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Year 2071 A.D. - Emma's Mattress is part of MoMA's permanent exhibit.

Curator: "Now if you look at our centerpiece collection...
Chest-beating Ratface
"This was the symbol that catalyzed the movement to ext...
Apoplectic Business Firm Pisswyrm

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Date: June 5th, 2015 1:12 PM
Author: Chest-beating Ratface

Curator: "Now if you look at our centerpiece collection... ah yes, this is the piece that started a whole new Renaissance in performance art."


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Date: June 5th, 2015 1:18 PM
Author: Apoplectic Business Firm Pisswyrm

"This was the symbol that catalyzed the movement to exterminate the SJWs. The Mattress symbolized the overreach of SJW thought police and their pathetic attempts to destroy American freedom."
