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Travelmos is Taipei worth a few days?

I could either spend two days in Taipei (never been before, ...
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
never been but heard its 180
Opaque Wild Whorehouse Alpha
i asked this to my chingchong friends when i had the option,...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
How many times have you done HKG I assume you haven’t don...
Bipolar ebony doctorate principal's office
I'm going to HKG to see friends though, I just don't think I...
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
If you’ve never done HKG, there’s quite a bit to do – enough...
Bipolar ebony doctorate principal's office
I go to HKG like three times/year or more. Was there in Sept...
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
why do you keep going to nowagkong?
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Because I like my friends who live there and it's always a g...
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
dunno that answer. your friends nowags or whiteys?
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
90% whitey, maybe 95%
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
I figured you’d been to HKG many times. Taipei is worth a sh...
Bipolar ebony doctorate principal's office
I found a reasonable 4-star near the W, is that the POTUS pa...
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
Its not bad for a few days, I did a wknd. U can go to the Ta...
Mustard mind-boggling gay wizard shrine
Ok, I think I am going to fly in from Paris to HKG, spend fi...
adventurous kitchen party of the first part
xo chinks, what's the CR taipei hood to stay in? how is xime...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
white guy here, and it's been forever since I was there. Bu...
Razzmatazz know-it-all internal respiration institution
yeah the subway is good
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
roundeye here, but yeah ximending if you want busy azn stree...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
is ximending near good restaurants and fun people watching? ...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
yeah it feels a little like dense parts of J cities I also ...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
looks like there's ~$50/night airbnb's in the xim ending ...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Chinese history museum, where they have all the stuff the KM...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Good list and agree re: 101. When I was there it was packed...
Big Menage Blood Rage
that maokong area looks kinda nice, may check out next time ...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Yeah I was going to volunteer a list of things to do but it ...
Big Menage Blood Rage
TW nature is beautiful, but right, needs more time
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
are either of those done as day trips? flight is in evening ...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Taroko Gorge would be too much for a day because there's a d...
Big Menage Blood Rage
the gorge looked pretty but not unlike shit ive seen elsewhe...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
did you like it for the gondola ride itself, or what?
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Yeah, you get to see tea growing there, see the city, sip te...
Big Menage Blood Rage
yeah it’s not a super exciting place I don’t think, but seem...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
seems nice enough for a 1.5 day stopover. it'll be hard a...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Tons of veggie food, dude. Bunch of veggie buffets. This p...
Big Menage Blood Rage
i eat beefu. i'm not some low-t veg who likes titless sticks...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Big Menage Blood Rage
close your eyes and pretend its a vegetable and TW beef noo...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
is are the beef noodles made with pork broth? i know the ...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
I think it’s a beef broth, very flavorful too, big fan yeah...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Din Tai Fung does have veggie options, but then I suppose wh...
Big Menage Blood Rage
180 it’s a tasty soup, I don’t know what all the spices and ...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
can the nat'l palace museum and the two memorials be done in...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
>>can the nat'l palace museum and the two memorials be...
Big Menage Blood Rage
yes for sure yes easily from the outside, it’s on a main su...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
i saw pandas in beijing. their white fur was yellow. very sa...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
barbarians, sad (and sick!)
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
how many hours R/T would the hot springs take all-in? ljl...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
say 1 hr each way plus a couple to find and enjoy a bath, ma...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
are taxis cheap enough to hire one to take us easy way to sa...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
taxis are pretty cheap but I don’t know how much it would co...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Taxi fare calculator gives it as a little under us$20 each w...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
hmm, this could work. i'll see if pddj is interested. she's ...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
baths are segregated J-style from what I recall :(
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
ljl she'd still be embarrassed and ashamed. she'd be much mo...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
yet the local ladies will be ABSORUTERY BOIRING with rage an...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
her erect nipples are prob bigger than their husbands' dicks
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Not near 101 -- it's a business area with a mall, convention...
Big Menage Blood Rage
your dad, recommending on fodors that ppl stay near 101 why?...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Nah, it's so close -- it's fine. My dad was treated like ...
Big Menage Blood Rage
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
lol, the place where they stayed had him and my mom in separ...
Big Menage Blood Rage
ljl 180 are the TWese in TW retarded? the TWese who came ...
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Yeah I think best and brightest left. To US in the 70s and ...
Big Menage Blood Rage
Lol dbg silent
Razzle Greedy Field Boltzmann
silent on what? he answered my question.
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
ITT: literally a bunch of seoul rejects who got shit on by a...
smoky police squad ratface
you need to look for more opportunities to shut the fuck up ...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
u mad?
smoky police squad ratface
no I just think it’s a shame that you’ve missed another oppo...
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
actually, he's chaebong hyung so nobody would marry him
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference
Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath
Razzle Greedy Field Boltzmann
The hot springs in the national park are really cool. You ha...
crystalline stimulating gas station fat ankles

