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Biggest difference between Orange County and Bay Area:

Bay Area folks basically prize working at megacorp above eve...
drunken henna piazza alpha
OC is TTT except a few areas.
Cream theater stage elastic band
(White liberal)
drunken henna piazza alpha
Irvine should be wiped off the planet. Literally every co...
Transparent at-the-ready stead
fuck irvine. It's all about Newport Beach, costa Mesa, South...
drunken henna piazza alpha
drunken henna piazza alpha
Think we've already debunked this.
cerebral bipolar home gaming laptop
OP makes irrefutable points that lead to a devastating concl...
Laughsome orchestra pit organic girlfriend
"st driving down the freeway you'll see personal cars w...
Slimy Masturbator
Infuriating Sepia Public Bath Digit Ratio
ljl bro the women here take their small businesses seriously...
drunken henna piazza alpha
Fuclking hilarious how this guy thinks OC is prestigious.
pearly hideous crackhouse deer antler
yeah sounds like a bunch of apex prole construction company ...
Mahogany Place Of Business
probably typical self hating azn who deifies rich white folk
Infuriating Sepia Public Bath Digit Ratio
drunken henna piazza alpha
Everyone i know from the Bay Area is obsessed with startups ...
purple fluffy hall
But a tech start-up in the Bay Area is not an entrepreneuria...
yapping step-uncle's house tattoo
can you go into more detail about this for an ignorant lawmo...
Lake parlour
he's just saying bay area startups are massively VC backed o...
Slimy Masturbator
When people start tech businesses in Silicon Valley, general...
yapping step-uncle's house tattoo
Ty for this scholarship friend.
Razzle-dazzle disturbing indian lodge new version
Absolute Scholarship Picture 100X worse and more blind le...
Transparent at-the-ready stead
when jews get involved, there is little to no innovation
drunken henna piazza alpha
the ones that are creative in MFH are 180^180 but sadly the ...
Transparent at-the-ready stead
I could wax poetic about the MFH VC hacks Mouth breathing...
Transparent at-the-ready stead
Aside from the lottery ticket phenomenon, I've come to reali...
yapping step-uncle's house tattoo
CR. In Orange County, you see lots of people starting little...
drunken henna piazza alpha
(silly cuck faggot dumbass dipshit snitch) your a dumbass
Vivacious charcoal therapy nursing home
drunken henna piazza alpha
(penis-drinking gay anal homosexual felon who's never been t...
Vivacious charcoal therapy nursing home
I live in Orange County you dumb fuck. And it's better than ...
drunken henna piazza alpha
the oc is rapidly turning into LA County, albeit not as shit...
Slimy Masturbator
this is somewhat true but it won't turn into los angeles in ...
drunken henna piazza alpha
TOTALLY DIFFERENT http://abc7.com/news/suspects-sought-in-s...
cerebral bipolar home gaming laptop
yeah bro santa ana is over 80 percent spic and it has its sh...
drunken henna piazza alpha
The Bay Area might have the most insufferable area on earth....
Bat Shit Crazy Rehab Philosopher-king
Razzle-dazzle disturbing indian lodge new version

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 7th, 2017 6:01 AM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

Bay Area folks basically prize working at megacorp above everything else. I just got an interview at FB! Omg, Yelp just offered me a job! etc. lots of grinders, hence lots of Asians and Indians.

Orange County basically lacks all this big megacorp atmosphere. Yet despite that, Orange County residents are wealthier overall than Los Angeles residents and slightly less wealthier than Bay Area residents (overall). Why is that? Cause Orange County residents literally survive on running their own businesses here. Lots of small business. Just driving down the freeway you'll see personal cars with company logos for "Cary's Pet Grooming" or "South OC Fitness" or "Student Loan Consultants, LLC). That's why Orange County bros are more chill and laid back. Flexible schedule. Tax deductions. No HR shrews. Straight up eat what you kill mentality.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 6:06 AM
Author: Cream theater stage elastic band

OC is TTT except a few areas.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 6:11 AM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

(White liberal)


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Date: May 8th, 2017 2:30 AM
Author: Transparent at-the-ready stead

Irvine should be wiped off the planet.

