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Rate this video of Belle Knox (NSFW)

cerise bat-shit-crazy area son of senegal
how much do these girls get paid to get empowered by a gigan...
Lemon Swollen Space
Is she keeps doing vids and starts TAKING THAT ANAL, I will ...
henna place of business
I rate it: "email it to mommy (Marachan Weeks) and dadd...
poppy partner
Swashbuckling Hell Foreskin

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Date: March 7th, 2014 6:39 AM
Author: cerise bat-shit-crazy area son of senegal



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Date: March 7th, 2014 7:50 AM
Author: Lemon Swollen Space

how much do these girls get paid to get empowered by a gigantic cock like that?


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Date: March 7th, 2014 7:56 AM
Author: henna place of business

Is she keeps doing vids and starts TAKING THAT ANAL, I will probably jerk it to her.


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Date: March 7th, 2014 10:12 AM
Author: poppy partner

I rate it: "email it to mommy (Marachan Weeks) and daddy (Dr. Kevin A. Weeks (Spokane WA))"

oh, and these pornsurfers:

Donald Campbell

Miss Weeks, Please ensure that you have yourself a full life after the porn business. I would suggest you go to school on an online or local university, either in LA or close to home in Washington State. You are a very intelligent and seem to be a very kind person so please have it all - another career and your own family - later in life. Everyone, irrespective of their views should wish or pray for this in your behalf. While carnality may be sinful, lust was given to man by God to continue our line. So sex is not the great sin that, especially us as Americans, make it out to be. It is but a minor misdemeanor in the midst of countless felonies -- e.g., people asking you to commit suicide or place you in fear of your life.

about a minute ago

John Allen

Perhaps you might want to write an article/comment about the scars on your upper thigh. They "seem" to be indicative of a young woman who cuts herself. I'm thinking there might be more to your story than just a nymphomaniac.

3 hours ago

Francis Clay Hornik

I read your XO Jane pieces- you're an eloquent young lady. Best of luck to you in all of your future endeavors.

9 hours ago

Darrin Pierce Sr.

Belle u are a Cutie Sweetie keep up the good work I would like to be a fan

9 hours ago

David Swartz

Saw your interview on Piers Morgan. You were great. Go girl. Love your honesty.

10 hours ago

Brian Keller

You just keep on doing what you are doing. Not a darn thing wrong with it!

10 hours ago

Harold Smith

Go for it baby,you are so smart and beautiful

11 hours ago

Danny Kasper

Watching your interview with piers morgan on cnn...you were great and intelligent!! Be proud!!

1 · 12 hours ago

Jed Wayne Aranas

Hi ms.belle I hope you can do a fan sign for me.please :) #loyal fan

12 hours ago

Floyd J. Fernandez

I'm a Christian, happily married, a dad, and a granddad. I haven't been to your sites or seen your videos, and don't plan to, because I have had a past addiction that could ruin my ability to work or relate properly with my relationships. But I am sorry for the hatred you have had. And if I was in your father's shoes, I would love you, support you, try to get you to quit, go on welfare to get you through Duke, and defend you to the world, no matter what I may say to you in private. As long as you didn't do this to get back at family, which it doesn't sound like you did, or did it as some lashing out at God or something else, then you need your family. Of course I think what you're doing is wrong, my faith demands it. But "judge not lest you be judged" is part of my faith, too. I will pray for you. I hope you make it through this, that you emerge with your physical and mental health intact, a willingness to reach out to the loving God who gave you your beauty and sexuality, and with a career in the law, of which you dream to achieve. If such is your desire, have you considered a place to have a community of faith that will strengthen you? Hookers for Jesus is a real group that actually reaches people in the adult entertainment industry, in a safe, non-judgmental environment. They're out of Las Vegas. And since you're going through so much at Duke, here's a suggestion, since you're now about 3/4 through your freshman year. There's a reason people in your new side profession tend to congregate in New York and LA. Would you find a transfer to UCLA or USC objectionable. I know for a fact that plenty of girls and guys in the industry go to college there. They are superb schools. Just a thought. God bless, princess.

