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WTF is this Slate Article re: Heather MacDonald doing?

In the struggle to overcome bias, there’s no obstacle more e...
erotic den
This is why there's no point engaging with libs. They always...
Odious purple party of the first part legal warrant
I don't understand the author's point. This is basically wha...
erotic den
Blacks commit crimes BEAUSE of racism concha zee
Odious purple party of the first part legal warrant
that just can't be the point...if it is, why doesn't the aut...
erotic den
it's like a hydra. and even if they do run out of horsesh...
Chartreuse area
fucklaw your brand of 120-IQ steve sailer racism has been su...
kink-friendly base
erotic den
erotic den
Saletan wants to lecture us on implicit bias. Great, let's u...
curious property

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Date: October 6th, 2016 12:22 AM
Author: erotic den

In the struggle to overcome bias, there’s no obstacle more entrenched or effective than the conceit that you’re exempt. You’re fair, you’re rational, you’re objective. Mac Donald cites data that show blacks are more likely than whites to commit homicide. She says these numbers “rebut the charge that racism, not crime, determines the incidence of police shootings.” French goes further. He complains that in the warped ideology of police critics, “Evidence, experience, and probabilities are completely irrelevant when it comes time to cleanse the mind of ‘bias.’ ” But the use of racial probabilities to rationalize the fatal shootings of retreating, unarmed men isn’t a refutation of bias. It’s a replication of it.


The author in no way rebuts Heather MacDonald's argument that the fact blacks murder at a rate higher than whites is evidence that black criminality, rather than "implicit bias", is why police shoot blacks at a higher rate than whites. He just acknowledges Macdonald's point and then MOVES ON LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED.


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Date: October 6th, 2016 2:24 PM
Author: Odious purple party of the first part legal warrant

This is why there's no point engaging with libs. They always come up with some new horseshit reason to deny reality


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Date: October 6th, 2016 2:29 PM
Author: erotic den

I don't understand the author's point. This is basically what happened:

"One response to allegations of bias in policing is to be rational and say that we're not racist. For example, Heather macdonald points out a statistic that is evidence that black criminality, and not racism, explains why police shoot blacks at higher rates than whites. But this just denies racism, which is evidence of racism."


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Date: October 6th, 2016 2:30 PM
Author: Odious purple party of the first part legal warrant

Blacks commit crimes BEAUSE of racism concha zee


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Date: October 6th, 2016 2:35 PM
Author: erotic den

that just can't be the point...if it is, why doesn't the author say it directly? is it because it sounds too stupid on its face?


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Date: January 21st, 2018 9:50 AM
Author: Chartreuse area

it's like a hydra.

and even if they do run out of horseshit reasons, they just call you a racist and try to ruin you


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Date: October 6th, 2016 12:32 AM
Author: kink-friendly base

fucklaw your brand of 120-IQ steve sailer racism has been supplanted by 100-IQ trumpism, find a new board faggot.


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Date: October 6th, 2016 2:07 PM
Author: erotic den


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Date: January 21st, 2018 9:44 AM
Author: erotic den


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Date: January 21st, 2018 10:51 AM
Author: curious property

Saletan wants to lecture us on implicit bias. Great, let's use him as an example. His prior articles there:


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