Literally every corner is the same, like a funhouse mirror of white UMC.


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Date: May 8th, 2017 2:58 AM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

fuck irvine. It's all about Newport Beach, costa Mesa, South county bro


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Date: May 7th, 2017 3:42 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha


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Date: May 7th, 2017 3:48 PM
Author: cerebral bipolar home gaming laptop

Think we've already debunked this.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 3:51 PM
Author: Laughsome orchestra pit organic girlfriend

OP makes irrefutable points that lead to a devastating conclusion with soul-crushing ramifications for many xo posters


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Date: May 7th, 2017 3:54 PM
Author: Slimy Masturbator

"st driving down the freeway you'll see personal cars with company logos for "Cary's Pet Grooming" or "South OC Fitness" or "Student Loan Consultants, LLC)."

lmfao half the places like that (well the first two anyway) are SAHMs who just got bored and are now wasting their hubby's money to feel important

at any rate marin is very similar to OC except more liberal and less asian. this is some very weird tctp OC fantasy, most of them are soulless MUC yuppies just like any other rich burb. too many asians now though.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 3:55 PM
Author: Infuriating Sepia Public Bath Digit Ratio



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Date: May 7th, 2017 8:30 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

ljl bro the women here take their small businesses seriously. i know many who are the breadwinners in their household


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Date: May 7th, 2017 3:56 PM
Author: pearly hideous crackhouse deer antler

Fuclking hilarious how this guy thinks OC is prestigious.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 4:02 PM
Author: Mahogany Place Of Business

yeah sounds like a bunch of apex prole construction company owners and shit


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Date: May 7th, 2017 4:02 PM
Author: Infuriating Sepia Public Bath Digit Ratio

probably typical self hating azn who deifies rich white folk


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Date: May 7th, 2017 8:36 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:11 PM
Author: purple fluffy hall

Everyone i know from the Bay Area is obsessed with startups actually.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:27 PM
Author: yapping step-uncle's house tattoo

But a tech start-up in the Bay Area is not an entrepreneurial venture in the way a new business in other places and industries is. The primary goal of new tech start-ups is to get VC funding, functionally becoming a division of a larger company (or multiple larger companies if multiple VC firms invest). This leads to the standard herd mentality that you find among lifers at Fortune 500 companies across the country.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:28 PM
Author: Lake parlour

can you go into more detail about this for an ignorant lawmo?


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:34 PM
Author: Slimy Masturbator

he's just saying bay area startups are massively VC backed operations. some legit care about their product and want to make it big, but for many the desired outcome is just to be bought out and cash in.

it's not a real "small business" in the sense that it's something started from a family loan, money the person saved up, etc. with the goal of producting an immediate profit and being a means to actually make money. they subsist off VC money for many years, and can often get bought out even if they never become remotely profitable

that said, lol@tctp. there are "small businesses" literally everywhere. everywhere from are country to SF has dog grooming people and shit. it's an area that's largely sustained by companies which have branched out from LA, people who were already rich, or the FOB boom centered around irvine.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:39 PM
Author: yapping step-uncle's house tattoo

When people start tech businesses in Silicon Valley, generally they need or at least want to get lots of money invested into their businesses. This money comes primarily from venture capital firms, which are businesses that collect large investment funds from institutional investors like pension funds and college endowments as well as rich individuals. The venture capitalists (VC's) promise their own investors that they will try to make money by investing the money that they collect into tech start ups which will hopefully be worth lots of money some day.

So the VC's invest this money little by little into the start up technology companies, providing money that is used to build the companies in exchange for big chunks of the ownership of the tech companies. When a tech start up receives an investment from one or more VC firms, it ceases being an independent entity. It is now owned by the VC firms, as well as its founders. But the founders usually give up majority ownership and control over the tech company's strategic decisions.

This produces a weird culture in which innovation and disruption are rhetorically fetishized but practically often eschewed in favor of conformity. VC's, as bizarre as it sounds, have a hard time making money and mainly get money from institutional investors as a sort of lottery ticket. VC firms often have pretty bad returns, but the institutional investors give them money to invest because there is always that chance, however small, that the VC's will stumble onto the next Google or Facebook.