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:10 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

I could either spend two days in Taipei (never been before, just overnight connection at airport hotel), or make it 6 nights in HKG instead of 4.


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:11 PM
Author: Opaque Wild Whorehouse Alpha

never been but heard its 180


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:13 PM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

i asked this to my chingchong friends when i had the option, and they said that TPE is worth a few hours and has nothing else redeeming in the city itself, but that it's 180 to get out to the countryside for 3-4 days if you have the time.


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:17 PM
Author: Bipolar ebony doctorate principal's office

How many times have you done HKG

I assume you haven’t done Taipei


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:28 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

I'm going to HKG to see friends though, I just don't think I can handle six nights in a row.


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:36 PM
Author: Bipolar ebony doctorate principal's office

If you’ve never done HKG, there’s quite a bit to do – enough to justify close to a week (whether you’d want to be with your friends for that long aside). Taipei is underappreciated but smaller in scale in terms of what it offers to travelers. If you’ve done HKG before I’d recommend seeing Taipei for a couple of nights, but spending more time in HKG would be reasonable if you haven’t been.

Check out the night markets in Taipei.


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:37 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

I go to HKG like three times/year or more. Was there in Sept., heading back in Jan, and this trip is for March.


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:38 PM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

why do you keep going to nowagkong?


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:39 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

Because I like my friends who live there and it's always a great time. Is the area where the W is the best part of Taipei to stay in?


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:41 PM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

dunno that answer.

your friends nowags or whiteys?


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:42 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

90% whitey, maybe 95%


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:40 PM
Author: Bipolar ebony doctorate principal's office

I figured you’d been to HKG many times. Taipei is worth a short trip in that case.


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:41 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

I found a reasonable 4-star near the W, is that the POTUS part of town?


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:22 PM
Author: Mustard mind-boggling gay wizard shrine

Its not bad for a few days, I did a wknd. U can go to the Taipei 101 NOWAG building, the views are pretty nice. The foods good and there's some night markets and shit. Ppl are much chiller than NOWAGS in HK and the city is more laidback and I thought cleaner than HK. The nightlife seemed okay. I think its more of a place to live actually the visit for more than aa few days buts itsfine


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Date: December 7th, 2015 11:29 PM
Author: adventurous kitchen party of the first part

Ok, I think I am going to fly in from Paris to HKG, spend five days there, then two in Taipei, then back to NYC.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 12:50 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

xo chinks, what's the CR taipei hood to stay in? how is ximending?


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:00 AM
Author: Razzmatazz know-it-all internal respiration institution

white guy here, and it's been forever since I was there. But I felt like the transportation was really really good so you could basically get to most of the city easily within 1 day regardless of where you stayed. so I think you should just stay at the highest quality hotel that is reasonably priced rather than staying in a trendy neighborhood.

looks of cool outdoor parks, jade market, stuff like that to do. cool restaurants, bars, etc. etc.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:06 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

yeah the subway is good


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:05 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

roundeye here, but yeah ximending if you want busy azn streets with markets etc

around Taipei 101 area if you want more glass and steel type hotels

or try the Taipei Grand hotel for something a bit more kooky


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:11 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

is ximending near good restaurants and fun people watching? i read it's like harajuku.

taipei 101 area looks too institutional.

$165/night for grand hotel. no way.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:15 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

yeah it feels a little like dense parts of J cities

I also wouldn’t pick 101 or Grand Hotel


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:19 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

looks like there's ~$50/night airbnb's in the xim ending

how would you organize 1.5 days in tpe?


