:07 AM
Author: Unholy resort stain

what are some common policy/fairness arguments u make at the appellate level?


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Date: November 24th, 2015 10:11 AM
Author: Bull headed exhilarant telephone degenerate

I managed 2k last year. Was in office maybe 9ish hours a day. Some days were 9-5 others 8-6 or whatever depending on matters. Almost never weekends. Not bad, but I could never see myself getting any more than 2k in - just not worth the lost personal time.


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Date: November 24th, 2015 10:15 AM
Author: abnormal space fortuitous meteor

this is totally correct. weekends are the exception, not the rule if you manage your time and actually work all day. i also agree about it not being worth the loss in personal time. if you are billing 2k hours, you are a superstar at most firms. you get close to the best bonuses and the partners assume you are doing a good job because you wouldn't be getting all that work otherwise.


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Date: November 26th, 2015 9:18 AM
Author: hyperventilating jet piazza shitlib

Your wife has to be independent.
