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INTPs: what do you think about our personality types

Positives: Smart, can work quickly, easy going and friendly ...
learning disabled area dopamine
Sounds mostly right. Especially the procrastination in rega...
Smoky self-centered pit psychic
white ceo
Yup, agreed. On the issue of mental/physical work, one th...
learning disabled area dopamine
splenetic main people
cr on useless info. problem is i can't tell what is useless ...
flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder
It's always nonacademic shit, for me. As a kid it was dinos...
splenetic main people
what you describe is actually moderate Aspergers.
poppy locale voyeur
vengeful disrespectful feces
A pretty chill type of aspergers
splenetic main people
white ceo
flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder
Twinkling Rigor Shrine
white ceo
yes brother.
flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder
Twinkling Rigor Shrine
everyone knows ENTJs and INTJs are the most successful.
vengeful disrespectful feces
TBF, I'm a little closer to the middle on E/I and P/J. B...
learning disabled area dopamine
also, link?
learning disabled area dopamine
vengeful disrespectful feces
Many flaws in your reasoning, bro. First of all, F500 ce...
learning disabled area dopamine
lol only 2% - 5% of the population is ENTJ. If they're the m...
vengeful disrespectful feces
That data tells us that ENTJs are more likely than any other...
learning disabled area dopamine
why are you being a faggot.
vengeful disrespectful feces
My bad. Your initial statement was wrong and your arguments ...
learning disabled area dopamine
ENTJ is the most prestigious you aspie faggot.
vengeful disrespectful feces
Maybe man, what type are you?
learning disabled area dopamine
CR, this describes me as well. Honestly, INTP seems like a ...
white ceo
Also, with regards to the legal profession: not sure if our...
white ceo
I have a feeling this is basically true of any job, though. ...
learning disabled area dopamine
or top of the food chain
vengeful disrespectful feces
Sure, basically running a business, although if you don't OW...
learning disabled area dopamine
Fair enough. I would still say that organizational skills a...
white ceo
You sound like a pretty good INTP, lil breh. But I wonder ho...
Spruce stirring azn
The second prong can be a 180 approach to fucking strange, t...
white ceo
Obviously it is fine when you don't care about the other per...
Spruce stirring azn
Yep, which is what worries me as I approach my late 20s.
white ceo
what bothers women is they think you don't care about anythi...
flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder
CR. Also causes me to go off in tangents in conversations s...
Smoky self-centered pit psychic
This is classic OCD behavior.
Stimulating Sneaky Criminal Range
Hm, not sure what you mean by internal monologue. I am f...
learning disabled area dopamine
Fuck I test pretty solidly INTP but get overly attached to w...
Charismatic well-lubricated prole roommate
the responses to this poast make me realize that the interna...
indecent famous landscape painting gaping
Internal monologue is a negative ime. I think something out ...
Disgusting Gay Wizard
fuuuck, I hate this. Don't mention ideas that other people t...
Ocher Know-it-all Roast Beef Meetinghouse
vigorous olive quadroon elastic band
The nature of education and work in America has become less ...
Exciting disturbing death wish french chef
I disagree. I think a lot of real innovation comes from bein...
Pontificating stead
Sure, INTPs are, but it's harder to make a living that way.
Exciting disturbing death wish french chef
Pretty true with education. Although LSAT is still a big dea...
learning disabled area dopamine
I think in the past there were more good career paths for IN...
Exciting disturbing death wish french chef
"Big Data" is actually going to fix this, which is...
Stimulating Sneaky Criminal Range
ARE problem is that INTP is always going to have the least a...
Pontificating stead
I don't agree with this at all. Sounds like a personal probl...
learning disabled area dopamine
(not a *real* INTP)
frisky soul-stirring alpha bbw
learning disabled area dopamine
learn to be social and become a chill fratty ENTP
Green Round Eye
my procrastinating impulses are completely out of control ...
frisky soul-stirring alpha bbw

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:12 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Positives: Smart, can work quickly, easy going and friendly

Pitfalls: procrastination/laziness, staying on the ball with social skills

Keys to success:

1. on procrastination/laziness, who knows? it is a problem that many have ruminated on. i still struggle with it. but, i feel like i have had a lot of success as well. the thing is, i know i am a hard worker and capable of working hard day in and day out. i try to focus on that knowledge often. but since moving beyond menial jobs in HS and college, procrastination is more of an issue, i think mainly because it is mental work instead of physical/relatively mindless. mental work is actually much harder than physical work.