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:25 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

Chinese history museum, where they have all the stuff the KMT rescued from the commies — risk of massive mainlander tour groups though

Sun Yat Sen and Chiang Kai Shek memorials if Cold War stuff interests you

A night market, ximending or shilin, eat and people watch

Eat beef noodles

If you want, because it’s winter, take a subway to the Yangminshan hot springs area and take a hot mineral bath J-style

That’s mostly it

Taipei 101 not really worth it as you live somewhere that also has some tall buildings


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:28 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Good list and agree re: 101. When I was there it was packed with loud mainland tourists, too.

Only thing I'd add is that this was pretty fun, but I'd prioritize everything above: https://guidetotaipei.com/visit/maokong-%E8%B2%93%E7%A9%BA


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:34 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

that maokong area looks kinda nice, may check out next time — I’ve been a few times now with work and I like the place, it’s pleasant and civilized for a couple of days, but I ran out of new things to “see” beyond my little list


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:36 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Yeah I was going to volunteer a list of things to do but it was your list plus the gondola to the tea place.

I went to Taroko Gorge, which was really cool, and also Sun Moon Lake, but can't do that in DBG's 1.5-day trip.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:36 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

TW nature is beautiful, but right, needs more time


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:42 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

are either of those done as day trips? flight is in evening on day 2.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:47 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Taroko Gorge would be too much for a day because there's a domestic flight to Hualien and then maybe a 45-min ride to get there. Seemed close enough to me to drive, but apparently that's just not done. It is really beautiful there.

Sun Moon Lake maybe there and back in a day? We took the high speed train down and then a van ride up to the lake. I was less impressed with Sun Moon Lake. I don't think it's worth it -- I'd stay in TPE.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:52 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

the gorge looked pretty but not unlike shit ive seen elsewhere in other pretty places. thought about staying 2 days longer in TW to see it and decided against it.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:36 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

did you like it for the gondola ride itself, or what?


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:39 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Yeah, you get to see tea growing there, see the city, sip tea at the top with the view. It's something different.

I've been to Taipei twice and was digging w/r/t things to do. Mentioned above, but seems like a place to live and have a pretty normal life v. a place with a list of 100 things you have to do or see like NY.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:43 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

yeah it’s not a super exciting place I don’t think, but seems like a very pleasant place to live


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:46 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

seems nice enough for a 1.5 day stopover.

it'll be hard avoiding the pork, tho!


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:49 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Tons of veggie food, dude. Bunch of veggie buffets. This place was awesome: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g293913-d4059123-Reviews-Evergreen_Vegetarian_Restaurant-Taipei.html


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:50 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

i eat beefu. i'm not some low-t veg who likes titless sticks ;)


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:52 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:50 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

close your eyes and pretend its a vegetable

and TW beef noodles will be your friend


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:51 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

is are the beef noodles made with pork broth?

i know the dumplings at din tai fung are made w pork


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:53 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

I think it’s a beef broth, very flavorful too, big fan

yeah din tai fung will have pork or pork lard in essentially everything


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:54 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Din Tai Fung does have veggie options, but then I suppose what's the point.

My wife makes a 180 vegetarian beef noodle soup with wheat gluten.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:58 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

180 it’s a tasty soup, I don’t know what all the spices and herbs in it are but they work really well


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:34 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

can the nat'l palace museum and the two memorials be done in the same day easily?

i kinda like big buildings. can you easily TPE 101 w/o going up and paying lots of money?

how's the zoo? worth it to see pandas?



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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:38 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

>>can the nat'l palace museum and the two memorials be done in the same day easily?

They're a little spread out but yes.

>>i kinda like big buildings. can you easily TPE 101 w/o going up and paying lots of money?


>>how's the zoo? worth it to see pandas?

It's fine. Pretty typical zoo but it has the pandas, and that's what everyone is there to see. There was a line and you had to wait your turn when I was there. Same MRT stop as the Maokong Gondola.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:39 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

yes for sure

yes easily from the outside, it’s on a main subway line in the city center, you only have to line up and pay to go up

if you go to 101, look out for the anti-mainland protestors of various kinds at the place where the tour group buses stop, and the perplexed looking mainlanders walking by them

never been to the zoo, didn’t know they had pandas!


Reply Favorite

Date: November 14th, 2017 1:45 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

i saw pandas in beijing. their white fur was yellow. very sad!

beijing zoo was the saddest zoo ive ever been to. these chinks were throwing coca cola bottles at chimps and watching them drink it and laughing.

tigerdoods were in small cages where they could barely turn around


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:50 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

barbarians, sad (and sick!)


