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How prestigious is this shitlib BOUTIQUE law firm?

Current public interest representative matters at the firm i...
coiffed aromatic forum regret
sounds like RSF's daddy's firm apart from the prestige and t...
green crawly toaster
coiffed aromatic forum regret
This is what happens when women get a little success
cerise associate telephone
coiffed aromatic forum regret
this jewess w duckface in her bio pic is HOT https://www....
bronze cowardly fanboi
i love this pale blonde jewess phenotype https://www.kapl...
bronze cowardly fanboi
needs eyeliner desperately
Slimy really tough guy
vibrant area community account
10/10 on the james joyce scale, even her name is TUSHE: h...
bronze cowardly fanboi
Can you discuss the prestige of this firm? Bunch of Yalies
coiffed aromatic forum regret
they're in the empire state building on the 71st floor. i be...
bronze cowardly fanboi
lol at posting the educational bios of your support staff. &...
Startling magenta crackhouse hunting ground
bronze cowardly fanboi
ungh body pic of this dancer?
Embarrassed to the bone feces den
she looks gassy https://www.kaplanandcompany.com/our-tale...
bronze cowardly fanboi
bronze cowardly fanboi
omg jj jr just rated her as a farter Date: February 28th,...
bronze cowardly fanboi
god, law is such a toxic fraudlies “profession”
duck-like provocative boltzmann
and a classical SCHOLAR!
vibrant area community account
Rachel is also thrilled to work on significant public intere...
coiffed aromatic forum regret
how do they make money
Self-centered orange plaza queen of the night
trust funds
bronze cowardly fanboi
RK: As explained on our website, I like to think of us as a ...
coiffed aromatic forum regret
what the living fuck
Self-centered orange plaza queen of the night
vibrant area community account
god that's awful - awful
vivacious site
coiffed aromatic forum regret

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 17th, 2018 5:59 AM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret

Current public interest representative matters at the firm include:

Representing ten plaintiffs suing twenty-five neo-Nazi and white supremacist individuals and organizations responsible for the violence that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Virginia, alleges that the rally organizers violated Reconstruction- Era statutes and state laws, including a conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism, by organizing a rally intended to result in violence.

Representing a woman sued for defamation by famous Hollywood producer, Brett Ratner, after she shared her #MeToo story.

Helping launch the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, which provides victims of sexual harassment and assault with legal representation to ensure that victims are not bullied or silenced by the burden of costly, protracted litigation.

Submitting amicus briefs to the Supreme Court in both Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd., v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Trump v. International Refugee Assistance Project and Trump v. Hawaii.

Representing the Campaign for Southern Equality in a constitutional challenge to Mississippi's HB 1523, an anti-LGBT "religious freedom" law.



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Date: February 17th, 2018 6:03 AM
Author: green crawly toaster

sounds like RSF's daddy's firm apart from the prestige and the lawyers who went to law schools better than fordham


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Date: February 17th, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret


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Date: February 17th, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: cerise associate telephone

This is what happens when women get a little success


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:08 AM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:11 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

this jewess w duckface in her bio pic is HOT



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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:13 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

i love this pale blonde jewess phenotype



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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:14 AM
Author: Slimy really tough guy

needs eyeliner desperately


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:33 AM
Author: vibrant area community account



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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:13 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

10/10 on the james joyce scale, even her name is TUSHE:



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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:14 AM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret

Can you discuss the prestige of this firm? Bunch of Yalies


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:16 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

they're in the empire state building on the 71st floor. i bet they stay home next time the arabs hit


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:14 AM
Author: Startling magenta crackhouse hunting ground

lol at posting the educational bios of your support staff. "You mean the chick who's going to be running the calendar for my matter graduated magna with a degree in dance from Emory? What prestige."


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:17 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:20 AM
Author: Embarrassed to the bone feces den

ungh body pic of this dancer?