2. social skills - This one is less of an issue than procrastination, it seems to me. I have great social skills in general. Everyone likes me. I interview well. I am gregarious on a regular basis, but it's not my default state- I have to psych myself up for it a bit (which I find easy to do as long as there is fun to be had or an objective to be accomplished by it AND I'm not too tired/worn down). I think the biggest issue I face is not continually maintaining open lines of communication. When I communicate, things are good. But I have been told that I am very hard to read. I think when I am in chill mode and not communicating, people don't know what to think and get the wrong idea sometimes, like they think I am uncomfortable or insecure when really I'm fine. So I think it's an issue of doing social things to keep the juices flowing, and always thinking about staying communicative with people.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:23 PM
Author: Smoky self-centered pit psychic

Sounds mostly right. Especially the procrastination in regard to mental work. It's like a mix of laziness and anxiety over whether I'm equipped to handle the task. Then as time runs out I'm forced to hyperfocus and pump out whatever piece of shit I can in the remaining time. Smart enough that it turns out ok, and then I can rationalize any imperfections as being a product of not having the time to do it right.

Another thing I'd add is the tendency to get sucked into acquiring totally useless trivial information once my interest is piqued on some topic. I can waste an entire day analyzing shit like Pac-12 free throw percentage statistics.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:24 PM
Author: white ceo



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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:27 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Yup, agreed.

On the issue of mental/physical work, one thing I love is to have projects to do around the house. Repairs, remodeling, construction, plumbing, electrical, landscaping. I can figure anything out and do it. It's a great way to get a sense of accomplishment on a Saturday and in the evenings after work.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:27 PM
Author: splenetic main people


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:29 PM
Author: flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder

cr on useless info. problem is i can't tell what is useless sometimes. it's like an obsessive collecting of information. i put shit in .txt files in "case i'll need to refer to it later". never do.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:44 PM
Author: splenetic main people

It's always nonacademic shit, for me. As a kid it was dinosaurs and sports statistics. Now it'll be something like, I might be interested in buying a car so I'll memorize the 0-60 times of 80 different car models.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:51 PM
Author: poppy locale voyeur

what you describe is actually moderate Aspergers.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:53 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:54 PM
Author: splenetic main people

A pretty chill type of aspergers


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:57 PM
Author: white ceo


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:14 PM
Author: flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder


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Date: December 17th, 2014 9:10 AM
Author: Twinkling Rigor Shrine


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Date: December 17th, 2014 9:19 AM
Author: white ceo


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:14 PM
Author: flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder

yes brother.


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Date: December 17th, 2014 9:10 AM
Author: Twinkling Rigor Shrine


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:13 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces

everyone knows ENTJs and INTJs are the most successful.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:15 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

TBF, I'm a little closer to the middle on E/I and P/J.

Both of these things are a shift though, and I think it's just part of growing up for me and realizing that it's important to communicate (E/I) and get things done (P/J).


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:17 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

also, link?


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:25 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces



Thought it was a commonly known fact that most Fortune 500 ceos are ENTJ.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:36 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Many flaws in your reasoning, bro.

First of all, F500 ceo is not the definition of success. There are many people who I would deem adequately successful who are not F500 ceos. I would also take a more holistic idea of success and say that many F500 ceos are not even particularly successful at life overall, in my opinion.

Second, even if every single F500 ceo was ENTJ, and that was the pinnacle of success, that would tell us absolutely nothing about whether ENTJs are more likely to be successful in general. More interesting in terms of monetary success would be data as to the average earnings of each type, but I'm sure good data on that does not exist.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:36 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces

lol only 2% - 5% of the population is ENTJ. If they're the majority of anything it says something.


Also S and F are far more common amongst women so we know how well S and F types get things done lol (but likely more inclined to nurture). Also virtually no women are ENTJ or INTJ.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:40 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

That data tells us that ENTJs are more likely than any other type to become F500 CEOs. That is what it tells you, not necessarily anything more. A bunch of them are probably enterprise rent-a-car branch managers too. I guess you could also say that white people are most likely to become astronauts.

