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Salon: elite public schools must prioritize diversity over academic standards

fuchsia school
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Also a way to keep out Asians and slip in more (((you know w...
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As a StateU grad, I say: Go for it!
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Date: July 6th, 2017 1:09 AM
Author: fuchsia school


Elite public schools that rely on entry exams fail the diversity test

How a holistic approach to admissions can improve racial diversity

The jewels in many an urban school district’s crown are their exam schools, competitive public schools that base enrollment on test scores. With a school like New York’s Stuyvesant, Boston Latin or Walter Payton (in Chicago) on their transcript, students are grouped with other, high-achieving peers, receive rigorous instruction and complete several Advanced Placement courses — all helping to clear a straight path to college and career success.

Hailed as promoting meritocracy, exam schools in fact promote inequity, especially for black and Latino students.

Working for over 25 years at the K-12 and higher education levels (as both a faculty member and administrator), I’ve seen this skewed enrollment pattern play out over and over again. However, several elite U.S. colleges and universities are embracing new admissions policies — policies that, if also implemented by top-tier exam schools, could promote greater access for all students.

The minority enrollment gap

When it comes to student diversity, elite high schools leave much to be desired.

Take New York City, for example. This past spring, the city’s eight exam schools (among them Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech and Bronx Science) accepted 5,078 rising ninth grade students solely based on test scores. This, despite New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s campaign promise to base admissions to all schools on more “holistic” factors.

Black and Latino students will make up only 10 percent of this year’s incoming class — though they account for 70 percent of public school students in New York City. At Stuyvesant this fall, only 13 students out of almost 1,000 incoming freshmen will be black.

Even with recent efforts to improve racial and ethnic diversity among its exam schools, Boston has also faced enrollment equity challenges. At Boston’s flagship public exam high school, Boston Latin School, the student body remains significantly white and Asian. The school’s incoming seventh grade class, for example, is only eight percent black and 14 percent Latino, in contrast to district-wide rates of approximately 32 percent black and 42 percent Latino.

Rethinking admissions policies

As long as admission to exam schools is based solely on test scores or grades, this pattern may very well continue indefinitely.

Black and Latino students are just as capable and deserving of exam classroom seats as other students. However, they must contend with a range of factors that often don’t impact their nonminority counterparts, including poor-quality instruction at lower grades; unequal access to tutoring, test prep and enrichment; low placement of elementary students into advanced classes; and unconscious bias. Minority students also can contend with stereotype threat, a phenomenon where they conform — often unintentionally — to negative stereotypes about their race’s ability to perform well within academic settings.

These factors can all negatively affect success on the standardized tests and grades that exam schools use for admissions.

A solution to breaking this pattern may come from several elite colleges and universities that are rethinking their admissions policies. Led by Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, these institutions are piloting new admissions policies that focus less on numbers and more on “ethical engagement.”

In a report released in January 2016, Making Caring Common argued for elite colleges and universities to include opportunities for candidates to submit authentic demonstrations of empathy, service to others and commitment to the common good as part of their application. They contend that these important values are worth promoting to students and families. In fact, research suggests that strength of character and “grit” are key determinants of future academic and career success.

Importantly, these new metrics could weigh social and emotional attributes that students across all backgrounds could exemplify in some way.

A movement gaining traction

Since the report’s release, over 175 colleges and universities — including Harvard, Yale, Boston College, MIT, Michigan State and the University of Chicago — have endorsed this admissions framework, with the goal of increasing student diversity. Boston public schools and several Boston-area private schools have endorsed the report as well.

Yet Boston, New York and other cities with exam schools must now “walk the walk” by implementing concrete approaches, such as asking for examples of ethical engagement or empathy as part of the application process. A school might give special consideration, for example, to candidates who worked to support their families at an early age, served as caregivers to younger siblings, organized efforts to support a needy classmate or led a food drive to help a local shelter.

Exam schools across the country could team with Making Caring Common and its growing list of higher education partners to determine how best to validly and reliably collect, evaluate and weight these types of student experiences.

If this new strategy to promote enrollment equity is gaining traction at Harvard and Yale, it should be considered by exam high schools as well. Otherwise, future incoming classes at Stuyvesant and Boston Latin will continue to look much the same.

Jake Murray, Faculty Director for Professional Education, BU School of Education, Boston UniversityThe Conversation


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Date: July 6th, 2017 1:46 AM
Author: Concupiscible famous landscape painting

Post text pls


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:17 AM
Author: Buff provocative scourge upon the earth base


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:18 AM
Author: fuchsia school

see above. added


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Date: July 6th, 2017 7:41 PM
Author: Laughsome hospital

Cr. I'm feeling masochistic this eve


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:03 AM
Author: burgundy sick range dingle berry

Why does everything need to pass a "diversity test"? Who made that rule?


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:14 AM
Author: cracking hell depressive

because diversity is the single most important thing in the entire world and everything is horrible without it, except for black organizations.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:29 AM
Author: drab cumskin crackhouse

Because diversity >>>>>>>>>>> excellence

Of course asians are not diverse for these purposes


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:34 AM
Author: internet-worthy wonderful private investor

what are you some kind of bigot?