But the vast majority of the time, the VC's don't stumble onto Google or Facebook. They often just put money into tech start ups that are copying something that is already working in another company. This leads to a culture of herd behavior, both culturally and in terms of business practices.


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Date: May 8th, 2017 2:26 AM
Author: Razzle-dazzle disturbing indian lodge new version

Ty for this scholarship friend.


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Date: May 8th, 2017 2:35 AM
Author: Transparent at-the-ready stead

Absolute Scholarship

Picture 100X worse and more blind leading the blind for the NYC/MFH VC space trying to emulate SF in a toxic, uncreative environment focused on thievery and shiny UI/UX.


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Date: May 8th, 2017 2:58 AM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

when jews get involved, there is little to no innovation


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Date: May 8th, 2017 3:03 AM
Author: Transparent at-the-ready stead

the ones that are creative in MFH are 180^180 but sadly the corporate and money/law related jews smell that opportunistic green blood in the water


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Date: May 8th, 2017 3:05 AM
Author: Transparent at-the-ready stead

I could wax poetic about the MFH VC hacks

Mouth breathing retards and junior associates with little to no expertise in any industry

I don't know how they burn through all that money and no one bats an eye - if you want to see the definition of fraudlies start there


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Date: May 8th, 2017 9:18 AM
Author: yapping step-uncle's house tattoo

Aside from the lottery ticket phenomenon, I've come to realize another reason why institutional investors put money into VC funds: it gives the people working at the endowments and pension funds something to do. If the Oregon State Pension Fund or whatever just put its money into index funds, it wouldn't need much of a staff to monitor its investments. But if the money is being put into complicated things like VC funds, whoops, better hire a highly paid staff to evaluate fund managers.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:34 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

CR. In Orange County, you see lots of people starting little businesses at their own home that allow them to earn a living. And they don't have to depend on funding


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:13 PM
Author: Vivacious charcoal therapy nursing home

(silly cuck faggot dumbass dipshit snitch)

your a dumbass


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:20 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha



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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:23 PM
Author: Vivacious charcoal therapy nursing home

(penis-drinking gay anal homosexual felon who's never been to the bay area, los angeles or orange county)


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:32 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

I live in Orange County you dumb fuck. And it's better than Los Angeles and Bay Area. Also, OC has less Jews so it's cr


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:36 PM
Author: Slimy Masturbator

the oc is rapidly turning into LA County, albeit not as shitty because it's FOBs flooding in and not hispanics (although it's still like 1/3rd spic). whites are increasingly concentrating in the ultra-expensive areas, just like they do in LA county. middle class whites are fleeing OC just like every other coastal CA metro.


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:44 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

this is somewhat true but it won't turn into los angeles in any way shape or form. First, the spics here are much different than los angeles spics. Very few gang problems and very few drug cartel problem like in los angeles.

second, orange county has a black population of less than 3 percent. you heard that right: the black population in orange county is less than 3 percent. Maybe even less than 2 percent. There are literally no black people here in orange county. Whereas in los angeles county, blacks control entire towns and cities.

Thirdly, the landlords and building owners in orange county aren't Jewish. The Irvine Company, the largest developer here, isn't run by kikes. Los Angeles jews basically run all of los angeles real estate.

Fourth, there is no hollywood here. Orange County residents prefer to go to bike trails, surf the beach, walk outside… anything rather than being at home getting deceived by the (((media))).

Lastly, orange county has a lot of white people who seem like they are from the midwest/ the south. They are extremely conservative (although they are a bit lax on hispanic immigration but absolutely hate muslim immigration).


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:46 PM
Author: cerebral bipolar home gaming laptop




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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:51 PM
Author: drunken henna piazza alpha

yeah bro santa ana is over 80 percent spic and it has its share of gang problems. But gangs in santa ana are going away slowly but surely bro.

Anaheim is also a dump… and that's it…. half of los angeles is a dump tho


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Date: May 7th, 2017 11:31 PM
Author: Bat Shit Crazy Rehab Philosopher-king

The Bay Area might have the most insufferable area on earth. So that's a big difference.


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Date: May 8th, 2017 2:28 AM
Author: Razzle-dazzle disturbing indian lodge new version