2 · 13 hours ago

Larry Hurst

I support you, class of 83, go Duke

1 · 13 hours ago

Chip Wood

please post some pictures lovey...keep on fighting the good fight against student debt....oh & I am sorry...but us Heels are going to blow down Cameron Sat eve...lol...;-)

21 hours ago

Michael Ashley Miller

Wanted to say don't let those idiots change your way of thing bout people from nc because the smart ones still love you. So I know your knew the the fame but do u ever do meets where ur nc fans can met u

1 · 21 hours ago

Victor Jason Raymond

Keep working for real change; stay true to your principles and beliefs.

1 · 22 hours ago

Jimmy R. Hoensbroek

Great work, little beauty!!!!! Fok all those Haters en Irritators...keep on going, Belle!!! You are beautiful!

Yesterday at 05:42

Johanna Ruschmeier

I just read your article on xojane and you have my utmost respect! I am stunned and surprised in a very positive way that you present yourself as such a proud women and that you even want to face your bullies! You are an idol to every person that has ever been bullied and I think it is great that you do not give up. You sooo are the bigger person. Why do people even intrude in other peoples private life so often even if it is none of their business? I do not want to know what some of my fellow students do in their spare time or my professors...and I do not care! No one should be judged by their sexuality or their sexual preferences. It is like judging people by other choices they make, like i. e. food choices: being a vegan or a vegetarian or not liking mushrooms or loving meatballs. No one judges you this hard for choices like that. And it is again another thing if you work in the sex industry. If it is your own choice where is the problem? No one gets hurt. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in one's mouth and people have to work their was through college! And some jobs are just not profitable enough for the work you invest. Sad but true. All the bullies should take a good look at themselves before they judge others but most of the time they would not find very much i guess...keep your head up!

1 · Yesterday at 03:25

Richard Sepulveda

I came across your article online quite accidently. I was on the Fox news channel website. Being that I spent about 15yrs living in Chapel Hill and being an employee at Duke and a great fan of Duke basketball, I was intrigued. I am not necessarily intrigued by what statements you are making but by the strong personal stance you have taken and the way you articulate your personal story. I was in Chapel Hill during the Lacrosse Scandal and it amazed me how judgemental and hateful the Duke community was toward the team! I would be proud to call you a friend or daughter. You have taken a difficult but high road! Stay strong!

1 · Yesterday at 03:04

Alex Stefan Russo

When it rains, it pours.

5 March at 23:07

Alvin Wong

I hope that the negativity from those comments doesn't effect you and that you go on to graduate from Duke.

5 March at 22:40

Michael Edward

Why does it say Nympho? She has publicly stated that she is just doing it for the money for college tuition! Don't kick the poor girl unless you know all the facts. She is cute ans smart - isn't that enough?

1 · 5 March at 20:46

Kellie Wade

I support you, and think you are smart and pretty! It is your life and your choice and if anyone wants to say something about what you do, tell them to pay your way through school! From retired Deputy Sheriff,and Mother!

5 March at 18:10

Gregory Smith

Your refusal to be cowed into shame and silence is inspiring. I'm part of a vibrant, sex-positive community in NYC, and, to us, you're a hero. Let us know if there's anything we can do to support.

3 · 5 March at 16:35

Alwyn Ng

My response to a friend's question, "Is there anything else people who are far away like us can do beyond 'Facebook Activism' of liking and sharing?" Just thought I'd post it here: "Um, I hardly think any one of us can really consider themselves "far away" from the everyday performances and consequences of slut-shaming, the sexual double standard, and rape culture. We don't yet live in a feminist utopia and this isn't just a problem that women adult performers like Belle Knox is facing; she is but one face and one voice out of many. As she says: "I stand for every woman who has ever been tormented for being sexual -- for every woman who has been harassed, ostracized and called a slut for exerting her sexual autonomy -- and for every woman who has been the victim of The Double Standard." Personally, I make it a point to call out and challenge slut-shaming wherever I can, but I think ultimately there needs to be a collective consciousness and effort - the spaces of discourse into which any one person can enter will be limited (e.g. as a man, an atheist, etc., there is only so much I can do to influence discourse amongst women, Christians, etc.), so everyone will have their own part to play at the end of the day. "Be the change", like Gandhi said. And we will have to keep doing it, until the point where the collective weight of our voices proves sufficient to overcome the mass historical inertia that is the patriarchal status quo."

