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Who is your favorite golfer?

Big Bryson guy here.
bateful stead famous landscape painting
lol same. This week was a good reminder how entertaining it...
Ebony bisexual state laser beams
you think he's on roids? he's pretty aesthetic no homo maybe...
bateful stead famous landscape painting
he clearly did a massive bulk of some kind once he started p...
Ebony bisexual state laser beams
Your mom handles my balls like a pro.
180 philosopher-king therapy

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Date: May 19th, 2024 4:27 PM
Author: bateful stead famous landscape painting

Big Bryson guy here.


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Date: May 20th, 2024 8:52 AM
Author: Ebony bisexual state laser beams

lol same. This week was a good reminder how entertaining it is to see that weird aspie pounding 350 yard drives like it's nbd. PGA tour really needs to get this LIV shit under control and get everyone playing in the same tournaments each week.

I spent a good portion of the evening yesterday rambling to my wife how I need to find a reliable steroid guy and go on a legit dirty bulk like Bryson did.


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Date: May 20th, 2024 1:32 PM
Author: bateful stead famous landscape painting

you think he's on roids? he's pretty aesthetic no homo maybe i should get on some too.

yeah this dude was hitting like 240 yard bombs with an 8 iron. he's incredibly fun to watch and the hate he gets is retarded, there will just always be a contingent of people who don't like chad (see koepka, brooks) for no real reason and that's just the way it is. every single one of his detractors would've taken that LIV money in his shoes.


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Date: May 20th, 2024 3:14 PM
Author: Ebony bisexual state laser beams

he clearly did a massive bulk of some kind once he started picking up length like he has. I learned the term 'dirty bulk' from XO, which I guess means like a bodybuilder cycle but you eat a ton of carbs as well so you just get bigger. I'm actually fb friends with a clothed bodybuilder bro who posts pics of him eating like 7 lbs of grilled chicken with mustard and hot sauce to give it some flavor without adding carbs. dirty bulk I think means you can eat pizza and mcds and shit as long as you get bigger.


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Date: May 20th, 2024 3:16 PM
Author: 180 philosopher-king therapy

Your mom handles my balls like a pro.