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:53 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:39 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

how many hours R/T would the hot springs take all-in?

ljling at this roundeye who went there:



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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:40 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

say 1 hr each way plus a couple to find and enjoy a bath, maybe a bit tight without another day



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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:54 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

are taxis cheap enough to hire one to take us easy way to save time?


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:59 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

taxis are pretty cheap but I don’t know how much it would cost you to take one up to the hot springs areas


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:05 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

Taxi fare calculator gives it as a little under us$20 each way


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:11 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

hmm, this could work. i'll see if pddj is interested. she's self conscious about being in a bikini in front of other people, especially if it's going to be around a bunch of stick flat-chested azngirls who she knows i'd like.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:17 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

baths are segregated J-style from what I recall :(


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:20 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

ljl she'd still be embarrassed and ashamed. she'd be much more comfortable in a mikveh surrounded by other oafish-titted women


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:22 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference



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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:22 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

yet the local ladies will be ABSORUTERY BOIRING with rage and jealousy at her prole oafish udders, odd case


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:27 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

her erect nipples are prob bigger than their husbands' dicks


Reply Favorite

Date: November 14th, 2017 1:20 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Not near 101 -- it's a business area with a mall, convention center, etc. and feels Western. I'd just stay somewhere 1-2 MRT stops away from Taipei Main Station. It's east to get around and the signs are in English.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:23 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

your dad, recommending on fodors that ppl stay near 101 why?

if we're right near the xinmending MRT, is that any diff than being near main station?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 14th, 2017 1:26 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Nah, it's so close -- it's fine.

My dad was treated like an emperor when he was there. I don't think he knows where he was, what he was eating, etc.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:29 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath



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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:32 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

lol, the place where they stayed had him and my mom in separate beds (and my brother in the same room with them also in a separate bed). It was like a dorm: three twin (?) beds all in a row. They were polite about it but I told my wife that she had to fix it, which was a whole big commotion with the front desk, wife's mom, wife's aunt -- nothing changed and they were in the same room. "Only one available."

It's bizarre to me how the simplest interactions there with service staff become a 3-minute give-and-take -- stuff like ordering food, stopping by the front desk for wifi password, etc.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:41 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

ljl 180

are the TWese in TW retarded? the TWese who came to the US are the best and the brightest?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 14th, 2017 1:44 AM
Author: Big Menage Blood Rage

Yeah I think best and brightest left. To US in the 70s and 80s.

It happens even here, too -- you don't just tell the waiter what you want, it's this whole exchange among everyone at the table. I ask my wife to explain why it took 4 mins to order dinner, and she'll explain that the waiter said not to order something, that something else is better, but that you shouldn't order X with Y, so maybe order Z, etc. and then everyone at the table (other than me obviously) has to weigh in.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 10:05 AM
Author: Razzle Greedy Field Boltzmann

Lol dbg silent


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Date: November 14th, 2017 12:15 PM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

silent on what? he answered my question.


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:33 AM
Author: smoky police squad ratface

ITT: literally a bunch of seoul rejects who got shit on by alpha as fuck koreans in seoul every time they were here planning taipei trips because they know theyd get shit on just as bad if they ever came back to the land of the Yellow Monster


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:36 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

you need to look for more opportunities to shut the fuck up with your tired shtick if you don’t want to be relegated to are reptile or uvt status


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:37 AM
Author: smoky police squad ratface

u mad?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 14th, 2017 1:56 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference

no I just think it’s a shame that you’ve missed another opportunity to engage in a good thread like an adult and instead had to trot out your tired shtick again


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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:57 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath



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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:00 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference



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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:01 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath

actually, he's chaebong hyung so nobody would marry him


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Date: November 14th, 2017 2:03 AM
Author: Bat shit crazy useless chapel athletic conference



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Date: November 14th, 2017 1:42 AM
Author: Floppy autistic dysfunction public bath


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Date: November 14th, 2017 10:03 AM
Author: Razzle Greedy Field Boltzmann


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Date: November 14th, 2017 10:09 AM
Author: crystalline stimulating gas station fat ankles

The hot springs in the national park are really cool. You have to hike a bit, squeeze through a fence threatening a 15000 NT fine, but then it's just natural streams in the middle of nature, some of which just happen to be boiling. And Taiwanese people are really friendly. Not really a place with a lot of attractions, but certainly better than Hong Kong.