5 March at 15:03

Edwin Nicholas Geng

To those who support her and think she is brave, I have started a petition on change.org to challenge Duke University both students and staff to stop the harassment of hers and let her be entitled to her right to pursue her university studies and career without being judged by her peers. https://www.change.org/petitions/duke-university-protect-and-support-the-right-of-an-individual-to-their-own-dreams-without-being-subject-harassment-or-judgement-by-peers

1 · 5 March at 14:43

Robin Dunn

Solidarity, girl. <3

5 March at 13:47

Myrrh Larsen

You are brave, thoughtful and eloquent. Duke ought to be proud to have admitted you. Please know you have many allies and supporters out here in the world.

2 · 5 March at 13:44

Thomas Mozzelli

You're very brave for addressing Duke directly, you belong there just as much as the next student!

1 · 5 March at 13:35

Princess Tuesday O'Bramble

Well done, girl! Keep writing!

5 March at 13:22

Stuart Liljeqvist

good Stuff Belle, just read your article here in Australia... all the others are jealous... you are all good!

5 March at 12:53

Jack Othokian

Congratulations on standing up for yourself and refusing to be beaten down by America's sexual double standard. Good Luck and Happy Fortunes to your future young lady.

1 · 5 March at 12:41

Darren Murphy

Your bravery deserves applaud. It is only the narrow minded & the scared that try to hurt you or defame your character. If Duke does not stand by you, then take your money elsewhere. You're obviously a very ambitious and courageous person.

1 · 5 March at 12:38

Sarah Paulsen

I'd like to say: I'm SO very sorry for the hurt you've experienced. Neither the people who've attacked you nor the authority figures who've failed you deserve to be classified as 'human'. Regardless of how a person feels about porn this kind of archaic bigotry should not be tolerated. We are supposed to be better than this and you're 100% correct that those hypocritical sub-humans who would view your work and then try to ridicule YOU should NOT. EVER. be allowed to dictate a single breath of your life. Clearly, Duke doesn't deserve the vast amounts of tuition money you're giving them and are not an institution capable of nurturing an educational process for someone of your obvious intelligence. I wish you and those of your family who've stood by you luck and speed in getting through this. Fuck everyone else. ~Sarah~

1 · 5 March at 12:34

Matt Muchowski

Your stand against harassment is powerful and brave. Have you considered organizing other sex workers to unite and fight for your rights? My union, has several sex workers who organize around issues that related to their industry: http://www.iww.org/unions/dept600/iu690

2 · 5 March at 11:26

Daniel Sollie Hansen

Dear Belle Knox. You are brave. You are awesome. That is all.

5 March at 10:46

Alexix Furnas

I support u, what the f*ing stupid tuition fee

5 March at 10:34

Cathy Peterson Doyle

As a 51 year old married mother of 1, I support your decision. God knows there's not a regular job a student could likely get that would provide the kind of money needed to pay for Duke. Ignore the chatter and don't let them get you down~

5 March at 10:23

Jhonny LC


5 March at 08:22

Tracy Lee Furman

Don't listen to all the bull shit rude people are saying. They are probably just jealous.,.

5 March at 07:51

Peter McCarty

Be true to yourself and ignore the rhetoric!

5 March at 07:44

Liam Johnston

Got a ton of respect for the stand you're taking on xojane. I hope you know that for all the people bringing hate down on you, there are a lot of decent people who respect you and what you want to do with your life.

5 March at 07:41

Louis Perez

Keep it movin'....down with the hypocrites

5 March at 07:39

John Adams


5 March at 06:30

Mark Noll

People may not agree with what you do, but you are not hurting anyone and they have a choice not to look at your videos. Those who cast stones generally have lots to hide.

5 March at 06:23

Adam Cintas

In todays society its an initial reaction for people to respond/react to what they do not understand. But in regards to some of the comments people have said in regards to this matter...screw them, your already a far better person than they will ever be. Good luck and you have support!

5 March at 05:58

Ankit Jain

Hang tough! Dont let the hypocrites win. Respect!

5 March at 04:26

Matt Camara

This is a great read!! dont let them stop you!! http://www.xojane.com/author/belle-knox

21 · 5 March at 03:57

Scott Smith

I don't know you but I think I'd judge you after meeting you. Chin up. Shitty people can be hurtful but they can't define you.

