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peak oil will end all discussions of prestige and $125K

seriously. people with balls and guns will have the power
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
Explain why
confused market background story
well if there's not enough fuel: 1) trucks won't be able ...
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
how about no balls but lots of guns? can't I compensate?
High-end Brunch Place Of Business
it's a cold heart that kills
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
I'm ok with that
High-end Brunch Place Of Business
I only hope I live to see the day where this comes to pass a...
Jet Whorehouse Love Of Her Life
in 10 years its happening. get rdy.
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
I hope you're right but I fear you aren't. It would be so ba...
Jet Whorehouse Love Of Her Life
translucent pocket flask site
you can't even graduate from your TTT UG and you're going to...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
i don't want to graduate, because I hate school
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
That is nonsensical.... Why would you not want to graduate i...
Pale Aphrodisiac Area Hunting Ground
i agree w/ you for once. if you hate school, work like hell ...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
why would this occur, given untold trillions of barrels upon...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
how are you going to get them out?
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
Total, a french oil giant, is already doing it. usually usin...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
haha. if the market price of oil is $100, for example, the ...
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
dont you see, this is not how markets work. if there is a co...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
but the floor would be 75 assuming no advances in technology...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
yeah the floor would be different. my post implies that ('ac...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
sorry. assumed 75 == cost to bring to market. not familiar w...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
it does or is close. it will cost a lot more to get out thou...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
yeah, that's ASSUMING that the number of barrels demanded is...
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
how do you know this? there are about 1.74 trillion barrels ...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
dude, oil is the only real transportation fuel there is. ...
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
yes but there are almost 2 *trillion* barrels in one country...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
if it is true that necessity is the mother of invention, the...
Charismatic shimmering main people
we humans seem to come through when it counts
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
def. if we can live through the black plague, we can make it...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
you realize this is the fundemental difference between the s...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
yeah. i dont agree with everything libertarians or republica...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
the pro-governmental intervention/laissez faire distinction ...
Galvanic address organic girlfriend
let freedom ring?
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
apparently, not a lot of people buy into this.
Galvanic address organic girlfriend
if our current oil reserves are practically limitless, your ...
Charismatic shimmering main people
and they basically are, although oil sands cost more to extr...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
yeah, there's really no reason to think that there will be n...
Charismatic shimmering main people
yep. the companies doing this are very very smart. we're tal...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
indeed. i'd imagine that Big Oil is at that phase of industr...
Galvanic address organic girlfriend
yep. Exxon is far more innovative than Microsoft these days,...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
interesting. are you saying that a 6% advantage in ROE refle...
Galvanic address organic girlfriend
i think there is...who does more to transform their field an...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
When the revenue from extraction exceeds the cost of extract...
confused market background story
precisely. when Nymex crude hits 70, that's about the poi...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
dude, did you see how fast oil doubled from 30 to 60? the...
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
is this why every time the ppb goes down my SSL goes up?
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
what's ssl?
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
stay on top of things. you're good at it.
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
just answer the question
opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut
Sasol Limited. South African energy company. coal, recently ...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
fuck you must've made a fortune on that thing. south africa ...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
bought just above $20. wasn't a fortune. didn't have the cap...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
fucking nice. you very into investing? i find it pretty inte...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
not 'very' into it. AMR was a tip (when it hit $6 back in 10...
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
damn that's good, i didnt know cege
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
cerebral french chef international law enforcement agency
it wont go from 60 to 120 that quickly, odds are. i hope it ...
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
concupiscible puce goal in life
hhaahhahahaahaha 174
Slate sexy business firm wrinkle
Charismatic shimmering main people
energy cell cars + nuclear reactors = oil? what oil?
amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria
fuel cells are massive energy sinks and have no relevance to...
Orange Internal Respiration National
burgundy hell clown

Poast new message in this thread

Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:42 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

seriously. people with balls and guns will have the power


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:43 AM
Author: confused market background story

Explain why


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:45 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

well if there's not enough fuel:

1) trucks won't be able to bring food from farms

2) won't be enough fertilizer for high yields

3) law enforcement breaks down

so there would be pandemonium and a rush to the countryside (where the food is)

you'd have neo-feudalism with people killing each other for power, just like in feudal europe


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:43 AM
Author: High-end Brunch Place Of Business

how about no balls but lots of guns? can't I compensate?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:46 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

it's a cold heart that kills


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:54 AM
Author: High-end Brunch Place Of Business

I'm ok with that


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:44 AM
Author: Jet Whorehouse Love Of Her Life

I only hope I live to see the day where this comes to pass and our society becomes better and more just.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:46 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

in 10 years its happening. get rdy.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:17 AM
Author: Jet Whorehouse Love Of Her Life

I hope you're right but I fear you aren't. It would be so badass if we destroyed the vestiges of our polite, PC society where men are emasculated and instead went back to Wild West style pwnage.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 11:30 AM
Author: translucent pocket flask site



Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:47 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

you can't even graduate from your TTT UG and you're going to give us energy advice?

i regret helping you find a mcdonalds and being among the 3M people you live near


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:49 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

i don't want to graduate, because I hate school


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:51 AM
Author: Pale Aphrodisiac Area Hunting Ground

That is nonsensical.... Why would you not want to graduate if you hate school? Are you mentally incapacitated?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:10 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

i agree w/ you for once. if you hate school, work like hell and graduate ASAP.

besides, who hates college? wtf? life doesnt get too much easier or better. wait till he actually has to make a living.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:48 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

why would this occur, given untold trillions of barrels upon in the oil sands of canada.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:48 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

how are you going to get them out?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:51 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

Total, a french oil giant, is already doing it. usually using tons of water. Exxon is doing it too.

they will cost more. mayhbe 75 a barrel, since production/extraction/refining costs are higher than with the benchmark light sweet crude. but the oil is there.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:52 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

haha. if the market price of oil is $100, for example, the tar sands people will charge $100


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:54 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

dont you see, this is not how markets work. if there is a commodity like oil, and Total has some and Exxon has some...what happens?

Exxon offers at 100. Total, trying to sell its crude, offers 98. Exxon 95. Total 92. and so on and so on until they find a price the buyer will pay but still allows them an acceptable return on their capital.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:55 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

but the floor would be 75 assuming no advances in technology. as opposed to the current floor.

but yes, his comment was incredibly stupid.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:57 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

yeah the floor would be different. my post implies that ('acceptable return on their capital'...75 is about that point).


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:00 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

sorry. assumed 75 == cost to bring to market. not familiar with cost of sucking canada's sponge. have heard that is has more oil that saudi arabia though.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:03 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

it does or is close. it will cost a lot more to get out though of course.

canada aint the only place either. latin america has vast oil sands.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:57 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

yeah, that's ASSUMING that the number of barrels demanded is less than the number of barrels in stock. obviously then oil companies would compete against each other on price

but the situation will be that the number of barrels needed is vastly more than the number of barrels in stock. so it'll be the other way around. purchasers of oil will compete against themselves on price, bidding the price up until it's the highest they're willing to pay


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:59 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

how do you know this? there are about 1.74 trillion barrels of oil in Canada's oil sands alone. i see no reason why scarcity should ensue. if the market price, due to scarcity, is high enough (75 or so), the incentives will be there to use the oil sands. and they are essentially endless.

so we're fine, except for a permanently higher price of oil, probably.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:03 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

dude, oil is the only real transportation fuel there is.

all the trucks that bring food thousands of miles to your door need oil

the world's population is rapidly increasing, urbanizing, and industrializing

without oil, people will starve. the price is going to skyrocket


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:05 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

yes but there are almost 2 *trillion* barrels in one country alone. that is enough to last for many, many years. then there are more in Latin America.

and all the normal oil fields arent gone either. not by a longshot.

also, deep water drilling can provide tons more.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:05 AM
Author: Charismatic shimmering main people

if it is true that necessity is the mother of invention, then when we perceive our oil reserves diminishing to a dangerous low, we'll put more effort into using substitutes and making them economically viable.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:11 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

we humans seem to come through when it counts


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:12 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

def. if we can live through the black plague, we can make it through a fucking oil shortage. that aint shit by comparison.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:15 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

you realize this is the fundemental difference between the socialist and the libertarian - the democrat and the republican? one believes that the govt must prepare for the worst by fairly distributing funds to all those who have ideas whereas the other belives the market will find the solution and fund it naturally.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:17 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

yeah. i dont agree with everything libertarians or republicans say. nor democrats.

but libs/repubs are right about markets. they dont always work but they tend to work better than anything else. while the price of oil from normal fields is low and we can get it easily, the market naturally inhibits costly work in oil sands. that's great cuz it keeps us from wasting our capital there.

almost magically, as oil from fields becomes scarce (and the price goes up), there are huge incentives do develop oil sands.

i know all about markets, but honestly, this still amazes and delights me. it's incredible and wonderful. may as well let this awesome system function as it naturally does.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:19 AM
Author: Galvanic address organic girlfriend

the pro-governmental intervention/laissez faire distinction is so simple that it almost resembles a false dichotomy. but history really does indicate that these two alternatives are the only ones that exist.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:21 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

let freedom ring?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:28 AM
Author: Galvanic address organic girlfriend

apparently, not a lot of people buy into this.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:02 AM
Author: Charismatic shimmering main people

if our current oil reserves are practically limitless, your scenario will never happen.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:04 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

and they basically are, although oil sands cost more to extract. technology improvements may make it no tougher than conventional oil fields though...some day.

