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"Since beginning to use the cream, I’ve reacquir...
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1.) As per Dr. Meltzer’s suggestion: I’m going t...
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Our tax dollars at work. I'm glad her doctor is soooooo resp...
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Date: May 17th, 2016 4:57 PM
Author: Spectacular orchid reading party community account


all sorts of unconventional yet white-house approved stims on this blog


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Date: May 17th, 2016 5:23 PM
Author: unhinged bronze lay


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Date: May 22nd, 2019 9:08 PM
Author: unhinged bronze lay



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Date: May 22nd, 2019 9:11 PM
Author: chocolate filthpig nibblets



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Date: May 22nd, 2019 9:10 PM
Author: chocolate filthpig nibblets

"Since beginning to use the cream, I’ve reacquired the ability to orgasm. For a long time, I had little to no sensation in my plumbing. This has changed. My orgasms are still infrequent, but my vulva is pretty much always open for play. It doesn’t feel sexual? But it certainly feels good. I have no plans to partner with anyone anytime soon, but I’m glad I can enjoy that part of my body now. This is new for me. I really did not enjoy sexual activity in any way prior to surgery, but I’m learning to feel good about."


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Date: May 22nd, 2019 9:11 PM
Author: Odious swollen therapy hospital

Find Jesus


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Date: May 22nd, 2019 9:59 PM
Author: buck-toothed address

1.) As per Dr. Meltzer’s suggestion: I’m going to start using the flexible dilators everybody bought me in early February as night stints – to help keep the vaginal canal stretched and open.

2.) I am no longer at any risk of losing any depth or width because of my persistent work! Just have to keep it up and dilate 2 to 3 times a day, as much as I can. Lindsay says it’s time though to start getting comfortable with #3 or the Big Blue flexible dilator (which is like #3). Not to put it in all the way necessarily, or in at all, but just to get the area comfortable with using it all together.

3.) The yellowish discharge that comes out of my vaginal canal regularly is very normal for those of us who have had a skin grafts. It’s a sign that the skin is healing and doing it’s thing towards getting better. If it gets bloody, then I’m to use antibiotic for five days with my dilator for infection preventing sake – but even if that happens, it’s pretty normal.

4.) Similarly, the scratchy feeling I’ve been getting when dilating is also normal as the skin is starting to build up scar tissue and heal. The answer is to just keep dilating, make sure the lube is still on the dilator after it’s made it’s way through the opening, and pre lube the canal with my finger if possible. This too will pass.

5.) I am free to use a vibrator! YES. I’m not allowed to put anything inside the vagina yet, but around my vulva (especially the clitoris) – it’s all fair game in short, gentle burts. Lindsay also has encouraged me again to put a vibrator on the dilator after it has already made its way into the canal to encourage going deeper and further. Skin stretching at this stage in the healing process is really important.

6.) The funny, hard white stuff hanging around the muscle at the entrance of my vaginal canal is indeed scar tissue healing over.

7.) Speaking of the clitoris, last week I went fooling around and may have overstimulated it. I had been feeling pretty numb in the area I had touched (right above the clit). Lindsay said that this is totally normal since the nervous system is still remapping itself down there and figuring itself out. It takes a good 9-12 months for things to settle down. Her advice: I should gently massage the area for no more than three minutes at a time, but with some regular frequency, to encourage healing. I think I can do that


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Date: May 22nd, 2019 10:02 PM
Author: Scarlet Magical Indian Lodge

Our tax dollars at work. I'm glad her doctor is soooooo responsive and attentive.