I wouldn't be surprised though if ENTJs earned more money on average. So your hypothesis could be correct in that sense (though not proved). But then again I'd go back to the question of what is success really. $/hr could be a more interesting figure, for instance, than overall earnings.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:41 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces

why are you being a faggot.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:43 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

My bad. Your initial statement was wrong and your arguments supporting it were bad. As an INTP, I just can't let that slide.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:45 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces

ENTJ is the most prestigious you aspie faggot.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:47 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Maybe man, what type are you?


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:21 PM
Author: white ceo

CR, this describes me as well. Honestly, INTP seems like a strong type: naturally smart, but chill (via procrastination). Unlike our buttfuck faggot INTJ brothers in that regard.

Really the biggest downside though is that other types can be just as smart, but have diverse personality traits that can actually complement that talent, rather than serving it wholly.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:23 PM
Author: white ceo

Also, with regards to the legal profession: not sure if our oddball behavior is appreciated in ARE profession. Legal work seems to reward organization over innovation. Not that innovation is completely disregarded.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:29 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

I have a feeling this is basically true of any job, though. Any "job" where you are really innovating or something isn't really a job, it's more like you being a entrepreneur.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:30 PM
Author: vengeful disrespectful feces

or top of the food chain


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:37 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Sure, basically running a business, although if you don't OWN the business then you will generally have to be far more risk averse and focus on short term profits.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:31 PM
Author: white ceo

Fair enough. I would still say that organizational skills are particularly important in law over other career paths.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 1:59 PM
Author: Spruce stirring azn

You sound like a pretty good INTP, lil breh. But I wonder how strong you lean INTP since you left out arguably the most important aspect of being one: dat internal monologue. I can have long, developed conversations in my head while listening to other people talk, including positing alternative arguments or responses from the speakers and developing those paths. Makes us 180 attorneys because we inherently excel at hypotheticals, alternative arguments, accepting things as true for same of argument, etc. Many non-INTPs can't do these things, particularly non attorneys. People fight hypotheticals all the time, and if you ask them to assume something they don't believe for the same of argument, you'll get something like "But that would never happen!!" The downside is people often criticize INTPs as being too quiet, because they aren't privy to our 180 internal monologue.

Biggest downside IMHO is emotional unavailability/lack of understanding because emotions aren't logical and therefore we know they shouldn't dictate our actions. This drives women insane. But women are weak willed slaves to chemicals in their brains so who gives a shit, right?


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:03 PM
Author: white ceo

The second prong can be a 180 approach to fucking strange, though. Pretty much treating women as emotionally disposable has made me much more successful, at least in the initial phase of relationships.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:05 PM
Author: Spruce stirring azn

Obviously it is fine when you don't care about the other person, but if you want wife and babby you will encounter these difficulties.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:06 PM
Author: white ceo

Yep, which is what worries me as I approach my late 20s.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:18 PM
Author: flushed excitant hissy fit mental disorder

what bothers women is they think you don't care about anything. fake a temper tantrum every once in a while. show some "passion" or whatever.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 2:28 PM
Author: Smoky self-centered pit psychic

CR. Also causes me to go off in tangents in conversations so it makes it look like I haven't been paying attention at all. Drives my wife insane. "You never listen to me!" I try to explain to her that I just had to scratch that intellectual itch and see that thought through all of its hypothetical logical ends. It's really a compulsion that's actually gotten worse with age.


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Date: December 17th, 2014 11:27 AM
Author: Stimulating Sneaky Criminal Range

This is classic OCD behavior.


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Date: March 13th, 2014 4:49 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Hm, not sure what you mean by internal monologue.

I am familiar with thoughts running faster than a conversation that is taking place and causing me to not listen. This is a very negative thing IMO that might only happen when I am not functioning well for some reason or other. For example, I might get stuck on a point of logic and then miss most of what people are talking about. Then eventually I say something on that minute point I was stuck on while really missing the main points, the social tones, opportunities for taking conversation in a different direction, etc. This is not a good thing.