even with current tech never improving, we're only looking at a price in the 70's for oil sands oil.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:09 AM
Author: Charismatic shimmering main people

yeah, there's really no reason to think that there will be no improvement in extraction technologies by the time our non-oil-sands reserves are depleted (assuming of course that such a point in time exists)


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:11 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

yep. the companies doing this are very very smart. we're talking Exxon and Total and others. some of the most well-managed and innovative companies on the planet. these major oil companies have technology and management that put the likes of Microsoft to shame.

and they will figure shit out.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:15 AM
Author: Galvanic address organic girlfriend

indeed. i'd imagine that Big Oil is at that phase of industry evolution where seemingly insurmountable problems spark revolutionary innovation.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:20 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

yep. Exxon is far more innovative than Microsoft these days, i think, and its reflected in its business results. despite a WAY higher profit margin, Exxon's Return on Equity (dunno if you follow this stuff, but this is *the* key metric guys like Warren Buffett use to evaluate how well a business runs) is 34% to Microsofts 28%.

that is strong innovation and management at work. they sell a low-margin commodity (oil) and they get awesome capital returns doing it. good stuff.

i doubt there is much, oil-wise, that Exxon and its ilk cannot do, given incentives and time.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:27 AM
Author: Galvanic address organic girlfriend

interesting. are you saying that a 6% advantage in ROE reflects a superior innovation intellect and management ability? i think i agree. but is there really a way to compare the innovation intellects of two totally different companies?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 8:15 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

i think there is...who does more to transform their field and help society, etc.

well, considering that MSFT has an enormous monopoly in operating systems and XOM has only a commodity product to sell, even if XOM's ROE matched MSFT's, i'd be pretty impressed. MSFT's should be through the roof imo.

wow that was a lot of acronyms!


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:51 AM
Author: confused market background story

When the revenue from extraction exceeds the cost of extraction the oil will be removed. The methods exist; they are not yet profitable.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:52 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle


when Nymex crude hits 70, that's about the point.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:55 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

dude, did you see how fast oil doubled from 30 to 60?

the price increase won't be gradual, it will be violent

if you're thinking of the value of ur mutual fund's natural resources holdings, the value will increase.

but that won't prevent catastrophe


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:56 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

is this why every time the ppb goes down my SSL goes up?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:57 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

what's ssl?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:58 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

stay on top of things. you're good at it.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:59 AM
Author: opaque zombie-like puppy juggernaut

just answer the question


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:04 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

Sasol Limited. South African energy company. coal, recently oil and natural gas.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:07 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

fuck you must've made a fortune on that thing. south africa has some good bargains.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:08 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

bought just above $20. wasn't a fortune. didn't have the capital to make a fortune ;)

didn't serve me bad tho. if you want a real cinderella story: i bought a crap load of American Airlines at $6 a couple summer back. altho again, not enough for a 'fortune'.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:14 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

fucking nice. you very into investing? i find it pretty interesting. anything you're liking now? i am into the LUK. PSPFX is schweet too.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:20 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

not 'very' into it. AMR was a tip (when it hit $6 back in 10/04 it was grossly undervalued) and SSL was kinda lucky. Like i said: no fortunes made here. when you're playing with a few thousand bucks at a time the comission cost hurts so i less tempted to play and more tempted to hold. up about ~25% in the last 15 mo.

another (recent) fun one is CEGE. bought into that around the 5.90 area about a year ago. it hovered around there (mostly down, sometimes up) and i wanted to ditch it. just recently its popped up. not familiar with LUK or PSPFX but the charts look fun.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:27 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

damn that's good, i didnt know cege


Date: April 24th, 2007 2:12 AM
Author: cerebral french chef international law enforcement agency



Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:02 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

it wont go from 60 to 120 that quickly, odds are. i hope it does. my PSPFX will fucking pwn if it does and i will be far wealthier. but i am not counting on it.

i just see no reason why there will be insufficient oil, with the oil sands in Canada and elsewhere. we will likely see a price in the 70's in the future (to pay for the cost of drawing on oil sands instead of conventional fields), and permanently, i think. but there will be oil.


Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:48 AM
Author: concupiscible puce goal in life



Date: April 2nd, 2006 6:51 AM
Author: Slate sexy business firm wrinkle

hhaahhahahaahaha 174


Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:08 AM
Author: Charismatic shimmering main people



Date: April 2nd, 2006 7:06 AM
Author: amethyst odious coffee pot school cafeteria

energy cell cars + nuclear reactors = oil? what oil?


Date: April 2nd, 2006 11:04 AM
Author: Orange Internal Respiration National

fuel cells are massive energy sinks and have no relevance to questions of scarcity

nuclear reactors can't be built on a large scale right now b/c we don't have the energy resources for that kind of undertaking

as usual, people misunderstand this issue by thinking that financial cost and not energy cost is the primary issue


Date: May 20th, 2008 1:47 PM
Author: burgundy hell clown
