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POTUS Of Korean Dog Meat Assn: We're Not Eating Guide Dogs & Police Dogs

nyuug explain Defenders of the dog-meat farmers say that ...
Thirsty mental disorder clown
does a poaster work for the WSJ now or what
Claret step-uncle's house

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Date: February 25th, 2018 1:23 PM
Author: Thirsty mental disorder clown

nyuug explain

Defenders of the dog-meat farmers say that Koreans are able to separate the dual notions of some dogs being raised for companionship, while others are raised as meat.

“It’s not like we are eating special guide dogs, sniffer dogs or police dogs,” says Kim Sang-young, president of the Dog Meat Association. Kim said that clearer regulations on which dogs can be served as meat, and stricter guidelines on special dogs and pet dogs, can solve the problem.



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Date: February 25th, 2018 1:24 PM
Author: Claret step-uncle's house

does a poaster work for the WSJ now or what