But as far as the games of logic that you mention, like arguments and hypotheticals, yes I am great with those. But in a conversation it is not something that should make people think you are aloof, quiet, or not on point. In fact it is something that you should employ to show that you are competent and a good listener. Listening comes first by a long shot. Use thinking sparingly to come up with a few cogent responses to their main points (and ideally other concerns you can perceive/anticipate that they haven't even articulated yet). I wouldn't really characterize this as internal monologue. Just regular conversation but with good thinking ability. Internal monologue the way you describe it sounds more like something that is interfering with your ability to converse.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 2:48 AM
Author: Charismatic well-lubricated prole roommate

Fuck I test pretty solidly INTP but get overly attached to women rather than emotionally distant


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Date: March 14th, 2014 3:19 AM
Author: indecent famous landscape painting gaping

the responses to this poast make me realize that the internal monologue is very different among INTPs. obviously it's extremely personal but in general this is spot on.

are all INTPs chill though? i've tested as INTJ and my I/E metric slightly favors I. i don't think I'm all that different from other NTs.

can we all at least agree that "S" types are retarded sheep?


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Date: March 14th, 2014 1:01 PM
Author: Disgusting Gay Wizard

Internal monologue is a negative ime. I think something out in my head, conclude that it's immaterial/meaningless etc. and as a result discard it instead of voicing my analytical process that led to my conclusion. Makes it look like I overlooked the issue.


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Date: April 10th, 2014 4:56 PM
Author: Ocher Know-it-all Roast Beef Meetinghouse

fuuuck, I hate this. Don't mention ideas that other people think I should consider, because I considered them and decided not to waste everyone's time talking them through. Meanwhile, the ESFJ blabs about his TTT "thought" process and gets all the accolades.


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Date: December 17th, 2014 1:49 PM
Author: vigorous olive quadroon elastic band


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Date: March 14th, 2014 6:27 AM
Author: Exciting disturbing death wish french chef

The nature of education and work in America has become less favorable to INTPs over the years. Hard work and striving is increasingly rewarded over innovation and good decision making--note the rise in work hours among the professional class as well as the trend toward deemphasizing test scores in college admissions in favor of strivery extracurriculars. The culture has just increasingly become focused on hard work over other virtues. Also, the low-hanging fruit of science has been well-researched already, so the best INTP opportunities that were present 100 years ago aren't there anymore.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 10:00 AM
Author: Pontificating stead

I disagree. I think a lot of real innovation comes from being able to conceptualize alternative possibilities and weigh them. INTPs are good at this.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 3:02 PM
Author: Exciting disturbing death wish french chef

Sure, INTPs are, but it's harder to make a living that way.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 12:54 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

Pretty true with education. Although LSAT is still a big deal, LOLz. Also schools and teachers still vary pretty widely I think.

Not sure if this applies to the working world, but if so, there is nothing to be done about it other than adapt.

LOL, I'm pretty sure most INTPs weren't going to be a Newton or any kind of groundbreaking scientist anyway.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 3:01 PM
Author: Exciting disturbing death wish french chef

I think in the past there were more good career paths for INTPs, but now America is so much more focused on quantity over quality.


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Date: December 17th, 2014 11:31 AM
Author: Stimulating Sneaky Criminal Range

"Big Data" is actually going to fix this, which is why the current credited path for INTPs is to hide out at a big company for the next 5 years and then get involved with the analysts structuring queries. Legal, as per usual, will lag the rest of the world by a generation, but this is even a possible path forward in a gigantic inhouse legal department.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 10:05 AM
Author: Pontificating stead

ARE problem is that INTP is always going to have the least amount of confidence in everyday life and is simultaneously going to be relatively predisposed to be unable to fake it. We're going to be limited by the fact that we're too aware of why our work product sucks and we're going to keep getting styled on at the bar by chill fratty ENTJs.


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Date: March 14th, 2014 1:04 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine

I don't agree with this at all. Sounds like a personal problem.

You might be right that our type is less able to fake things on the spot. But I'm mostly not faking things. I just have genuine confidence. Also this quality is actually what makes you a genuine person who people feel like they can trust, and that's a good thing.


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Date: December 17th, 2014 12:58 PM
Author: frisky soul-stirring alpha bbw

(not a *real* INTP)


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Date: April 10th, 2014 4:44 PM
Author: learning disabled area dopamine


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Date: December 17th, 2014 9:12 AM
Author: Green Round Eye

learn to be social and become a chill fratty ENTP


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Date: December 17th, 2014 12:59 PM
Author: frisky soul-stirring alpha bbw

my procrastinating impulses are completely out of control

i have poor people skills. combined with my avoidant tendencies and dat 120 non stop internal monologue, i'm a social disaster