5 March at 00:26

Ronen V

Thank you. Your bravery is inspiring.

1 · 5 March at 00:02

Prue Rodgers

So many oxygen thieves at your college! Ignore them!

4 March at 23:58

Anaiis Flox

Everyone go like Belle Knox's page and show her that the world is not devoid of sex worker allies.

2411 · 4 March at 23:51

Anaiis Flox

I support you.

1 · 4 March at 23:13

Siyuan Lin

fight hard for what you believe in. its our life, dont let the others take over us

4 March at 22:49

Kenneth Snyder

Don't give up and keep following your dream! Besides other people have done worse and look what jobs they hold.

4 March at 20:57

Anthony Stone

There are very few people in this world who are strong enough to allow their intimacy to be filmed as performance, and for that, the strength of those women should be applauded, not ridiculed. Sadly, we live in an opposite reality where our fear and insecurity create a monster inside of us, and anyone who demonstrates strength is a threat to our very insecure nature. Ms. Knox, you keep doing what you're doing, and everything else in your life that makes you happy, because, as you said in your press responses, it's your decision, nobody else's. I find your outward appearance to be highly attractive, but your inward strength and monumental sense of who you are is what is best in you. I wish there were more people in the world like you.

4 March at 18:10

Dave Altman

You can see her at www.matrixmodels.com

4 March at 17:54

Adam Calhoun

Doubt this is the real FB page of hers, This fan page was created today.

3 · 4 March at 17:45

Cecilia &#350;enocak

I've been loosely following your story, and I feel strongly moved to speak out about how terribly you've been treated. (I perhaps should mention I don't have a real opinion about porn--pros/cons/objectification etc, because there's a stigma of sex and it being healthy and OKAY to talk about, and we've got a ways to go.) In your latest piece on xojane, you mentioned receiving a lot of support. I'm very glad to hear that, and I'd like to add my own. I believe that anyone who has not hurt another person deserves respect. I can understand a murderer, or a rapist, or some other person who has committed a real crime to be despised by the public, shamed, attacked, etc--though that is still not an impressive act by society to be so hateful, but I understand it. But someone who does porn? Threatening them? Exposing them publicly? Shaming them? I am ashamed myself: of humanity. I don't care if you're going to Duke, if you live with your parents, or what kind of sexual exploits you enjoy in your private time. You have not hurt anyone. Regardless of what people believe about porn empowering women or degrading them, THIS IS NOT THE ISSUE. At ALL. How can we be okay with George Zimmerman walking away unscathed from an unprovoked killing of a teen, yet you are receiving threats? And why? Because you chose to publicly enjoy sex. Dear god. What a crime. I met a man once who I was later told was a porn star. I admit that I immediately felt a small something that couldn't be described as positive or passive or unaffected, but now I know that I have that to work on about myself. I am not perfect myself. Your story only pushes me further to be without judgement. I read some comments on a mean article about you. I could not believe them. My heart grew heavy. I felt anger flare up. I wish I could be peaceful about it, but I do not find it acceptable that people--men, presumably, from what I read specifically--are saying about you what they are. You must understand that when someone attacks another person, especially a stranger on the internet who is literate, well-spoken, and free (who just happens to do porn), they are not all right inside. Spewing hate is a symptom of someone who is suffering. Happy people don't make other people unhappy. At our best, we can only wish them well, and healing, and do what we can to make sure we are peaceful and unaffected. They do not deserve to upset us. I wish you all the best in whatever lies ahead of you. Know that for every person out there who expresses negativity towards you, there are several more who find you deserving of happiness, simply because you are a human. I am glad you showed the world your voice, and maybe with your help, the earth will progress towards being a better place.

51 · 4 March at 17:09

Justin Meader

Good for you for being open about who you are and what you do. You have my support!

1 · 4 March at 17:07

Alexander William Delapenha

I support you and wish for your safety

4 March at 17:01

Shawn Matthew Lee


1 · 4 March at 16:43

Greg Scherr

What is your major?

1 · 4 March at 16:41

Jacqie Lucas

<3 support and love

1 · 4 March at 16:14


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Date: March 8th, 2014 6:53 PM
Author: Swashbuckling Hell Foreskin