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:21 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

she looks gassy



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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:22 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi



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Date: February 28th, 2018 2:25 PM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

omg jj jr just rated her as a farter

Date: February 28th, 2018 2:01 PM

Author: James Joyce Jr.

What I like: Her strident brand of feminism makes clear she's not a shrinking violet, but a stinking violet. Though she's unlikely to encounter such a situation at her female-led firm, she wouldn't hesitate to fend off a sleazy partner's grab-ass with a kale gas blast. If you're foolish enough to joke about how "girls don't fart," this Nasty Woman will prove you wrong in short order. You smell that? Yeah, #MeToo.

What I don't: Her relatively thin arms suggest she may be a bit too disciplined with her diet to fulfill her true potential. I'd love to see her with another 15-20 pounds of pure adipose fat evidencing late-night ice cream binges and Sunday brunch bonanzas. But she's just beginning her legal career, so I'm sure that will all come in due course.



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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:30 AM
Author: duck-like provocative boltzmann

god, law is such a toxic fraudlies “profession”


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:34 AM
Author: vibrant area community account

and a classical SCHOLAR!


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:32 AM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret

Rachel is also thrilled to work on significant public interest matters at Kaplan and Company. Rachel currently works closely on the Charlottesville litigation and is the lead associate on a defamation lawsuit representing a woman sued by Brett Ratner, famed Hollywood producer, for speaking out and sharing her #MeToo story. Through this work, Rachel has been thrilled to help launch the Times Up initiative, in conjunction with the National Women’s Law Center, to help fund litigation supporting individuals speaking up about sexual harassment and gender misconduct. Rachel is also honored to assist in the representation of the Campaign for Southern Equality in their legal battle against a Mississippi state bill that seeks to discriminate against LGBT individuals and families under the pretense of religious liberty.


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:54 AM
Author: Self-centered orange plaza queen of the night

how do they make money


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Date: February 28th, 2018 10:56 AM
Author: bronze cowardly fanboi

trust funds


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Date: February 28th, 2018 11:04 AM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret

RK: As explained on our website, I like to think of us as a “new-fashioned” and “old-fashioned” firm. We’ll reflect the values that I grew up with at Paul, Weiss of collaboration, teamwork, and giving everyone a voice. We will deliver the highest quality of representation to our clients. We will be extremely efficient, innovative, and lean, not unnecessarily drawing out litigation or overstaffing cases.

We will have a major public interest and pro bono component. Our goal, as stated on our site, is “to fuse together a private commercial practice with a public interest practice for the mutual benefit of both.” I have always treated pro bono clients just like all my other clients, and that will continue. Pro bono work makes you better as both a lawyer and a person.

We expect people to work hard — but on the other hand, one thing that has been lost somewhat in firms is quality of life. I want our lawyers to be able to balance their firm work with personal life and family life, as well as with professional life outside the firm, such as bar association and pro bono work.

Finally, I can’t change the fact that I am a woman with many great women as colleagues. We will be, aside from a few prominent exceptions — such as Beth and Alex’s shop [Wilkinson Walsh + Eskovitz, the elite boutique launched by Beth Wilkinson and Alexandra Walsh, two other star women litigators from Paul, Weiss] — one of a small number of women-run top law firms.

[Ed. note: Like good colleagues keeping a senior colleague on her toes, John Quinn and Rachel Tuchman reminded Kaplan that, well, she could change the fact that she’s a woman — which of course she realizes, as a crusader for transgender as well as gay and lesbian rights. But as a cisgender woman, Kaplan is not inclined to change the fact that she’s a woman.]


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Date: February 28th, 2018 11:09 AM
Author: Self-centered orange plaza queen of the night

what the living fuck


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Date: February 28th, 2018 11:30 AM
Author: vibrant area community account


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Date: February 28th, 2018 2:29 PM
Author: vivacious site

god that's awful - awful


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Date: February 28th, 2018 11:28 AM
Author: coiffed aromatic forum regret