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:36 AM
Author: Appetizing headpube quadroon

what do you expect from universities in third world countries?


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:41 AM
Author: Boyish piazza

note: if the school in questions was 100% black, it would be considered incredibly diverse


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Date: July 6th, 2017 8:15 AM
Author: walnut menage


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:19 AM
Author: Appetizing headpube quadroon

guy who graduated from a first world university AKA SNU which doesnt have ludicrous AA here, sup


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:28 AM
Author: drab cumskin crackhouse

Amusing that the pic they chose to illustrate the story is of kids in a Lithuanian schoolroom.

PS: good way to invisibalise the high Asian numbers at these schools


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:31 AM
Author: Shaky Voyeur

diversity is our strength


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:33 AM
Author: Shaky Voyeur

I think I read Asian kids were overrep'd. What about Indian kids?


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:35 AM
Author: drab cumskin crackhouse

Asian kids are way overrepped and many are from poor first generation backgrounds but this doesn't fit the authors determination to paint the lack of diversity as being the result of rich whites excluding poor blacks and Latinos.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 2:51 AM
Author: Carmine gaming laptop

yep, elite public schools must prioritize diversity over academic standards


Reply Favorite

Date: July 6th, 2017 2:52 AM
Author: burgundy sick range dingle berry


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Date: July 6th, 2017 7:40 PM
Author: fuchsia school


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Date: July 6th, 2017 5:29 AM
Author: Grizzly crawly sanctuary doctorate


JFC- this and bathroom bills are why we have Trump


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Date: July 6th, 2017 6:55 AM
Author: apoplectic business firm rigor

nice one evan39

"In a report released in January 2016, Making Caring Common argued for elite colleges and universities to include opportunities for candidates to submit authentic demonstrations of empathy, service to others and commitment to the common good as part of their application."


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Date: July 6th, 2017 8:02 AM
Author: abusive bright fat ankles chad

I rike-a empathy, I rike-a service to others, I rike-a common good


Reply Favorite

Date: July 6th, 2017 8:08 AM
Author: apoplectic business firm rigor


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Date: July 6th, 2017 6:56 AM
Author: Bonkers chrome masturbator cruise ship

UC system admins masturbating furiously


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Date: July 6th, 2017 7:33 AM
Author: abusive bright fat ankles chad

"Hailed as promoting meritocracy, exam schools in fact promote inequity, especially for black and Latino students."

They phrase it like it's some kind of surprising contradiction.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 7:38 AM
Author: Milky Vivacious Digit Ratio Location

It's laughable


Reply Favorite

Date: July 10th, 2017 4:31 PM
Author: irate lemon theatre

You laugh while putting a gun in your mouth?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 6th, 2017 7:47 AM
Author: silver spectacular puppy preventive strike

It's pretty sad to see. I live in the Boston area and Boston Latin is (or was) the only decent public high school option for a good student. The other Boston public schools are simply disfunctional with average SAT scores in the 400s or 300s and students who couldn't give a shit about their educations. The current superintendent, however, is desperate to diversify Boston Latin as well and turn it into what all the other high schools are.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 8:13 AM
Author: passionate indian lodge round eye

As much as this is retarded, if elite universities are going to effectively have racial quotas, it makes sense as an elite school to game your enrollment demographics to maximize the amount of students going to elite universities.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 8:24 AM
Author: talented forum

lol at giving a shit about those gook robot factory schools


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Date: July 6th, 2017 9:41 AM
Author: exciting amethyst dysfunction hissy fit

i feel like there was a similar article 1, 2, 4 years ago and there was a very long thread about it.

have to give the identity politics people credit for their ability to play the long game. they chip chip chip away and get most of their work done in urban settings where Democrats govern alone.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 9:50 AM
Author: kink-friendly center knife

I'm all for including some factors like grit and proof of empathy or whatever in admissions, but I'm pretty sure whites / asians would just sweep those too, right? Like even if we did what this author said, I don't think it would actually make the change the author really wants - less whites more blacks. So maybe instead of dancing around the ultimate facts, libs should just come out and say it instead of trying to contort reality.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 9:55 AM
Author: abusive bright fat ankles chad

If they want to have quotas they should just do it and be honest about it.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 9:57 AM
Author: kink-friendly center knife



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Date: July 6th, 2017 10:04 AM
Author: misanthropic submissive roommate

I'm sure libs will be content with quotas.


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Date: July 6th, 2017 9:59 AM
Author: brilliant soul-stirring spot

they mention those because judging them is more subjective than grades and test scores, and it's easy to just put your thumb on the scale for minority candidates in a deniable way


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Date: July 6th, 2017 10:02 AM
Author: abusive bright fat ankles chad

Also a way to keep out Asians and slip in more (((you know who)))


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Date: July 6th, 2017 7:43 PM
Author: Bistre Love Of Her Life Market

As a StateU grad, I say: Go for it!
