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Pence had anti-labor Union stance -- game over

Fuck - so I was already distraught b/c choosing Pence is exa...
Exhilarant Double Fault
Pence is a longshot for the VP nod
abusive bat-shit-crazy corner dragon
I hope you're right because Flynn seems like a 180 chill doo...
histrionic bull headed shrine
Betting markets are useless for events like these where mark...
Exciting international law enforcement agency
I hope you're right - Gingrich > Pence
Exhilarant Double Fault
Definitely agree with that.
hairraiser carnelian psychic
Huh? In 2016 pretty much every white person sees unions as c...
hairraiser carnelian psychic
I agree with you - but you don't find this potentially damag...
Exhilarant Double Fault
I think union whites realize its all BS. Thats how they pas...
hairraiser carnelian psychic
I do and it's another reason I don't think Trump picks him. ...
Ivory Glittery Market
My point is that the rat faced media would love cast Pence a...
Exhilarant Double Fault
The fag/religious issues worry me about pence more than unio...
hairraiser carnelian psychic
Game over, man! Game over!
Electric yellow digit ratio ticket booth

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:36 PM
Author: Exhilarant Double Fault

Fuck - so I was already distraught b/c choosing Pence is exactly what the MSM wants - it's a sellout and they can paint the ticket as two old crazy white guys, Pence is religious, pro-life, etc.

But the nail in the coffin will be this:



We needed the rust belt states and the analog of Reagan Democrats to win - but now choosing Pence will be our death sentence b/c the Dems will be able to blast ads all over the rust belt about the GOP opposition to labor unions. We've already gone over all the pros and cons of why FLYNN is the best move and Pence will screw us http://www.xoxohth.com/thread.php?thread_id=3280168&mc=109&forum_id=2#30890397 - but this makes me even more skeptical that Pence won't spell the end of the campaign.

Am I worrying too much about this? I'm really seeing choosing Pence as the end bros....


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:39 PM
Author: abusive bat-shit-crazy corner dragon

Pence is a longshot for the VP nod


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:43 PM
Author: histrionic bull headed shrine

I hope you're right because Flynn seems like a 180 chill dood, but the markets make me nervous


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:51 PM
Author: Exciting international law enforcement agency

Betting markets are useless for events like these where market participants lack information or expertise that would give them an edge. They're basing their predictions on the same info you have.


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:50 PM
Author: Exhilarant Double Fault

I hope you're right - Gingrich > Pence


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:56 PM
Author: hairraiser carnelian psychic

Definitely agree with that.


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:46 PM
Author: hairraiser carnelian psychic

Huh? In 2016 pretty much every white person sees unions as corrupt, particularly in the public sector, and that includes union members who actually have to deal with their corrupt union all the time.

Unions are run by either absolute guido theives or increasingly SJW commies. Average Caucasian blue collar workers usually hate the people actually running their union.

The only union supporters left are white collar liberals with their heads in the cloud or minorities. See: right to work in Michigan.

I get a lot of the Pence criticism but this one doesnt have legs.


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:49 PM
Author: Exhilarant Double Fault

I agree with you - but you don't find this potentially damaging to his attempt to get blue collar Democrats in the rust belt? Labor Unions are still strong in Ohio for example


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:49 PM
Author: hairraiser carnelian psychic

I think union whites realize its all BS. Thats how they passed RTW laws in Wisconisn, Indiana, Michigan.

Remember when Scott Walker was dun here for taking on unions? And he survived two recalls and won reelection.


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:50 PM
Author: Ivory Glittery Market

I do and it's another reason I don't think Trump picks him.

I don't trust the rat faced media so who cares what they say?


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:55 PM
Author: Exhilarant Double Fault

My point is that the rat faced media would love cast Pence as a crazy pro-life religious nut - as opposed to a registered Dem and General who they would have to be careful in attacking


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Date: July 11th, 2016 2:58 PM
Author: hairraiser carnelian psychic

The fag/religious issues worry me about pence more than unions. Media will eat that up.

With Flynn the media line of attack will be "Trump isnt running a real campaign, he couldn't even get a real Republican to run with him, he is a joke, hehe!"


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Date: May 25th, 2018 1:13 PM
Author: Electric yellow digit ratio ticket booth

Game over, man! Game over!
